
Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker

Based on the Fanfic,"Lust System in Naruto" by RaidyourPussy123. Follow Malik a young Black man who was kidnapped and thrown into Naruto. Re-Born as a Rich Fat Baker he has to "romance" the people of this world to please a Goddess of Lust and Love. While also trying to stay alive and Basically only being able to make magic Backed-Goods . . .

BlackPolar · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 20: Might Guy

Chapter 20: Might Guy 

In the quiet darkness of the room, Malik jolted awake, his heart pounding in his chest. His breaths came in short, ragged gasps, the remnants of a nightmare still clinging to him. He could feel the cold sweat on his skin, the fear still coursing through his veins.

Next to him, Neji stirred, awakened by his sudden movement. She turned to look at him, her pale eyes filled with concern. "Malik," she murmured, reaching out to place a hand on his chest. Her touch was gentle, and soothing, a stark contrast to the turmoil he was feeling.

Feeling her hand on his chest, Malik took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart. He closed his eyes, focusing on the warmth of her hand, the steady rhythm of her breathing. Slowly, his panic began to subside, replaced by a sense of calm.

Just as he was starting to relax, the door to the room slid open, revealing Hiashi Hyūga, the master of the house. His gaze swept over them, taking in the scene. There was a moment of silence, and then Hiashi spoke.

"I see you stayed the night, Malik," he said, his voice steady. There was no accusation in his tone, just a simple statement of fact.

Malik nodded, meeting Hiashi's gaze. "Yes, I did," he replied, his voice calm. "I hope that's alright."

Hiashi simply nodded, then turned to leave, closing the door behind him. As the room fell into silence once more, Malik turned to look at Neji, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Thank you, Neji," he said softly, his hand covering hers on his chest. "For everything."

As they lay there in the quiet darkness, Malik turned to Neji, his heart pounding still from time to time in his chest. "Neji," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "I have something to ask you."

Neji turned to look at him, her pale eyes reflecting the faint moonlight. "What is it, Malik?" she asked, her voice soft.

Malik took a deep breath, gathering his courage. "In about 10 years," he said, his voice steady, "would you marry me?"

The room fell silent, the only sound being their synchronized breathing. Neji looked at him, surprise evident in her eyes. But then, she smiled a small, genuine smile that made Malik's heart skip a beat.

"I think," she said, her voice filled with warmth, "that's a question for future us to answer. But for now, I'm happy with where we are, now stop talking and go back to sleep."

And with that, they settled back down, the nightmare forgotten as they drifted back to sleep, comforted by each other's presence.

After a few more hours of rest, they decide to wake up, taking the chance to introduce himself to Hiashi Hyūga the current head of the Hyūga clan.

And as an apology for staying over if, he decides to make the whole house breakfast(without using love magic),

As the first rays of the sun began to peek over the horizon, Malik and Neji slowly stirred from their sleep. They shared a quiet moment, their eyes meeting in a silent understanding before they decided to get up.

Malik, feeling a sense of responsibility for having stayed over, decided to make breakfast for the entire house. He headed to the kitchen, rolling up his sleeves as he surveyed the ingredients available. He decided on a simple yet hearty meal - miso soup, grilled fish, tamagoyaki (Japanese rolled omelet), and steamed rice. It was a typical Japanese breakfast, something he hoped the Hyūga clan would appreciate. He wanted to make an American-style breakfast but as he brought it up Neji made a type of face that felt like a warning.

Meanwhile, Neji went to find her Uncle, Hiashi Hyūga, the current head of the Hyūga clan. She found him in the courtyard, practicing his morning taijutsu routine. "Uncle," she called out, causing Hiashi to pause and turn towards her. "There's someone I'd like you to meet."

A few moments later, Malik, having finished preparing the meal, joined them in the courtyard. He bowed respectfully to Hiashi, introducing himself. "Good morning, Hiashi-sama. My name is Malik. I apologize for the sudden intrusion last night. As a token of my apology, I've prepared breakfast for everyone."

Hiashi, although surprised, appreciated Malik's respectful demeanor and his effort to make amends. "There's no need for apologies, Malik," he said, a small smile on his face. "We appreciate your gesture. Please, feel at home."

