
Naruto: Reincarnated as Kurama

When our mc just died tragically with a truck kun's crash, his soul suddenly vanished from earth and reappeared in the naruto world. When it just appeared, it saw minato sealing kurama into naruto. After that.........you should read first chapter to know more details.

Im_jealous · Others
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32 Chs

'God Dharin'

Three years later...

Inside the Nara clan manor, a boy sat near his father and looked towards the book he was reading. While the other boy who also sat beside his father looked to be pondering over something.

"That shitty god said!! Something like sealing my chakra and I really can't feel any chakra from my body. Even father checked this and consoled me, saying it's not the time for him yet. What does that mean? Am I going to be like those xianxia novels, where mc was trash at the start and somehow become a lot stronger suddenly?"

Kisho Nara thought This is the name that his mother gave him. He loved his family members, as all of them dote on him the most. Even Shikamaru liked to play with him the most. As he was feeling the familial warmth, he suddenly startled and checked his body.

"Oh, my shitty god! Why are you doing this to me? Ah!! Why can I suddenly able to feel chakra, when I am about to curse that puny god. Sorry, I have already cursed though."

Kisho bewildered with this sensation and got out of his dazed state. He looked at his father, who was still reading his book and said,

"Father!! I have this feeling like I have chakra on my body, can you check it?"

He asked with a cute voice, that made himself ashamed of his voice.

Shikaku was startled by his son's question and Shikamaru also looked at him with puzzled eyes. Shikaku hurriedly places his book aside and took kisho's hand to feel the flow of chakra.

Suddenly, the hand that he used to check released with a frightful expression on his face.

"W-w-what's happening? Is that doggy god forgot to convert that red chakra into a blue chakra or what? Is this going to be the end of my reincarnation? Are they finally going to find that I have reincarnated into Kurama?"

Seeing his father's reaction, Kisho got a bad feeling and he suddenly used both hands to cover his head. At the same time, he started bawling out loud, making his mother alarmed and came with a whoosh.

"What have you done to my son, why was he crying like this?"

Yoshina asked with a bit of wariness and fury on her eyes. Seeing this, shikaku didn't know whether to cry or laugh. How was a wife wary of her husband? He thought.

"I didn't do anything, I just checked his chakra and found out that he has chakra, that was enough for a seven-year-old child. I just got frightened by this and released his hand."

He explained in a bit detailed manner, making Yoshina cool down. Kisho who was bawling on her mother's embraces suddenly stopped crying and looked at his father doubtfully.

"Indeed!! he has a lot of chakra reserves for a three-year child. He can already start practice on clans techniques if elders allowed. Today, we should celebrate with a banquet, as my other son also produced chakra. Go make a sumptuous meal for us, I will now go inform elders and celebrate with my friends."

Saying that he looked at kisho with a smile that was rare and stormed out of his house.

"Your father went to brag with others about this. He has been waiting for you to form chakra on your body."

Yoshina also looked at Kisho with a smile and said. Before taking both of his sons into the kitchen.

A year has passed since his accumulation of chakra, even though he has enough chakra, his father didn't let him learn clans techniques, as elders in the clan said that it is not optimal age. He said, that he has to wait until he turns into 6 years old.

"I don't know why, starting from this year, that I have a feeling that I can turn into Kurama with a single thought in my mind. I am getting more and more nervous about this issue. And also, the most important thing is that I found is, that I need a stronger body to release further seals on my body."

Thinking up to that point, he suddenly has a nostalgic feeling and has a doubt created.

"What am I? I am a Human or Beast. I have a feeling that I am more likely a beast, who is just using the human body for sustaining in human society. This is all that shit god's fault, what have you make me into? I have become neither beast nor human, you jerk wherever you are come before me and also bring your elders, I would like to have a long chat with them..."

Kisho doubt of his existence himself caused him to get a short mental breakdown and started cursing wildly.

Deep Inside the starfields, the god who killed kisho in his previous life by mistake suddenly started coughing. His wife goddess, who stood beside him looked at him worriedly.

"It has been 4 years you have been coughing abruptly without a reason. I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling about this. What have you done!! Have you made any mistakes recently? A god can only become like this if they got hit by the karma of his mistake."

Her wife declared with a melodious voice, but at the same time, a bit of worry can be found.

"I did make a mistake 4 years ago and killed an individual from a mortal world. After that, I took him under one of the worlds that I ruled, I thought the karma between us is over. But from the looks of it, he is not satisfied with the arrangement I have made for him."

He told his wife with a grave voice on his face. He at first thought, it came because someone thought of him. But later! it became a nightmare for him, at the very least every two days there will be a karma strike on him. At most, you can expect 2 to 3 times a day.

Whenever kisho cursed him, the karma will strike the god. He was suffered by this for three years, before checking out his karma threads that causing trouble. He found out the problem easily, but he didn't know how to solve it.

"Then directly contact that person and reason with him. You can't possibly be thinking to suffer daily from this karma strikes right?"

Her question made him baffled. Thinking of getting strikes from karma daily made his entire back drenched with sweat.

He immediately took the karma link between him and Kisho, making a spiritual connection directly.

Kisho who is busily cursing that damn god suddenly felt a presence and alarmed.

"Who is it! Come out"

He asked with an alarmed expression on his face, making him look cute.

"Oh!! Human boy....or Beast boy, you can already sense my presence huh? What should I call you, a human or a beast? Looks like I made a blunder in this!! I should have thought about this earlier.

Let me ask you Hu....boy! Why are you cursing me daily?"

The god asked in Kisho's head.

"You came huh? Where are the elder gods, I want to talk with them. How can a person like you qualify to become god, you have made me into existence that you also don't know what to call. You really have the nerve to come before me huh?"

Hearing this authoritative voice! the god's face turned white to purple, as anger flashed on his face. He controlled himself of lashing out and said,

"Boy! Its a mistake that I have made, tell me what do you want?"

He directly went to the point without another question.

"Then make me into any of the single existence, instead of what I am right now."

Kisho also directly asked without any waste of talk.

"That's impossible!! Also, what's the problem with you having two bodies and two souls. Those two bodies of yours integrated into each other and at the same time, your souls also integrated. I have completely erased Kurama's conscience, so that soul also became yours."

Hearing this reasoning, kisho also doesn't know what to ask. He finally just want to ask him one thing,

"From what you have said, I am a human in human form and a beast in beast form correct?"

Kisho asked this final question to confirm his doubts.

"What you said is correct, You are a human in human form but some changes are placed in your human form so that you can integrate with beast form, that's the only difference. To say bluntly, your human form is an advanced version of what a normal human can do or have."

From this answer, Kisho was surprised and asked with anticipation.

"What do you mean by that? Explain to me clearly."

Looking at Kisho's eager expression, the god got baffled thinking,

'What a venomous brat!!, he cursed me for four years and now showing that expression in front of me huh'

"I will tell you about that when you turned 10 years old and until that point, I advise you to practice physical exercises a lot so that you can release your body seals. It will not only help you with that but also with much more....."

Saying that he looked at kisho and said,

"No more cursing brat, just ask for any doubts in your mind calling out my name. My name is Dharin. And also don't call out my name for every small detail."

After saying that, his presence vanished from the room. Seeing his presence vanish kisho face turn into smiles.