
Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker

Based on the Fanfic,"Lust System in Naruto" by RaidyourPussy123. Follow Malik a young Black man who was kidnapped and thrown into Naruto. Re-Born as a Rich Fat Baker he has to "romance" the people of this world to please a Goddess of Lust and Love. While also trying to stay alive and Basically only being able to make magic Backed-Goods . . .

BlackPolar · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 23: The Village Hidden in the Grass

Chapter 23: The Village Hidden in the Grass

As Malik stepped out of the empty building, he took a moment to survey the eerily quiet village. The once vibrant Village Hidden in the Grass was now a ghost town, its streets devoid of the usual hustle and bustle. The silence was deafening, broken only by the occasional rustling of leaves in the wind.

"He figured people were afraid to even step out of their homes," Malik thought to himself. The fear was palpable, hanging heavy in the air like a thick fog. The villagers were terrified of going missing, just like so many others before them. It was a chilling thought, one that sent a shiver down Malik's spine.

The Village Hidden in the Grass was slowly dying, its life force draining away with each passing day. The surrounding villages seemed indifferent, their lack of concern adding to the sense of isolation and despair. It was as if the village was being swallowed by an unseen darkness, its cries for help falling on deaf ears.

But Malik was determined to change that. He knew he had to find Orochimaru's base and put an end to the fear that was gripping the village. With renewed determination, he set off, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Malik knew if he just walked into her base he would most likely die, so instead he brought attention to himself.

Malik began his search at the heart of the Village Hidden in the Grass. His eyes were drawn to a peculiar sight - a statue of a snake, its scales intricately carved. He knew Orochimaru was often associated with snakes, and this could be a subtle sign of his presence.

As he ventured further, Malik noticed the flora around him growing increasingly unusual. Plants with vibrant, unnatural hues and odd, mutated shapes dotted the landscape. It was common knowledge that Orochimaru conducted bizarre experiments, and these plants could very well be a byproduct of those.

He then started to map out the areas where villagers had gone missing. There was a clear pattern - the disappearances were more frequent around the outskirts of the village. This suggested that Orochimaru's base might be located in these peripheral areas.

Observing the local wildlife, Malik noticed their behavior was abnormal near certain areas. Birds would abruptly change their flight path, and even the bravest predators seemed hesitant to venture into these parts. Animals had a keen sense of danger, and their avoidance of these areas was a clue he couldn't ignore.

Malik decided to explore more secluded areas next. He scoured caves, navigated through underground tunnels, and pushed through dense foliage to find hidden clearings. Orochimaru was likely to choose a location away from prying eyes for his base.

As Malik wandered through the desolate streets of the Village Hidden in the Grass, he kept his eyes peeled for any signs of life. The once bustling village now seemed like a ghost town, its inhabitants hidden away in fear.

He passed by closed shops with boarded-up windows, empty playgrounds that once echoed with the laughter of children, and homes that were locked up tight. The silence was eerie, broken only by the occasional rustling of leaves in the wind.

Despite the grim atmosphere, Malik didn't lose hope. He knew that the villagers were just scared and needed someone to reassure them. He decided to knock on a few doors, hoping to engage with the villagers and gather more information about Orochimaru's activities.

At first, his knocks were met with silence. But eventually, a few brave souls opened their doors, peeking out with cautious eyes. Malik greeted them with a warm smile, trying to put them at ease. He asked them about their experiences and reassured them that he was there to help.

Through these interactions, Malik was able to gain valuable insights about the village and its people. He also managed to instill a glimmer of hope in the villagers, promising them that he would do everything in his power to restore peace to their home. 

The alleyway is dark and damp, but Malik's eyes soon adjust to the dim light. He sees that the walls are covered in strange symbols and blood, possibly related to Orochimaru's jutsu or rituals. 

Further down the alleyway, Malik hears a faint sound. It's difficult to make out at first, but as he strains his ears, he realizes it's the sound of someone breathing heavily. He cautiously moves towards the source of the sound, his senses on high alert. As he approaches the end of the alleyway, the sound of heavy breathing becomes clearer. He sees a figure huddled in the corner, trying to conceal themselves in the shadows. They appear to be a villager, their clothes tattered and dirty, their face etched with fear.

