
Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills?

*Ahem* Please read the "tags" before you go about the story, Friend! Also the MC goes through a huge character development. The MC is like an insane dick at the start. But he grows. Now the synopsis: Surname Kaneko meaning Golden and Given name Mitsu meaning Light. Ahhh! Such a fitting name.... FITTING NAME MY ASS... But the name holds weight in the land of fire. Hmmm. Why? Well because, it's the name of the Fucking Fire Daimyo aka Otou-chan, my daddy dearest. Huhuhuhu... Yesh! You have guessed it! I was reborn as the fricking prince of fire. It's great right? RIGHT? WROOOOOOONG!!!!!!! Because the idiotic daimyos, don't let their dumb kids learn ninjutsu.... But worry not, yours truly, was lucky to be born as the third prince. Damn! I didn't know the fat lady had 3 children already, no wonder she was... You know what! I will stop right there. I don't want my fate to be the same as that Tora. *shudder* But the biggest issue here is, after I was run over by Scooty-Chan... Yeah! You heard me, Scooty-Chan. Coz, her elder cousin Truck-Kun, was too busy running over some fat NEET, she had to come and give me a ride... and a ride she gave... *Tears* I even got the worst reincarnating official... more like an assistant... Here, I have read about the awesome powers reincarnators get when they reincarnate. While yours truly was stuck with a pussy who can't even authorize a freakin Sharingan.... Well, you know what! It doesn't matter. Just see how I freaking kick ass with the worst list of skills. https://discord.gg/mtQutXpjky ___________________ Note: The name of the FF is a parody itself. And yes, the skills the MC gets are useless on their own. But using the parody of a certain Novel it became something else! Note: The cover and any images in the future are and will be drawn by me. So these belong to me. ___________________ Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters only my OC's and the change of plot

LuminouShadow · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs

I planned what now?

[A/N: Get ready for a long, long chapter of Kage's meeting and talking nonsense. MUHUHAHAHAHAHA!


The negotiation will be skimmed over… With just little tidbits summarized. Who wants to read a hundred dialogues bartering between 5 Kage's and 1 Mitsu? I mean, come on…]


Chapter 94:

Jutsu of the day:

<Explaining your plan to you no Jutsu>

Courtesy of Fuzzy, the best minion.


[Previously on NaRUS?]


Behind them in a Sage's get up stood Jiraiya, the Toad Sannin. And beside him stood another of the S Ranked Ninjas of Konoha Fuse the guardian.

As they walked in, they carried a regal aura around them, making others take them seriously.

It was then Tsunade greeted the room, "Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to Konoha. I am Senju Tsunade the Hokage, with me are the Golden Prince of Fire Country, Kaneko Mitsu, the Toad Sanin Jiraiya, and the Guardian Fuse Daisuke. Let's get this negotiation started."



21st July, Year 78

Meeting Room, Hokage Tower



Tsunade greeted the room, "Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to Konoha. I am Senju Tsunade the Hokage, with me are the Golden Prince of Fire Country, Kaneko Mitsu, the Toad Sanin Jiraiya, and the Guardian Fuse Daisuke. Let's get this negotiation started."

After which Tsunade took her seat, Mitsu sitting beside her. While Jiraiya and Fuse stood behind them.

Mitsu noticed that everyone was looking at him, so he addressed them with a smile, "Hello, dear Kage's and their followers. My name is Kaneko Mitsu, the third prince of the Land of Fire. Some of you might already know me." Saying so he grinned at Mei, Ao, Rasa, and A.

His smile towards A could be considered mocking.

Mei returned the smile with a slight bow. Ao simply bowed in respect.

Rasa nodded, while A scowled, but did his best to control himself.

Mitsu then looked at Onoki and the other subordinates, before continuing, "And others who don't know me, I hope we get along. Now… Let's get this negotiation started, shall we?" Mitsu asked with a gentle smile.

Those who didn't know him might find that smile pleasant. But for those who did know… Knew that the Prince was in his game mode.

After the introduction, the main negotiation started.

Now, usually, here, each Kage would speak as an equal, and demand or offer things from their perspective to reach an agreement.

But, in this meeting, there was an obvious power tilt.

