
Naruto: Realistic SI/OC

Just another SI/OC I am just trying to make it a bit more realistic. The MC will be 1 year older than Itachi -Mc is smart, lazy but hardworking , ruthless but not necessary evil grey morals -Anti-harem This is my first novel so have merci on me I do not own anything (sadly)

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'Huh what's happening? Where am I? Who am I? The last thing I remember is that, there was a white room and then. Huh I don't remember.' I panicked I tried to move or open my eyes, but nothing worked.

I became anxious, but after about 10 minutes, I started to calm down and thought to myself. 'Panic won't help me, I need to calm down. Ok let's try to asses the situation, I don't know where I am, who I am, and can't do anything but thinking. Maybe I am in coma, but it feels like I am swimming. Ok next thing let's try to sort my memories. 'It looks like I only forgot my personal life and such. Ok that doesn't sound good at all, but there is good news, I can remember information just nothing personal, and other skills like swimming, reading and writing in three different languages English, Japanese and German so my nationality is either one of these three. 

Huh… now that I think about it doesn't this situation seems awfully familiar, don't know where I am, who I am, can't move my body and around my me is liquid everywhere.' Realization dawned upon me. 'Nah.. I must have watched to many movies, i hope im not in some kind of government operation . I'm probably in coma and that liquid is some new medical thing. But its weird that I have forgotten only personal stuff.' I discarded that thought but a little silver of doubt didn't leave me.

Then I suddenly noticed something is pulling me. 'Oh what the hell is happening.' I panicked because I suddenly I felt like I was pressed through a tube.

I felt how my eyelids twitch. 'Ugh so god damn bright.' I then slowly opened my eyes, and what came into my still view was a face that had a very warm smile on her face. 'This is madness'. I realized now in what of a situation I found myself in. 'But this can't be a dream, you are not supposed to feel pain in dreams, this is real'. After a few minutes of rationalized thinking, I kind of accepted my predicament. 'It's not like I could change a thing'.

"Why doesn't he cry?" asked a masculine voice worryingly in Japanese.

'Oh looks like I am in japan, but strangely everything is so traditional.' I thought after looking around for a bit.

"Don't worry that happens from time to time, but better be safe than sorry!" said an old women, and then grabbed me, and slapped my butt.

'Ouch you damn bitch, be gentle I was fucking born a minute ago.' I tried to yell out, but you could only hear loud baby cries.

"Look everything is fine." said the now identified old bitch.

"Give me my son?" requested my I think mother, and took me in her arms.

'Thank god I am still male.' I thought, then I widen my eyes…as much as infant can. 'How did I know I was male.'

After a while I concluded, that its like a instinct or a feeling that I was male. With a serious expression, that looks completely stupid on an infant.

"Ahh how cute, look how serious he looks" My mother fawned over me.

"Yes your right Misako." said my father, and the old bitch agreed too.

'Haha your right, of course I am the cutest. I haven't seen me myself but that must be true, then I am the great… eh what's my name again?' I laughed, or giggled.

Time-skip-no-Jutsu 3 Months

I am currently sitting in the lap of my mother, in the garden of the house were my family lives. Yes I see them as my family, it may seem a little weird because I am an adult, after going through my memories i had left I figured I am approximately 20+ years old. But they obviously love me very much, and I can't remember my first family if I had one, so why not.

At the moment I am watching my father, do his training with his short-sword, when he suddenly starts doing hand signs. 'Huh is he a…weeb, I thought were in the 1700-1800.s there should be no manga much less Naru-'

[Wind Release: Wind Cutter]

And then suddenly a wind-blade shot from his sword against a tree and left a deep gash in it.

I was so surprised to see this, that I nearly fell of my Moms lap, but she caught me before I fell of.

"Tatsuya!!!" growled my mother.

"How many times did I tell you to not do Justus in our garden, there are 44 training grounds in Konoha and you manage it every time to destroy my garden, I don't care if you are a special-jonin you're sleeping on the couch tonight!" ranted my mother.

But at the moment I couldn't care less what's happening. 'No this can't be happening, I am only 3. months old, how can my eyes and ears be broken, I clearly saw my father doing an wind style Jutsu?' I questioned myself

But then looked again at the tree, and sure enough the gash is still there. And then remembered the words my mother just said. 'Konoha?, special-jonin?, hahahahah ridiculous, ridiculous, ridiculous, RIDICULOUS FUCKING RIDICULOUS I AM IN FUCKING NARUTO ha…ha!!'

'ha ha I can't believe it, I am in Naruto.' After my little mental breakdown episode, I looked towards my parents, my father on his knees begging for forgiveness, while he muttered something about looking cool before his son.

My mother looked with an icy look, that send chills down my spine. 'I should definitely not anger her in the future.' I swore to myself.

Then my mother started speaking again. "What cool looking before your son he's 3 months old, he can barely crawl, and how should he understand what you just did, you're sleeping on the couch tonight." I looked at him with a bit of pity and thought to myself. 'Worry not dad you looked very cool, and helped me a lot I will remember you're sacrifice.'

As my mother carried me away, she said, while still showing her back to him. "You're gonna change Tatsuto diaper the rest of the week, therefore you can still sleep in the bed!" I cringed at the mention of diaper change, because my body isn't developed enough to hold the necessary muscles. 'Ugh I hate this, why must I be a baby its such pain in the ass, but the diaper change its still better than breastfeeding.' I lamented my situation.

Time-skip-no-jutsu 2 years 9 months (Mc is now 3 years old)

'So somehow my parents think, that I am some kind genius only found 1 time in 10 years, ok maybe that's my fault...mostly, because I started speaking simple words when I was 6 months old or started walking when I was 8 months old, fluently speaking with 14 months, reading and writing with 2 years, sounds impressive for an toddler but not so much for an adult, but who told them to brag, now every time someone comes over to our house I have to do something to fill their curiosity. 'Sigh so stressful.' I sighed

I also know the approximate era i find myself in. Could be a lot better the third ninja war is still going on, and i heard that the Uchiha clan has a new heir that was born last year. I I just hope that Konoha isn't desperate enough to send preschool children to war. After that I started making my plans for the future.

I also recently came to the knowledge that 5.Generations ago, my family was exiled out of the Hyuga clan, but I am lucky no caged bird for me, because the main family regarded our family after 3.Generations to impure for there 'noble' caged-bird seal. That means I can still hopefully awaken a Byakugan , and don't have to deal with some stuck-up bastards with family issues. I mean who slaves their own family and then uses the excuse:

"We have to follow our ancestors rules!" Then fuck you and go sleep in a cave, because your ancestors did too. 'But not my problem'.

(A.N. First Chapter done, Hope you like it. And it would be nice if you can notice me if you find mistakes, from grammar or other things)