
Naruto: Red Storm

This is my first time writing anything. So suggestions are accepted. English is my third language so I am trying to reduce grammatical errors as much as possible. Naruto grew up without a shade, protection over him but what if he has a protection a sword, shield more than that a family - an elder brother "Uzumaki Hiroto". Lets see how different that journey will be. Except my OC anything isn't mine. Cover image isn't mine if it's yours and want to remove it please let me know.

Daoist94fCn3 · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

The Hyūga affair

Naruto and Hinata turned their heads following the shadow with a nervous expression while the Hyūga clan princess's heart is ready to leap out with fear.


The head ninja of Kumo had a word with his companions once and left for the Hyūga clan to fulfill his responsibility of coming to the hidden leaf village. He stealthily made his way to the Hyūga clan head's house based on the information report he was given.

He found no hindrances and crept towards Hyūga Hinata's room based on his report, he looked inside the room and found her awake along with another kid. He decided to wait for a few minutes hoping that the golden-haired brat leaves he found the kid familiar but he couldn't know clearly as this is the first time seeing him.

He pushed these thoughts to the back of his head and focused on the task at hand, he couldn't wait any longer as a few minutes flew by and the risk is exponentially increasing because of another kid here so he took a few seconds on how to proceed further.


The Kumo ninja stood at an angle they can't see his face clearly, he stood facing them. Using their fear as his advantage he dashed at them and knocked out Naruto with a fist to his face making the latter bleed and pass out, he turned to the Hyūga clan princess and chopped her neck knocking her out. All the events happened in the blink of an eye.

He picked the both of them on his shoulder and made his escape not forgetting to make some noise as a part of his motives, he ran to some considerable distance from the house.

Hiashi heard some sounds so he woke up to make sure everything is ok, as soon as he opened his bedroom door he saw a shadow escaping from her daughter's room. Hiashi dashed to his daughter's room and saw no one in the room including his daughter who should be asleep along with a few blood drops on the floor.

"Kō" he shouted and soon a ninja arrived before him. "Check on Hanabi and inform the guards to check for intruders" he hollered the orders and dashed in the direction of the shadow.

The Kumo envoy smiled at Hiashi in his tail he remembered the Hyūga clan layout like the back of his hand so he ran toward the direction of the abandoned side of the Hyūga clan compound. As he is near the edge of the clan compound he started slowing down in a way that the other party couldn't notice.



Hiashi ran with everything he has to save his daughter, he also activated his byakugan so that he couldn't miss her, he noticed another one on the shoulders of the intruder along with his daughter. He couldn't identify the kid with his daughter, for now he pushed these thoughts to the back of his mind. He started approaching the intruder and noticed him as the Kumo envoy that has arrived in the morning for the peace treaty signing of both the villages.

Hiashi at this moment remembered the discussions that they had in the Hokage's office and his mind is clouded with blinding rage at the thought of his daughter sufferings if she was kidnapped.

Hiashi prepared an attack to take the life of the enemy and he saw the Kumo ninja standing still he found something odd but he currently doesn't has the time to think and act, as currently, he is following his instincts as a father.



Naruto woke up slowly and noticed he is currently on the shoulders of that fellow who knocked him out, he also felt another one below him and he identified Hinata.

Naruto knew he had to protect her so he hugged her tight with one hand and took a kunai without the other party noticing he aimed the kunai at the enemy's shoulder.

The kyuubi jinchuriki drove it through the enemy's back near his left shoulder making him lose his grip on both of them. Naruto jumped away holding Hinata the moment the Kumo ninja released them in pain. Naruto stood some distance away from him and stood infront of Hinata defensively with a kunai in his hand.

Hiashi also came to a halt seeing this new development and he got a few moments to think about the previous action of Kumo ninja. He instantly connected the dots as the intruder is ready to die in his hands and shuddered at the consequences if he succeeded in the attack just now.

Only the sounds of insects chirping are heard as the Kumo ninja is standing with the kids on one side and Hiashi on the other side.



The Kumo ninja is currently in a tense situation and he knew if he landed in the hands of Konoha shinobi his village will be at a disadvantage and their image in the ninja world will fall.

He came to the conclusion to attack the kids with the intent to kill so that his death will be guaranteed in the hands of Hyūga Hiashi. So he dashed at the kids and made handsigns for an attack on the Hyūga clan's little girl. Naruto seeing the enemy started throwing all the kunais he have, but all his attacks proved futile. Hiashi seeing this dashed but he gritted his teeth as he couldn't reach in time.

Naruto seeing this found no other option but to face the attack head-on to save Hinata, Hiashi seeing this felt like he failed to protect his daughter as a father should.

All of them are immersed in their own worlds but suddenly Naruto and Hinata vanished from the path of the attack appearing by Hiashi's side. A figure appeared together with Naruto and Hinata with hands on them, only now did the jōnin of both the villages notice the light of the full moon is nowhere and dark clouds enveloped Konoha but they didn't notice the difference thanks to violent lightning flashes.

The Kumo ninja took a few steps back seeing the newly arrived masked figure and he noticed the eyes through the slits, those eyes resembled a raging wild beast and the roars of thunder seemed to show his rage.

"Of all the things, you just had to make my brother bleed" the masked figure said with a tone that sent chills to everyone well almost everyone. {Imagine Uzumaki Menma mask but it's black with red spirals instead of ovals}