
Naruto: Reborn as Mizuki

This is the story of when a man gets reincarnated as a B list Naruto Villain who can't do shit and is armed with nothing but his knowledge of the future. Try it why not

Erictan15 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 1: The beginning

Eric, an orphan and now an ordinary office worker, loves playing the Naruto mobile game. He doesn't see himself as the main character in his life, so he works hard to get by.


Still half-asleep, Eric fumbles to turn off his alarm clock. He longs to go back to his comfortable bed but knows he needs to get up and go to work. Losing his job isn't an option.

Eric: "Damn, why did I stay up until 3 a.m. watching anime and playing video games?" He sighs.

He grabs his phone to check the time and sees the brutal reminder that his work starts at 7 a.m.


He rushes through brushing his teeth and changing clothes, then dashes out the door, hoping to make it on time.

Despite his tough life, Eric finds joy in games, anime, and manga like Naruto, which were a big part of his childhood—except for Boruto.

On the way, his phone rings, displaying the number of his boss, a man known among his subordinates as "stupid bastard."

Eric: "Hello, boss, why are you calling?"

Boss: "Hey Eric, listen. We just picked up an extra contract, and I need someone to handle all the work. You're the lucky one. That sounds great, right?"

Eric's heart sinks. Now he has to work overtime at his dead-end office job because his boss is too busy sleeping or eating. But this job is all he has, so he replies with fake enthusiasm, "Okay, boss," and hangs up.

His boss is notorious in the workplace, only maintaining his position due to his father's influence, often claiming ownership of his employees' hard work. Eric, despite his dedication, is frequently chosen to offload work onto, and the company's corruption leaves him no choice but to accept his unfair situation.

The rest of his day follows the same routine: a quick stop for a lousy coffee at the café next to his office before settling into his cubicle.

During lunch, Eric hears that the cute brunette in the cubicle across from his is recently single. He hasn't been in a relationship for a while, so he considers asking her out tomorrow.

Time flies, and soon his coworkers are leaving, some wishing him goodnight with looks of pity. Eric stays for three more hours to finish the new contract's work, noticing it's already dark outside.

Just as he's about to leave, his boss walks in.

Boss: "Hey Eric, come into my office. We need to talk."

Eric feels a sense of dread but follows his boss into the office, wishing he could just go home and enjoy his games or anime.

Boss: "The thing is, Eric, I've got a promotion."

Eric: "Congratulations, Sir!" he says with a fake smile.

Boss: "Ah, yes, but there's a problem. My cousin needs a job, so unfortunately, you have to go."

Eric: "What? Did I hear that right, boss?"

Boss: "That's right. When I'm promoted, I won't have direct supervision over you, so I can't leave a trail. Get out of my office before I call security."

Eric: "Please don't do this. I won't say anything or report you. This is the only job I have."

Boss: "Clean out your desk and get out of my sight before I get angry."

On his way home, Eric reflects on his life. Where did he go wrong? Was it because he had no parents? Was it because he was too poor to attend university?

Lost in thought, he suddenly notices a little girl, about six years old, crossing the street while her mother isn't looking. A truck is barreling towards her.

Eric chuckles and then rushes towards the girl, pushing her out of the way. As the truck speeds towards him, he mutters:

Eric: "Hehe, life is so troublesome."