
Who did this?

A few weeks have passed since Gaara achieved full control over Shukaku's chakra. During their journey back to the Land of Lightning, they experimented with Gaara's powers, discovering even more interesting tricks up his sleeve. They grew closer on the trip, as Gaara started opening up more, having matured in the waterfall of truth.

Finally reaching the Land of Lightning, Zeus and Gaara didn't waste much time there. After a quick conversation with the Raikage and exchanging formalities, they left on good terms. Zeus had come to respect the two brothers and the village itself.

Gamaton had to be summoned back to Mount Myoboku, so their journey toward the Village of Sand was less eventful. Nevertheless, they enjoyed their time together. With Gaara no longer constantly agitated and depressed, they had more fun.

Hot baths had become Gaara's favorite. Of course, Zeus didn't forget to warn him about certain perverted toad masters with white hair who often visited those places.

Additionally, Gaara had finally turned 12, while Zeus was rapidly approaching the age of 17. It had been ten years since Zeus left Konoha, so he was eager to go back and see it for himself. Was the old man still the Hokage? What about Asuma? Had he not died from smoking too much yet? How was Naruto growing?

Time continued to pass like a leaf flying in the sky as they advanced further into the mainland, eventually reaching the familiar sand. Gaara immediately felt more comfortable, sensing an appropriate boost in power.

"Zeus... what has happened while we were away?" Gaara asked as the village came into view. The village itself was hidden beneath an artificial wall, but even the entrance was in disarray, with blood and signs of battle scattered like a plague.

An abundance of Hidden Sand warriors stood at the entrance and on the wall, ready to protect their village. It seemed that along with Gaara's father's death, the village had been thrown into turmoil.

The guards at the entrance finally spotted the two foreign figures and shouted something, drawing the attention of all the shinobi. Their focus shifted to Gaara and Zeus.

"Stop right there!" The captain of the guards stepped forward. "Who are you?!"

Gaara stepped forward, pulling back the hood that covered his face. Upon seeing his face, the guards halted, their expressions filled with shock. "I am Gaara, the son of the Fourth Kazekage."

"Gaara..." The front guard barely whispered, falling to his knees. "We thought you had died alongside your father, but it turns out you are alive."

"What is happening here? What is the current state of the village?" Gaara ignored the man's pleas and focused on the matter at hand.

"It's a long story. I think it would be better to explain while we head inside," the captain mumbled, his eyes filled with fear. "Please, follow me, Sir Gaara."

"Wait." Another shinobi stepped forward, his voice resolute. "Don't you remember that Gaara is the jinchuriki of the One-Tail? He is uncontrollable and dangerous. It's too risky to let him inside. If he goes wild, the village will be completely destroyed."

Gaara remained silent as the head of the guards stopped in his tracks, memories of fearing Gaara's existence flooding back. Conflicting emotions filled his eyes.

"The One-Tailed Beast is under my control now." Gaara's eyes gleamed with a strange light as he lifted his left hand, manipulating the sand beneath the guard who spoke ill of him. The sand formed a cocoon around the man's leg and lifted him into the air. The other guards raised their weapons, ready to fight. "I am no longer a kid who can be oppressed by others, and none of you can stop me if I want to see what is happening in the village. Understood?"

Gaara's eyes displayed such determination and conviction that everyone present couldn't help but gulp. Were those the eyes of a sane child? The guards involuntarily made way for Gaara as he passed by them without hesitation. He glanced back. "Let's go, Zeus."

But Zeus was no longer there, prompting a sigh from Gaara. This man liked to disappear more than anything. Little did Gaara know that the state of the village was much worse than he had anticipated, and Zeus was the first to realize this.

Standing atop the wall, Zeus surveyed the entire village below. It was in a state of chaos. Ruins and destruction met his gaze wherever he looked. The homes and sand domes lay in ruins, and the Kazekage's main building stood empty, consumed by yellow flames.

These flames were everywhere, and the survivors of the village lacked the water to extinguish them. Bodies littered the ground, some burned beyond recognition, others pierced by golden arrows.

It was a scene straight out of hell, but that wasn't what troubled Zeus. He recognized the flames, reminiscent of the sun shining in the sky. He recognized the arrows that never missed their mark. Most importantly, he sensed a divine presence. The unmistakable scent of divinity, one he knew well, for it belonged to one of his own sons.

Apollo, the god of the Sun, archery, and music.

One of the most dangerous deities in Heaven.

And now, that person was here, on the same planet where Zeus had reincarnated. It couldn't be a mere coincidence. What was happening in Heaven?

"This is troublesome," Zeus concluded silently. The density and power of divinity here far surpassed his own. This meant that Apollo had descended with his full divine powers intact.

Zeus closed his eyes, looking up at the sky. He had sought to have some fun and forget the burdens of godhood, but with Apollo's presence, anger surged within him. His mind wandered back to another encounter when he had sensed a similar divinity, back when he walked out of Orochimaru's laboratory. At that time, he was disoriented and depleted of chakra, unable to discern the source.

Considering Apollo's presence, it was likely that other gods had also invaded this planet. Killing intent radiated from Zeus as he gazed south in the direction of the Village of Hidden Mist. Whatever those gods were planning, he would pay them a visit. Their divinity meant nothing to Zeus.

His eyes shifted downward, where Gaara conversed with the guards they had encountered at the entrance. Gaara stared at the chaos before him, deep in thought and wearing a frown.

Zeus appeared beside him, barely startling the young shinobi.

Gaara was the first to speak. "It was all done by one man. They said he appeared out of nowhere and was too powerful to defeat. They couldn't comprehend such strength. The sun obeyed his will, and each of his arrows carried death. It was a one-sided battle, and the Fifth Kazekage, Chiyo, sacrificed herself to stop him."

Conflicting emotions filled Gaara's eyes. "But it was all in vain. The man ceased his rampage for personal reasons. He came and went like a tidal wave, leaving the entire village terrified. Many shinobi died, and the village is in ruins."

Zeus remained silent for a few more seconds before speaking. "So, what are you going to do about it?"

"I... I'm going to stay and help them," Gaara declared. "Despite my unpleasant memories of this place, it's still my hometown, and it pains me to see it like this."

Zeus smiled, placing a hand on Gaara's head. "That's a commendable decision. I'll leave Gamaton with you. He'll assist you in dealing with the fires."

"Thank you," Gaara replied, nodding. His gaze met Zeus's, and a chill ran down his spine. He had never seen Zeus so serious, so filled with wrath. His eyes revealed little emotion, only anger. "And what about you? What will you do?"

"I will find this man," Zeus stated, his body emanating a palpable killing intent.


Patreon 10 chaps ahead.


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