
Naruto: Puppet Master

Egon Hartmann was a mechanical researcher, in a world which as it's path of progress chose biological primacy. Throughout his entire life he was scorned by his 'peers', his achievements and vision looked down upon from those in the 'right' mindset. Spurned by the society he delved into more dangerous and hazardous projects which resulted in his untimely demise. Now witness the scorned become the respected... Discord link: https://discord.gg/5hXDQhhqxU

trudny1 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Ideas for future

"Slow down Pakura, while I appreciate you loving my food, it will not escape from the plate." I heard my mother chide Pakura. When I looked at miss "not a Tomboy", I saw her packing food into her mouth as if she was a bear preparing to hibernate. Right now she looked like a chipmunk with her cheeks filled with food.

'So that's how she has so much energy to burn daily.' I smashed my fist into my palm in realization.

Our not so delicate princess turned a bit more red and turned away with indignation.

'Cute.' My lips rose upward.

Today Paku's parents left on a mission, as such for some time she will stay with us. That's not a good news as we live in a house, not some great residence. Our house composes of two rooms - mine and parents room, in addition to the living room (not counting the toilet and bathroom).

The reason for the classification of the news being negative, is that Pakura - codename "Heater" - is way too clingy when sleeping, and for that I have to suffer, as we have no spare beds, and children sleeping on the couch is not an option for my parents.

I tried gently pleading my case that I'm a boy and she's a girl, but all I got in return was: "Both of you are still young, don't worry~"

'Stupid adults.'

"So" my mother started "where have both of you been going recently?"

"Teruya yesterday found a friend~"

That quickly grabbed mine and my mothers attention. "Oh?" She gestured for Paku to continue, seeing a chance for her to stockpile upon black history of mine like an ammunition to embarrass me in the future, while my eyes conveyed 'Don't you dare.'

"You see aunty" Paku began while splendidly ignoring my eyes "Teruya found a kindred spirit, that was carving in a wooden block."

"Of course." My mother sighed with exasperation. "My little bookworm will only ever talk about his hobby, puppets and ask questions of anything that relates to them"

"Hey, I'm still here." I murmured, which was ignored by everyone, but my father with pity in his eyes directed at me.

"I was afraid my cute cookie monster would never find any friends, but I'm glad I was proven wrong." Mum said while wiping a fake tear out of her eye

"I'm so happy of the trust you place in me." I deadpanned at her.

"You're welcome my boy. So, what's his or her name, and when are you inviting him for dinner?" She asked.

"Sasori, but-" I was interrupted by her. "No buts, I want to meet your friends." She said without leaving me any room to argue.

*Sigh* "Fine." I said with a heavy voice.

As Paku cleaned the plate from it's contents, I stood up and grabbed her to go outside. "Okay, we're going, bye." I quickly said and closed the door behind me, before I could get harassed by both of them.

"So, where to now?" She asked as she finished chewing.

"Let's grab Sasori and check some shops." I told her.

"Ew, boring." She visibly recoiled at the idea of shopping, probably assuming my shopping connected with books, groceries, or some carving material.

"Okay" I sighed dramatically. "I guess it will be just me and Sasori going to the weapon shop." As I looked forward to seeing her quickly changing expression, at which she didn't disappoint, as her orange eyes that were dimmed quickly regained luster, and I swear, they even started to shine.

"Okay, what are we waiting for! Let's quickly grab Sasori, don't keep him waiting, it's rude. Speed up slow-poke." She exclaimed as she increased her pace and started dragging me by hand forward.

(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ fuwa~fuwa~desu~~~

"Hey, Teruya, Pakura!" I saw Sasori wave at us. "Are you okay?" He asked me.

"I thought my arm is gonna pop out of my shoulder socket." I said, with accusing gaze towards Pakura, while I was rubbing my right shoulder.

"What happened?" He asked with a confusion written on his face.

"You see, Paku-" "Nothing happened at all, haha" She quickly interrupted my explanation. "So, to which shop are we going?" She tried changing the topic, in a not at all smooth way.

"...to Ollivander's "Arms to cause harms"." He answered not really buying her topic change, but stopping his questioning at the same time.

