
Naruto: Reincarnated in Naruto World with Common Sense

This is about a guy from our world who is a huge fan of Aizen and Orochimaru gets reincarnated in Naruto verse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . this fanfic was written just for fun so dont expect anything and take all the shit I write in it and consider it an AU.

Daoistguy8 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

14...Graduation part 1

Age 12 , mid kage level chakra, almost perfect control.

Naruto POV

My bloodline serum has been completed and its testing with my blood also gave positive results. When the serum will be used it will give me the bloodline of purest quality possible .The bloodline awakening process needs me to stay awake and circulate my chakra through my body during the entire process. My Kagura's mind eye has evolved and now I am able to sense around a few dozen kilometers and I can also sense others intentions towards me whether good or bad. I also have completed my chakra absorbing seal and now I am working on FTG notes left by my father however I cannot make my own version of it as the actual technique is not here .

I have good friendship with all the clan kids except Sasuke which doesn't matter much however he too considers me a rival of some sort as even though I let him win I am far better than cannon naruto . Iruka has also stopped hating me . I have gained complete scroll of gentle fist from Hinata . I also got yang chakra training method from Choji and mind transfer jutsu and yin chakra training method from Ino on whom I might or might not have used genjutsu.

Today I was the graduation day and I was finally going to get the opportunity of obtaining the scroll of seals.

I gave the examination and deliberately did a flawed clone jutsu. Now I was in front of iruka waiting for my result.

Narrator POV

Iruka : "I am sorry Naruto but I cannot pass you as you were unable to perform clone jutsu correctly.

Naruto :" Its fine iruka sensei next time I will definitely pass the exam . After all I will become the future hokage."

'I said giving a bright smile '

Naruto POV

After getting the results I behaved as if I was very sad and went and sat on the swing outside.

Soon Mizuki came and sat beside me and began to pretend to console me.

Narrator POV

Mizuki :"Naruto I know that you are sad but please don't blame Iruka for it . He truly cares for you, we all do , but he needs to fairly evaluate all the students so he cannot help you "

Naruto :"I know Mizuki sensei , nest time I will definitely pass the exam "

Mizuki :"Naruto what if I tell you that there is a secret test as well and those who can pass it will be promoted to genin "

Naruto :"Really ! Mizuki sensei, what is it ,please tell me "

Mizuki :"OK Naruto . Listen carefully there is a scroll in Hokage tower call the scroll of seals , you need to secretary take it and bring it near forest of death and hand it over to me . But keep in mind this test needs to be absolutely secret otherwise you will fail it."

Naruto :"OK Mizuki sensei I will definitely complete this mission "

****At Night****

Naruto POV

Now I was moving swiftly towards the Sarutobi clan compound to inform Hiruzen about Mizuki.

Many may question why I am doing this , I had noticed Hiruzen looking at me when Mizuki had approached me and even while coming to here I had scanned the hokage tower and found it filled with anbu and there is no way something so important is kept unguarded .

So in the original series Hiruzen knew something was going to happen or he might have even known about the entire incident but used it to make Naruto aware of kyuubi while directing all the blame towards Mizuki .

By informing Hiruzen I will gain his trust and he will also lower his vigilance towards me .

Soon I reached his house and knocked on the door . The door opened to show Hiruzen standing there.

Narrator POV


Hiruzen : "Naruto my boy , what happened that you came to see me even at night "

Naruto :"jiji I have very important information to tell you "

Hiruzen :"come in naruto and tell me whats troubling you "

Naruto :"jiji today Mizuki approached me after the exam and told me to steal scroll of seals from your office and hand it over to him by saying that it is secret test and completing it will make me a ninja ."

Hiruzen :"I see , this is indeed very serious matter . But how did you know that scroll of seals was important item "

Naruto :"jiji anything that is kept in Hokage's office can't be an ordinary item . It's as simple as that ."

Hiruzen :"Very good Naruto , now let's move on to the issue of Mizuki. As we don't have any solid proof on Mizuki's betrayal we will have to lay a trap to capture him . I will give you the scroll of seals and you will go to the place Mizuki has called you and wait for him to arrive and lure him to confess or attack you and don't be afraid I will place anbu in 500m of vicinity around you and as soon as he make any move they will apprehend him ."

Naruto :"OK jiji , but do you have any different clone techniques, if so can I learn it "

Hiruzen : "yes Naruto there are various clone techniques and even the scroll has some among which multiple shadow clone jutsu would be very suitable for you so you can learn that "

Naruto :"OK let's do it and thanks for the jutsu jiji"

Naruto POV

After my talk with Hiruzen he called the anbu and informed them about the mission and classified it as B rank secret mission.

Then he gave me the scroll of seals and I moved towards the location. After reaching the location I opened the scroll and copied it entirely using my sharingan and then began to learn multi shadow clone jutsu. Soon I was able to do it properly and by that time Mizuki had also arrived in the area as I was sensing him through kagura's eye .

Narrator POV.

Mizuki :"Very good Naruto I see that you have completed the mission and now you can become a ninja. Now give me the scroll so that I can check it "

Naruto :"do you take me for a fool Mizuki, I know that you had lied to me about the scroll. "

Mizuki :"oh so you knew about it but that would change nothing I will get the scroll from you and you can't stop a chunin "

Naruto :"Oh is that so, lets see how good of a chunin you are " "Multi shadow clone jutsu !"

' Hundreds of clones popped all around us '

Mizuki :"Naruto wait don't you want to know why people hate you don't you find their behavior strange. It's because you have the nine tailed fox inside of you .The fox spirit that had attacked the village and killed countless has taken over your body , you are the nine tailed demon fox Naruto. "

Naruto :"Oh is that so , well I already knew about that "

What will happen next we will see in the next chapter of DragonBall....ERROR....ERROR...ERROR

....I mean reincarnated as naruto series.

....Next chapter will be uploaded soon.....