
Naruto: Reborn As The Only Uchiha-Senju

Takamichi Izuna, a young teenager who went through abuse both in the hands if his family and classmates found himself face to face with the famous R.O.B. That he used to read about in fictional novels when he was still alive. Izuna having come face to face with the R.O.B. was given a second chance to live in another world with his fate within his own hands and along with the chance given was the benefits of being a reincarnated being. Izuna having hope for a different live accepted the offer of the R.O.B. Found himself reborn as the only descendant of both the Uchiha clan and the Senju Clan. This is the story of Izuna Uchiha, the only son if both the Senju and Uchiha clan. ##################### https://www.patreon.com//Uchiha Troy. You can visit my Patreon if you want to read advanced chapters.

UchihaIzuna · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 18

Aside from the general abilities of the Mangekyō Sharingan, Izuna gained two special abilities in each of his eyes and each eye's abilities are as follows;

[Right Eye Ability: Space-Time Distortion (Yagami Jikukan)]

Capabilities: With his right eyes, Izuna can create distortions within the space-time continuum, the very fabrics of which the world exists in, allowing him to achieve a plethora of effects throughout time and space.



[Absolute Attack]: Twist the space-time around the target to inflict unstoppable damage.

[Space-Time Slicing]: Distort space-time to cause a split, cutting the victim spatially and temporally.

[Absolute Defense]: Warp the effects of space and time to protect themselves from every form of damage.

[Spatial-Temporal Lock]: Distort space-time to completely protect oneself from the manipulation and effects of both space and time.

[Gravity Manipulation]: Distorting the space-time continuum will affect the gravity within it proportionally.

[Gravitational Singularity Generation]: Concentrating the distortion into a single point to create a destructive black hole.

[Spatial Distortion]: Distort space within the space-time continuum to affect matter occupying within.

[Time Distortion]: Twisting space and gravity to affect the flow of time proportionally.

[Space-Time Rift]: Create a distortion with sufficient power to cause a crack of deadly time energy.

[Alternate Reality Traveling]: Utilize the distortions to view and traverse parallel existential planes.

[Boundary Perception]: Utilize the distortions to peer beyond the veil dividing worlds.

[Dimensional Distortion]: Distorting the barriers that separate the dimensions.

[Portal Creation]: Utilize the distortions to link between two different points in space.

[Time Portal Creation]: Utilize the distortions to link between two different points in time.

[Subspace Travel]: Distort the continuum to warp everything throughout time and space.

[Spatial Displacement]: Create a distortion around an entire area, warping everything elsewhere.

[Spatial Mimicry]: Distort parts of oneself to another dimension for intangibility, imperceptibility, omnipresence, etc.

[Teleportation]: Create a distortion in the space-time continuum to warp oneself/others.

[Time Travel]: Extend the distortion to another timeline, allowing temporal travel.

[Wormhole Creation]: Create wormholes for transport between two points in the space-time continuum.


[Left Eye Ability: Creation of All Things (Banbutsu Sōzō no Jutsu)]

Capability: The Creation of All Things Technique is a Yin-Yang technique that allows the user to turn fantasy into reality. The process he used is explained to have initially involved the administration of imagination, and the spiritual energy which forms the basis of Yin chakra to create physical forms from nothingness. Then, through the application of vitality, and the physical energy which forms the basis of Yang chakra, he would breathe life into the resulting creations.

[A/N: Izuna will never use his left eye to create life and will only use it to create pitch-black weapons like swords, spears and kunai that he can telekinetically control them at his will.]

"Hey, Midari! Can I use the evolution card on my eyes to evolve them to the next stage without it affecting my entire body?"

Izuna after doing a mental check on his newly acquired Dojutsu and its abilities picked up the Evolution card that he dropped during his body augmentation. He then asked Midari if she would be able to evolve his Mangekyō to the Eternal Mangekyō stage without the card affecting his entire body.

[DING! Yes, the card words on one target so setting your eyes as the target wouldn't affect your body.]

"Okay then, evolve my Mangekyō Sharingan to the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan."

[DING! Affirmative]

[DING! Initiating Evolution of the host's Mangekyō Sharingan to the next stage of Evolution; The Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan(EMS).]


The card in Izuna's hand suddenly flared up in some kind of white-coloured energy which caused the card to turn into ashes. The ashes of the card along with the energy both then flew from Izuna's hand and entered his eyes and immediately as it entered his eyes, Izuna felt a sudden warmth in them.

The energy and ashes after entering Izuna's eyes started doing their job and changed Izuna's Mangekyō appearance from the black wheel-like pattern with six spokes coming out of the centre to a three spokes. Another circle then appeared above the three spokes and from it, three straight bars stretched out from the new circle to form a new design like this.

[DING! Evolution of Mangekyō to Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan has successfully been completed]

Blood trickled down from both of Izuna's eyes as the transformation happened in both eyes and after it had been completed, he closed his eyes and cleaned the blood.

Izuna then opened his eyes once again with his Mangekyō Sharingan activated and looked at a boulder about twenty meters away from his position and used his right eye ability.

[EMS: Gravitational Crush]


Izuna's right eyes glowed immediately as he used his ability and simultaneously as his eyes glowed, the space around the boulder suddenly distorted and with the distortion in space gravity around the boulder intensified and then got crushed into powder and everything happened within a fraction of a second.

"HAH!! My right eye's ability is indeed insane but the chakra consumption is also equally insane as just a single attack and 5% of my chakra reserve is gone... Now, let's see the left ability."

Izuna directed his attention into the forest behind, specifically speaking his sight was on a giant boar feasting on another giant snake. Izuna then activated his left eye's ability.

[EMS: Striking Shadow Spear]



https://www.patreon.com//Uchiha Troy. You can visit my Patreon if you want to read advanced chapters.

[There are currently 12 advanced chapters on Patreon so you can check them out if you wish for early access to them]