He approaches them slowly, not wanting to startle them. "It's okay," he says softly, "I'm here to help." The villager looks up at him, their eyes wide with shock and disbelief. They seem to have trouble speaking, their breath hitching in their throat.

He gives them a moment to gather their thoughts. After a few tense moments, they finally speak. "I've seen it… I've seen where he's hiding," they whisper, their voice trembling. "But if I tell you, he'll kill me… He'll kill us all." Malik touches the stranger with his gloves on, healing them, and tells them, "I know where Orochimaru's base is already, I'm just here to get her attention first." The villager looks at Malik with a mix of relief and disbelief. "You do? You really do?" they stammer, their eyes searching Malik's face for any sign of deceit. Seeing none, they continue, "I can take you there. I know a secret passage that leads straight to her lair."

Malik nods, reassuring the villagers that they can trust him. Together, they make their way through the alleyway, the villager leading the way. The passage is narrow and winding, but after a few twists and turns, it opens up into a large underground chamber.

The chamber is dimly lit, but Malik can make out various scientific equipment, scrolls, and weapons scattered around. In the center of the room stands a figure, shrouded in shadows. As Malik approaches, the figure steps forward, revealing . . .

Malik's eyes widen in surprise as he recognizes the familiar face - it's Kabuto Yakushi, Orochimaru's right-hand man. But there's something different. This Kabuto has distinctly feminine features, a stark contrast to the Kabuto he remembers.

The female Kabuto steps into the dim light of the chamber, her glasses glinting ominously. She carries the same air of cold intelligence and calm composure as her male counterpart. Her presence adds a new layer of complexity to the situation, "Look what we found here, a lost rat," Kabuto takes a closer look at the stranger's clothes and jewelry, "A rat with a nice looking collar, wait . . . aren't you . . ." she starts.

"Kabuto, don't you know who this is, this is Malik the richest man in the Land of Fire, famous for his sweets," the villager said while revealing herself to be Orochimaru. 🐍

"I walk around for a few hours, then straight into a trap, LOL, classic Malik move," he says to himself.

Orochimaru's snake-like features contort into a sinister smile as she removes her disguise. "Ah, Malik the magnanimous sweets maker. I've heard of your success," she says, her tone dripping with false admiration.

The sudden revelation sends a chill down Malik's spine, but he maintains his composure. "Orochimaru, I see you are as beautiful as they say," Malik says. Orochimaru chuckles, her snake-like eyes gleaming with amusement. "Oh, you are a charmer, aren't you? But I'm afraid your flattery won't save you here. You see, I've been watching you, Malik. Your actions have not gone unnoticed."

She circles around him, her gaze never leaving his face. "You've been causing quite a stir in my little village. And I can't have that, now can I?" Her tone is casual, but there's an underlying threat that sends shivers down Malik's spine.

Malik clenches his fists, his determination not wavering. "I'm not here to cause trouble, Orochimaru. I'm here because I've fallen in Love with you." Orochimaru stops in her tracks, taken aback by Malik's unexpected confession. A moment of silence hangs in the air as she studies him, her snake-like eyes scrutinizing his every feature. "Love, you say?" she repeats, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Malik nods, his gaze steady. "Yes, love. I've seen what you've done for this village, how you've . . . well I can't help but admire your strength and determination. I want to be a part of that, to support you."

Orochimaru chuckles, her composure returning. "You're quite the optimist, aren't you, Malik? But I'm afraid your love is misplaced. I don't need a sweet-making philanthropist to support me." "Then what about my influence, I can do a lot for a woman as unique as yourself" Malik offers. "Kabuto, what do you think?" Orochimaru says to her. Kabuto, now visibly feminine, raises an eyebrow at the unexpected turn of events. She takes a moment to consider Malik's proposal before responding. "While your influence may be of some use, I'm afraid Orochimaru's goals are not aligned with your own. Besides, she already has her loyal followers, and she doesn't take kindly to outsiders trying to interfere with her plans."

Orochimaru nods in agreement, her snake-like features hardening. "Kabuto is right, Malik. I don't need your help, and I certainly don't want your love. My focus is on my research, and nothing else. Now, I must ask you to die . . ."

