
Naruto: Reborn as Mizuki

This is the story of when a man gets reincarnated as a B list Naruto Villain who can't do shit and is armed with nothing but his knowledge of the future. Try it why not

Erictan15 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 11: 4 years later

Mizuki awoke with a start as the door slammed shut, jolting him out of his cozy blanket fort. Groggy, he checked the clock—it was only 7:40, but classes started promptly at 8. Suppressing the urge to roar in frustration, he reluctantly rolled out of bed.

"Anko, seriously?" he muttered, rubbing his eyes as he stumbled towards the door.

Anko, leaning against the hallway wall with a mischievous grin, teased, "Come on, sleepyhead. We've got time to sleep in class. Let's go train."

Mizuki sighed, knowing arguing was futile against Anko's morning energy. "Alright, fine. Let's get to it."

In the forest clearing, Anko threw a flurry of kunai towards Mizuki, who deftly countered with an "Earth Style: Mud Wall." Their spar transitioned to taijutsu, with Mizuki showcasing his honed skills, leaving Anko panting but smiling.

"It's not fair, Mizuki," she pouted, catching her breath. "You've got ninjutsu and taijutsu down pat. What about giving me a chance?"

Mizuki chuckled, scratching his head. "Sorry, Anko. How about this? I'll treat you to a meal after this."

Anko's eyes lit up at the mention of food. "Deal!"

They headed to Ichiraku ramen for a hearty meal, followed by a dango shop for dessert. Overheard conversations about increasing tensions between villages reminded Mizuki of the fragile peace and the looming possibility of another war.

Back home, Mizuki diligently practiced the Shadow Clone Jutsu, his clones dividing tasks—attending class, studying in the Konoha Library, and assisting at the hospital to learn medical ninjutsu. Each clone dispersed, transferring knowledge and chakra back to him, a routine that defined his days.

The next morning, Anko's signature wake-up call—ice-cold water—left Mizuki spluttering and wide awake.

"Seriously, Anko? Every time?" he protested.

Anko grinned. "Works like a charm. Hurry up, you've got five minutes."

With a flicker, Anko vanished—a shadow clone, as expected. Mizuki sighed, creating ten clones to manage his morning routine: training taijutsu, practicing ninjutsu, and racing to the academy.

Mizuki decided to focus solely on learning healing jutsu competently, forgoing the hospital's classroom for practical experience. His charm earned him a chance to learn the Chakra Scalpel technique from a medical-nin.

After years of training together, Anko had mastered shurikenjutsu, Chakra Scalpel, and Shadow Clone Jutsu, reaching an elementary level of chunin proficiency. Mizuki, nearing advanced chunin status, found himself often distracted by Anko's playful antics, especially when she leaned on his shoulder during classes.

Their routine continued—training, classes, and shared meals of dango skewers, which Anko insisted upon daily, much to Mizuki's mock annoyance.