
Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker

Based on the Fanfic,"Lust System in Naruto" by RaidyourPussy123. Follow Malik a young Black man who was kidnapped and thrown into Naruto. Re-Born as a Rich Fat Baker he has to "romance" the people of this world to please a Goddess of Lust and Love. While also trying to stay alive and Basically only being able to make magic Backed-Goods . . .

BlackPolar · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 17: Tenten 

Chapter 17: Tenten 

Love Life: Get 10 people you fall in love with you (4.5/10) 

Reward: Skill – Cult of Aphrodite 

"I Think I'll start with Tenten," Malik said walking through the village, "Just need to find her." 

As Malik wandered through the bustling streets of Konoha, his mind was filled with thoughts of Tenten. She owed him a date, and he wanted to make sure it was something she would enjoy. Knowing Tenten's love for weapons and her competitive spirit, he came up with three date ideas: 

 A Visit to a Weapon Exhibition: Knowing Tenten's passion for weaponry, Malik thought a visit to a weapon exhibition would be a great idea. They could spend the day exploring various types of weapons from different regions, discussing their unique features and histories. It would be both educational and fun for Tenten. 

A Training Date: Tenten is a dedicated kunoichi who values strength and skill. A training date could involve a friendly sparring session or practicing new techniques together. This would not only help them improve their skills but also strengthen their bond. 

A Scavenger Hunt: Given Tenten's strategic mind and love for challenges, Malik thought of organizing a scavenger hunt around the village. The clues could be related to ninja history or weapon trivia, making it an exciting and engaging experience for her. 


After searching two other training grounds, Malik finally found Tenten at the third one. She was in the middle of a rigorous training session, her focus entirely on the weapons she was handling. Malik watched her for a moment, admiring her dedication and skill, before approaching her. 

"Tenten," he called out, catching her attention. She paused her training and turned to face him; a questioning look in her eyes. 

"I've been looking for you," Malik said, a smile playing on his lips. "I have a proposition for you." 

Tenten raised an eyebrow, her interest piqued. "Oh? And what would that be?" 

"I was thinking," Malik began, "I'm about to leave in a few days so how about we go on three dates? One each morning for the next three days." 

Tenten looked surprised, but then she smiled. "Thats a little extreme but i guess I do owe you for almost dying, so that sounds interesting. What do you have in mind?" 

Malik grinned, excited to share his ideas. "Well, for the first date, I thought we could visit a weapon exhibition, I heard there was a big one in the village going on. The second date could be a friendly training session. And for the third date, how about a scavenger hunt around the village?" 

Tenten laughed, clearly delighted by his suggestions. "You've really thought this through, haven't you? Alright, Malik. You've got yourself a deal. I'll see you tomorrow morning for our first date." 

With that, they parted ways, both looking forward to the exciting days ahead. 

The next morning, Malik arrived at the exhibition hall early, eager to show Tenten the various weapons on display and then have her explain them to him in great detail. He spent some time admiring the intricate designs and unique features of each weapon, growing more excited as the time drew near for her arrival. Tenten arrived a few minutes later, looking around curiously. She spotted Malik and made her way over to him. "So, what did you think of the exhibit so far?" she asked, her eyes gleaming with excitement. 


Malik pointed out a few of his favorite weapons, marveling at their craftsmanship and history. When Malik sees Tenten in her chosen outfit, his eyes light up with admiration. He takes a moment to appreciate her style, which perfectly blends practicality with elegance. "You look amazing, Tenten," he says, his voice sincere. "That outfit suits you perfectly." He can't help but smile Tenten blushes slightly at Malik's compliment, but she's pleased nonetheless. She had picked out the outfit specifically for their first date together and wanted to make a good impression. "Thank you, Malik," she replies, her voice softening. "I'm glad you like it." They spend the rest of the morning exploring the exhibit together, discussing various weapons and their uses. Tenten shares her vast knowledge about the different techniques and styles of various ninja tools, leaving Malik in awe of her expertise. 


