
Shadow Clone

AN:- Not all the details in this fanfic will be the same as the canon some of them will be different.

Then he activated his Sharingan. He wanted to see if I was using chakra or any other means to pick up the rock. He was surprised when he found out that a three-year-old was able to carry a 25kg rock with his raw physical strength.

Then I let go of the rock. Itachi was about to say something because he thought I was done. He opened his mouth to say something but I moved over to the 50 kg rock. Then he closed his mouth. Then I bent over and I grabbed the rock with my two hands applied chakra on them and I slowly began to carry it.

It was easy for me but I acted like I was having a hard time. Then I finally picked it up and I threw it back down. Then I said, "I don't think I can carry more than that." Itachi said, "Don't worry you have already done better than I expected."

"Since you are already proficient or at least familiar with chakra control I can directly start teaching you ninjitsu. But before I do that I think we should check your chakra affinity."

Then he gave me the chakra induction paper and told me to apply chakra to it. After I did that. The paper was split into two which means that I have an affinity to the wind. One of the papers also wrinkled which means I also have a lightning affinity.

Then itachi looked at the paper and said "Good you have two natural affinity wind and lightning. I will teach you nature transformation later. What type of ninjitsu do you want to learn right now?"

Without any hesitation, I said "Shadow clone Jitsu." Itachi looked surprised that I knew the name of the technique then he said: "Sure I can teach you shadow clone Jitsu but don't create too many clones the shadow clone Jitsu divides the user chakra evenly between him and the clone so creating too many will be dangerous for you."

Then I said, "Don't worry ni san I will be fine." Then itachi showed me how to perform the shadow clone Jitsu. After nearly half an hour. I could now use the shadow clone. Then itachi said "That's enough for now come back tomorrow at the same time for training. I just nodded my head then he flickered away.

A day passed. Today I woke up early. I ate some breakfast and rushed to the training ground. I created 110 shadow clones 100 of them were learning body flicker. Because I had not learned it yet.

And 10 of them were sparring with me turn by turn one of the main things which I lack is combat experience. Back in earth I rarely got into a fight. So I really needed to improve my combat experience. After a couple of hours, I started to get hungry so I decided to take a little break.

I was going back to my place to get some food than on the way I heard Hinata apologizing to someone. I immediately understood what was going on. I looked over and saw three kids bullying Hinata. (AN:- I know that this happens at a lot later date but I just decided to change a few things up.)

The kids were saying things, like you are a monster, show us your eyes you monster. Then I immediately got angry and rush towards the three kids.

I reached near them and said, "I will show you what a monster looks like." Then I punched the fat kid in the middle instantly knocking him out. Then I kicked the one on the left on the stomach and send him crashing into a tree. The one on the right falls on his back and starts crawling away. I kicked him in the head and knocked him out.

Then I looked at Hinata who was still crying. I placed my hands on her cheeks and wiped her tears and said "You are not a monster Hinata you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."

She immediately became completely red. Right at that moment one of Hinata's guards showed up and said "What are you doing here Hinata sama let's go." And the guard toom her away. I really wanted to curse but I held back.

Then I went home ate some lunch and headed back to the training ground. My shadow clones were still practicing. I also started sparring with my shadow clones. After two hours of fighting my clones, I deactivated all my shadow clones.

All the memories of the clones started rushing back to me now I could use body flicker. Obviously, I have not mastered it but I can still use this during the fight.

Then after an hour, Itachi showed up with shisui Uchiha. Shisui came over to me and said "So you are Naruto Uzumaki nice to meet you Naruto I am Shisui Uchiha." Then I shook his hand and said "Nice to meet you too Shisui Ni san." Shisui laughed and pulled my cheeks and said "I like this kid already."

Then Itachi asked me if I could properly control my chakra. I said that I could probably control my chakra. Then they started to test me. They first asked me to walk on trees then they asked me to walk on water. I easily did the both of them. They were surprised at my chakra control ability.

Then they asked me to perform all the Jutsu I know. Then I did the five ninjutsu I knew. Clone, Shadow clone, Transformation,

Substitution and body flicker. They were really surprised they were the genius among genius but even they couldn't do all the techniques I did when they were my age.

"Well, I was planning to teach you some academic level Jutsu but looks like you already know them. Then tell me what do you want to learn next?" Itachi asked.

I replied "Chakra Suppression Technique" (AN: Itachi is shown to have this ability.)

I chose the chakra suppression technique because it would increase my control over chakra which could help me to awaken the mind's eye of kagura. But I was not sure.

An:- Thank you Alexander Davies for joining my patreon There are currently 18 advance chapters of Naruto's fanfic along with 8 advance chapters of my one piece fanfic available on my patreon. it's only 3$ per month so join.
