
Naruto: Rebirth of Namikaze Minato

This is a fan fiction story that imagines an alternate plot line for the Naruto anime/manga series. In this version, the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze's soul travels back in time to when he was younger, before the events that led to his death protecting the Village Hidden in the Leaves. With his knowledge of future events, Minato is determined to change history and protect his loved ones and comrades using his status and power as the Fourth Hokage. The story explores how Minato's actions in the past could alter the entire narrative, preventing tragic occurrences and potentially providing Naruto with a happier childhood. The author aims to fulfill wishes of fans who wonder "what if" certain pivotal events didn't transpire as they did originally. However, the author notes that initially Minato does not recover his memories from the future right away. The story is described as one to satisfy "Fourth Hokage fan dreams" as Minato strives to cut through the darkness with his "Flash" techniques while upholding his duty to protect the village.

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Chapter 52: Instant Kill!

Although Kushina's speed couldn't match Minato's, it was still too much for Sakai to handle in that rushed moment. Minato had charged at him first to divert his vision, creating an opportunity for Kushina.

Dodging was no longer an option, so Sakai could only cross his arms and lower his head to protect the chakra seals on his chest and forehead.


However, he had underestimated Kushina's striking power. Born with an excellent physical constitution, not only did she possess immense chakra reserves, but her strength also surpassed that of her peers.

Kushina's punch sent Sakai reeling back two meters, but thankfully, his extensive experience and sufficient abilities prevented him from losing his footing.

Had it been a student, they would have been knocked down, losing mobility.

Despite taking Kushina's forceful blow, Sakai shot her an enraged glare, only now realizing Minato's intent.

He had never intended to engage him directly; the charge was a feint.

Minato must have sensed the speed gap between them.

But Kushina didn't give him time to dwell on his anger, immediately launching another attack.


Behind them, Sakai's two teammates were forced to halt their advance to deflect the kunai Minato had thrown earlier.

They eyed the boy, half a head shorter than themselves, with guarded expressions, devoid of any contempt.

Minato's meticulous strategy and speed were incongruous with his age, making it impossible to treat him as an ordinary student.

However, traces of anger still surfaced on their faces, as Minato's actions clearly indicated his intention to take them on alone.

Even among fellow genin, such a daring feat would be unthinkable, let alone for an Academy student.

Minato could sense their feelings, but he had no intention of underestimating them. This was the only way he could cover for Kushina at the moment.

He couldn't allow the three-man squad to combine their efforts, nor could he let Kushina face peril alone. He had to handle these two genin himself.

With Kushina's current abilities, she could undoubtedly take on one genin head-on.

"Since you've chosen to face us both, don't blame us for going all out," one of them warned.

They simultaneously charged at Minato, one taking a straightforward approach, aiming for the seal on his chest.

The other moved swiftly from the side, killing intent focused on Minato's forehead seal.

Their strategy was simple but effective: Even if Minato was faster than either of them individually, he could only defend against one of them at a time when they attacked together.

At least, that's what they assumed.

Minato saw through their intent.

These two were still underestimating his speed.


In the blink of an eye, Minato, the supposed prey at the center, vanished from his original spot, leaving only a faint golden blur.

"So fast!" Both the genin and the observing Akasaka's group were stunned by Minato's speed.

Minato reappeared abruptly in front of one of them, hands forming hand seals.

Realizing Minato's intent to use a ninjutsu at such close range, the genin was momentarily surprised but soon dismissed it as foolish.

He was too inexperienced; executing ninjutsu from that distance was nearly impossible.

The genin threw a punch to disrupt Minato's seals and knock him down directly.

As Minato's hands opened, the genin thought he had no choice but to abandon the seals.

But as his fist closed in, Minato's palm struck out, emitting a blue arc of lightning.

"You fell for it!" Minato smiled as the genin's punch couldn't be retracted in time.

Fist met palm, and the Lightning Release chakra instantly transmitted through the genin's arm, paralyzing his body.

"Help me!" the paralyzed genin cried out as his teammate aimed a punch at Minato's temple.

Despite their extremely close proximity, Minato remained unfazed by the punch coming from the side. With his other hand, he pressed his palm against the paralyzed genin's forehead, shattering the chakra seal.

The head and chest are vital areas; destroying the seal was akin to a killing blow. Curiously, the chest seal also crumbled instantly, as if linked to the forehead seal.

Instant kill!

Having swiftly taken down one genin, the other's fist was now mere inches from Minato's temple. At such close range, dodging seemed impossible.

"Body Flicker Technique!"

Minato's leg chakra erupted, and he grabbed the remaining genin's neck, dragging him along in a high-speed movement, narrowly avoiding the punch at the last possible moment.

The entire sequence happened too fast for anyone in the clearing, including the two genin, to comprehend.

It wasn't until Minato propped the paralyzed genin he had instantly defeated against the giant tree they had been hiding in that everyone finally grasped what had occurred.

The battle's pace was dizzying, too rapid for the eye to follow.

"My apologies, senior," Minato said before leaping aside, still wary of the two genin.

He couldn't be certain the defeated one would adhere to the exam rules and treat him as dead, no longer attacking.

"The seal... disappeared?" Akasaka and the others stared in disbelief at the youth leaning against the tree trunk, his forehead and chest seals gone.

"He instantly killed a genin?" the older boy beside Akasaka and Takenouchi Rin could scarcely believe it. A single genin was enough to overwhelm all of them previously.

Yet Minato Namikaze had instantly defeated one!

"He's gotten even stronger," Akasaka muttered, gradually regaining his senses. A year ago, Minato had already surpassed that genin they faced, but Akasaka never imagined he would grow this powerful in just one more year.

Meanwhile, as Kushina clashed with Sakai, a smile crept onto her face. She brought her index and middle fingers together in a cross-shaped hand seal.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!"


Nearly ten Kushina clones suddenly appeared, surrounding the bewildered Sakai.

Before he could fully process his teammates' fates, Kushina's voice rang out again.

"That'll teach you to underestimate the Academy students!"

(End of chapter)