With the ice broken and breakfast ready, they all sat down to enjoy the meal Malik had prepared. It was a peaceful morning, a sign of the good times to come.


After spending a few more hours at the Hyūga compound, Malik knew it was time to leave. He thanked Hiashi, Hinata, and Neji, for their hospitality and promised to visit again soon, he even saw little Hanabi Hyūga but he had a feeling she didn't like him. Making sure to do one more "Barrel Roll" on Neji's big bouncers and with a final wave, he stepped out into the bright morning, his mind already on his next target.

His next target was none other than Might Guy, or rather, a female version of him. Knowing Guy's usual training routine, Malik had a good idea of where to find her. With a determined look on his face, he set off towards the training grounds, ready for whatever the day would bring. He knew that convincing Might Guy to join him would be a challenge, but it was one he was ready to face. After all, it was time for Malik to get revenge for making him almost exercise to the death.

 Malik taking out his phone, pulls up his map, while only getting a few pointed looks from on-lookers. Looking at his map, he locates Might Guy. Walking behind a building he summons Grubgrub. Grubgrub, Malik's mythical companion, appears in a flash of light, ready to assist him. Appearing as a Pink Chocobo, "Jesus Christ," Malik says as he hops onto Grubgrub's back, and they take off towards the training grounds where Might Guy is located. The wind rushes through Malik's hair as they speed along, and he can't help but feel a thrill at the sensation, "Revenge," Malik laughs to himself, freaking out even more people as he speeds by on a giant bird.

As they approach the training grounds, Malik sees Might Guy in the distance, dressed in an unusual bright orange two-piece jumpsuit for her and surrounded by a group of young students. She's instructing them on proper techniques, her voice carrying across the field. Malik dismounts Grubgrub, who disappears in a puff of smoke and makes his way towards Might Guy.

She notices his approach and stops her instruction, turning to face him. "Well, well, if it isn't Malik," she says, a smirk on her face. "I've come to train with you," Malik says, "But see that you're with a bunch of young people, I'll wait until you are done," he says walking over to a bench to watch. Might Guy raise an eyebrow, surprised by your request. "Train with me, huh? Alright, I'll hold you to that."

"You know, you should try to pay attention to your surroundings more," Shisui says nowhere in sight. "I would say that's what I have to for but I know you've been busy with . . . work," Malik says to the air.

"Try hiring so bodyguards, good ones we all know you can afford it, because I have actual important things to do, I can't watch you as you "play" all day long," Shisui says somehow whispering it in his ear. "Don't get jealous, I have something special planned for you, and I don't want just anyone, I need someone who can "grow", the world is only going to get more dangerous and I'm going to need a few powerhouses on my side," he says while looking at his phone.

" . . ." Shisui doesn't say.

"Not that you aren't a powerhouse, it just I need a good team, one that is so strong they can do everything for me, letting me as lazy as I want," he says standing up.

Might Guy finishes up her instruction and then turns her attention back to Malik. "Let's get started then."

"Not here," Malik says, "I know a special place." She follows him to one of his open bakeries. Leading her inside Guy starts to ask something but Malik shushes her, leading the way to the back Malik opens a door, leading to another Bakery, "I didn't know this was a double-sided twin store," she says, "it isn't," Malik answers. Walking out the front door, Guys finds them in a new location nowhere near The Hidden Leaf. "How did you do that!" She asks him. "Have you ever seen the movie Howl's Moving Castle?" Knowing full well that she hasn't.

Pointing to a hill with a fat top in the distance, they get to walking. "Boy it sure is windy to day, isn't it," Malik says turning around to start walking backward . . . waiting.

"Yeah, sure is," She said smiling and enjoying the walk.

With a smile, "Did you know," he starts, "Valleys can be windy, but they are generally calmer than mountains and similar areas in the Plains. Mountain and valley breezes form through a process similar to sea and land breezes, where the sun heats mountain air rapidly while the valley remains relatively cooler, causing a valley breeze. The warmer and less dense air near the ground rises during the day, pulling more air through the valley floor, and creating a gentle upslope wind known as a valley breeze however Strong wind events can occur in a valley, as the valley can funnel air, resulting in stronger wind events than in surrounding areas.

