

Tetsuya: 'Wh-where am I?, aren't I suppose to be on my car getting chase by many trucks then I don't know what happened if this is the after life then I don't mind being here'

looking around on my surroundings it's noon and I'm sitting on a Tree surrounded by White flower fields

then I start to find someone in this area

Truck-sama: "Damn Kid you shouldn't have resisted to be killed by my Almighty Bumper-chan so it wouldn't hurt, Anyway now that you died I will grant you 3 wish is that fine to you"

Tetsuya: "I see so I died, for my first wish I want to be transported in Naruto 5 year's before the Second Shinobi World in Amegakure"

Truck-sama: "OI what about your family like your girlfriend and your pet what about your mouse that lingering in your house do you not care about them!?"

Tetsuya: "I don't have a Girlfriend or a pet, my family is in jail for 10 year's of Prison and they don't care about me and for the mouse's that is lingering in my house I killed them so I don't need to worry about it"

Truck-sama: "┐( ˘_˘)┌, Anyway Second wish Anything else like Have a SHITTY system that have cheats"

Tetsuya: "My Second wish is to have a Supreme Chakra Control so that I won't have any problems regarding chakra control and affinities on Different Element"

Truck-sama: "So the last wish is, Tell me TELL ME!?" '✧\(>o<)ノ✧, I need to know!! it's very important to have a last wish it's EXTREMELY EXCITING like Bumping other people in the Roads'

Tetsuya: "My last wish is to have a power of Vasto Lorde Ichigo and have Two companions"

'i need companions that I can trust so that they can help me defeating enemies and suppor me with my future plans' in narutoverse'

Truck-sama: "hehehe Who is this two companion of you 'Tetsuya' Is it a Woman you wish for?" 'Oh this BOI is picking two woman as a companion, let's see if this has BOI a taste for Women'

Tetsuya: "Yes, it's a Woman They're name is 'Tier Harribel' and 'Scathach' is it okay cuz I sounded Demanding" 'i have wish for thicc thighs'

Truck-sama: "YOU HAVE A TASTE FOR WOMEN THANK ME I KILLED YOU, I THOUGHT YOU WOULD PICK BOOBS OVER THIGHS HAHAHAHA, Also I will send you to narutoverse till we meet Again 'Tetsuya'


---------- Timeskip ----------

before I could even talk and say goodbye I was sucked in to the portal, and I Woke up inside the borders of Amegakure I stood up and look around and were inside the Abandoned Wooden house where Jiraiya trained Konan yahiko and nagato

I found my body is still 5 year's old next to meet is also a 5 year's old Scathach and Tier that is sleeping peacefully, then I went outside to scout our Area so that I can memorize the terrain of our surroundings and went to Catch 9 fish, after my scouting I went back to our house when I went inside I was greeted by Scathach and Tier that is now awake

Tetsuya: "Ah! I see that you're awake I brought some fish that we can eat, Also my Name Tetsuya what's yours" I said and went to clean the fish that I hunt and organize the table so they can sit and wait for the food

Tier: "My name is Tier Harribel, nice to meet you Tetsuya" 'hmm I want to taste the food already I'm Starving but before that I need to know these two first'

Scathach: "My name is Scathach, nice to meet you too Tetsuya and Tier, Also Tetsuya what do you cook it's smells good"

Tetsuya: "I'm cooking, Curry and Miso soup also wash your hands it's time to eat" 'its time to test my cooking lessons from EMIYA sensei'

after we wash our hand they sit down and I prepare the food for them

Tier: "can you cook Food other than these!"

she exclaimed because she hasn't been eaten

something delicious like this

Scathach: "Tetsu, your cooking is definitely good and by any chance can you, Um Teach us how to cook so that even if we're away we can cook food for Us" and she slightly look at Tier with a smirk

Tetsuya: "Of course I can teach you two how to cook so that you can cook by yourselves" I glanced outside and noticed that it's already dark and notify them after they eat clean the table after that we sleep

---------- Next Day ----------

I'm the first to wake up I noticed that it's till Dark so I went outside to learn some small jutsu like Shunshin and Clones after that small training I went to the marketplace snatch some ingredients the food I will make after awhile my ingredients snatching I stumbled upon a little girl that is Familiar

Tetsuya: 'This is Konan!! I guess she still hadn't met Yahiko, she still don't know about Her Kekkei Tota so I will pick her up so that she can practice with us'

Tetsuya: "Hello my Name is Tetsuya, come with me I will help you by the way What's your Name?" extending my hand and carrying her in my back and start running so she can get herself wash up and eat

Konan: "My name is Konan" 'Tetsuya is like an angel to me because he is the only one that help me while other people doesn't care about my current situation he doesn't know me but still staying with him is the best choice I make' she Thought

when we arrive at the House it's already been 2 hours after I left but they are still asleep, then I put the ingredients into the Table and wash Konan with warm water because she soaked in rain water

after the two wake up I explained to them that I pick Konan in the streets after that the two talk to Konan while I'm Preparing them some food.

Little did he know that Konan is becoming a Yandere little by little and Scathach and Tier are also competitive for your Attention

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

TsundereSlayer0creators' thoughts