 As the morning progresses, Malik finds himself more and more impressed by Tenten's intelligence and skill. Before they part ways Malik leaning in tells Tenten, "I'm going to kiss you now, is that ok?" She nodded her head her eyes glued on his, their lips meeting Malik felt Tenten put her arms on his shoulders pulling him closer, feeling like that was a sigh, Malik put one of his hands on her small breasts, feeling it through her clothes. Tenten being the strong-willed woman she is, went in for the kill trying to touch Malik's crouch but putting she much force into it and ended up slapping it, sending Malik to the ground. Feeling like she ruined the moment, they decide to stop there. As Malik dusted himself off, he couldn't help but chuckle at the unexpected turn of events. "Well," he said, trying to hold back his laughter, "that wasn't exactly what I was expecting, but it certainly made for an unforgettable first kiss." Tenten, clearly embarrassed but trying to play it cool, looked down and let out a small, shy laugh. "Sorry about that." They part ways after promising to meet up again for their second date, both looking forward to spending more time together. As the second date approaches, Malik is eager to see Tenten again. He's planned a friendly training session for them, hoping to learn some new techniques and improve his own skills. When he arrives at the training ground, he sees Tenten already there, practicing with her weapons. 


"Tenten!" Malik calls out, approaching her with a smile. "Ready for our training session?" 

Tenten turns to him, her expression serious. 

"Good," he said while taking off his clothes with fat dark-skinned body glistening with oil, "Beacuse will be wrestling today." Tenten raised an eyebrow, slightly taken aback by his declaration. "Wrestling? You sure about that, Malik?" She asked, slightly amused by his confidence. 


Malik grinned widely, "Absolutely," he replied. Tenten smirked, finding the situation a bit humorous but also intriguing. "Alright then," she said, dropping her weapons to the ground and stepping closer to Malik. "Let's see how well you can handle me." With that, the two began their wrestling match, both pushing their limits and testing each other's skills. Despite Malik's initial confidence, Tenten proved to be a formidable opponent, using her agility and strength to keep him on his toes, he knew he was going to lose but that wasn't the point, the point was to touch her. After a few intense rounds, Malik managed to catch Tenten off guard, and they both ended up on the ground. They were panting heavily, but there was a playful glint in their eyes. "Not bad," Tenten said, brushing the dirt off her clothes. "You almost had me there." 


 Malik chuckled, "You don't have to lie to me, I know you were going easy on me," He offered his hand to her to help him up. "I guess it's a good thing we're not fighting for real then." She said taking his hand and with a strength he never knew she had, she pulled him off the field into the grass, into the cool shade where no one could see them. "Because if this was a real fight," she said, "I could do this to you," Tenten then laid her butt on Maliks' face her tight firm ass already hot as she pushed up against it. Then pulling off Maliks spandex shorts she grabbed his hard cock. Malik gasped as he felt Tenten's hot breath against his dick, her soft ass pressing down on his face. He couldn't believe she was really doing this. He wanted her so bad, and he knew he couldn't stop her. "Tenten," he panted, trying to catch his breath, 


"What are you waiting for?" she asked, her voice husky with desire. With that, she began to stroke him slowly, her grip firm but gentle. Malik closed his eyes, lost in the sensation of her hand moving up and down his shaft. 


Tenten continued to stroke Malik's cock, her hand moving faster and faster as she felt him grow harder and harder under her touch. Suddenly, a loud voice broke the intense moment between them. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" it demanded. Tenten and Malik froze, their eyes wide with shock as they realized they had been caught. Malik chuckled, "Welp that happened." He offered, his hand rubbing her back. "So, ready for our next date?" 

Tenten looking at the ground said, "Yeah, I am. What's the scavenger hunt like?" There are going to be 4 boxes around the village, The clues will be related to ninja history and/or weapon trivia, when you have all the boxes will open them at your house," he said to her. Tenten's eyes lit up with excitement. "That sounds like fun!" she exclaimed. "When do we start?" Malik grinned. "Tomorrow morning, bright and early. I'll meet you at the first clue station." Tenten nodded, feeling a thrill of anticipation run through her. For their third date, they decide to go on a scavenger hunt around the village. The clues are related to ninja history and weapon trivia, testing her knowledge and teamwork skills. As Tenten raced against a clock she brought herself because this wasn't hard enough, they visited various landmarks and hidden spots, but the hardest part was Malik trying to keep up with Tenten. 


