
Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker

Based on the Fanfic,"Lust System in Naruto" by RaidyourPussy123. Follow Malik a young Black man who was kidnapped and thrown into Naruto. Re-Born as a Rich Fat Baker he has to "romance" the people of this world to please a Goddess of Lust and Love. While also trying to stay alive and Basically only being able to make magic Backed-Goods . . .

BlackPolar · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 30: Love or Loyalty.

Chapter 30: Love or Loyalty.

[Day 6]

As the sun begins to set, Malik gathers Tayuya, Kin Tsuchi, and Kimimaro for a special occasion. He's prepared a picnic by the lake, the serene waters reflecting the soft glow of the setting sun. The air is filled with a mix of anticipation and melancholy, as they all know that this could be Malik's last day.

"Thank you for coming," Malik begins, his voice steady despite the heavy atmosphere. "I wanted to spend my last day with the people who've made my time here meaningful."

He gestures towards the picnic spread, an array of dishes that he's prepared himself. There's something for everyone - from Tayuya's favorite spicy dishes to the simple, hearty meals that Kin Tsuchi prefers. And for Kimimaro, there's a special dish made with ingredients known for their health benefits.

As they settle down to eat, the tension slowly fades away, replaced by the comforting familiarity of shared meals and companionship. They talk, they even sometimes laugh, and for a moment, they forget about the looming threat of tomorrow.

Despite the circumstances, the night is filled with warmth and camaraderie. It's a testament to the bond they've formed, a bond that transcends their roles as ninjas and allies of Orochimaru. And as the night deepens, they make a silent promise to each other - no matter what happens tomorrow, the memories of this night will live on.

In the end, it's not the fear of what's to come that defines their last night together, but the shared moments of joy and friendship. And for Malik, that's more than enough. He knows that he's leaving behind something meaningful, something that will endure even after he's gone. And that gives him the strength to face whatever tomorrow brings.

 "Want each of you to know that I love you, and there is no need to worry about me, I'll be fine." Malik says to them, getting up to kiss each of them on the lips. As Malik approaches Kin Tsuchi, she looks up at him with a mixture of surprise and warmth. He cups her face gently and leans in to press a soft kiss on her lips, savoring the moment. When he pulls away, Kin Tsuchi looks slightly dazed but also pleased.

Next, Malik moves over to Kimimaro, who watches him with a calm and composed expression. He takes her hand in his and brings it up to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles. Kimimaro's eyes soften, and she gives him a small smile.

Finally, Malik turns to Tayuya, who looks at him with an intensity that sends a shiver down his spine. He takes a deep breath and leans in, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. Tayuya responds eagerly, wrapping her arms around his neck as they deepen the kiss. As the night deepens, Malik takes a moment to look at each of them - Kin Tsuchi, Kimimaro, and Tayuya - his heart filled with love and gratitude. He knows that tomorrow brings uncertainties, but for now, he wants to cherish the warmth and connection that they share.

Taking a seat on the soft grass, Malik invites them to join him. The four of them sit together, basking in the peacefulness of the moment. They share the night, their voices mingling with the gentle sounds of the lake.

As the evening progresses, Malik suggests a game of truth or dare. Tayuya, ever the bold one, is the first to volunteer. "Truth," she says, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Malik thinks for a moment before asking, "Do you love me?" Tayuya hesitates for a moment, then answers with a small smile, "Yes, Malik, I do. I've grown to care for you deeply."

Her answer takes Malik by surprise, and he can't help but feel his heart swell with joy. "I'm glad to hear that," he replies, reaching out to take her hand in his.

He then turns to Kimimaro, who has been quietly observing their interaction. "Your turn, Kimimaro. Truth or dare?"

Kimimaro considers for a moment before answering, "Truth."

"What is your greatest fear?" Malik asks, genuinely curious.

Kimimaro hesitates, then admits, "My greatest fear is not being able to protect the people I care about. I don't want to let them down." Malik thinks for a moment before asking, "Do you love me?" with a smile. Kimimaro looks at you with her serious eyes, contemplating her answer before she finally speaks. "Yes, Malik. I have come to trust and care for you. You have shown me kindness and understanding, and I appreciate that."

You smile at her, feeling a sense of warmth in your heart. Turning to Kin Tsuchi, you ask, "Your turn, Kin Tsuchi. Truth or dare?"

She thinks for a moment before answering, "Truth."

"If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?" you ask.

