
Naruto: Playful Illusionist

A playful, somewhat chuunibyou anime fan wakes up to find himself in the Naruto world. Can he escape the hidden dangers that his new body has given him? Can he, now she, enjoy her life to the fullest? Let's find out as she navigates the world on her journey to enjoy life and become strong! Gender-bent Reverse Trap MC. Contains Yuri. MC might potentially have a female and male lover idk haven't decided. I commissioned the cover

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37 Chs

Chapter 9 - Grandma Towa

Mikumo's training with Sakumo lasted nearly eight hours. From basic physical training to basic ninja theory, everything was crammed in as Sakumo would be going back to doing missions soon.

Mikumo dragged her body back to her home after training was done and the sun had already set. Sakumo escorted her back, as even though her house was close to the third training ground, he couldn't let Mikumo walk back alone at night.

"Alright, I've given you all the training material you need. If you have any questions or need any help, go see Kakashi, I told him to help you out and he sounded willing enough."

"Yes, sensei."

Mikumo was already dead tired. Kakashi had long finished his training and left to go back to tend to his ninken, so it was just the two of them right now.

Sakumo chuckled at the sight of the young girl shakingly walking home. It was just earlier today that she was full of energy and constantly restless.

Before long, the two of them arrived in front of Mikumo's home.

"Okay, this is where I take my leave. I am actually still off for the next two days still, but I know you need to spend time with your grandmother, so the next time we see each other will be when I'm back from my mission."

"Alright, sensei. Good luck on your mission, I'll follow your training plan in the meantime."

Sakumo nodded before disappearing, his movements were too quick for Mikumo to capture.

"Shunshin? (Body Flicker) Cool."

Mikumo opened the door to her home and stepped inside. Once inside, she heard noises coming from the kitchen.

"I'm home~."

Toka poked her head out from the kitchen and greeted her daughter.

"Oh, welcome back. You're just in time for dinner, come come."

Mikumo took off her shoes and slowly made her way over to the kitchen table and sat down, sighing in relief at being able to rest.

Nikumo was slightly amused at the sight of his usually restless daughter sitting quietly for once, as he set the table.

"Tired? How was today?"

Mikumo slumped her body on the table and laid her head down before answering.

"It was awful, everything is pain."

Nikumo couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahaha, looks like you got what you wanted. So, Sakumo approved?"

Mikumo nodded without taking her head off the table.

"Yes, Sakumo-sensei is going to train me in ninjutsu when he has time. So all I need to do now is convince grandma Towa."

Toka finished preparing the dishes and started placing the food on the table.

"Speaking of which, your grandma will be here tomorrow. Make sure you go to bed early so you can be awake to greet her when she arrives, okay?"

"Ah, don't worry about that, I feel ready to go to bed now."

"Fufu, it seems like you had a long day. Here, maybe this will help cheer you put."

Toka placed a plate of sizzling hot Japanese hamburg steak in front of Mikumo.

Although tired, Mikumo's stomach was honest as she shot up and started digging in.

"Ara, slow down. The food's not going anywhere."

The Kashima family shared a nice meal together and afterward, Mikumo took a quick shower before immediately crashing to sleep in her bed.


The next morning, the entire Kashima family was awake before dawn, preparing for the arrival of Towa.

They set up a quick picnic table on the porch, as Towa likes to sit outside to eat.

Before long, the appointed time arrived, just as the light of the sun started shining overhead, Mikumo heard a knock on the door.

Everyone came out and Nikumo opened the door to reveal Mikumo's grandmother, Towa Senju.

"Ah, Nikumo. How's business been doing?"

"It's been going well, mother, better than ever!"

Towa nodded and entered the home neatly, her old age didn't betray her majesty.

"Toka dear, have you been eating well?"

"Yes mother, everything is doing fine, I've never been healthier!"

Towa nodded again before shifting her attention to Mikumo.

Mikumo gulped at the sight of her grandmother. Draped in a neatly fit kimono, hair tied in a bun with a long ornament hairpin through it, was her grandmother, Towa Senju.

Towa bent down in front of Mikumo in an elegant manner and then suddenly brought her in for a tight embrace.

"Ah, my granddaughter, you're growing prettier by the day. Tell me, how have you been? Did you make any new friends?"

"Oof, yes, grandmother, please, everything is going well."

Towa let Mikumo escape after a few agonizing seconds of the firm hug with a wide smile on her face.

"Good good, that's my granddaughter. Come with grandma, I brought some treats for you. Toka dear, is the table set?"

