
Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker

Based on the Fanfic,"Lust System in Naruto" by RaidyourPussy123. Follow Malik a young Black man who was kidnapped and thrown into Naruto. Re-Born as a Rich Fat Baker he has to "romance" the people of this world to please a Goddess of Lust and Love. While also trying to stay alive and Basically only being able to make magic Backed-Goods . . .

BlackPolar · Anime & Comics
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193 Chs

Chapter 13: Too easy 

Finally deciding to start baking Malik thought about saving up for a few new skills: 

Chef: Your food tastes even better than before ( You also gain cooking experience based on your level/ experience with food.) 

Magic lure: People who eat your food feel more inclined to hear you out, they are also more likely to start thinking of you as a friend and unthreatening. (Warning: This is not mind control, people with high willpower can push off your suggestions; if they get affected at all, effects may vary if the target is mentally ill, effects can stack). 

Super snacks: People who eat your food will have enhanced preformation, gains, and regeneration. They also taste good. 

Malik was going to out and earn some damn points today, so that's why he was spending his morning baking. So he could make friends and . . . see some boobs. 

Checking the repeatable missions again while cooking just to make sure he had the right ideas. 


Pervert (repeatable): Every time you witness something perverted, like see someone's underwear, you earn 5 points for the Shop. Charmer (repeatable): Every time someone falls in love with you Earn 100 points. Important Characters + 200 Side Character +100 Older Characters +100 Parents +200 Villains +1000 Go to/find Important Places (repeatable): points depending on the place. Don't be an ass (repeatable): no point but you might get something else. 

While he was busy one of his maids walked up bowing her head, "Sir, you've been summoned." 

Turning to her, "Do I have to go? Is it important? I kind of want to do stuff today." He said his face growing sour. 

"It's a summons from the Third Hokage," she says bowing. 

"Damit, well at least, I finally get to meet the old man, thank you for letting me know." he says taking off his apron. 

She bows again, then walks out of the kitchen. "I'll follow you," Shisui says from behind him. "Why do you keep doing that, and that isn't a good idea, the Third Hokage is literally one of the only people who will actually recognize you, even if you look good in a dress," he says to her. 

Shisui smiles and taps his head, "Not close, I'll be watching," she said as she vanished without a trace. 

"Fucking ninjas man", Malik says to no one. 


Wasting time before heading to the Hokage "building" or whatever they call it, Malik stops by Ino's and Sakura's homes. Sakura isn't home he learns from her parents, most likely off training with Tsunade and Shizune. Ino isn't home either, but her mother tells him she is training with her Team for the upcoming Chūnin Exams, "welp that was a waste of time," he says smiling. Walking through the streets on a particularly windy day, Malik pushes his skill: Lucky Pervert Lv.3 - 

[Lucky Pervert: Along with increased luck it will also increase the frequency of these "lucky" accidents, the higher the skill level the better the accidents. (Percentage = 5xLevel)] 

Malik heads to the Third Hokage's office, hoping to see a skirt fly up along the way. He walks through the busy streets, looking around as he dodges the crowd. His destination is important, but seeing a skirt fly up would make his day. As Malik moves forward, he sees a woman's skirt lifted up by the wind in front of him. The skirt shows a bit of blue lace before it falls down again. Malik's heart beats fast as he watches the skirt flutter in the wind. He is thrilled! This is what he wanted on his way to the Third Hokage's office. 


Feeling a little bad, Malik decides to take advantage of the situation. As the woman passes by, he quickly steps in front of her, pretending to stumble slightly. His actions are deliberate, and calculated to create more movement and turbulence around them. The woman, startled by Malik's sudden appearance in front of her, reflexively tries to maintain her balance while also avoiding colliding with him. She stumbles slightly, her hands instinctively reaching out to steady herself against Malik's chest. As their bodies brush against each other, Malik feels a wave of heat wash over him. He looks into the woman's eyes, hoping to see some form of acknowledgment for his little stunt. Instead, he finds her glaring at him with a mix of irritation and confusion. 

"Are you alright?" She says, Malik feels the woman's hands against his chest as she tries to maintain her balance. He looks into her eyes and smiles reassuringly. 

"I'm fine, thanks for your help. Here, let me help you steady yourself." 

As Malik speaks, he gently guides the woman back onto her feet. Their bodies brush against each other once again, sending another wave of heat through him. The woman, still looking at him suspiciously, nods her thanks and continues her way. 