After several hours of searching, they(she) finally managed to locate all four boxes and make it back to Tenten's house just in time. Malik, panting and out of breath, he collapsed on the ground, laughing. "That was intense," Tenten said, wiping the sweat from her forehead. Tenten's house is a traditional Japanese style, with sliding doors, tatami mat floors, and a small garden. Letting him in Tenten put the boxes on her kitchen table, ready to open them. Malik found himself staring at Tenten and the box she was holding in her home, the boxes they(She) in her hands or on the table. "Tenten, I have something for you," he said, pointing at the boxes. 


Tenten looked surprised but accepted the gift, carefully opening it to reveal a pair of beautifully crafted bracelets. They were sleek and elegant, with intricate designs etched into the surface. 


"These are prototypes of a weapon I've been working on, well paying a lot of money for people to work on" Malik explained, his eyes shining with excitement. "I call them 'The Celestial Arsenal'." 


Tenten's eyes widened as she examined the bracelets. "They're beautiful, Malik," she said, clearly impressed. "But what do they do?" 


Malik grinned. "These bracelets are infused with chakra and have the ability to materialize any weapon that you can imagine. The weapons created by the Celestial Arsenal are made of pure chakra, making them incredibly durable and effective against various types of defenses." 


Tenten looked at him in awe. "That's amazing, Malik. But how do I use them?" 


"The bracelets respond to your chakra and thoughts," Malik explained. "Just focus on the weapon you want to create, and the bracelets will do the rest I know you're worried about your chakra control, don't be at least not for these." 


He paused, then added, "However, these are just prototypes. They will only last about 10 uses, maybe more if you're lucky. It's going to be about a year for the real thing to be made." 


Tenten nodded, understanding. "I can't wait to try them out," she said, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Thank you, Malik. This is an incredible gift but why would you make something like this for me?" Malik smiled at her question. "Because you're worth it," he replied simply. "You're an amazing ninja, and I wanted to give you something that could help you in your training and missions also I'm in love with you." Tenten felt her heart skip a beat at his words. She'd always thought of Malik as a friend, one to get in trouble with, someone she respected and admired, but she never expected to hear those three little words from him. 


"Malik..." she started, looking into his eyes. "I... I feel the same way." "Then tell me," Malik said. With a deep breath, Tenten leaned in and kissed Malik. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer as they shared the kiss. When they finally pulled away, they looked at each other, their faces flushed with emotion. 


"I love you too," Tenten said, her voice barely above a whisper. Looking at his watch, Malik said to her, "Are we doing it here on the table or in your bed room?" Tenten blushed deeply, her cheeks turning a bright shade of red. "Um... my room," she replied quickly, trying to hide her embarrassment. She led him to her room, which was small but cozy, with tatami mat floors and a sliding door that overlooked her small garden. They both took off their clothes and climbed into her futon, lying side by side. Tenten looked at Malik nervously, not sure what to expect. He could tell she was nervous and so he reassured her, "It's okay, I've got you." Tenten nodded, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves. She reached out, running her fingers through Malik's hair and down his chest, exploring his skin with gentle touches. Malik responded by tracing small circles on her back, soothing her as he waited for her to make the first move. 

After a moment of hesitation, Tenten leaned in and kissed Malik passionately, her heart racing with anticipation. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer as they shared the kiss. Their bodies moved in sync, fueled by their desire for each other. Malik's hand reached out and grabbing Tenten's B cup breasts, he played with her brown nipples. As he continued to kiss her, his fingers teased and caressed her sensitive skin, sending shivers down her spine. Tenten moaned softly into the kiss, arching her back to give him better access to her breasts. Their hands roamed over each other's bodies, exploring every inch of skin they could reach. 

