
Naruto raging whirlpool

On the one month training period that leads up to the final round of the chunin exam. Naruto after constant failure at summoning a toad finally summoned an egg? Naruto isn't mine, pokemon isn't mine the images on the book cover isn't mine. I might take inspiration from other works of anime or use other people's art and and so on credit goes to them I only take credit for my work and ideas only. I will be using my own generated AI art. I am new at writing fiction so you'll see improvements in my writing as I go. constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated.

Donedealdude · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

prologue part 2

"Hey, perv you awake?" Naruto stood behind the collapsed Ebisu " we'll, there's only one way to find out" Naruto bent down " hidden finger jutsu, thousand years of death" ebisu didn't budge he was down and out.

" Man he's totally out of it some trainer he is, pathetic.... OK FROG MAN WHAT WAS THAT ALL ABOUT WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE ANYWAY"

With a flamboyant and arrogant performance the old man began his theatric introduction" I'm glad you asked, I am the hermit of Mount myoboku, the wise and immortal spirit. That's right it is I the toad mountain sage"

" What? toad sage?"


As fast as it came the toad that was summoned by the toad sage disappeared in a cloud of smoke leaving no trace behind.

" Exactly"


Naruto down a teacher and no options left begged Jiraiya to train him chasing him down until he finally agreed


Naruto and jiriah sat infront of a calm river." Ok now show me that technique you were using earlier" Naruto got up and walked up to the river "ok, here goes" he focused and infused his soles with Chakra and took a stept on to the river. He took wobbly steps as he bounced on the surface layer of the river. Not long after and he fell in.

Jiraiya let's out a hearty laughter at naruto's expense " not again" Naruto was getting tired of his seemingly unending failures.

" You really do need my help" jiriah was mildly amused. " ugh I should know by now to take my clothes off first" Naruto striped down leaving nothing on but his boxers and ninja headband

"Hey, go on and build up your Chakra again"

" Can't I dry off a little first"

"Now, do it"

"Hmph" Naruto went straight to it an started building up his Chakra as instructed.

Jiriah stared intently at Naruto, shock appeared on his face" Wha, amaizing" Naruto looked at jiriah curiously" hmm?"

" You know you have a quite tight sexy little body" all of naruto's concentration went down the drain as he stumbled in shock.

" What the!?, do you mind old man I'm tryna focus over here"

" Oh, sorry about that please go right ahead"

" Jerk"Naruto slipped back into his concentration an began building up his Chakra. In moments a seal appeared on his stomach. Jiriah stared at it intently and moved infront of naruto

'so this is the formula used to imprison the nine tailed fox, a double tetragram seal with an eight sign seal hmmm, that way if any of the demons Chakra escapesthe tetragram seal it will be safely channeled into and suppressed by the boy's own chakra. The forth hokage , he did this for the boys protection' jiriah smiled at the impressive work done by the forth hokage

' But since then a five prongeed seal has been added , an odd numbered seal on top of an even numbered seal, hmm that explains it that's why the boys Chakra and the demons are merging in an unstable way, it's no wonder he can't control his Chakra very well'

' this was the work of someone else if I had to guess then I'd say it was orochimaru' jiriah stood up and his his right arm behind his back on his finger tips small flame like Chakra ignited, blue in color with white transparent kanji taking form on each finger tip.

" Ok raise your arms up over your head" jiriah ordered naruto" huh?" Naruto was skeptical. "Come-on it's a trust exersize raise them high" jiriah insisted while still hiding his arm behind his back. Naruto reluctantly raised his arms into the air "we'll this is a weird way to get started".jiriah not wasting any time quickly proved he was not someone worthy of trust.


Jiriah buried his palm into naruto's gut, breaking the seal orochimaru' placed on Naruto during the chunin exams.

Naruto was angry but didn't argue for long and went to continue his training as told. To naruto's shock he could do it. It was as easy as walking on land. He jumped for joy laughing his heart out.

Jiriah dicided it was time to teach Naruto how to control the Nine tail's Chakra. He told Naruto about the two chakras that lie within him and Naruto remembered the day he faught haku on the great Naruto bridge. His surge in power allowed him to defeat haku and protect Sasuke. And just like that the days training was over and they went to relax soaking in the hot spring to end the day.


The next day


The training continues the very next day as Naruto trains jiriah guides him through it. Naruto wasn't convinced by jiriah's methods. "Why do I need to summon that red Chakra anyway what does it have to do with that technique you're gonna teach me anyway"

"Listen boy , for the technique I'm gonna teach you that Chakra you've been using up until now is nowhere near powerful enough, if you wanna pull off this technique you need to tap into the Chakra that's been lying dormant within you summoning it up at a moment's notice"

" Yeah that sounds cool and exiting but how do you even know I have this Chakra in me"

Jiriah grinned " I'm glad you asked , it's because IM A SAGE" Naruto almost fell as the joke caught him off guard."*sigh* talk about giving an answer without giving an answer"

" Anyway, the special Chakra that only you have is gonna be your greatest weapon I am sure of it"

Naruto continued his training with his shadow clones in order to master the Nine tails chakra.after a few hours of training defeating all his clones jiriah finally spoke

" Nicely done"

" Well Shure enough just like I thought I'm the strongest me" Naruto collapsed on his knees from exhaustion.

" It seems at long last you've used up almost all your Chakra, I can finally teach you that technique"