Kin Tsuchi hesitates before answering, "I would like to be less guarded and more open to forming connections with people. I have been hurt in the past, and it has made me wary of trusting others."

Malik smiles at her, feeling a sense of warmth in his heart. Turning to Kin Tsuchi, he asks, "Your turn, Kin Tsuchi. Truth or dare?" She thinks for a moment before answering, "Truth." "If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?" Malik asks.

Kin Tsuchi hesitates before answering, "I would like to be less guarded and more open to forming connections with people. I have been hurt in the past, and it has made me wary of trusting others." Malik nods, understanding where she's coming from.

After a moment of thought, Malik asks, "Do you love me?" Kin Tsuchi looks at him with a soft expression, her eyes filled with warmth. "Yes, Malik," she replies, her voice barely above a whisper. "I have come to care for you deeply. You have shown me kindness and patience, and I appreciate that more than words can express."

A sense of joy and contentment washes over Malik as he listens to Kin Tsuchi's answer. He leans in and presses a gentle kiss to her lips, savoring the moment. When he pulls away, he sees that she's smiling at him, her eyes shining with happiness.

The night continues on, filled with laughter and shared stories. As the moon begins to rise, Malik suggests taking a walk along the lake's edge. The four of them get up and make their way down to the water, the cool breeze rustling through the trees.

Malik gathers Tayuya, Kin Tsuchi, and Kimimaro, his gaze serious. "I've been wondering," he begins, his voice steady, "about your relationship with Orochimaru. Why are you so loyal to her?"

One by one, they begin to share their stories.

Tayuya, the first to speak, talks about her past. She was an orphan, alone and unwanted until Orochimaru took her in. It was a hard life, she had to kill so many others but she gave her a purpose, a place to belong, and the power to protect herself. Her loyalty to her stems from gratitude and the belief that she owes her for the life she now has.

Kin Tsuchi shares next. Like Tayuya, she was alone before Orochimaru found her. But for her, it was Orochimaru's recognition of her potential that earned her loyalty. She saw her not as a helpless girl, but as a kunoichi with the potential to be great. She trained her, honed her skills, and made her a part of something bigger than herself.

Finally, Kimimaro speaks up. Her story is similar to the others - a life of loneliness and despair, turned around by Orochimaru's intervention. But for Kimimaro, it was more than just gratitude. Orochimaru was the first person to treat her like a human being, not a monster. He gave Kimimaro a sense of self-worth, something she had never experienced before.

As they share their stories, Malik listens attentively. He may not agree with Orochimaru's methods, but he can understand why Tayuya, Kin Tsuchi, and Kimimaro are so loyal to her. It's a complex situation, filled with shades of gray, but it's a reality they all have to navigate as they continue to live and work under Orochimaru's rule.

Then they stop him and one by one, they begin to express their feelings for Malik.

Tayuya is the first to speak. "Malik," she begins, her voice soft, "you've shown me kindness and understanding. You've treated me as an equal, not as a tool for Orochimaru. I… I appreciate that. And I've come to care for you."

Next, Kin Tsuchi shares her feelings. "Malik, you've been there for me," she says, her voice steady. "You've listened to me, supported me, and helped me when I needed it. I've never had someone like that in my life. I… I love you for that."

Finally, Kimimaro speaks up. "Malik," she says, his voice barely above a whisper, "you've shown me a different way of life. A life where I can be more than just a tool for Orochimaru. You've given me hope, and for that, I love you."

Their confessions hang in the air, a testament to the bond they've formed with Malik. It's a moment of vulnerability, of connection, that neither of them expected. But it's also a moment of understanding, a silent acknowledgment of the love that's been growing between them. It's a moment they'll remember, a moment that marks a turning point in their relationship. And as they look at Malik, they see not just a fellow person, but someone they truly care for.

Malik turns to each of them, Tayuya, Kin Tsuchi, and Kimimaro, and places a gentle kiss on their foreheads. As he does, he activates his White Knight Level 5 ability, placing a marker on each of them. This marker, a symbol of his protection, will summon them into his arms when they are about to die or are heavily damaged. It's a silent promise of his commitment to their safety, a testament to his care for them.

With the markers placed, Malik then turns his attention to Kimimaro. He takes her hand and leads her into the water. The moonlight reflects off the surface, casting a soft glow around them. He looks at her, his eyes filled with determination. "I'm going to heal your sickness, Kimimaro," he says, his voice steady. "You've been strong for so long. It's time for you to rest."