After some time, they paused to catch their breath, their chests heaving as they stared into each other's eyes. "You're so beautiful," Malik whispered, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. 


Tenten smiled shyly, blushing at his compliment. "You think so?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper. 


"I know so," Malik replied confidently, leaning in to kiss her again. Their kisses grew more intense as they lost themselves in the passion between them. "Are you ready?" Mailk asks her. Tenten looked at him with a mix of excitement and nervousness. "As I'll ever be," she replied with a small laugh. 


Malik climb on top, getting ready to fuck her, looking at her pussy he saw that her pubic hair was shaped like a ninja star, and that made him smile. Deciding to do something new, he turned her around so he could fuck her from behind. Tenten gasped as Malik entered her from behind, the sensation sending waves of pleasure through her. She arched her back, giving him better access to her tight, warm core. Her front half falling off the bed, her hands now pushing on the floor,"Oh my," she moaned softly, her fingers curling into the tatami mat beneath her. Malik began to thrust into her, his hips slapping against her round ass. "You feel so good," he groaned, his voice thick with desire. Tenten closed her eyes, lost in the feeling of being taken from behind. "Malik," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. 


As their passionate love making continues, Malik decides to try something different. He rolls them over, positioning Tenten on top of him so that she's straddling his waist. She looks down at him, a mixture of curiosity and desire in her eyes. "What are you doing?" she asks, her voice slightly breathless. Malik grins up at her. "Just wanted to see if this position feels any different for you," he says with a smirk. Tenten hesitates for a moment before slowly lowering herself onto him, her soft curves pressing against his chest. She lets out a soft moan as she feels him fill her again. "It feels... different," she says, moving her hips in a slow, sensual rhythm. Malik wraps his arms around her waist, holding her close as he watches her breasts sway back and forth with each movement. 


As they continue to explore each other's bodies, Tenten leans forward, resting her weight on her arms as she teases Malik's chest with her nipples. She looks down at him, her eyes filled with lust and desire. "Do you like that?" she asks playfully. Malik groaned, his body shuddering beneath her. "Yes," he panted. "God, yes." He reached up, his hands finding her hips. "Keep doing that." Tenten smirked, pleased by his reaction. Their lovemaking reaches its climax, as they both moan and scream out in pleasure. Pushing her back on all fours Malik's seed shoots up into the air and landing on Tenten's back, while Tenten's orgasm washes over her, her legs shaking as she rides out the wave of pleasure. They both lay panting heavily, their hearts racing from the intense pleasure they just shared. Slowly, Tenten turned her head to look at Malik, a small smile playing on her lips. "That was... incredible," she said, her voice still shaky. 

"Can I take a picture of you?" Malik asks. Tenten raised an eyebrow, slightly surprised by his request. "Um... okay," she replied hesitantly. She turned around, presenting him with her back once again. Malik took out his phone, switching on the camera and snapping a few shots of Tenten's glistening sweat-covered body. 


Name: "The Celestial Arsenal" 


Description: The Celestial Arsenal is a pair of bracelets worn on each wrist. These bracelets are infused with a vast amount of chakra and have the ability to materialize any weapon that Tenten can imagine. The weapons created by the Celestial Arsenal are made of pure chakra, making them incredibly durable and effective against various types of defenses. 




Weapon Materialization: Tenten can create any weapon she desires, from kunai to large-scale weapons like the Bashōsen. The weapons are made of pure chakra and can be used both for offense and defense. 

Chakra Infusion: The weapons created by the Celestial Arsenal can be infused with additional chakra to increase their destructive power or to add elemental effects based on Tenten's chakra nature. 

Weapon Control: The weapons created by the Celestial Arsenal can be controlled remotely by Tenten, allowing her to attack from various angles and catch her enemies off guard. 

This weapon would not only enhance Tenten's existing abilities but also provide her with a greater range of combat options, making her an even more formidable opponent. 


Love Life: Get 10 people you fall in love with you (5.5/10) 

Reward: Skill – Cult of Aphrodite