
Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker

Based on the Fanfic,"Lust System in Naruto" by RaidyourPussy123. Follow Malik a young Black man who was kidnapped and thrown into Naruto. Re-Born as a Rich Fat Baker he has to "romance" the people of this world to please a Goddess of Lust and Love. While also trying to stay alive and Basically only being able to make magic Backed-Goods . . .

BlackPolar · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 32: Trouble in paradise.

Chapter 32: Trouble in Paradise.

In the bustling village of Konoha, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura are walking together when a figure suddenly blocks their path. Standing before them is a young kunoichi with a determined look in her eyes. She has a bowl-cut hairstyle, thick eyebrows, and she's dressed in a green jumpsuit. This is Rock Lee.

"Hello," she greets them, her voice firm and confident. "My name is Rock Lee. I challenge you, Uchiha Sasuke, to a fight."

Sasuke raises an eyebrow, clearly surprised by the sudden challenge. Naruto, on the other hand, is excited by the prospect of a fight. Sakura, however, is silent, her eyes wide as she recognizes Rock Lee. She's Malik's girlfriend, just like Sakura, but the two girls don't know each other.

Before Sasuke can respond, Rock Lee turns to Sakura. "Sakura-san," she says, her voice softer, "I've heard a lot about you from Malik. He speaks very highly of you."

Sakura blushes, surprised and flattered by Rock Lee's words. But she's also confused. How does Rock Lee know Malik? And why is she challenging Sasuke to a fight?

Sakura, taken aback by Rock Lee's words, stammers out a response. "You… you know Malik?" she asks, her eyes wide with surprise. Rock Lee nods, a soft smile on her face. "Yes, he's… he's very special to me," she admits, her cheeks turning a faint pink.

Meanwhile, Naruto, oblivious to the tension, is bouncing on his heels with excitement. "Come on, Sasuke!" he urges, grinning widely. "This is gonna be awesome!"

Sasuke, however, is silent. He studies Rock Lee, his gaze thoughtful. After a moment, he finally speaks. "Alright," he says, his voice calm. "I accept your challenge."

As Sasuke and Rock Lee prepare to spar, Sakura pulls Rock Lee aside. "Wait," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. "Are you… are you saying that you and Malik are…?"

Rock Lee looks at Sakura, her expression serious. "Yes," she confirms, her voice steady. "But it seems like we're in the same situation, aren't we?"

The revelation hangs in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the complicated situation they've found themselves in. But despite the surprise and confusion, there's also a sense of understanding. After all, they both care about Malik, and that's something they have in common.

As they return to the others, the spar begins. Sasuke and Rock Lee move with incredible speed and precision, their skills equally matched. Naruto cheers from the sidelines, his enthusiasm filling the air. And Sakura watches, her mind filled with thoughts of Malik and the unexpected connection she now shares with Rock Lee.

he moment Sasuke accepts the challenge, the atmosphere around them shifts. Rock Lee takes a deep breath, her eyes focused and determined. Sasuke, ever the calm and composed shinobi, simply nods, signaling his readiness.

With a swift movement, Rock Lee lunges at Sasuke, her fist aimed straight at him. Sasuke, anticipating the attack, swiftly sidesteps and counters with a swift kick. But Rock Lee is quick, she ducks and rolls away from the kick, immediately launching herself back at Sasuke.

Their movements are a blur, a dance of speed and precision. Sasuke, with his Sharingan, predicts and evades Rock Lee's attacks, countering with his own. But Rock Lee is relentless. She moves with a speed that's hard to follow, her attacks coming from all directions.

At one point, Rock Lee manages to land a solid kick on Sasuke, sending him skidding back. But Sasuke recovers quickly, retaliating with a barrage of shuriken. Rock Lee deflects them with a swift movement of her arms, not missing a beat.

The fight continues, neither of them giving an inch. They're both skilled shinobi, their strengths and techniques on full display. Naruto cheers from the sidelines, his eyes wide with excitement. And Sakura watches, her heart pounding as she sees the determination and strength in both Sasuke and Rock Lee.