"I didn't know that," she said her smile getting bigger. "Are you ok, Malik?" She said as she saw her eyes start to glow bright hot pink. But before she could get an answer a strong gust of wind came and blew the top of her jumpsuit up, revealing firm biggish breasts with inverted nipples, fighting the wind to pull her top back down, her face changing colors. Malik made sure to get a good look, the wind not seeming the bother him much if at all.

"I'm sorry, I forgot the put on a bra today, I'm sorry you had to see them," she said her face pointing to the floor. "So that's how you get away with it," Malik concluded. "Get away with what?" She asks him, the wind dying down almost stopping. "How you get away without wearing a bra all the time", he says, "It's not like that . . .," she started but Malik stopped her, "Its alright, I get it, you have nipples that usually only pop up when "agitated" and your Areolas are large and flat, not even a little puffy, so there isn't anything poking out for people to notice, plus you wear a vest and other clothing that supports your top, so in a way that kinda works as a bra," he said all of this with a genuine smile, making dead eye contact with her. "Sorry," she said again, "Don't be, I enjoyed it, (I know Lee wears sports bras but maybe I can have her go bras while I watch her work out sometime, or Neji . . . or Tenten . . . Everyone,)" Turning back around and turning off his Lucky Pervert Skill. "Let's keep going," he said looking at the storm clouds overhead.

Making it to the Hill, Might Guy starts with some basic stretches on the way up the path, encouraging Malik to do the same. He mimics her movements, feeling the stretch in his muscles. She then moves on to more advanced techniques, demonstrating each one with precision and skill.

As Malik watches her, he can't help but feel a sense of admiration for her abilities, but her abilities aren't what he's focused on. He attempts to replicate her moves, but he finds himself struggling to keep up. Might Guy notices his difficulty and offers some words of encouragement. "Don't worry, Malik. You'll get there. Just keep practicing."

Making it to the top Storm Clouds above now too close to ignore, Malik looks back at her. "You afraid of a little rain," he asks her.

 Might Guy looks up at the dark clouds and then back at Malik, her eyes gleaming with determination. "I'm not afraid of anything," she replies, a hint of a challenge in her voice. Just then, the first few raindrops start to fall, and soon they are both getting soaked.

Despite the rain, Might Guy continues to lead Malik through various exercises, and he tries his best to keep up. They move from stretches to more complex techniques, their bodies slick with rain. Malik can feel the power coursing through his veins as he pushes himself to follow Might Guy's example.

As the rain intensifies, Malik starts to notice that something feels different about this particular storm. The lightning strikes are brighter and more frequent than usual, and the wind is howling with an almost supernatural force. (I wish my map powers told be about the weather)The storm continues to rage around them, but Malik and Might Guy remain undeterred. Malik can feel the energy of the storm crackling in the air, and he wonders if there's something more to it than just a random weather event.

Might Guy suggests moving to a more sheltered spot, and Malik follows her to a small cave entrance nearby. The cave is dry and offers some protection from the storm, but the entrance is still open, allowing them to see the lightning illuminating the sky.

She turns to Malik and smiles. "I think we've had enough training for today. What do you say we take a break and enjoy the storm?" she suggests.

Malik nods, still feeling the effects of the intense training session. He glances over at Might Guy, taking in her wet clothes and the way the lightning illuminates her features. He can't help but feel a stirring of admiration as he watches her. They settle down at the entrance of the cave, ready to enjoy the storm together.

Taking out his phone again, Malik stands up, "What is it," Gut asks. "We are very lucky, I honestly should have done better looking into this place but whatever, follow me, Queen," he said giving her a big smile.

Taking into the cave further, they walked in Darkness until a bright entrance. "What is that," she asks, but Malik only grabs her hand pulling her along with him.

They stepped into a forgotten temple, the status of a creature with kind eyes, that looked like a mixture between an owl and an elephant. Thousands of candles were everywhere, lighting up the massive chamber. Several doors were scattered around the big room, there were also three pools of water the biggest being a pool of blue water in the middle of the room, the second was halfway up a giant alter, its water was green and the last of a pool at the top of the alter underneath the biggest and most detailed state, its water was yellow.

