

It seemed that the news of Zeus's arrival had indeed reached the Raikage's ears, as he wasted no time in making his presence known.

In a matter of minutes, the current Raikage materialized before Zeus, accompanied by another figure. It was clear that they had rushed to the scene, as no additional reinforcements followed. The Raikage's body was enveloped in a brilliant electric aura, intensifying his already formidable presence. Chakra coursed through his veins, causing his hair to stand on end and creating a mesmerizing display of crackling sparks that danced around him. His gaze burned with intense, raw power, his amber eyes glowing with an electric fervor as he surveyed the four unconscious shinobi on the ground.

Standing steadfastly behind the Raikage was a man with small glasses, clad in the distinctive attire of the Cloud Village. He, too, fixed his gaze upon the fallen bodies. With his unruly shoulder-length blonde dreadlocks swaying with each movement, he exuded an aura of untamed freedom. Zeus furrowed his eyebrows, detecting a distinctive scent of divinity emanating from the man.

Though Zeus was aware of the man's status as a Jinchuriki, his primary focus remained on the Raikage. The man possessed remarkable control over electrical energy and had honed his body to a level comparable to Zeus's own. In fact, from an outsider's perspective, the two might have appeared strikingly similar, with the only notable difference being Zeus's comparatively gentler face.

Raikage's voice boomed with authority as he demanded answers. "What is the meaning of this?! Who are you?!"

Zeus raised an eyebrow, slightly annoyed by the Raikage's loud voice. He responded nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders. "Hey, chill out. Why are you shouting so loudly? Can't you see they're completely unharmed?"

Raikage's forehead bulged with veins, a clear sign of his rising temper. It seemed as though he was on the verge of launching a furious attack, but he was restrained by Killer B, who pointed toward Gaara. "Yo, Brother, isn't that the One-Tailed Jinchuriki?"

The Raikage's attention shifted towards Gaara, who stood calmly beside Zeus, seemingly unperturbed by the Raikage's intense gaze. A realization dawned upon the Raikage, and a surge of killing intent emanated from him. "Are you the one who killed the Fourth Kazekage?"

Zeus straightened his posture, adopting a more serious tone. "Oh, that little brat? Yeah, I ripped his heart out."

Before Zeus could utter another word, Raikage vanished from his position. Instinctively, Zeus tilted his head slightly to the left, narrowly evading Raikage's chakra-infused strike. Raikage's eyes widened in surprise as his attack missed its mark, leaving Zeus unfazed. Sensing danger, Zeus braced himself for the Raikage's next move.

However, rather than succumbing to panic, Zeus remained composed. Raikage's attacks continued relentlessly, yet Zeus skillfully evaded each one with apparent ease. Their battle unfolded at such breakneck speed that neither Killer B nor Gaara could even consider intervening.

Raikage's frustration grew evident as he struggled to land a hit on Zeus. "You're good for your age, but do you think you're a match for me? Do you truly believe I'll go down as easily as the Kazekage?"

Not allowing Zeus to respond, Raikage disappeared once more, prompting Zeus to swiftly reposition himself. However, the Raikage's speed had increased dramatically, catching Zeus off guard. He shifted his weight improperly, inadvertently creating an opening for an attack—one that Raikage did not hesitate to exploit.

Raikage's hand connected with Zeus's body, but instead of feeling the impact, it disintegrated into nothingness. An explosion shook the ground as Raikage was sent hurtling away, crashing into a nearby mountain. The impact left visible cracks, but to Zeus's surprise, the Raikage emerged from the wreckage unscathed. Anger flashed in his eyes as he surveyed the scene.

Unfazed, Zeus's voice resounded from above. "Are you calm now?" Raikage looked up, only to witness Zeus's figure hovering in the air. Before Raikage could react, Zeus vanished from sight once again. However, Zeus's patience had reached its limit. Dodging another punch from Raikage, he shifted his body weight and feigned an attack, causing Raikage to instinctively raise his hand in defense.

With his vision momentarily obstructed, Raikage failed to anticipate the punch that came from the side. Zeus's hand connected with Raikage's face, dispersing the electrical energy that surrounded his face. It was in that split second that Zeus's strike landed solidly on Raikage's unprotected flesh.

Raikage was sent hurtling through the air like a discarded puppet, crashing into the ground with a resounding thud. Killer B hurriedly rushed to his brother's side, while Raikage quickly rose to his feet once the dust settled. His face bore a deep frown, although it was overshadowed by the fear etched on Killer B's face.

"Brother, you're bleeding..." Killer B gasped, drawing Raikage's attention. Raikage instinctively placed his thumb against his mouth and glanced at his hand, observing the crimson stain of his own blood. Known for his seemingly impenetrable defense, even against Tailed Beasts, Raikage found it difficult to comprehend how a mere punch from this teenager had caused more damage than anything he had faced before.

"How did you do it?" Raikage's tone was no longer filled with anger but tinged with curiosity.

A mischievous smirk curled upon Zeus's lips. "What? Surprised that someone managed to break through your defense?" He casually brushed off the dust from his shoulders. "Yes, it may seem formidable to others, but to me, your lightning is nothing more than child's play. I simply commanded it to scatter away, allowing me to land a real punch."

Raikage furrowed his brow, struggling to comprehend Zeus's words. "Commanded it?"

Zeus nodded, his smirk widening. "Indeed. Listen, I've had my fair share of fun, but fighting loses its thrill when the outcome is so predictable. And just because I killed the Fourth Kazekage doesn't mean I want to kill you. In fact, I rather like you."

Confusion and curiosity mingled in Raikage's eyes. "Then why did you come here?"

"As I mentioned earlier," Zeus walked up to Gaara and gently pushed him forward, "I came with a proposition—a deal that would benefit him and your entire village."


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