'Ollivander, huh. I do remember that name from somewhere, I wonder from where though.' I wondered

"So we are going to the old man? I see, I see. Let's go, time waits for no one." She exclaimed as went to grab and drag both of us. Me, an intellectual noticing a pattern, wisely swapped my position, so she would grab my left arm, instead of my already sore right arm. 'When she wants something, she will bulldoze straight to the goal.' I thought with a smile.

"So, you know "the old man"?" I asked, noticing her hinting at the familiarity with the shop owner.

"Yes, I... sometimes check out what he has for sale." She answered with a mid sentence pause.

"I doubt the validity of your words in regards to the frequency of your visits." Sasori calmly analysed. "You would not talk about the shop owner with such a familiarity if you rarely saw him." He continued his cold logic.

But his cold logic is not a good tool to apply with Paku. Especially when she already has a solid grasp on your skin.

As if on que, she yanked both of our hands forward and sped up her pace towards the shop, just like a locomotive, with a steam appearing over her head.

(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ fuwa~fuwa~desu~~~

"So this is what happened as we met today." Sasori muttered with a wry smile on his face, as he rubbed his sore shoulder. I was doing the same, and as we did I could feel our friendship grow, through common misfortune.

Our bonding moment got interrupted by Paku exclaiming "We're here, let's go in!"

The shop was two level high, with the second floor I assumed was being used as a living quarters for the owner. In the middle of the building, facing the main street was a set of double doors, with tall windows with opened roller blinds set on each side.

"Ah, our young weapon enthusiast came back on her daily quest. I started to wonder if today is gonna be any different." An eccentric old man with white hair that looked as if they were blown by the wind in all of the directions spoke as we entered his shop.

At that me and Sasori looked at each other, before I started to grin at Pakura with a knowing smile. 'Yes, this will be a great ammunition to tease her in the future.'

"Not now old man." Paku squeaked with a red face at the old man, conveying that her plea to not continue that topic.

At that the old man laughed, and as he noticed us he asked with a gentle smile. "And who are your friends, Pakura?"

"The red head is Sasori, while the sand haired one is Teruya." Then she added after a small pause. "Teruya is a book worm, while Sasori is being suspected of being one."

""Oi"" We protested in the background.

"So how can I help you, friends of Pakura?" He asked with a smile.

"Me and Sasori are aspiring shinobis, so we would like to take a look at the weaponry." I told him.

"Go ahead kids, if you have questions, feel free to ask them."

In the shop we saw a variety of different weapons: spears, halberds, swords, katanas, tantos, bows, shurikens, kunais, senbons (throwing needles), staffs, you name it. Some looked to be meant for ceremonial duties, some ready for combat, while others looked like antiques.

As we inspected the wares, a certain item caught my attention. "And what's this? It doesn't look like a weapon." I asked, as I took a stick from a cushion into my hand, and showed it to the shop owner.

"Ah yes, phoenix feather encased in an eleven inch holly wood. Unusual paring." He answered while not really answering. I just looked at him weirdly before putting the stick away and checking his other wares.

"Mister" I heard Sasori "there are those two katanas here, that look practically the same - both look freshly smithed, without any sort of ornaments, yet one has a price tag with which you could buy an entire mansion, while the other has a normal one. Why is that?"

That grabbed my attention to Sasori and his question.

"You see, the right one-" Ollivander pointed to the expansive one "-is made using chakra iron, while the left one is made of normal iron."

""Chakra Iron?"" Me and Sasori both asked at the same time.

"Chakra iron is a metal that is light, yet extremely tough at the same time. Shinobis can also flow their chakra into one to enhance or change it's properties, or even to combine it with their jutsu. Chakra iron's have come in different flavours, elements. This specific blade's chakra iron is of a wind element, being the best suited for wind release specialists."

"The reason for it's price is that chakra iron is an extremely rare resource, and the biggest mine of it is located in the Land of Iron - practically on the other side of the continent. The cost of import..."

Mid his explanation I zoned off. 'Chakra iron, an element conductive to chakra, it could be used for...' From the outside one could physically see the gears turning in my head.

Bro, writing is a time consuming process. I thought it's EZ PZ, yet here I am, writing 800 words for 2 hours. What a pain~

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