
Naruto: Reincarnated in Naruto World with Common Sense

This is about a guy from our world who is a huge fan of Aizen and Orochimaru gets reincarnated in Naruto verse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . this fanfic was written just for fun so dont expect anything and take all the shit I write in it and consider it an AU.

Daoistguy8 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

9...Uchiha massacre & kidnappings part 1

Konoha Year 72 , age 7 , elite jonin level chakra

Naruto POV

A year has passed by after me joining the academy. I had been waiting for sharingan bumper sale to arrive. I didn't know the exact time when uchiha massacre took place but I had kept a constant track of events around uchiha compound with the help of kagura's mind eye and its efficiency had also increased to around 20 kilometers due to constant use . I knew soon my chance would come as most of the chunin level root and anbu had left the area and only jonin remained.

One night I was practicing my kenjutsu when I sensed a repugnant chakra with very high vitality suddenly appear near the uchiha compound. I knew obito had arrived so uchiha massacre will happen within a few days.

I immediately left my training and went Inside the basement to make sure I had all the things for the endeavor . I noticed that I need a few more syringes, containers and a few other things .

I took the money and immediately went to black market after I henged myself. I purchased all the medical equipments needed and then began to search for non lethal poisons . I got it from a store which sold poison and drugs . It was a gaseous drug used by interrogation department in konoha or by ninjas who had capture orders on the target. It was used make victim's senses extremely dull. I also purchased a prisoner scroll as hyuga members needed to be kept alive .

I returned home and kept all of them in their places and went to sleep. Next day I covered my right arm in a thick bandage and put a few slashes with kunai on my left arm and legs . Then I wrote a leave application for a week due to being injured during training and personally went to school and handed it over to stay clear of any suspicions.

I returned home and made a shadow clone and asked it to stay at home. I henged myself as a rat and hid near the outside wall of the academy and waited for the two uchiha kids I had selected. Soon the classes were over and they left the academy and I tailed them . After reaching near the uchiha compound I checked around me and found no one hiding so I immediately detransformed my self and knocked them out before they could even register what happened. I took them over my shoulder and body flickered to my home .

I took them inside the basement , carefully took out their eyes ,and kept it in the container. After that I took blood samples from both of and then killed them and then put their bodies in preserving tank.

Two days have passed since I kidnapped the children nothing happened during this other than their families searching for them . Today was the day of massacre as there was not a single anbu or root around the place and even even normal people were barred from going in this direction. Soon night fell and blood red moon hung above the clouds . I made a clone and ordered it to transform into a black snake after that I gave him two prisoner scrolls and the drug and sent him to hyuga compound . I too transformed into a snake and went inside the uchiha compound and hid inside the bushes and activated kagura's mind eye.

Soon people began to go to sleep and everything went quite . After some time two distinct chakra signatures appeared outside the clan gate . One was obito and other was the now to be kin killer and the retarded genius itachi . After saying something to Itachi obito vanished away . Itachi went inside the first house , there was sound of blade piercing the body and then again silence.

Soon he reached the fifth house and entered it, I quickly slithered my way to the first house , it was the house of three a jonin father , chunin son and the wife . I took out the eyes of both father and son , took the son's blood sample and sealed the father's body in the scrool . This continued for some time and I searched around 12 houses, during that time obito reappeared toward the west side of the clan and chakra signatures on that side also began to dwindle .

By the time I was done Itachi had slaughtered the more than half of the clan and rest were killed by obito. Itachi then went to his house while I enterd the garden and hid inside the bushes. The window pane were open so I saw what was happening inside first he killed both fugaku and mikoto, then sasuke arrived and the same scene from the anime transpired. After putting sasuke inside the tsukiyomi itachi threw him on the ground , obito appeared behind him with his kamui and kept a hand on his shoulder, he suddenly turned towards my direction and muttered Orochimaru under his breath and teleported away. I let out a sigh of relief because I knew I was not strong enough to face him , not 'yet'.

I quickly went towards fugaku and opened his eyes to see blood red mangekyo activated . I immediately took out his eyes and took his blood sample ,then moved towards now unconscious sasuke . His sharingan was awakened during the tsukiyomi ,so indra's chakra must be working at full force now. I took out three syringes of blood from him ,so I can extract indra's chakra from it.

Then I went to uchiha clan library ,ignored the dead guards outside and went inside , 70% of the library was filled with fire and lightening style jutsus while the rest 30% were of earth , water and wind styles . I took all the earth , water and wind style jutsus and half of the fire and lightening style ones. I went towards the librarian desk and noticed a large metal locker with forbidden written on it . I opened it and found scrolls on Izanagi and izanami, an old uchiha gunbai and a few armors from warring states Era. I took all of them sealed them inside scrolls. It was getting late and I was sensing quite a lot of chakra signatures closing on towards the compound. I had enough sharingans so I decided to skip the graveyard and henged myself and returned home.

The clone was waiting for me inside the house. I dispelled the clone and took all the things and went inside the basement.

What will happen next we will see in the next chapter of DragonBall....ERROR....ERROR...ERROR

....I mean reincarnated as naruto series.

....Next chapter will be uploaded soon.....

PLS comments for future adjustment or if you wish for story to go in a certain direction...