[You have found a Scared place: +1000 points]

{Quest Unlocked: Find, pray, and speak to the old gods at their lost temples.

Reward: The gods will bless you.}

"HOLY SHIT" Malik shouted to himself but out loud

(Text from the Goddess: "I didn't give you that quest btw.")

"Malik, do you know what this place is?" Guy asks him. Looking at his phone and taping their location, Maliks eyes started to glow pink.

"Aethyra", he started speaking in a haze . . .

"As her divinity, Aethyra the Goddess of Wisdom and Strength. The owl half represents wisdom, knowledge, and the ability to navigate through darkness, while the elephant half symbolizes strength, resilience, and a strong memory.

Aethyra can be invoked by those seeking wisdom to overcome challenges or strength to carry heavy burdens. She could also be seen as a protector of the night, using her owl's sight to guide those lost in the dark, and her elephant's strength to guard against threats. Her followers might value knowledge, strength, and the balance between the two."

"How do you know that?" She says to him. "Know what?" he asks her. She looked at him strangely repeating what he just said to her. "Oh," he says looking at everything but her face. Smiling and shaking her head "I know you will find the strength to tell me one day," holding her hand tighter. Looking back at her he saw her clothes her soaked, "You'll get sick if you stay in those," he said. She shook her head, "I'll be fine," Malik rolled his eyes, "You don't have to be shy around me, you know," "Malik she says, I have nothing you want to see, nothing anyone wants to see," he eyes starting to get damp. Letting go of her hand Malik started to take off his clothes, walking to one of the statuses and hanging them there, his well-oiled dark skin and chubby body still wet from the rain, "Its warm in here and everything, plus I know I run hot," he said turning to her fully naked. She blushes trying not to look at him but failing, "Ok but could you turn away," she asks him, "Of course queen," he says while doing so. Taking off her wet clothes she lays them on another one of the statues. "Can I look now," he says wanting to peek. "If that is what you wish," she says lowering herself to the ground, covering up as much of her naked body as possible. Turning around and seeing this Malik asks her why. "Malik, thank you but you don't have to keep pretending, not when we're alone," she says her voice low.

Malik starts to walk around the Largest pool of water in the center of the room.

In the quiet of the cave, Malik turned to Might Guy while still walking, a serious expression on his face. "Guy," he began, his voice gentle yet firm. "I want you to know something. You should never feel shy or ashamed about your body."

He paused, making sure he had her full attention. "Your body is a testament to your hard work and dedication. It's a symbol of your strength and your unwavering spirit. It's a part of who you are, and you should be proud of it." 

"Are you Jaked, Yes, do you have a jawline that can put most men to shame, Yes."

"I mean look at me, I may get upset when people make fun at my body but in truth, I'm happy, with this I can find people who love me, me guy, and can find people who love you too."

In the soft glow of the cave, Malik turned again to Might Guy halfway across the pound, his eyes sincere. "Guy," he began, his voice gentle yet firm. "I want you to know that you're beautiful just the way you are."

"You're strong, determined, and full of the fiery spirit of youth. But more than that, you're kind, caring, and incredibly brave. You're perfect just the way you are, and you should never feel the need to change for anyone."

Might Guy looked at him, surprise evident in her eyes. But then, she smiled a small, genuine smile that made Malik's heart skip a beat. "Thank you, Malik," she said softly. "That means a lot to me but . . ."

Malik, seeing the appreciation in Might Guy's eyes, continues to share his thoughts. "Remember, Guy," he says, "your strength is not just physical. It's also in your spirit, your determination, and your unwavering will. These are the qualities that truly define you."

He pauses, letting his words sink in. "And another thing," he adds, "never compare yourself to others. You are unique, and you should embrace that. Your journey is your own, and it's not defined by anyone else's standards or achievements."

Finally, he smiles at her, his eyes filled with sincerity. "And most importantly, always believe in yourself. Even when things get tough, never doubt your abilities or your worth. You are Might Guy, and there's no one else quite like you." He said while standing behind her.

She stood up then.

Might Guy, touched by Malik's words, turns around to face him. "Thank you, Malik," she says, her voice filled with gratitude. "I've never really thought about it that way. I will try to remember what you said."