Many were confused when Mitsu started speaking instead of Tsunade.

But they became serious when he started talking about the current situation of the Nations.

Some of his knowledge was beyond what a normal prince should know. But they understood him, as he had already made a few connections with other nations.

But what baffled them was the sheer amount of information he had about Ninja Villages… Their villages.

For Ninjas, information was power.

And the amount of information Mitsu shared was enough to start wars. This instantly put Rasa, A, and Onoki on guard.

In any other period, they would have demanded an explanation or threatened to start a war.

But knowing their current situation, they decided to keep listening before acting.

They started to get baffled when Mitsu started to accurately point out their weaknesses and issues.

Which turned into apprehension when Mitsu started predicting what will happen to them in 10 years if they did not change the status quo.

And they were outright perplexed at Mitsu's intellect, as he even suggested a few fixes for their problems… Cementing himself as a valuable member of this meeting.

He then started proposing deals.

And no matter how much Onoki and A tried, even with Onoki's experience of so many years, they couldn't completely formulate any plans or witty replies to barter with Mitsu.

[A/N: You know if you know.]

The whole time, their brains simply seemed unable to react with the intellect of Mitsu.

And no matter what he said, they simply couldn't reject or come out with a better proposition.

Honestly, to them in the end, all the deals that Mitsu stated seemed perfectly reasonable.

On the side, Mei, Tsunade, Sarutobi, and the other Jonin's were looking at A and Onoki as if they were looking at some imposters.

Tsunade could tell something was wrong, but decided to keep it to herself, as did Sarutobi.

Rasa simply didn't think anything of it. As he didn't have much contact with Onoki and A, and even though he wasn't under the effect of Mitsu's shenanigans, he found his own deals more than acceptable, so he didn't make any fuss.

Mei already knew that something was wrong, but she was sure Mitsu didn't do anything to her, there was no need for him to.

And even if he did, she knew she couldn't do anything about it. After all, Kiri was indebted to Mitsu, and some might even think of him as their leader.

So, she discreetly asked Ao to see if Onoki and A were under any Genjutsu.

But to her surprise, Ao replied in the negative.

Noticing her surprised look for a second, Mitsu sent her a wink, making her sigh in exasperation.

Now she was sure that it was Mitsu's doing, but it wasn't a Genjutsu… Whatever it was, was beyond her. But it had nothing to do with her. She got one of the best deals out of this meeting.

So, she decided to be a good little Kage, and sip on her tea.

The meeting continued for 1 whole hour, with Mitsu dominating the whole meeting. Not only as an overseer, but also as the 'neutral' party.

At the end of the meeting, an alliance between the 5 nations was formed. And it wasn't the usual armistice. No, it was a proper alliance, with a lot at stake.

The summary of the negotiation were as such,

1. Konohagakure will redirect any mission they get from the Wind Daimyo to Sunagakure for a 20% fee.

They will (Mitsu will) also create 3 Oasis around Sunagakure to set up settlements. The positions of the settlements will be in the direction of the Land of Fire, Land of Hot Water, and Land of Grass. In return, Suna will provide Konoha with exotic poisons, insects, and ownership of Ruins of Roran.

2. Konoha already had a working relationship with Water and Kirigakure, so they simply improved on it. But they also got an agreement with Kumogakure that Kumo Ninjas will provide protection to Kiri, Suna, and Konoha merchants in the land of lightning.

3. For Kumo, A requested Tsunade to heal her brother and to be a part of the alliance. Which Mitsu agreed. Tsunade will heal Killer B, and in return, Kumo will provide Konoha with 10 tons of Chakra metal in 5 years' time, and also for Killer B to teach Naruto on how to control his Bijuu.

4. For Iwa, the negotiation was a standard trade agreement, and as such, also Tsunade accepted to heal Kitsuchi in return for providing Konoha with a copy of <Earth Release: Ultra-Light-weight Rock Jutsu>.

Other than these, the standard migration, trade, and exchange support between the 5 villages were discussed.

The penalty for breaking the peace agreement would be a 4 vs 1 massacre.

At the end of the meeting, Mei and Rasa left happy, while A looked concerned and Onoki seemed thoughtful.

