
Naruto: Poison Born (Voting fan-fic)

A voting based Fanfic following a character called Noburu Suzuki in the world of Naruto, at the end of every chapter a vote occurs that lets you the reader choose what Noburu does, the story is what you make it. Noburu’s background and potential was chosen by dice rolls which you can find in the auxiliary chapters.

BlueRedrum · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Introducing Noburu

Your Name is Noburu Suzuki an orphan born in the village hidden in the leaves Konohagakure.

You're parents were both career Chunin who happened to die at the hands of the Nine Tailed Fox a couple months after you were born.

You stayed in one of the many orphanages that ended up being built as a result of the Nine Tails's rampage but you left when you were six years old to join the Konoha shinobi academy after it was discovered that you had the talent to become a shinobi.

In the academy you flourished and despite being in a class full of heirs to the most prestigious and powerful clans in Konoha you were always one the best students in your class.

Academically you were by far the best student the only person who could compete with you was Shikamaru Nara but he never even competed tests only doing enough to pass even though everyone knew he could ace everything if he wanted to.

In Taijutsu you were also naturally gifted being able to go toe to toe with the clan kids, but you probably would have been unbeaten in spars if you weren't lazy and actually trained.

In Ninjutsu you weren't as good as you were with everything else but you would still say that you were top ten in your class in the subject.

Whwn it came to Genjutsu you were truly mediocre though, you took the average amount of time to learn how to dispell Genjutsu and you didn't think you would ever be a Genjutsu specialist in you life.

Right now you were in your final year of the academy and you were taking your graduation exam. You had just completed your written exam and you were just about to go into the taijutsu portion of the exam which is a series of three spars against fellow your students.


"Can Noburu Suzuki and Kiba Inuzuka please enter the ring to have the first spar of the day," My sensei Iruka called out.

'My first spar of the day is against Kiba, this will be difficult the only person in our class who beats him consistently in Taijutsu is Sasuke, I've beaten Kiba before but not often,' I think before walking up to wear me and Kiba's fight would take place.

"Sorry to say Noburu but you may as well quit now before I wipe the floor with you, after all I'm going to be the Hokage!" Kiba declared loudly before falling into his clan's Taijutsu stance.

'Same old loudmouthed Kiba, I'll do my beat to make him eat those words.'

"We'll see about that Kiba because I plan don't really plan on losing this fight," I responded before falling into one of the more advanced forms of Taijutsu that the academy teaches us.

"Remember the rules, no weapons or use of jutsu is permitted and you can't aim for the eyes. Now that both of you are clear on the rules you may begin," Iruka announced.

Kiba instantly dashed at me while staying low to the ground and right when I was in range he leapt up with a hook aimed straight for my jaw.

'Fast paced and aggressive, as expected of an Inuzuka.'

I manage to bounce backwards to avoid the hook before counter attacking with a kick Straight to the meaty part of his calf which connected well and almost made his leg give from underneath him.

I move to follow up on my counterattack but he manages to retreat backwards to get himself a second to recover.

'Damn, I almost had him in that one exchange if I was faster I could've capitalised but his clan's Taijutsu is based on speed so what would I expect.'

I fall back into a defensive stance prepared to counterattack for the whole fight when Kiba dashes at me full speed but instead of with a hook like last time he tries to take full advantage of his speed and takes a jab at me before moving out just as quickly as he came in.

A slight smirk appears on his face as he continues this sequence landing a few quick but light blows on me before moving out of my reach.

'This is annoying, even though his attacks aren't doing much damage since their light and fast they're too quick for me to counter. Even if he doesn't beat me it's going to look like his victory if I don't land any more blows. It's time for me to change the pace.'

The next time Kiba jabbed at me and left the area I could reach I switched my stance to a more offensive one and readied myself.

"Whatever you're planning won't work Noburu I've already got you figured out," Kiba taunted the sheer amount of arrogance he spoke with was dripping from his tone.

Ignoring his taunts I dashed at him and when I got close enough I feinted an uppercut and when he moved to sidestep it I swept his legs and made him fall straight over.

Within seconds I was on top of him and I had both of his arms pinned.

"Surrender Kiba, you've lost."

"No way I'll ever surrender to you," Kiba refuted as he continued to struggle but it was no use as I was stronger than him.

After a moment when everyone realised Kiba wasn't escaping Iruka sensei called the fight. "That's enough you two Noburu has won the fight, form the seal of reconciliation and leave the ring so we can continue on with the exam."

I get up off Kiba and go to the middle of the ring to form the seal if reconciliation, he follows and we both form the seal and bow to each other him far more reluctantly than me.

"You got lucky this time Noburu, next time I won't go so easy on you," Kiba huffed out before walking away, clearly ticked off by his loss.

'That was a close one he nearly had me, good thing he fell for that feint or he could've just dragged the fight.'

My next two spars were nowhere near as challenging as my battle with Kiba as I dispatched of my opponents with relative ease.

"That marks the end of the Taijutsu exams, let's go inside for the final exam which is the Ninjutsu exam," Iruka instructed us.

'I should be able to pass this exam with relative ease, while I'm not as good at Ninjutsu as I am with Taijutsu I still have all three jutsus down to a decent enough level.

One by one we were called into a separate room for the exam, some people walked out sulking others with a shiny new headband signifying the as shinobi of the hidden leaf.

"Noburu Suzuki," I heard my name being called from next door and I new it was my time.

I walked down and entered the room. Inside the room sat Iruka sensei and my other Sensei Mizuki.

"You're allowed to do the three jutsu in any order you like, you can take your time with each one but you only get one chance to preform them, you may begin," Mizuki sensei instructed me.

I nod in response and immediately start forming handsigns.

Ram - Boar - Ox - Dog - Snake

"Substitution jutsu!" I call out before cleanly swapping postition with the chair next to me.

Iruka and Mizuki begin writing down notes on a piece of paper before signaling me to continue.

I go straight back to forming hand signs.

Dog - Boar - Ram

"Transformation Jutsu!" In an instant a puff of smoke appears and I transform into a near perfect replica of Iruka sensei except a few minor details and blemishes.

"That's good Noburu just the clone jutsu left," Mizuki tells me.

I quickly dispelled the transformation technique and went straight back into molding handsigns.

Ram - Snake - Tiger

I finish forming handsigns and the perfect clones appear next to me.

'I've done it, I'm finally a genin of the leaf. Finally something more than just a talented orphan," I think to myself with pride a light smile appearing on my face.

"Congratulations Noburu you have passed the Ninjutsu exam so now you're a genin of the leaf, wear you headband and wear it with pride you've earned it," Iruka said with a smile.

I pick up my headband with a grin on ny face and thank Mizuki and Iruka.

"You have two weeks before you come back to be sorted into your genin teams, enjoy them," Iruka told me before I left.

I walk out the side room and then past the few of my classmates who are still waiting to do the exam.

With nothing else to do I walk home before plopping down on my couch and relaxing.

'Now that I have so much free time before I join my genin team I need to figure out how to spend it, I also need to decide where to tie my Headband,' I think to myself.


First vote, how should Noburu spend his break:

[A] Relax, you just did a difficult exam and you should enjoy the rest if your time.

[B] Research, go to the library and research potential sensei's you might have or a technique you might want to learn.

[C] Train Ninjutsu

[D] Train Taijutsu

[E] Train Genjutsu

Second vote, where should you where your headband:

[A] Your forehead

[B] Your Neck

[C] Your waist

[D] Your arm


Hope you guys enjoyed that chapter, If you have any suggestions, critiques, advice or anything that you particularly enjoyed let me know.