
Naruto: Reborn As Ariana Grande

A boy wish to be reincarnated as Ariana Grande with superman and god of destruction powers.

Maron_Jane · Anime & Comics
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Made Friends With The Futures Knucklehead Ninja: The Prank.

[At The Konoha Orphanage]

Sleeping peacefully in one of the rooms i share with three other girls, we hadn't heard the door leading into the room creaking open. When the door was slightly open, a boy about 5 years old came in the room.

Slowly heading to my bed, he was covering his mouth to hide his muffled giggles. When he was standing in front of my bed with a wicked smile on his face, he then pulled out a sharpie from his pocket.

Pulling off the cap from the sharpie, the boy then hovered over me and began to doodle on my face. When he was all set and done he then took a step back and admired his work, and began to take a deep breath and yelled out loud.

"Wake up ariana, you sleepyhead!!" Startled out of bed by the abrupt noise, everyone in the room hit the floor. "ahh, what the hell is wrong with you." I swear at him rubbing my back in pain.

"Hahaha!! I got you good, dattebayo."He said with pride in his voice. "Yeah, yeah, who cares naruto." I said grumbling to my feet, when i then saw him hiding something behind is back. "What's your hiding there naruto?"

I asked him. "A gift to one friend to another." He said revealing a wrapped up handheld mirror. Acting like i don't know what it is, i took it from his hand. "Thank you." I said clutching it to my chest.

"Well, since you gave me something. I also have a present for you as well." I said, as me and naruto sat down on my bed beside each other not paying attention to the three cranky girls looking straight at naruto. Putting down the wrapped up mirror next to my pillow.

I then shoved one of my hands underneath the pillow, pulling out two handmade bracelets. "Happy birthday naruto." I said handing over one of the bracelets to him. "A bracelet? Thank you ariana-san." He thanks me, as we both put them on are wrist.

"These bracelets are the bond of both of our friendship. So don't lose it." I said to him, holding out my raised fist towards naruto. "I won't, dattebayo." He declared Bumping his fist to mine. "You better." I told him.

Looking back to the gift naruto had given me, i then pick it back up about to open it. 'Now, let's see what's you've gotten me. 'I thought to myself Tearing off the wrapping, while not noticing naruto's wicked smile that he had earlier.

"A handheld mirror? Thanks naruto-kun." I said but when i saw my reflection in the mirror, i then had a irritated look on my face. "How do you like your new look mrs ariana, or you prefer mr ariana instead" He said with a teasing grin. "Naruto!!" I shouted chasing him out of the room.

[30 Minutes later]

"Here you go ariana." Naruto said handing over a wet rag to me. "Thanks naruto, you're so kind." I said looking up at my slap mark on his cheek, while taking the rag from his hand and then began to wipe off the mustache naruto drew on my face earlier.

"So, naruto, what do you want to do for your birthday?" I asked him. "Well, i got something i wanted to do for a very long time. Something that will make this day even better." He said with a evil smirk. "Come on ariana. I will tell you, when we get things ready."

Following behind naruto throughout the orphanage halls, me and naruto then abruptly stopped at the corner of the hallway. Seeing naruto peak from the corner for a while, he then turn to face me and motion me to come.

Walking out from the corner with naruto, i then saw the janitor rushing like he needs to go to the restroom. "Now look at this." Hearing naruto speak to me, i then focus my attention back to him. "The mop bucket?" I asked him with confusion.

"No! The dirty water that's inside the bucket." He told me. "So, you are gonna prank someone with this dirty mop water aren't you." I said rolling my eyes. "Yeah, someone that really deserves it." Seeing naruto struggling to pick up the bucket, i then took it to my own hands.

"I got it, Just show me the way." Seeing naruto rub the back of his head embarrassed now, he just walked forward to show me the way. After we made a few more stops, me and naruto then stopped in front of the door that's leads to the orphanage heads office.

Putting our ears to the door, we then heard the person was still inside, we both then turn are heads to each other and nodded in confirmation. Setting up the bucket over the door, naruto then grabbed the string that was tide to the bucket and hid away.

Knocking on the door two times, i then follow suit behind naruto and hid as well. Seeing the door open, i saw a woman came out of the room looking for the person that knocked, until naruto pulled the string letting all the dirty mop water fell on the lady.

"Ahhh!! Who in the fuck, did this to me!!" She yelled from the top of her lungs. "Tee hee, hahaha!" Me and naruto laughed at the same time, revealing where we are. "There you are brats!! Come here!!" She demanded.

"Run for it!" Naruto shouted, as we jumped from are hiding spots, and ran through the hallways to get away from the soaking wet lady.