They left behind a smiling Mitsu, and a room full of baffled Ninja's.

After the Kage's and their guards left, Tsunade grabbed Mitsu's head as she asked,

"Now, brat! Come clean! What did you do?"

Mitsu looked at her with mock hurt, "Aww, why are you so rough, Nee-chan? How can you hurt your innocent little brother? Do you really think I would do something to our poor allies?"

"Cut the crap! I have lived for 50 years, brat! You think you can fool me? It was clear as day that something was wrong with the Tsuchikage and Raikage. Now spill!" Tsunade demanded.

"Aww, Tsunade, leave the poor boy be. Whatever he did was masterfully done. Even I couldn't detect any abnormalities." Jiraiya said from the side.

"Indeed… Whatever he did got us wonderful deals with the other villages… Maybe this time there will be real peace." Sarutobi added with a puff of smoke.

Only Fuse remained silent as he had a contemplative look on his face.

"See! Now can you stop squishing my brains Nee-chan? I might lose some of my handsome brain cells like that. And anyway, I didn't do anything!

And even if I did, it only accelerated the negotiation! They would have accepted our deals either way, albeit with some bargaining and wasting time.

I just sped things up!

See, everyone is happy, and I have enough time to go see Hina." Mitsu stated in a jolly tone.

"Sigh… Why do I even put up with this…? But please tell me, whatever you did won't have a permanent effect or bite us back later."

"It won't Nee-chan. I mean, I did nothing! They can't prove a thing. Not even Ao found anything wrong. Besides, the deals were good for both us and them. So, no one will make a fuss."

Tsunade still looked at him with a glare, but relented with a nod before releasing Mitsu's head.

She took a sip of her Sake and said, "Whatever brat. If anything happens, it's on you! Now… Fuse, are all the preparations complete?"

"They are Hokage-sama." He replied before thinking about something as he continued, "Mitsu-sama has spent some of his own money to hire a camera crew though."

Tsunade gave Mitsu an inquisitive look, to which Mitsu only chuckled, "Hey, it's Hina's first and only Chunin exam! I will keep a record of it, thank you very much."

"Sigh… We don't even know if she will become a Chunin, Mitsu…" Tsunade felt a headache coming.

"Of course we do. She already has low Jonin level Taijutsu and speed. Her usage of Senbons can be considered artistic. She has mastered her primary element. And don't forget her Byakugan.

She is the second in command after Kakashi in their team meaning she has leadership and tactical skills. And finally, she is being taught by Haku, Ichi, Fuzzy, and even Shaggy. Not to mention yours truly!"

Jiraiya whistled, "Sheesh kid, your little girlfriend will become a force to be reckoned with in a few years… It's almost unfair… I feel bad for Naruto and the others. Not to mention Tsunade will teach her after the exams.

You bagged a good one there kid. I am proud of you!" He finished with a thumbs up and a wink at Mitsu. Which Mitsu returned with a grin of his own.

Tsunade just grunted, but there was a smile on her face. Having Hinata as her disciple would be perfect. The girl was the best her generation had to offer, except for Mitsu, of course… But no one counted him anymore.

Hinata was dedicated, kind, hardworking, and especially had her own goals that drove her further. Tsunade was very happy with her new disciple.

Sarutobi just laughed and found it cute that his students were becoming good teachers and leaders. But then he remembered his wayward student and felt sad.

Mitsu noticed Sarutobi's sadness, but decided to ignore it. There was no reason for him to open that can of worms after all.

He then said his goodbyes, before leaving the room with Fuse.

As they were walking, Fuse asked, "Mitsu-sama, were you planning all this from the start?" He had a contemplative look.

"Huh? What do you mean Fuzzy?" Mitsu asked, raising a brow.

"Did you start the conflicts all those years ago, knowing that one day the Kage's will become desperate enough to sign for peace? Is this your way of achieving world peace?"

Mitsu stopped on his track.

'What the actual fuck?' He gaped at Fuse.

Seeing his Master looking at him in surprise, Fuse thought that he hit the mark.