Malik hesitates, his determination unwavering. Orochimaru, confident in her decision, begins to summon her deadly snakes, the sound of hissing echoing through the chamber. Malik knows that he must act quickly if he wants to survive this encounter.

Thinking on his feet, Malik shouts, "Wait! I have something that might interest you." Intrigued, Orochimaru pauses her summoning, her snake-like eyes narrowing as she studies Malik. "And what would that be?" she asks, her tone dripping with skepticism.

Malik reaches into his pocket, pulling out a plate of cookies. He explains, "Are you not interested in who I knew where your base was, why even now both of you hesitate to attack me? How someone with no chkarka could still heal? Are you not at least interested in trying my famous cooking?" Holding out the cookies, Maliks says," I can not only help you get into the Chūnin Exams that start soon enough, if you give me a week, I'll make you want to keep me forever but if not you can kill me." Orochimaru raises an eyebrow at the sight of the cookies. She's intrigued by Malik's audacity and curious about his culinary skills. The room fills with a palpable tension as Orochimaru weighs her options.

After a moment of contemplation, she decides to take a risk. "Fine, I'll give you a week to prove your worth," she says, her voice low and dangerous. "But if you fail to impress me, I will have Kabuto kill you."

Malik nods, a relieved expression on his face. He hands over the cookies to Orochimaru, who examines them closely before taking a bite. The room falls silent as she chews, her expression inscrutable.

Finally, she swallows and looks up at Malik. "Not bad," she says, a small smile playing on her lips. Malik looks over at Kabuto, "We're going to be best friends." Kabuto raises an eyebrow, intrigued by Malik's confidence. "We'll see about that," she says, her tone still guarded.

Orochimaru claps her hands together, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Alright then, Malik. You have one week to prove your worth. I suggest you use your time wisely."

Malik nods, eager to get started. "Thank you, Orochimaru. I won't let you down."

Over the next few hours, Malik works tirelessly to create a feast fit for a queen. He experiments with new recipes and ingredients, pushing his culinary skills to their limits. The aroma of savory spices and sweet confections fills the air, a tantalizing scent that draws both Orochimaru and Kabuto to the makeshift kitchen that Malik has set up. Their eyes widen in surprise as they take in the spread before them - a veritable smorgasbord of delectable treats that cater to every palate.

Malik watches with pride as Orochimaru tries each dish, her expression gradually softening as she samples his creations. The sight of her enjoying his cooking brings a genuine smile to Malik's face. He has poured his heart and soul into this culinary endeavor, determined to prove himself worthy of Orochimaru's trust.

As Orochimaru finishes her last bite, she looks up at Malik, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Not bad, Malik." She says, a hint of admiration in her voice. "You've managed to impress me, which is no easy feat. I'll admit, I didn't think you had it in you." Malik breathes a sigh of relief, a sense of accomplishment washing over him. He has succeeded in winning over Orochimaru, at least for now.

But he knows that this is just the beginning. He still has much to learn about Orochimaru and her plans, and he's determined.

Orochimaru leans back in her chair, her eyes never leaving Malik's face. "You've earned yourself a room," she says, her tone casual. "But make no mistake, Malik. I'm only giving you this chance because I'm curious. Don't disappoint me." Malik nods, understanding the weight of Orochimaru's words. "Thank you, Orochimaru. I won't disappoint you." Kabuto gets up, frowning at Malik until he follows her, making sure to get a good look at that ass on the way He follows her to a small room in the chamber, where he can rest and regroup. The room is sparsely furnished, but it's more than enough for Malik. He knows that this is a valuable opportunity to learn more about Orochimaru and her plans, and he intends to make the most of it. "I have to earn their trust, save people from dying, and stay alive long enough to make it back home." He tells himself.

As Malik settles into his new room, he reflects on the events of the day. He had come to the Village Hidden in the Grass seeking answers, and he had found them - but not in the way he had expected. Instead of fighting Orochimaru, he had won her over with his cooking. It was a surprising turn of events, but one that Malik couldn't be happier about. "Time to save lives and make pies," Malik says to himself, lying down on his bed. As Malik lay on his bed, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. He had not only found and got access to Orochimaru's base but had also won her over (temporally) with his culinary skills. The thought of saving the villagers and making delicious pies at the same time brought a smile to his face.