She takes a step closer to him, her eyes never leaving his. "You know, Malik, you have a way of making me feel seen and appreciated. I don't know many people who would go out of their way to make someone feel as valued as you do."

Malik, feeling a little embarrassed by the compliment, blushes slightly. "It's nothing, really. I just want people to feel good about themselves, especially if they're working hard and putting in the effort."

Might Guy smiles again, this time brighter and more genuine. "Well, you certainly do that. And I appreciate it more than you know." As Might Guy smiles at you, her eyes sparkle with gratitude. You can feel the warmth radiating from her, and you're grateful for this moment of connection. The storm outside seems to have calmed down a bit, but you both remain undisturbed, lost in your conversation.

"You know, Malik," Might Guy begins, her voice softer now. "I've been thinking about what you said earlier. About embracing my uniqueness and believing in myself."

She looks at you intently, her gaze unwavering. "I want you to know that I appreciate your words of encouragement. They mean a lot to me."

You nod, feeling a sense of satisfaction. "I'm glad you feel that way, Guy. It's important to believe in yourself, no matter what."

Might Guy takes a deep breath, as if gathering her thoughts. Malik takes a lot at her body, now that she turned to him. Might Guy's body is lean and toned from years of rigorous training, a testament to her dedication and discipline. Her muscles are well-defined, yet she maintains a feminine grace that is both captivating and inspiring. Her skin is flushed from the earlier training session, giving her an inviting warmth. Her wet hair clings to her head and neck, framing her face and drawing attention to her sharp features. The lightning outside casts dramatic shadows on her body, accentuating her strength and resilience.

Might Guy continues, "I want to make a promise to you, Malik. I will work on embracing my uniqueness and believing in myself. I want to become the best version of myself that I can be."

She extends her hand towards you, signifying her commitment to this promise.

"I believe in you, Guy. And I know you can do it." Malik takes Might Guy's hand, shaking it firmly. "I believe in you too, Guy. I know you can do anything you set your mind to." He smiles, feeling a sense of pride and admiration for her determination.

The two of you stand there for a moment, enjoying the quiet of the cave and the calming effect of the rain outside. Malik can't help but feel grateful for this moment of connection and intimacy with Might Guy.

"Malik," Might Guy says, breaking the silence. "I have a question for you."

"Sure, Guy. What's up?" Malik responds, turning to face her.

"Why did you bring me here? To this cave, I mean," she asks, her eyes searching his face for an answer.

Malik takes a deep breath, considering how to respond. "I wanted to get revenge on you for making he train with you, but I didn't know about the storm, but in the end this was a good first date." He says to her, his cock starting to get hard. Malik's words take Might Guy by surprise, and she raises an eyebrow, looking at him with curiosity. "A first date?" she repeats, a small smile playing on her lips. "Is that what this is?"

Might Guy's gaze lingers on Malik, taking in his appearance and the way he carries himself. She can sense the sincerity in his voice and the vulnerability in his posture. Despite his earlier teasing, she can see that there's something deeper going on here.

"Well, I wouldn't call it a traditional first date, but sure, let's go with that," she says, still smiling. "But why did you bring me here, specifically? There are plenty of other places we could have gone."

Might Guy's tone is playful, but there's a hint of curiosity in her voice. "Didn't know about this place but I did know about the cave," he says to her, "Maybe a part of me wanted to impress you?" Malik's words hang in the air as he admits that a part of him wanted to impress Might Guy. She looks at him with surprise, her eyes widening slightly. "Really?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper.

Might Guy's gaze softens, and she takes a step closer to Malik. "Well, you did impress me," she says with a smile. "This is definitely not what I expected, but I'm glad we're here. It's peaceful, and it gives us a chance to talk without any distractions."

She reaches out and touches Malik's arm lightly, sending a jolt of electricity through his body. "Thank you for bringing me here," she says, her voice sincere.

Malik feels his heart racing as he looks into Might Guy's eyes. Might Guy's hand lingers on Malik's arm, and he can feel the warmth radiating from her touch. His heart pounds in his chest, and he takes a deep breath, trying to steady himself.