Smiling, he said, "I see now, I can finally understand it… Mitsu-sama… I am sorry I had doubted you a few times… I didn't realize you had been planning for this day for so long…

Even when I first realized you wanted world peace… I was still a bit skeptical. I mean, I had seen you conquering countries out of nowhere… Sometimes you simply did something just for fun…

You started a war… then ending it by killing off so many high-ranked ninjas, while saving civilians…

Sometimes your actions made no sense…

Creating your own villain identity… Nothing actually made sense till now…"

"Wh-what do you mean Fuzzy?" Mitsu's right eye was twitching.

'What the fuck makes sense now? I was just winging it all the time. The only thing I planned was to unify everyone after Akatsuki attacks…' Mitsu thought as he stared at his subordinate.

"Oh! You don't need to act in front of me, Mitsu-sama!

I knew that you were kindhearted and wanted a lasting peace. Though your methods were questionable… So I sometimes thought you were only spreading your shenanigans.

But now it's so clear...

You have liberated the Land of Water, though you have killed a lot of people in the process. At first, I thought you just wanted to take over the country.

But instead, you liberated them, improved their lives, and even allied them with your own. That was your first big step, wasn't it?"

'What first step… It was my mistake that all those people died… It was my biggest failure…' Mitsu gulped.

"It was your first step to test your skill as a leader. You are the third son... Meaning traditionally you can't inherit your position. So you tested yourself. You did it to show the world and us that you can be a good ruler.

That you can bring prosperity to the world. That... you can bring peace to the world!

And you did it masterfully. You created a whole new regime. Replaced corrupted leaders, improved the lives of its citizens, and now the Land of Water is one of the most prosperous lands in the elemental nations.

Then you went from land to land and forged important alliances. So that you can strengthen your own position and slowly vi for peace.

You conquered Spring and Wave, but still gave it to the 2 princesses. You went out of your way to find Princess Koyuki to help the land get their rightful ruler back.

You made a persona to become an antagonist, so that you could stop the war from spreading and only concentrate on yourself.

And I am sure you plan on using your persona later to act as a villain that will make all the allied countries work together to stop you.

Or maybe you will use the Akatsuki guys we fought before… yes… That would make sense… Maybe you will make the Phantom join Akatsuki and make him lead the organization to antagonize everyone together.

Then you can get all their inside information, and when all the villages unite against them, you can come and save the day…

Yes! That will indeed create peace… All nations combining to face a great foe… I can see it now!

But I just can't imagine…

How much time must you have spent to think up all this?…

Each plan was so delicate… I can't believe you started all this when you were 6 years old… And I had doubted you…

Please forgive me… I had sometimes thought you were making trouble… When in reality you had been working towards today's result all along…

But when did you start all this planning?

Did you start planning when we first met the Akatsuki guys that tried to kidnap you? Or was it during you saved the fishing village?" Fuse finally stopped to take a breath as he looked at Mitsu reverently.

Mitsu was stunned.

'I did all that?… Now that I think about it… Because I never revealed my intentions… And things ended up as they are… Fuck, am I a relative of Bone daddy or something?' When he got the image in his head, he cringed.

'I can't deal with this shit right now…'

He didn't say anything and simply started walking.

"M-Mitsu-sama?" Fuse asked in concern.

"You know Fuzzy… Sometimes you make me feel like an Overgrown skeleton lord." Mitsu said as he walked, deep in thought.

"Eh? I am sorry?" Fuse was surprised, as he didn't understand what his master meant.

"Doesn't matter my loyal minion… Never change... keep on supporting me." Mitsu said with a faraway look.

"Of course, Mitsu-sama. I will always support your noble goal for peace." Fuse bowed with the utmost respect.

"Yeah, yeah… Just… Just don't say any of this to the others…"

'I would die of embarrassment.'

"Of course, Mitsu-sama, your plans are safe with me." Fuse replied with a smile on his dead fish face.

'My plans, your head!' Mitsu grumbled, but said nothing.

Simply nodding to his over-enthusiastic minion, he started walking towards Ichiraku's. Whatever 'Grand Plan' Fuse thought he had... Could wait after a good bowl of Ramen.



[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people!

Next chapter, the Finals start and Akatsuki makes their move.

If you want to join the discord! The link is on the synopsis!]


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