
Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills?

*Ahem* Please read the "tags" before you go about the story, Friend! Also the MC goes through a huge character development. The MC is like an insane dick at the start. But he grows. Now the synopsis: Surname Kaneko meaning Golden and Given name Mitsu meaning Light. Ahhh! Such a fitting name.... FITTING NAME MY ASS... But the name holds weight in the land of fire. Hmmm. Why? Well because, it's the name of the Fucking Fire Daimyo aka Otou-chan, my daddy dearest. Huhuhuhu... Yesh! You have guessed it! I was reborn as the fricking prince of fire. It's great right? RIGHT? WROOOOOOONG!!!!!!! Because the idiotic daimyos, don't let their dumb kids learn ninjutsu.... But worry not, yours truly, was lucky to be born as the third prince. Damn! I didn't know the fat lady had 3 children already, no wonder she was... You know what! I will stop right there. I don't want my fate to be the same as that Tora. *shudder* But the biggest issue here is, after I was run over by Scooty-Chan... Yeah! You heard me, Scooty-Chan. Coz, her elder cousin Truck-Kun, was too busy running over some fat NEET, she had to come and give me a ride... and a ride she gave... *Tears* I even got the worst reincarnating official... more like an assistant... Here, I have read about the awesome powers reincarnators get when they reincarnate. While yours truly was stuck with a pussy who can't even authorize a freakin Sharingan.... Well, you know what! It doesn't matter. Just see how I freaking kick ass with the worst list of skills. https://discord.gg/mtQutXpjky ___________________ Note: The name of the FF is a parody itself. And yes, the skills the MC gets are useless on their own. But using the parody of a certain Novel it became something else! Note: The cover and any images in the future are and will be drawn by me. So these belong to me. ___________________ Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters only my OC's and the change of plot

LuminouShadow · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs

The Byakugan Killer!

[A/N: Unedited chapter. Sorry I just had too many things too take care of @@. Good news, family will be returning soon, so the burdens will lessen. Sigh! And do check the A/Ns of this chapter.]

Chapter 48: The Byakugan Killer!

Jutsu of the day:

<Doujutsu Byakugan>

Courtesy of The other one eyed freak.


Time: A week later

A tea house in Maishima Island



There were some dangos and a cup of tea in front of Itachi, as he carefully took notice of his surroundings.

He was on an important espionage mission here on Maishima. His main purpose was to identify the resistance and if possible their leaders.

But he was yet to get any solid information. So he was thinking about other ways to go about this mission.

He remembered what his father once taught him,

~*Small Flashback no Jutsu*~

"The best places to gather information are the places, where people let themselves loose…" Said Fugaku to his three year old son.

"What does let loose mean father?" Asked a very curious Itachi.

Fugaku seemed a bit uncomfortable with the question.

He cleared his throat and answered, "Ahem, you will know when the time comes…."

Itachi only tilted his head in confusion, as he couldn't comprehend the meaning behind his father's words.

~* Flashback no Jutsu Loses Chakra *~

'I always thought that meant places like tea houses. A place where people can relax and talk about their day to day lives…

But, that was until I met the Toad Sannin a few weeks back…' Thought Itachi. As he remembered his meeting with the Toad Sannin during the New Hokage's coronation.

~*Another Small Flashback no Jutsu*~

"Jiraya-sama, can I ask you some questions?" Itachi asked a peeping Jiraya.

"Whaa!? Oh, it's just you, Uchiha boy. Why are you here? Don't bother me, I am doing research." Jiraya answered in an annoyed tone.

'Research by looking through a peephole?' Itachi felt a bit disgusted, but he needed to ask the question.

'He should have a lot of experience with gatherin information. He is the spymaster of Konoha after all.' Itachi thought.

"Just one question, Jiraya-sama, where can I gather the most information on an espionage mission?" Itachi asked expectantly.

"Information huh? Hmm, hmm, the best places to gather information would be the bars and the whorehouses. But you are too young for that kid. Now go and play with your dolls. *Shooing motion*

Now lets see what we hav-" Before Jiraya could finish his sentence.

"Oi Jiraya… What exactly are you doing here?!!" Sounded an angry voice behind him. It was the old lady that ran the bathhouse.

"Shit! Boy run! Eh, where is he?" Jiraya was about to run with Itachi, but he was nowhere in sight.

'Shit that brat ran away without me… F***!'

~* Flashback no Jutsu Loses Chakra *~

'Sigh! I guess I have no other choice… I will just use one of my transformed clones to enter a tavern…

It's truly sad that I couldn't find any good information in this tea house.' Itachi thought.

But as he was about to get up, a man with an eye patch entered the shop.

'That man… Something seems off about him… And why does he look so familiar?' Itachi pondered as he watched the man talking to the shop owner.

"2 table spoons of sugar, no salt please." Said the man softly. But for someone like Itachi, it was easy to decipher.

"Is that a secret code?' Thought Itachi.

The shop owner laughed slightly and replied, "You surely jest, customer. Please go to the room in the right. I will be right there with your salt less tea."

The man simply nodded and entered the mentioned room.

Itachi, very discreetly, activated his Sharingans as he followed the chakra signature of theat one-eyed man.

'His right eye's chakra doesn't match with his body… And why is that chakra so familiar?' Itachi pondered.

He kept watching the bundle of chakra as it slowly moved towards a direction and stopped for a second, but soon started walking again.

