

walking in the body of a stone village boy, not remembering the past except the plot. our MC tries to survive in the world and tries to change the surrounding situation to see if he was able to survive the world.

Kevin_Kevin_7608 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


After watching Onoki leave, Ren turned his attention to the set of records that his sensei had given him. As he thumbed through the pages, he felt a sense of excitement and anticipation growing within him.

The records were filled with detailed descriptions of previous blue flame users, their abilities, and their experiences. Ren marveled at the incredible power that the blue flame held, but he also felt a sense of trepidation. He knew that he had a long way to go before he could master this power, and he couldn't help but wonder if he was up to the task.

Despite his doubts, Ren was determined to make the most of this opportunity.

The records that Ren found in the file left behind by Onoki were actually the words of a previous Blue Flame user. The introduction began with a greeting to the potential descendant who would be reading it. The user then went on to caution the reader to keep the existence of the Blue Flames a secret until they were strong enough to wield it, as the clan had many enemies.

The Blue Flames were said to be incredibly powerful, and capable of affecting even the Uchiha clan's Susano, which was their absolute defense. In fact, the Uchiha clan had only a few members in the last few generations who were able to awaken the Susano and even fewer who were able to make it past the age of 40 due to battles with the Senju clan.

The previous Blue Flame user warned that using the flames consumed all their yang energy, which was a type of life energy in Eastern philosophy, leaving them weak and dying. They also mentioned that it was difficult to control, especially if one's yin energy was not high enough.

The user suggested that those with low yin energy should not attempt to use the flames, as they would be unable to control them and could pass out while using them. However, those with high yin energy could control the flames and prevent themselves from dying by knowing when to stop using them. The user advised the potential descendant to be mindful of their limits and to try to survive in the world.

In summary, the records that Ren found provided insight into the power and danger of the Blue Flames, as well as important information on how to control and use them safely.

After Ren finished reading the file he was confident he will survive as it mentioned he have high yin energy and was able to control it.

After carefully considering his future plans, the individual realized that certain modifications needed to be made in order to achieve his goals. Upon reflection, he came to the conclusion that he had a maximum of four years before the start of the third great ninja war. However, he remained optimistic and motivated, knowing that his body and mind were capable of great feats.

In fact, he possessed a strong chakra when unlocked, and his chakra capacity was constantly increasing, albeit slowly but surely. As a result, his chakra capacity had now reached a level comparable to that of a Jonin, which was a significant achievement. Nonetheless, he knew that there was still much to be done in terms of mastering chakra control.

Thus, he devised a training plan that focused on honing his chakra control skills. He was determined to push his limits and unlock even more of his potential. With patience, perseverance, and dedication, he was confident that he would be able to improve his chakra control, which would undoubtedly benefit him in battle and enhance his overall ninja abilities.

The individual understood that there were no shortcuts to achieving greatness. Hard work and dedication were necessary to reach one's full potential, and he was willing to put in the effort required to attain his goals. With his newfound focus and determination, he was ready to take on any challenge that came his way and becomes a powerful force to be reckoned with in the ninja world.

That particular evening, Onoki, the village head, sent the Anbu to Ren to inform him that he was being summoned to his office. After a short while, Ren arrived at the office, and Onoki wasted no time in addressing the matter at hand. "What have you decided to do with the blue flames?" Onoki inquired.

Ren calmly replied, "After studying the files you gave me, I have concluded that I am able to control the flames better than the previous owner, and I am determined to continue practicing until I can fully control them." Onoki was surprised by Ren's calm demeanor and after a brief moment of silence, he continued the conversation. "So, what are your plans now? Are you still focusing on taijutsu training, or have you changed your plans?"

Ren responded, "I plan to prioritize chakra control and physical training for the time being. After that, I will shift my focus to ninjutsu training." Onoki was pleased to hear that Ren had a solid plan in place and remarked, "I am glad to hear that you know what you are doing. My plan for you is similar. Here are some chakra control methods, the sirikenjutsu methods, and other resources that you may find useful. I have added additional resources as well, as you will be training with others. I will check in with you once a week to monitor your progress."

Ren's heart swelled with gratitude, and he expressed his thanks before leaving Onoki's office. Ren's first order of business was to visit the orphanage to share the good news about the resources that had been made available to him.

Ren understood that mastering any skill required discipline and dedication, and he was determined to put in the hard work required to achieve his goals. His focus on chakra control and physical training was the first step in his journey toward becoming a powerful ninja. With the support of Onoki and the resources made available to him, Ren was ready to take on any challenge that came his way.

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