"More trouble than it's worth, also I think she was about to hurt me," he said to himself. 

In the heart of the village, under the watchful eyes of the Hokage monument, Malik found himself standing before the Third Hokage. The elder's gaze was inscrutable, his hands folded calmly over his robe. 

"Malik," the Third Hokage began, his voice steady. "I have a request for you. This year's Chūnin Exams are approaching, and we are in need of sponsors. I was hoping you might consider helping us." 

Malik raised an eyebrow, surprised by the request. He had indeed amassed a considerable fortune in a short time, but he hadn't expected the Hokage to take notice. Yet, as he looked into the Third Hokage's eyes, he could see an unspoken plea. It was clear that the Hokage wanted him to build stronger connections with the village, to become a part of its fabric. 

The Hokage didn't voice his fears, and didn't mention his concerns about Malik's loyalty. But Malik understood. He nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Of course, Hokage-sama," he said. "I would be honored to sponsor the Chūnin Exams." 

The relief in the Hokage's eyes was palpable. He nodded, a grateful smile on his face. "Thank you, Malik," he said. "Your support means a lot to us." 

As Malik left the Hokage's office, he couldn't help but feel a sense of untruthfulness. He was a part of this village, and he would do everything in his power to protect it. 

Inside the 3rds office and a hidden door opens on the wall, and a frail, old man, walking with a cane. He had black, shaggy hair, and his right eye was bandaged. 

"We can't trust him! He shouldn't have left this building alive." Danzō said walking up to the Hokage. 

"Worried about A child Danzō, give it time," The 3rd said back 

"Were seen plenty of "Children", do much worst," Danzō said back. 

As Malik continued his walk around the village, he stumbled upon a training ground. The sounds of intense combat drew him in, and he found himself watching a team of young shinobi in the midst of a rigorous training session. 

This was Team Guy, led by the enthusiastic Might Guy. Formed a year before the other main Konoha teams, they were a force to be reckoned with. They specialized in close-quarters combat, each member a master of physical attacks. 

Malik's eyes widened in surprise as he took in the sight before him. The female version of Might Guy was a sight to behold. Her bowl-cut hairstyle, thick eyebrows, and green jumpsuit were unmistakably Guy's, but they had been transformed in a way that was uniquely feminine. 

For a moment, he was speechless. Then, a slow smile spread across his face. "Incredible," he murmured, his eyes sparkling with admiration. "Absolutely incredible." 

He watched as she moved, her movements as fluid and powerful as the Might Guy he knew. But there was an added grace to her, a softness that only served to enhance her strength. 

"Amazing," he said again, his voice filled with awe. "Truly amazing." 

His reaction was one of pure "admiration" and "respect". He was witnessing something extraordinary, something that defied expectations. And he couldn't help but be captivated by it. 

Malik's surprise only grew as he saw the female versions of Rock Lee and Neji Hyūga. The transformation was astounding, yet they retained the essence of their original characters. 

The female Rock Lee had the same bowl-cut hairstyle and thick eyebrows, but her features were softer, more feminine. Her green jumpsuit was tailored to her form, accentuating her strength and agility. She moved with the same fiery determination that was characteristic of Rock Lee, her every move radiating energy and passion. If her jumpsuit was much tighter it would be showing off her skeleton, "Gaww Dawm", Malik said. 

Neji, on the other hand, had always been graceful and composed, and his female version was no different. Her long hair, usually tied up, now fell freely over her shoulders, adding to her elegance, her giant breasts jiggling. Her Byakugan eyes were as piercing as ever, and her combat style remained fluid and precise. 

Malik was in awe. "This is remarkable," he murmured, his eyes wide with admiration. He could see the strength and determination in their eyes, the unwavering will that made them formidable shinobi. And yet, there was a new depth to them, a different kind of strength that came from embracing their femininity. 

Tenten was also there. 

Just kidding, Malik loved Tenten, it's just that seeing the others kind of outshines Tenten now and then a little, that's all, nothing against Tenten. 

"Truly remarkable," he repeated, a smile playing on his lips. Walking closer he saw Rock Lee, with her unwavering determination and powerful taijutsu. Tenten, with her unparalleled weapon control. And Neji Hyūga, with her gentle fist and keen intellect. Together, they were a formidable team. 