"I'm glad you like it here," Malik says, his voice barely above a whisper. "I wanted to create a special moment for us, a chance to connect on a deeper level." Might Guy smiles, her eyes sparkling with gratitude. "You definitely succeeded," she says, her voice soft and sincere. "I feel like I can be myself around you, and that means a lot to me." Malik nods, feeling a sense of pride and satisfaction. "That's all I want, Guy. For people to feel comfortable and accepted, no matter who they are or where they come from." The two of them stand there for a moment, lost in the depth of their conversation. "Are you cold," he asks already knowing the answer, seeing her inverted nipples now poking out, straight and hard. Might Guy shakes her head, "No, I'm not cold. Just a little surprised, that's all." She glances down at her own nipples, then back up at Malik, a playful smirk on her face. "I guess the rain and the cool cave air are having an effect on me."

Malik chuckles, feeling his heart rate return to normal. "I see," he says, trying to keep his tone light and playful. "Well, if you need to warm up, I'm sure I could help you out with that." He winks at her, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Might Guy raises an eyebrow, a smile playing on her lips. "Is that so?" she asks, her voice full of curiosity and intrigue. "And how would you propose to do that?" Might Guy's question hangs in the air, her eyes locked onto Malik's, waiting for his response. He feels a thrill run through him as he considers his next move. "Well," he begins, trying to sound cool and collected, "I could always offer you my body heat. We could huddle together to keep warm, or I could give you a massage to help relax your muscles."

His words are met with a thoughtful nod from Might Guy. She seems to be considering his proposal, her eyes never leaving his. After a moment, she speaks up. "I like that idea. A massage sounds nice. I've been training hard lately, and my muscles are feeling a bit tense."

Malik smiles, feeling a sense of satisfaction at her acceptance. "Great! Just tell me where it hurts, and I'll do my best to work out the kinks." Might Guy points to her shoulders, indicating that's where she feels the most tension. Malik nods and gestures for her to sit down on a nearby rock. As she does so, he positions himself behind her and begins to gently massage her shoulders. His hands work out the knots in her muscles, causing her to release a deep sigh of relief.

"Oh, that feels amazing," Might Guy murmurs, leaning back into Malik's touch. He smiles, pleased that he's able to help her relax. The rain continues to fall softly outside the cave, creating a calming ambiance within their hidden sanctuary.

As Malik continues to massage Might Guy's shoulders, his hands begin to explore further down her arms and back. His fingers glide over her skin, leaving a trail of warmth and relaxation in their wake. Might Guy's breathing deepens, and her body seems to melt under his touch.

Malik's fingers gently trace the curves of Might Guy's back, reaching the small of her waist. He can feel her muscles relax beneath his touch, and a sense of intimacy grows between them. The rain outside seems to fade into the background as they become lost in the moment.

Might Guy leans further into Malik's touch, her breathing becoming slower and deeper. She closes her eyes, surrendering herself to the sensation of his hands on her body. The warmth of his touch and the rhythmic pressure of his fingers against her skin create a soothing, almost meditative state.

Malik continues to explore Might Guy's body with his hands, moving down to her hips and thighs. His touch is gentle but firm, kneading out any remaining tension in her muscles. Might Guy responds by arching her back, pressing herself further into his touch. As Malik's hands glide over Might Guy's thighs, she can't help but feel a shiver of pleasure run down her spine. She opens her eyes and turns her head to look at him, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Thank you, Malik," she murmurs, her voice husky with gratitude. "That feels incredible."

Malik smiles back at her, his hands still moving over her body in soothing, circular motions. "You're welcome, Guy," he replies, his voice equally husky with desire. He can feel himself getting aroused by the intimacy of the moment, but he tries to push those thoughts aside and focus on making Might Guy feel good.

The two of them continue their massage exchange, each of them taking turns giving and receiving pleasure. The rain continues to fall outside, creating a calming background noise that helps both of them relax and enjoy the moment. Might Guy's hands glide over Malik's shoulders, kneading the muscles with a gentle but firm touch. Her fingers trace the curve of his shoulder blades and work their way down his arms, leaving a trail of warmth and relaxation in their wake. Malik can't help but let out a deep sigh of relief, feeling the tension in his muscles begin to melt away.