Finally, after what feels like hours, the spar ends in a draw. They're both panting, sweat dripping down their faces, but there's a sense of respect in their eyes. They've tested each other's limits, pushed each other to the edge, and come out stronger for it.

As they bow to each other, acknowledging the other's skill.

On the sidelines, Tenten and Neji, both skilled shinobi and Malik's girlfriends(LOL), watch the spar with keen eyes. Neji, a prodigy of the Hyuga clan, has always been perceptive, her Byakugan allowing her to see chakra flow and movements that others might miss. Tenten, a weapons specialist, has a sharp eye for techniques and battle strategies.

As they watch Rock Lee spar with Sasuke, they exchange a glance. "She's holding back," Neji comments, her voice soft yet firm. Tenten nods in agreement, her eyes narrowing slightly. "She's definitely not fighting at her full strength," she adds.

They know Rock Lee's capabilities, having trained and fought alongside her. They can tell that she's going easy on Sasuke, perhaps out of respect or maybe because she doesn't want to hurt him. But this isn't the Rock Lee they know - the one who always gives her all in a fight.

Despite their disappointment, they understand Rock Lee's reasons. After all, they too care about Malik and wouldn't want to hurt him. But they also know that in a real battle, holding back could be dangerous.

As the spar ends, they approach Rock Lee. "You did well," Tenten begins, "but you were holding back." Neji nods, adding, "In a real fight, you can't afford to do that."

Rock Lee looks at them, her expression serious. She knows they're right. "I'll keep that in mind," she promises. And with that, they leave the training grounds, each lost in their own thoughts. They know they have a lot to think about, a lot to discuss. But for now, they're just glad to have each other.


"I'M BACK BITCHES," Malik said walking into his house through the front door.

A small army of Maids and Butlers come to rush into the main entrance.


"Have you guys been practicing that, because damn it sounds good," Malik said patting Gen'yūmaru on his shoulders.

"Wait, your rich!", Gen'yūmaru started, " I knew you had some fine clothes but I didn't expect this," she finished.

" Gen'yūmaru, my sweet summer child if I was just rich, I wouldn't have all this ICE on my wrist," Malik said while he pulled up his sleeve revealing platinum watches.

"I don't know what that means but ok," Gen'yūmaru said.

Malik clapped 3 times, "Ok people this man's name is Gen'yūmaru, get him clean and pretty for me, he'll be living with us now," Malik said as he watched Gen'yūmaru get kidnapped.

Upon Malik's return, his head butler greets him with an update. "Master Malik," she begins, her voice steady and respectful, "I have some news regarding the Chūnin Exams. Genin from various other villages have arrived in Konoha to participate in the exams. This has brought together a diverse group of young shinobi, setting the stage for intense competition."

She pauses for a moment, allowing Malik to absorb the information. "This could be an excellent opportunity for you to observe and learn from a wide range of fighting styles and techniques," she adds, highlighting the potential benefits of the situation.

Malik nods, appreciating the update. He knows that the Chūnin Exams will be a significant event, not just for the participants, but for everyone in Konoha. And he's ready to make the most of it. Whether it's learning from the competitors, forming new alliances, or simply enjoying the spectacle, he's looking forward to what the exams have to offer.

"Thank you, Mitsukihime," he says.

Meeting with Sakura

In the heart of Konoha, Malik finds Sakura in her favorite place - "the village's hospital", where she's been training under Tsunade. "Sakura," he greets her, his voice gentle so as not to startle her. She turns around, a smile lighting up her face when she sees him. They spend the afternoon together, Malik watching as Sakura passionately explains her medical ninjutsu techniques. It's an educational date, filled with Sakura's enthusiasm for healing and Malik's admiration for her dedication.

In the peaceful setting of the village's hospital, Malik and Sakura are enjoying their time together. However, Malik decides to test his new skill, Heart's Echo, on Sakura. He subtly activates the skill, trying to sense if Sakura harbors feelings of love for him.

However, the skill doesn't seem to work. It's not because the skill is faulty, but because Sakura's feelings for Malik are genuine and deep. She truly loves him.

