
Naruto: Reincarnated in Naruto World with Common Sense

This is about a guy from our world who is a huge fan of Aizen and Orochimaru gets reincarnated in Naruto verse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . this fanfic was written just for fun so dont expect anything and take all the shit I write in it and consider it an AU.

Daoistguy8 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

17...C rank and new looks.

" It had been some time since my deal with Orochimaru . Sasuke and Sakura had been showing their frustration with the D ranks .One of my clones had informed me that today was the mission for catching tora , it meant that land of wave arc was about to begin. By giving the excuse of washroom I exchanged places with my clone and went to hokage tower ."

* some time later at hokage tower *

' So there is a job for babysitting, helping an elder's wife in shopping , cleaning the lawn...'

said hokage , reading the list of missions .

' These lowly jobs are unbefitting of an uchiha , I wish to do real missions '

said Sasuke slightly raising his voice

' Yes please Hokage Sama , sasuke kun was top of our class '

Said Sakura backing up her beloved sasuke kun .

' Naruto my boy do you also wish to do a new mission '

Asked Hiruzen flashing a grandfatherly smile to naruto

" Yes jiji I also want to do a better mission "

Replied naruto with so much kindness in his voice that an illusion of garden with blooming flowers seem to form behind him

' Kakashi do you think your team is ready for such tasks ?'

Asked Hiruzen looking towards him

' Yes hokage Sama I think they are ready and even if something goes out of hand i will be there to take care of it '

' ok then , call tazuna in '

said Hiruzen to one of his anbu .

Immediately a burly man with beard and alcohol in his hand came in .

' Huh , a bunch of kids and you the little girl with huge forehead, do really want me to believe that you are a ninja '

said tazuna looking at Sakura

" The same scene in the anime didn't happen as I was the tallest among the group slightly above Sasuke as I didn't have the same problems with food as the original Naruto had . While thinking this I looked at Sakura , she was clenching her teeth with a tick mark on her head but she didn't speak anything because of being inside the hokage office.

After that Tazuna gave his speech of him being a great bridge builder and then Kakashi gave us order to leave and prepare as we would be leaving tomorrow early morning. "

All the three genins left after hearing the orders .

" I returned home and went inside the basement , It was finally time to use my bloodline serum. I took out my original eyes and the serum from the storage space and then created a few clones . I ordered them to place my original eyes back and then wake me up after preparing the things needed for bloodline altering process ."

Naruto went and laid down on the operating table and cones began the process after giving the sedatives .

" After some time I woke up and checked my eyes . My vision had degraded or I can say it returned back to original , my clones informed me that the Fugaku's mangekyo was kept along with his other mangekyo and byakugan was returned to its place and process for bloodline alteration was ready to start . I gave them orders to proceed ."

Soon two tubes filled with nutrient solutions were attached to Naruto's arms , after a confirming nod from him one of the clone slowly injected the entire serum into his blood , then the clone injected a vial of sedative as well.

" After waiting for a few moments I began to feel as if thousands of ants were crawling all over my body and then the feeling stopped and low pain began to arise all over , slowly its intensity also began to increase , suddenly the table below me broke and four golden chains came flying out of my back , as I was mentally celebrating my new power , stinging pain began in my eyes when I touched then there was a bit of blood on my hands . After sometime the pain faded and I fell asleep due to exhaustion. "

After sometime Naruto slowly woke up and found himself on his bed .

" After waking up I immediately dispelled the clones and received their memories . The most important thing was that all my vitals were normal and the process was an absolute success. After fully checking the memories a series of surprises came to me , my hair had changed from blonde to black , my eyes were also black and I had awakened two tomoe in my left eye and three tomoe in my right eye , my chakra had also increased to mid kage level and cherry on top I awakened the uzumaki sealing chains and also gained lightening nature so now I had earth , wind , fire and lightening chakra natures ."

After resting for a bit longer Naruto got up and made clones and ordered them to prepare breakfast.

" After having breakfast I began to prepare equipments for the trip . Fist I took out my new custom made ninja attire , I had specifically ordered it in one of the most famous shops in konoha and of course I was in henge , the dress was made from the same material that was used in jonin vests and its size was adjustable so I had 3 sets of it made . Sure it took a good sum of money but the end product was to my liking. "

* A.N. mc's ninja gear *

" I had attached a few storage seals inside the dress and two barrier seals on each arm . I had modified them to work as shields both of them could tank a single A rank jutsu individually before breaking and if I combined both the seals on my hand they could handle a single S rank jutsu before breaking ."

" I began to check all the things i had in my orboros seal , I had ashura's and indra's chakra , uzumaki blades , snake summoning contract scroll , Minato's and Kushina's body and all my completed serums along with the collected doujutsu in it . I also checked the chakra absorption seals on my palm and they were working excellently , I had recently modified them and added two chakra containment seals on each arm connected to the absorption seal with each capable of storing 5 tails worth of chakra . This was necessary for storing tailed beast chakra I would be taking in future. "

" I then sealed a katana which I had recently purchased in low price as it was made from a mix of chakra metal with other metals , kunais and shurikens in one and food in the other seal on the left side of the dress . After that I took out a three tomoe sharingan from the set and sealed it along with a mini medical kit on the right side of the dress . At the end I wore blue eye lenses to prevent unwanted suspicions ."

"By the time everything was done it was already time to leave so I locked the house and left for the main gate of the village ."

* at konoha main gate *

Sakura , Sasuke and Tazuna were already gathered at the meeting spot and were waiting for Kakashi and Naruto to arrive . Sakura was getting irritated because Naruto was once again not on time , he did the same in every previous mission as well .

Just then she saw a boy with whisker marks on his cheeks wearing a shady looking dress coming towards them .

' Is that you N-Naruto ? '

asked Sakura hesitantly as even though he had the signature whisker, his hair was pitch black .

" No I am sage of six paths and I am here to personally escort Tazuna his home "

Replied Naruto with sarcasm dripping from his words.

' Naruto ! why are you trying to copy Sasuke kun by changing your hair color. You will never be as amazing as him ! '

Said Sakura throwing a punch at Naruto, just as the punch was about to hit it phased through Naruto's body and then he disappeared in a haze .

" Girl you overestimate the worth of a single uchiha brat and heavily underestimate my limits. Try that shit again and consequences will be extremely dire ."

Came Naruto's voice from behind her as she felt cold hard metal of a kunai touching her neck and a drop of blood trickled down from there . Bloodlust in his words made her body freeze.

This action of his scared both sasuke and tazuna as well , because sasuke had never seen him take such drastic action and tazuna because he didn't think that a genin would be so ruthless even to his own teammates.

" I immediately retracted sensing Kakashi approach from half a mile away . "


What will happen next we will see in the next chapter of DragonBall....ERROR....ERROR...ERROR

....I mean reincarnated as naruto series.

....Next chapter will be uploaded soon.....