As Might Guy continues to massage his shoulders, she leans in closer to him, her breath warm against his neck. Her touch becomes more intimate, her fingers lingering on his skin and exploring the contours of his muscles. Malik's heart begins to race as he feels a surge of desire wash over him.

He turns his head to look at Might Guy, their eyes meeting in the dim light of the cave. Without a word, they lean in closer to each other, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss. As their lips meet, a spark ignites between them. Malik's hands move to Might Guy's waist, pulling her closer as the kiss deepens. Might Guy responds by running her fingers through Malik's hair, her touch sending shivers down his spine.

The rain outside continues to fall, creating a rhythmic backdrop to their passionate embrace. The sound of water droplets hitting the cave walls mixes with their heavy breathing, adding to the intensity of the moment.

Might Guy's hands explore Malik's chest, feeling him tense and relax under her touch. She can feel his heart pounding against her palm, matching her own racing heartbeat. Malik's hands wander up Might Guy's back, tracing the curve of her spine before settling on her shoulders.

As they continue to kiss, their bodies press together, seeking warmth and comfort in each other's embrace. Malik's hands move to the back of Might Guy's neck, gently massaging the muscles there as they continue to explore each other's mouths. He can feel her heart beating faster, and he knows she's feeling the same rush of desire that he is.

Might Guy's breathing deepens, and she moans softly as Malik's fingers move up and down her spine. His touch is gentle but firm, and she can feel herself melting into his arms.

Malik breaks the kiss for a moment, looking into Might Guy's eyes. "I want you," he says, his voice husky with desire. Might Guy nods, her eyes shining with passion. "I want you too," she whispers, her voice barely audible over the sound of the rain outside.

Malik takes Might Guy's hand, leading her deeper into the cave. The cave is dark and damp, but Malik's eyes have adjusted to the darkness, and he can see the outline of Might Guy's form in front of him. He guides her to a dry patch of ground, where they can lay down and continue their intimate moment.

Might Guy's breathing quickens as she feels Malik's body pressed against hers. His hands explore her body, tracing the curves of her waist and hips. She responds by running her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer.

Their lips meet again, and their kiss becomes more urgent, more passionate. Their tongues dance together, tasting each other's mouths as they explore each other's bodies.

Malik's hands move to Might Guy's breasts, gently cupping them and teasing her nipples. She responds by moaning softly, her back arching as she presses herself against him. Malik's touch sends waves of pleasure through Might Guy's body, and she can feel herself getting closer to the edge. She wraps her legs around Malik's waist, pulling him closer as she grinds her hips against him.

Malik responds by thrusting his hips against Might Guy, their bodies moving in sync as they reach for their climax. He can feel her muscles tensing beneath him, and he knows she's close.

With one final thrust, they reach their climax together, their bodies shuddering with pleasure as they release. Malik collapses on top of Might Guy, panting heavily as they both come down from their high.

After a few moments, they catch their breath and exchange a tender kiss. Malik pulls back and smiles at Might Guy, his eyes shining with affection. "I love you, Guy," he says, his voice soft and sincere. (Gained +1 sin) Might Guy's heart swells with emotion as she hears Malik's confession. She smiles back at him, her own eyes shining with love. "I love you too, Malik," she replies, her voice barely above a whisper.

They lay there for a moment, basking in the warmth of their shared intimacy. The rain outside continues to fall, creating a soothing background noise that helps lull them into a state of relaxation.

After a while, Malik pulls himself up and looks down at Might Guy. "Turn around," he says, his voice gentle but determined. "I want you from behind"

Might Guy nods, understanding what Malik wants. She turns around, presenting her back to him. Malik moves closer, his hands exploring her body once again. His fingers trace the curve of her hips and waist, before gently caressing her buttocks. Might Guy lets out a soft moan, her body trembling with anticipation. Touching her smooth hairless pussy, running his finger up to her ass.

Malik takes a deep breath, steadying himself as he prepares to enter her. He guides his member to her entrance, feeling the warmth and wetness that welcomes him. With one swift movement, he thrusts himself into her, filling her completely. Might Guy gasps, her body tensing with pleasure as she feels him inside her.