Sakura, being intuitive and observant, quickly realizes what Malik is trying to do. A wave of hurt and anger washes over her. She had thought their relationship was based on mutual trust and respect, and Malik's attempt to test her feelings makes her feel betrayed.

"Malik," she begins, her voice trembling with anger, "were you trying to test my feelings for you?" Before he can respond, she continues, "Did you think I was lying about my feelings? That I didn't really love you?"

Her words hang in the air, a painful reminder of the trust that has been broken. In a fit of anger, she punches Malik, her strength surprising him. The impact knocks out a few of his teeth, a physical manifestation of the pain she's feeling.

"Come and see me when you're not acting like a fool," she says, her voice filled with hurt. With that, she turns and walks away, leaving Malik alone with his thoughts.

Meeting with Ino

In the vibrant Yamanaka flower shop, Malik finds Ino tending to the various blooms with a gentle touch. "Ino," he calls out softly, not wanting to startle her amidst her work. She turns around, her face lighting up at the sight of him. They spend the (second half) afternoon together, Malik helping Ino arrange bouquets and learning about different flowers. It's a peaceful date, filled with the soft fragrance of flowers and Ino's bright laughter echoing in the shop.

In the vibrant Yamanaka flower shop, Malik finds Ino tending to the various blooms with a gentle touch. As they spend the afternoon together, Malik decides to test his new skill, Heart's Echo, on Ino. He subtly activates the skill, trying to sense if Ino harbors feelings of love for him.

However, Ino's feelings for Malik are genuine and deep, causing the skill to not yield any results. Ino, being intuitive, quickly realizes what Malik is trying to do. She feels a pang of hurt, but her reaction is more of disappointment than anger.

"Malik," she begins, her voice steady but laced with hurt, "were you trying to test my feelings for you?" Before he can respond, she continues, "Did you think I was pretending to love you?"

Her words hang in the air, a painful reminder of the trust that has been shaken. In a sudden movement, she reaches out and slaps Malik, the sound echoing in the quiet shop. The impact leaves a stinging sensation on his cheek, a physical manifestation of the pain she's feeling.

"Come and see me when you're ready to trust me, Malik," she says, her voice filled with hurt. With that, she turns and walks away, leaving Malik alone with his thoughts.

Meeting with Tenten

At the village's weapon shop, Malik meets up with Tenten. Her eyes sparkle with excitement as she shows him the various weapons, explaining their uses with expertise. "Tenten," he says, his voice filled with awe. They spend the rest of the day testing out different weapons at the training grounds, their date turning into a friendly competition of who can hit the most targets (Tenten won, no contest). It's an adventurous date, and their shared respect for each other's skills makes it an exciting one.

Meeting with Rock Lee

At the entrance of the village, Malik meets up with Rock Lee. She's just returned from a mission, her face flushed from the exertion. "Lee," he greets her, his eyes softening at the sight of her. They spend the evening walking around the village, sharing stories about their missions. It's a casual date, but the shared experiences and deep conversations make it a special one.

 Meeting with Neji

In the peaceful Hyuga compound, Malik meets up with Neji. She's in the middle of her gentle fist training, her movements graceful and precise. "Neji," he calls out, his voice filled with respect. She stops her training, a soft smile on her face as she greets him. They spend the rest of the night together, Neji teaching Malik about the Hyuga clan's traditions and the intricacies of the Byakugan. It's a serene date, their deep conversations and shared understanding making it a meaningful one.


I'm too afraid to use it on the others, now. = Malik

He could find the others but, they seemed busy. shrug.

These could have happened if Malik wasn't paranoid.

Meeting with Sakura: This scene takes place in the afternoon at the village's hospital. Malik and Sakura spend the afternoon together, with Sakura explaining her medical ninjutsu techniques.

"So do you want to find an empty room and make a mess," he says kissing her on the lips. Sakura's eyes widen in surprise, but she quickly regains her composure and responds with a soft chuckle. "You always know how to make me blush, Malik. But I think we should focus on my training for now. We can... explore other things later."