As they wade deeper into the water, Malik focuses his energy on healing Kimimaro. It's a difficult task, but he's determined to see it through. He cares for Kimimaro, just as he cares for Tayuya and Kin Tsuchi. And he's willing to do whatever it takes to help them.

Kimimaro looks at Malik, her eyes wide with surprise and disbelief. She's felt the pain and weakness of her sickness for so long that the sudden absence of it is almost overwhelming. She touches her chest, half-expecting the familiar ache to return, but all she feels is a sense of relief.

"Malik…" she begins, her voice barely above a whisper. "I… I don't know what to say."

She looks at him, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions - surprise, relief, gratitude. But above all, there's a newfound respect for Malik. He's not just a fellow ninja, but someone who's shown her kindness and understanding beyond what she ever expected.

"Thank you, Malik," she finally says, her voice filled with sincerity. "You've given me something I thought I'd lost - hope."

As Malik looks at Tayuya, Kin Tsuchi, and Kimimaro, he knows that they won't follow him when he leaves. Their loyalty to Orochimaru is too strong, too ingrained for them to abandon her. But despite this, Malik can't help but hope for a different future.

He imagines a day when they can be together, free from Orochimaru's influence. He sees them living a peaceful life, far away from the battles and conflicts of their current lives. He sees them as his wives, their bonds strengthened by shared experiences and mutual respect.

But for now, all he can do is hope. Hope that one day, they'll choose to follow their hearts instead of their loyalties. Hope that one day, they'll see him not just as a man, but as someone they want to spend their lives with.

As he prepares to leave, he turns to them one last time. "No matter where I am, or where you are," he says, his voice filled with emotion, "know that you'll always have a place in my heart."

With that, he walks away, leaving behind not just a place, but a part of himself. And as he steps into the unknown, he carries with him the memories of Tayuya, Kin Tsuchi, and Kimimaro - memories that will sustain him in the days to come.


In the dimly lit prison cells, Malik approaches Gen'yūmaru, his expression serious. "Gen'yūmaru," he begins, his voice steady, "I've been wondering about your fighting style. What type of fighter would you consider yourself to be?"

Gen'yūmaru looks at Malik, his expression serious. "I'm a close-range fighter," he begins, his voice steady. "I rely on my physical strength and speed to overpower my opponents. My attacks are direct and powerful, aimed at taking down my enemies quickly and efficiently."

He pauses for a moment, then adds, "But I'm also adaptable. I can adjust my fighting style to match my opponent's. It's not just about brute force - it's about strategy and understanding your enemy."

His words reveal a lot about his approach to combat. He's not just a fighter, but a strategist, someone who understands the importance of adaptability and knowledge in battle. It's a valuable insight into his character and abilities, one that Malik appreciates. He nods, taking in Gen'yūmaru's words and filing them away for future reference. 

Malik taps the door to Gen'yūmaru's cell, unlocking it.

Malik nods, a determined look in his eyes. "Alright, Gen'yūmaru," he says, "let's put your skills to the test."

With a swift hand gesture, Malik summons ten illusions of Gen'yūmaru. They materialize around the real Gen'yūmaru, their forms identical to his. The illusions stand ready, their expressions mirroring Gen'yūmaru's serious demeanor.

Gen'yūmaru looks at the illusions, then back at Malik. He nods, accepting the challenge. "Let's do this," he says, his voice steady.

As the illusions move to attack, Gen'yūmaru springs into action. He moves with speed and precision, his attacks powerful and direct. He adapts his fighting style to match the illusions, proving his claim of being an adaptable fighter.

The test is intense, pushing Gen'yūmaru to his limits. But he doesn't back down. He fights with determination and strategy, taking down the illusions one by one.

Malik watches the fight, impressed by Gen'yūmaru's skills. His test has confirmed what Gen'yūmaru claimed about his fighting style. It's clear that Gen'yūmaru is a formidable fighter, capable of holding his own even against multiple opponents.

As the last illusion disappears, Gen'yūmaru stands victorious. He's panting heavily, but there's a satisfied smile on his face. He turns to Malik, his eyes shining with determination. "I told you, Malik," he says, "I'm not just a brute force fighter. I'm a strategist."

Malik nods, acknowledging Gen'yūmaru's victory. "Well done, Gen'yūmaru," he says, "You've proven your skills beyond doubt." His words are sincere, reflecting his respect for Gen'yūmaru's abilities.

"Very useful, Gen'yūmaru, very useful," Malik says to him.