
Naruto: Rebirth in the Ninja World

This is the story about a person who used to live in modern world rebirthed in the ninja world. Having watched a lot of anime in his previous life on earth, he knew a lot about the ninja world but, what if everything he knew wasn't correct? What if there were entirely different outcomes for a small change he made? ------------------------ This is a rewrite of my previous work, "Swordsman System in Naruto". I have this time tried to correct all my previous wrongs and make the story a lot better. Try reading it once before you make a review or something. Also, just ask me if there is something you don't understand, just ask me. Hit me up on Discord for anything related to the story or me : overlord#0103

Mathematical_Pi · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
95 Chs


The sun had gone down and the moon was spreading the little light there was. At this time, Yukan and Sakumo stood facing each other.

Yukan's expressionless face had now slowly turned into a cold one. He once again repeated his words in a cold tone," What did you just say, sensei?"

Sakumo took a breath once and then said," Your mother, Mrs Aayu has died."

Yukan heard Sakumo clearly and slowly his expression started to change once again. A smile started appearing on his face.

He started laughing loudly and extended his left hand to cover one half of his face.

The laugh and his appearance along with the lighting there was enough to scare anyone. Naturally, even Sakumo held the hilt of his blade quickly but did not take it out.

Yukan quickly noticed it and said," Don't worry sensei, if I had to kill you, I would have already done it. I may be cruel but not evil and that too, I have never shown cruelty but… Who killed her?"

Sakumo lifted his hand from the blade and answered," She was not killed by someone but she died from various natural reasons like multiple organ failure."

Sakumo hoped that this would quell some of Yukan's emotions but rather, he was even angrier now.

"But she was completely fine when I left. Why did I not get any news?"

"It was Danzo, he did not let any letter be sent to you out of Konoha," Sakumo said.

Yukan did not reply anymore and turned around to leave. Right when Yukan was about to take a step, Sakumo asked him," Are you alright?"

"Would you be?" Yukan asked and then finally disappeared.

Yukan wanted to rush back to Konoha but it was too dark and he would not be able to travel around easily so he decided to leave early in the morning.

He sat on the roof of the inn he was staying in and stared into the forest.

The reason for Yukan to be so angry at Danzo was that if Danzo had not blocked the letters, Yukan would have received the news sooner and used the remaining All-Healing pill on her.

"I still have 14%, she would have been here for some more time… It's time for the rubbish to be thrown away." Yukan said and lay down on the cold roof.



The next day, early in the morning, Yukan left Takigakure without informing anyone. Sakumo stayed behind for the day to make sure that the mission was complete.

He ran back to Konoha as fast as he could and reached before noon.

The moment Yukan entered Konoha, he ran to the hospital instead of going to the Hokage's office to report about his mission.

In the hospital, Yukan saw Minato and Kiyome talking to each other. Minato had a sad expression while Kiyome was crying.

Yukan decided not to disturb them and walked in.

In the waiting area, he saw Kushina sleeping on a small chair. Yukan went forward and woke her up because he thought that she may be uncomfortable.

Yukan tapped on Kushina's arm twice to wake her up.

Kushina woke up and saw Yukan's face. Yukan was still very angry but to Kushina, he only showed a straight face.

Kushina rubbed her eyes and after she confirmed that Yukan was standing in front of her, she hugged him tightly.

Tears slowly started to fall from her eyes. Yukan felt his upper getting wet.

He pushed Kushina gently and wiped her tears.

"I-I and Kiyome used to visit aunt every day a-and she used to be fine. One day, I did not come and sh-she…" Kushina sobbed while speaking.

"Thank you for taking care of mom," Yukan said and continued to wipe the tears off of Kushina's face.

Kushina soon stopped crying but fell asleep due to exhaustion.

Yukan took some chairs, put them together and let her lay down on them.

"I'll take you home in a while." Yukan kissed Kushina's cheek as she slept and said softly.

Yukan then walked to the nearby staff and finally found the doctor who reported about his mother.

"You are Mrs Aayu Norio's son, right?" The doctor asked.

"Yes, I am Yukan Norio," Yukan said.

"Your mother died a few days ago due to multiple organ failures at once. I believe her liver was in a very bad condition since her face was too dried up though it is just a speculation, we were not able to confirm it due to not having the permission to open the body." The doctor reported to Yukan.

Yukan simply nodded, there was nothing else he could do in front of the doctor right now.

"Doctor, can I see my mom once?" Yukan asked the doctor.

"It is not allowed so it will be difficult…Give me a second." The doctor said and walked away. Very soon, he came back while walking hurriedly.

"Mr Yukan, since it is not allowed, you cannot stay in for long. Go in that room now, I'll tell you when to come back." The doctor said while pointing to a room 3 meters away.

Yukan entered the room and saw a bed in it. The body on the bed was covered by a white cloth sheet.

Yukan removed the sheet a little from the above and was able to see the face of the body.

As soon as Yukan saw Aayu's face, his heart sank into more sadness.

Aayu's face was looking like a very old grandma's, but it was still recognizable.

Yukan felt that his eyes were getting wet. He suddenly looked up, towards the light and said," Fuck these tears."

"Quickly come out." The doctor opened the door and said,

Yukan just disappeared and appeared in the hospital corridor again. This time, Minato and Kiyome standing right in front of him saw him.

"When did you come back?" Minato asked.

"Some time ago."

"Um, the doctors are saying that they cannot keep mother here for long and…" Minato was speaking but was quickly interrupted.

"We'll have the funeral tomorrow morning. And, before I forget, thank you for looking after mom, Kiyome-San." Yukan said and then walked towards Kushina.

He now picked her up while she was still sleeping and took her away, to his house.

Since there would have been many eyes watching him on the main road, he took the empty one and reached his house in some time.

He put Kushina down in the guest room and went to the kitchen to drink water.

When Yukan was taking out a glass, he noticed two envelopes lying in the cabinet.

"What is this…" Yukan said as he picked up the envelopes.

They were the letters Aayu had written to Yukan and Minato before dying.

"This looks like mom's writing and one has my name on it too," Yukan said.

He put down the one with Minato's name aside and opened his letter.

"Hey Cutie Pie,

I am sorry I wasn't able to talk to you…"