She takes Malik's hand, leading him through the hospital towards an empty room. "But first, let me show you something," she says with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Once inside the room, Sakura closes the door and turns to face him. "I've been working on a new technique," she explains, her voice filled with excitement. Sakura starts to twerk and tries to make Malik cum with her ass. Sakura's ass gyrates and grinds against him, the friction causing a pleasant sensation that builds up intensity. He can feel himself getting closer to climax as Sakura's movements become more passionate. She uses her hips to tease him, her perfect big ass moving in rhythmic circles. The sight of her twerking skillfully leaves him in awe.

As he is about to reach his peak, Sakura suddenly stops and turns around, giving him a flirtatious wink. "Did I get you too excited, Malik?" she asks, her voice playful.

Malik takes a moment to catch his breath before answering. "Yes, Sakura. You did," he admits, a smile playing on his lips.

She giggles, looking pleased with herself. "Good. I'm glad I could still have that effect on you," she says, her eyes sparkling with amusement. As Malik gathers his thoughts, Sakura continues to tease him with her twerking, her hips moving in a hypnotic rhythm. He can feel himself getting closer to the edge once again, his body tensing with anticipation. Suddenly, Sakura stops and turns around, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

"Did I get you too excited again, Malik?" she asks, a playful smile on her lips.

He takes a deep breath, trying to regain control of his senses. "Yes, Sakura. You definitely did," he admits, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Sakura giggles, clearly pleased with herself. "Good. I'm glad I can still have that effect on you," she says, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

She takes a step closer to him, her body brushing against his. As Sakura moves closer, Malik can feel the heat radiating from her body. She looks up at him with a seductive smile, her eyes filled with desire. She takes his hand and places it on her hip, encouraging him to explore her curves. Malik obliges, running his hands over her smooth skin and feeling her muscles tense with anticipation.

Sakura responds by grinding her hips against him, her movements slow and deliberate. She reaches up to touch his face, her fingers tracing his jawline and sending shivers down his spine. Malik leans in to kiss her, their lips meeting in a passionate embrace.

As she deepens the kiss, Sakura's hands start to wander. She undoes the buttons of his shirt, her fingers brushing against his chest and causing him to gasp with pleasure. She takes advantage of his momentary distraction, pushing him onto the bed and climbing on top of him. As he lies down on the bed, Sakura straddles him, her hips still moving in a seductive rhythm. She takes off her top, revealing her perky breasts. She leans down to kiss him, her hair creating a curtain around their faces. Her hands continue to explore his body, unbuttoning his pants and freeing his erection.

She starts to stroke him gently, her soft hands providing an exquisite sensation. He can feel himself getting closer to the edge, his body tensing with anticipation. Sakura notices this and increases her pace, her movements becoming more urgent. Malik moans softly, his breathing becoming ragged.

Just as Malik is about to reach his peak, Sakura stops and pulls away. She gives him a wink and a playful smile. "Did I get you too excited again, Malik?" she asks, her voice filled with amusement. Sakura's question hangs in the air, and he takes a moment to collect himself. "Yes, Sakura, you did," he responds, his voice slightly strained from the intensity of the moment. She giggles, clearly satisfied with herself, and leans down to continue where she left off.

Her warm, soft lips engulf his tip, and she begins to slide her mouth up and down his shaft. Her tongue swirls around him, heightening the pleasure as she takes him deeper into her mouth. He moans softly, running his fingers through her hair as she expertly works her magic on him.

As he approaches the brink of climax, Sakura seems to sense his escalating pleasure, and she increases her pace, her head bobbing faster as she sucks him off. She reaches down to cup his balls, massaging them gently while maintaining a steady rhythm with her mouth. As he reaches the edge, Sakura looks up at him, her eyes filled with excitement and anticipation. He can't hold back any longer, and he releases it into her mouth. She continues to swallow every drop, her lips never leaving his shaft until he is completely spent.