This baffled Itachi. Because the tea house was definitely not that large. Yet he was walking straight as if there was a hole in the wall.

Behind the tea house was a closed alley from what Itachi remembered.

'It really was a secret code to enter a secret passage… Interesting. I might have found my target…' Itachi smiled slightly.

He put some changes on his table and disappeared without anyone noticing.




Itachi had the aptitude to be a great spy when he was in the ANBU, and it only improved with time as he served Mitsu.

He was tailing the one-eyed man very cautiously. Trying to not get noticed.

The one-eyed man was extremely vigilant as well. He checked and double-checked each corner and seemed to have felt the presence of someone near him.

But he couldn't really pin-point the location.

He put his hand on his right eye a few times as if wanting to take the seal off, but decided against it.

Luckily, Itachi was keeping a certain distance and a certain angle so that he would be out of any sensor range.

He judged the angle based on his knowledge on Byakugans. The Hyuga's being the Uchiha clan's rivals, they already had plethora of information on the Byakugans.

Why the thought on Byakugans?

It's because Itachi had already determined the identity of the man. Of course the bingo book helped.

'Ao the Byakugan Killer… I can't believe it's him…

There is a huge bounty on his head. And there is a kill on sight order too. The man has a Byakugan implant...

But I need to complete this mission first…' Itachi narrowed his eyes as he kept a watch over Ao.

Soon Ao reached the dead end of an alley and stopped in front of the wall. This confused Itachi.

Itachi was sure that he was not detected, but his instincts were telling him to dodge.

Itachi decided to trust his guts and flickered a distance away.

He looked back at his hiding spot. But nothing was there. This confused Itachi a great deal.

Then he noticed that Ao was looking at his general direction.

"Your hiding technique is commendable. And might have worked on me as well. You have hidden your chakra cleverly and even my <Sensing Technique> couldn't detect it.

You were also smart enough to stay on the blind spot of my Byakugan. Yet you are still too inexperienced and moved on instinct from a little chakra flare...

Your chakra is indeed unique in the Water Country, boy. Yet it's also familiar to me...

I would have been fooled if I hadn't met that brat during the third war…

Tell me kid… Who is Uchiha Shisui to you?" Ao asked. He still wasn't certain of Itachi's exact location, but he could feel the difference in Itachi's chakra.

Itachi kept silent and didn't move. But he was surprised when he heard Shisui's name being called.

"Sigh… Looks like you really want me to use these eyes of mine…" Said Ao with a sigh, as he slowly took of his sealed patch.

'<Byakugan>' He invoked.

"Interesting, truly interesting… Your chakra signatures are very similar. There is no doubt that you are one of his clan members...

No need to hide the fact kid… He was one of my old foes… And I will never forget his chakra color. Yours is way too similar… So come out so we can have a little chat. Be a man and face me. Don't tell me the Uchiha's are weaklings like the Hyugas." Declared Ao.

'Well, it looks like I will have to confront him…' Itachi thought and slowly walked into the open.

[A/N: Some might say something about Ao and Shisui so I will attach a manga slip here from the main manga.]




Tsuchikage's office, In Iwagakure



Fence sitter Onoki was doing his paper work when he felt a disturbance inside his room.

All of his guards were quick to take positions. They seemed ready to deal with any threat that may come their way. But the Tsuchikage simply waved his hands to make them fall back.

Soon a man with a mask came out of a swirl and faced the Tsuchikage.

"It's done." Said the masked man.

'It's him...' Onoki thought with a frown.

"You really destroyed the Lightning Daimyo's castle? Where is the proof?" Onoki said with a slight huff. He didn't want to act rashly against this masked individual, until he was sure of his identity.

The masked man said nothing and simply took out a round object covered in cloth and threw it on the ground.

"Check it yourself. And our leader wants the payment as soon as possible. He doesn't like waiting." Said the masked man as he disappeared the way he came.

Onoki looked towards the clothed object.

He didn't need to open it to know what it was. But there was still a need to confirm it. So he gestured one of his guards to do so.

And as the clothed object was opened. The old kage sighed and muttered,

"These upstarts are dangerous… Attacking the Daimyo who is heavily guarded is already absurd… And yet he actually went about to destroy the whole castle…"

A large man behind him said with concern, "Lord Third, was that really a good decision? The last war happened not so long ago… Our village lost so much…"

"Shut up Kitsuchi! I didn't think they would really go and do it. I only thought they would create enough chaos to make those Kumo bastards shut up.

All in all, this was a wonderful chance to take down Kumo, so I took it.

And now we have the result! We have the upper hand in this. So we will bide our time.

We will not attack directly but wait for them. I am sure that many others would want a piece of this pie.

So, go make haste and send the spies. Make sure to spread rumors. We need to make the most of this."

"But lord third this still feels a bad time…" Kitsuchi wanted to argue more.

"Shut up! Do you know who that masked man is? And you already know how Kumo was increasing its military. I believe it's the perfect time to lower them a peg! Now get on your duties."

Kitsuchi could only nod and comply with the order.

Onoki glanced at the severed head on the floor and thought, "Unruly A, it's time for you to learn some manners, boy…"

[A/N: Similar case with Onoki hiring the Akatsuki, and their feud with Kumo. Attached a manga slip.]



[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people! Tomorrow will be a showdown between Ao and Itachi so stay tuned!

If you want to join the discord! The link: ht tps://discord .gg/RcZZjnKnwx ]

Sorry for the unedited chappie. I hope it's readable!

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