Malik watched as they sparred, their movements fluid and precise. He could see the bond between them, the trust and camaraderie that made them more than just a team. It was inspiring. 

Deciding to stay and watch, Malik found a comfortable spot and settled down. He could learn a lot from them, he realized. And perhaps, they could learn something from him too, wink. 

He was getting pervert points from just watching. 

He was going to sit and watch until they all spotted him sitting down and watching him. As Malik watched, Team Guy continued their intense training session. Might Guy was in the middle of a series of powerful punches when she suddenly stopped and looked around most likely smelling his youth. Her eyes landed on Malik, and she smiled warmly. 

"Hey there! You must be new here." She said while running to him. "You could say that" Malik said standing. "I'm Might Guy," she introduced herself, extending a hand for a handshake. "And these are my youth-full students, Rock Lee, Tenten and Neji Hyuga." 

"It's a pleasure to meet you all," Malik said, shaking their hands. "Your skills are quite impressive, but not as impressive as your beauty." 

"Thanks. . . wait what," she said, her face burning red. As Malik spoke, a look of surprise crossed her face, quickly followed by a blush. She turned to her team, who were all looking at her curiously. Rock Lee grinned, clearly amused by the situation, while Tenten raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "I bet you get hit on all the time," Rock Lee said smiling. "Is that all it takes for you to blush," Tenten said. "Well, I must admit, it's not every day I'm complimented by someone . . . who . . who looks as good as you," Guy replied while smiling at Lee trying to save both her own feelings and hers. "And besides, it's true. Your skills are impressive, but your beauty is something else entirely. In fact. I would say You're all unique and stunning in your own ways," Malik said taking a good long look at all of them, "Yes very unique and stunning". The team seemed to relax a bit after the comment, with Neji Hyūga looking slightly annoyed. "Well, thank you for the compliment," Might Guy said, her cheeks still slightly flushed. "We appreciate it. And if you ever want to spar with us, we're always open to new challenges." 

"SPAR! ahahhaahahhahahahaha, no! I like my face where it is, thank you very much and I couldn't even keep up with your training even if I wanted to. Malik said, sensing danger. 

"Nonsense, come, let's all do a few dozen laps together, and forge an unbreakable bond through sweat, blood, and tears," Guy said while grabbing Maliks' arm. 

"Please lady, my bones, my bones be weak!" He pleaded with her. 

"Good thing you're still young, the power of youth will heal your bones, that is how science works! She screamed in joy. 

"That doesn't make sense, you're crazy, please I'm too rich to be running, no wait, nooooooooo! Malik said. 

As Malik tried to escape, Might Guy's grip tightened around his arm. She looked at him with determination in her eyes. "You don't understand," she said. "We need to form a bond that goes beyond just being part of the same team. And what better way to do that than through physical exertion?" "Ahh, well, I suppose there's no harm in trying, just joking, I meant to say you just met me," Malik said, begging for his life. 

"There's no point," Tenten said a haunted look in her eyes, finding hope Malik looked at her, "Tenten, honey, my ninja star queen, I'll pay, I'll pay you so much money that you could buy the entire Hidden Leaf Village and still have enough money to sail around the world for the rest of your life," Malik said now begging. "There's no point!" She said tears forming in her eyes as she started to run. Resigning himself to their plan. "Just promise me you won't kill me." He laughed nervously as they began their jog around the training ground, with Might Guy keeping a firm grip on his arm and not answering. As they began their jog around the training ground, Malik tried to keep up with the team's pace while maintaining a conversation with Might Guy. "So, what do you guys do when you're not training?" he asked, trying to distract himself from the burning sensation in his legs. 

"We're shinobi, what do you think we do?" Might Guy asked. "We protect our village, help those in need, and sometimes even go on missions." 

"That sounds exciting, but if I complete all the laps all of you owe me at least one date" Malik commented. 

"Ok!" Said Lee picking up speed 

"What!" Said Tenten, doing her best. 

"No," said Neji in the lead 

"DEAL!" Guy said pulling (dragging) Malik behind her. 


Rock Lee: 


Love:65 Lust:10 


 Neji Hyūga: 


Love:50 Lust😊 - - - (10?)




Love:59 Lust:18 


 Might Guy: 


Love:76 Lust:33 

[Note from Malik: I said one goddamn thing, also why did that work!?!?]