Sakura sits up, a satisfied smile on her face. She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand and looks at him with a twinkle in her eye. "Did that meet your expectations, Malik?" she asks, her voice soft and seductive.

Malik takes a moment to catch his breath, his body still trembling from the intense orgasm. "Yes, Sakura, it definitely did," Malik responds, his voice barely above a whisper. "That was incredible."

Sakura beams with pride, clearly pleased with herself. She leans down to kiss him again, her lips soft and tender.

Meeting with Ino: This scene also takes place in the afternoon, but it's mentioned that it's the second half of the afternoon. Malik and Ino spend this time in the vibrant Yamanaka flower shop, arranging bouquets and learning about different flowers.

"how about you close shop so I can take you over the counter," he says while grabbing her large tits. Ino blushes at Malik's suggestive comment, but she can't help but giggle at his playful nature. "Malik, not here," she says, glancing around the shop to make sure no one else is around. "But I do have a private area in the back where we can go."

She leads him to a small room at the back of the shop, filled with boxes and shelves of supplies. It's not the most romantic setting, but it will have to do for now. Ino closes the door behind them and turns to face Malik.

"So, what did you have in mind?" she asks, her voice low and sultry. She steps closer to him, her curves pressing against his chest.

Malik responds by wrapping his arms around her and pulling her in for a deep kiss. Ino eagerly responds, her tongue exploring his mouth with a passion that matches his own. As they kiss, Malik's hands roam over her body, feeling the curves of her hips and the softness of her breasts. He can feel her heart racing against his chest, a testament to the desire that burns between them.

Ino breaks away from the kiss, her breath coming in short gasps. "I want you, Malik," she whispers, her eyes gleaming with a need that only he can fulfill.

Malik doesn't need any more encouragement. He lifts Ino up, her legs wrapping around his waist as he carries her to the nearby desk. He lays her down gently, his body hovering over hers.

Ino looks up at him with a sultry gaze, her hands reaching up to touch his face. "Make love to me, Malik." Malik complies with Ino's request, slowly undressing her and admiring her body in the soft light of the room. He takes his time to explore every inch of her skin, his fingers tracing patterns on her thighs, stomach, and breasts. Ino responds with equal passion, her hands wandering over Malik's back and arms, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake.

As they become more intimate, Malik's pace quickens, driven by their mutual desire. He enters Ino gently, taking care to ensure she is comfortable and ready. Ino wraps her legs around him, pulling him deeper inside her. They move together in a rhythm that is both familiar and new, their bodies intertwined in a dance as old as time itself.

Their climax approaches and Ino's breath hitches as she feels herself nearing the edge. Malik increases his pace, his hips moving in a steady rhythm as he drives deeper into her. Ino's nails dig into his back, her body trembling with the impending release. With a final thrust, they reach their peak together, their bodies shuddering with pleasure.

As they come down from their high, Malik collapses onto Ino, his head resting on her chest as they both struggle to catch their breath. Ino runs her fingers through his hair, her heart rate slowly returning to normal.

"That was amazing," Ino murmurs, her voice filled with contentment.

Malik lifts his head to look at her, a satisfied smile on his face. "Yes, it was," he agrees, his voice soft and gentle.

They lie there for a few more moments, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking.

Meeting with Tenten: This scene could take place later in the day, as it involves a friendly competition at the training grounds. Malik and Tenten test out different weapons, their shared respect for each other's skills making it an exciting date.

What kind of toys do you have in the back, Malik says while grabbing her ass. Tenten raises an eyebrow at Malik's remark, but there's a playful smile on her face. "Malik, we're at the training grounds," she says, trying to keep a straight face. "But if you're interested, I do have some new weapons I've been wanting to try out."

Meeting with Rock Lee: This scene takes place in the evening. Malik meets up with Rock Lee at the entrance of the village. They spend the evening walking around the village, sharing stories about their missions.

Meeting with Neji: This scene takes place at night in the peaceful Hyuga compound. Malik and Neji spend the rest of the night together, with Neji teaching Malik about the Hyuga clan's traditions and the intricacies of the Byakugan.

I will do the others later I need sleep fam