
Naruto: reborn as in Ōtsutsuki

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs


Although it's a bit difficult to tell, but the ninja world is respected by the strength, Yurihong still hopes that Ōtsutsuki Quxian can guide her own practice.

After all, Ōtsutsuki Quxian's strength exceeded her too much, it has nothing to do with age, so she asked for Ōtsutsuki Quxian.

Xi Rihong's talent is not great, and it is Chūnin who is still in her early twenties, but she really wants to improve her strength.

I really want to be Jōnin. It's a hope that I won't let my dead father down.

"Do you guide your practice?" Quxian was taken aback when he heard the words, then he pondered slightly and turned his gaze to Ōtsutsuki Shenmue, wanting to ask him for advice.

Xi Rihong treated them well, and even provided them with shelter and food.

It stands to reason that she shouldn't refuse such a small request, but she still has to accompany Ōtsutsuki Shenmue out to do errands.

How can there be time to guide Yurihong.

"In that case, Quxian, you will guide the red practice in the morning, and we will leave in the afternoon." Ōtsutsuki Shenmue thought for a while, then smiled at Ōtsutsuki Quxian.

They won't even be stingy for the whole morning, people treat me with virtue, and I pay her back with kindness.

The communication between people is no better than this.

Xi Rihong did treat them very well, and she didn't think much about it. It didn't matter if Qu Xian guided her to practice for a few hours.

"But I am only good at physique and ninjutsu. Are you a ninja phantom? Then I will teach you some melee combat, right?" Ōtsutsuki nodded, then thought about it and whispered to Yuhihong.

She is strongest in physique, followed by ninjutsu. In fact, she is not very familiar with illusion.

But she is not afraid of illusion. Ōtsutsuki Shenmue has a strong illusion ability. The two of them specially trained her in this aspect during their training.

"Then I will trouble you Quxian, and thank you Shenmue." Xi Rihong was pleased when he heard this, and then thanked the two of them.

Although not the most proficient illusion technique, but the close body technique is indeed what she needs, after all, she also needs some self-defense.

"It doesn't need to be so. You can go to the special training after dinner and take a break. I will just go out for a walk." Ōtsutsuki Shenmue shook his head and smiled. If the two go for training, he can just walk around.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Then the three of them ate and walked towards the training ground in the village, but halfway through, Ōtsutsuki Shenmue stopped suddenly.

"You two go first, I'll go for a walk by myself." Ōtsutsuki Shenmue explained to the two of them, and then walked in the other direction.

Ōtsutsuki Quxian's eyes flickered, and then went on to leave with Yurihong, hum, a group of people who have nothing to do with nothing.

On the other side, Ōtsutsuki Shenmue walked into an inaccessible alley, and then suddenly disappeared.

But not long after his figure disappeared, a figure suddenly appeared from where he was before.

Wearing an animal mask, a long sword on his back, and silver strapless clothing.

"Tsk tsk~ I'm really cautious, but I don't know if you are Anbu from the roots or Anbu from the Naruto family?" Ōtsutsuki Shenmue suddenly appeared from behind this figure and looked up at him with a smile.

That's right, Ōtsutsuki Shenmue felt Anbu's peeping again before leaving midway.

He is a little bit unclear. It stands to reason that after Sarutobi Hiruzen knows the strength of the two of them, he shouldn't have made the stupid behavior of sending Anbu to monitor them again.

After all, this had no effect other than causing the two of them to resent Konoha.

Then, the only possibility is the root Anbu, the killer cultivated by Danzo!

Seeing that he was exposed, the Anbu didn't hesitate to take off the long sword behind his back and slashed towards Ōtsutsuki Shenmue.


The sound of a sharp weapon piercing the body sounded, but it was not Ōtsutsuki Shenmue who was injured.

Anbu's right hand holding the sword trembled slightly, and he saw that his right shoulder had been pierced by a slender clarinet that appeared in Ōtsutsuki Shenmue's hands at an unknown time.

"This style of doing things without saying a word is really uncultivated, but it's okay, I won't care." Ōtsutsuki Shenmue smiled slowly with a hint of aversion.

The boy's tightly closed eyes made this Anbu's heart feel a chill.

He wanted to move, but...

"Do you feel weak? Chakra can't work?" Ōtsutsuki Shenmue's still gentle voice rang in Anbu's ears, making the face of Anbu hidden under the mask extremely pale.

He did feel extremely weak in his body, and he couldn't even move the Chakra in his body.

"This is something formed by yin and yang. As long as it is still in your body, you will remain in this state." Ōtsutsuki Shenmue chuckled and explained to this Anbu very kindly that he would never be mean to the dead.

"Then, next, let me take a look?" Then, regardless of what Anbu's reaction was, Ōtsutsuki Shenmue slowly put out his left hand.

The scarlet Rinnegan was shining with a weird red light, and the black circles seemed extremely mysterious and mysterious.

Rinnegan. Memory read!

Reflected by Rinnegan, Anbu's eyes slowly became absent-minded, and Ōtsutsuki Shenmue's mind, strange memories kept turning over.

One of the figures that appeared in Anbu's memory made the smirk at the corner of his mouth deeper.