Malik begins to move, his hips rocking back and forth as he thrusts in and out of her. His pace is steady, but passionate, each thrust building up more and more pleasure for both of them. Might Guy matches his rhythm, her hips meeting his with every thrust. Malik's hands grip Might Guy's hips as he drives deeper into her, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoes through the cave, punctuated by their heavy breathing and soft moans.

Might Guy's fingers clench the damp earth beneath her as Malik's thrusts grow more urgent. She can feel herself nearing the edge, her body trembling with anticipation. Malik senses her impending climax and increases his pace, determined to push her over the edge.

With a final, powerful thrust, Might Guy reaches her peak, her body shuddering with wave after wave of pleasure. Malik follows close behind, his own release crashing over him as he collapses onto her back, both of them panting heavily. His cock still shooting cum on her legs and back. As their breathing slows, Malik pulls out of Might Guy and rolls onto his back, spent. He gazes up at the cave ceiling, admiring the intricate patterns of the rock formations above them. The rain outside has subsided, leaving a peaceful silence in its wake.

Might Guy turns over to face Malik, a content smile on her face. "That was incredible," she murmurs, her voice still husky with desire.

Malik smiles back at her, his eyes shining with affection. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," he replies, taking her hand in his. "I've wanted to be with you like this for a long time."

Might Guy nods, her smile growing wider. "Me too," she admits. "I've always had feelings for you, but I never knew how to express them."

Malik squeezes her hand, reassuring her. As they both lay there, thier bodies intertwined and hearts beating as one, the gentle sound of the rain outside begins to fade away. The cave around them is dimly lit, casting long shadows that add to the intimacy of the moment. Might Guy turns her head to look at Malik, her eyes filled with a warmth and affection that matches his own.

"I've never felt this close to anyone before," she whispers, her voice barely audible. "It's like we're connected on a deeper level."

He nods, understanding exactly what she means. "I feel the same way," he replys, running his fingers through her hair. "Being with you like this feels so right, like we were meant to be together."

Might Guy smiles, her eyes shining with happiness. "I'm glad we found each other," she murmurs, leaning in to press her lips against his. As they kiss, he can't help but feel a deep sense of connection with Might Guy. Thier bodies fit together perfectly, like two pieces of a puzzle. The rain outside has stopped, leaving a cool, refreshing breeze that wafts through the cave entrance. They break the kiss, gazing into each other's eyes.

"I want to make love to you again," he says, his voice husky with desire.

Might Guy nods, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Yes, please," she whispers.

He rolls onto his side, facing Might Guy. Traceing his fingers over her collarbone, feeling the warmth of her skin beneath his touch. He leans in, capturing her lips in another passionate kiss. His hands explore her body, caressing her breasts and hips with a gentle touch.

Might Guy responds in kind, running her fingers through his hair and over his back. Lefting her leg, he enters her again. Malik's body presses against Might Guy's as he finds his way inside her, filling her completely. Their bodies move in a rhythm, swaying together as they reach for their shared release. The cave is dimly lit by the fading light of day, but their bodies create a warm glow in the darkness. Malik's hands run over Might Guy's curves, feeling the strength in her muscles as they thrust together. Might Guy wraps her legs around Malik's waist, meeting him stroke for stroke as they move as one.

With each thrust, they grow closer, their hearts beating together in a steady rhythm. They are lost in the moment, their breaths mingling in the cool air of the cave. Malik can feel himself nearing the edge, the pleasure building up to a peak. He looks into Might Guy's eyes and sees the same desire reflected back at him. With a final, powerful thrust, they both reach their climax, their bodies shuddering with pleasure as they release. Malik collapses onto Might Guy, both of them panting heavily, their hearts beating as one. The cave around them is silent, save for the sound of their heavy breathing and the gentle rustle of their clothes.

As they lay there, basking in the warmth of their shared intimacy, Malik traces his fingers over Might Guy's collarbone, feeling the rise and fall of her chest as she catches her breath. He leans in, pressing a soft kiss to her shoulder, before pulling back and gazing into her eyes.

"I love you, Might Guy," he murmurs, his voice filled with emotion.

Might Guy smiles, her eyes shining with happiness. "I love you too, Malik," she replies, reaching up to brush a strand of hair from his forehead.

Love Life: Get 10 people you fall in love with you (8.5/10) 

Reward: Skill – Cult of Aphrodite