Towa's tone instantly changed when looking at Toka and Nikumo.

"Yes mother, everything is prepared."

Upon hearing that, Towa finally relaxed and showed them both a gentle smile.

"Good, let's go Mikumo dearie."

Toka and Nikumo breathed a sigh of relief and started putting the finishing touches on breakfast.

Mikumo followed her grandmother as she led her out back to the porch, where the family had already prepared a picnic table and cushioned seats.

Towa sat down while Mikumo sat to her right. As they got themselves comfortable, Towa took out a bag of Konpeito candy.

"Here you go dearie, this is a gift from a friend of mind, his confectionery is the best in all of Konoha."

Mikumo received the gift carefully with both hands.

"Thank you, grandma."

Towa nodded gently in turn.

"Okay, so tell me, how have you been doing?"

"I've been doing well grandma, I started helping out at the store, and recently made a new friend."

Towa's eyes glistened as if she just heard the most interesting thing in the world.

"Oh? Who's this friend?"

"His name is Kakashi, he's the son of Sakumo Hatake-san."

Towa slightly frowned upon hearing the name.

"Hatake family's kid? Hmph, what right does he have to chase my granddaughter."

Mikumo sighed internally as she heard her grandmother's words.

'This is why I don't have any close friends. The other kids are too scared of my grandmother.'

"It's not like that, grandma, I just met him recently."

"Good, though just in case, I'll pay that Hatake boy a visit. He must think he's hot now that he has the title of White Fang."

"Please don't, grandma."

Mikumo has an exasperated expression on her face, from her memories she knew her grandmother was like this but seeing it, in reality, was another thing altogether.

"Alright fine, if you say so, dearie. So, how did you two meet?"

Mikumo gulped as now the main topic at hand is coming up.

'Oh boy, in the wise words someone in my past life once said, just do it!'

"Well, I met him because Sakumo-san was training me. I want to become a ninja."

Towa's face instantly frowned deeply as she stared at her granddaughter.

Mikumo felt her blood freeze over under the pressure of her grandmother's stare.

"You want to become a ninja? Why? Is it because of that little Hatake boy?"

"No no no, I said it's not like that. I just want to be able to protect myself, protect our family. Also, I've already confirmed with Sakumo-san, I have talent for ninjutsu, it would be a waste to just live a civilian life!"

Mikumo passionately tried to explain.

Towa didn't say anymore and simply kept staring for a few more seconds before sighing.

"Dearie, do you remember what I said about why I decided to stop being a ninja?"

Mikumo searched her memory as fast as she could before answering.

"You were...tired of seeing death?"

Towa nodded firmly.

"My sister, Toka Senju, who I named your mother after died just after we founded the village. I thought that after all that bloodshed, and loss, we would finally have peace once the village was founded, but peace was never meant to be for shinobi."

Mikumo didn't say much and listened carefully to her grandmother's weighted words.

"You never told me much about her, grandma. What was she like?"

Towa looked up to the sky with a melancholic expression.

"Oh was she a strong one, Toka. Much stronger than I was. She was renowned throughout the entire world and famed for her genjutsu. Hmph, you couldn't find a ninja in the land who would be confident in front of her."

"How did she..."

"Pass away? It was on a mission to secure the land of fire. Back then, although our village was formed and we were powerful, past grievances can't be so easily forgotten. She was ambushed on her way to settle an uprising in an area near the border."

Towa sighed as she recalled the tale.

"In this life, no matter how powerful you are, death is ever by your side. Even after hearing this, do you still intend to be a ninja?"

Towa looked directly into Mikumo's eyes, it wasn't a threatening stare, but one of deep sadness.

Mikumo thought deeply before responding, as she shifted her gaze away from that heavy stare.

'Can I really say that I have some deep reason for becoming a ninja? I was just excited that I transmigrated. Am I really prepared to take a life? Multiple lives if need be? I don't know. What I do know is, I already died once. The biggest shame for both of my lives would be to waste a second chance that was given to me.'

Mikumo looked back at her grandmother with renewed vigor. As she was about to speak, Towa patted her gently on the head.

"You don't have to say. I understand. If that's your will, I will follow it. Tomorrow, come back to the estate with me. My sister's legacy, I leave to you, dearie."

Mikumo didn't say more and nodded with warmth in her heart.

"I won't let you down grandma, my inherited talent, how can I be ordinary in this life?"

Towa smiled and sighed.

"It would be enough for me to know that you were safe, but the old can't keep dragging the young forever."

Mikumo chuckled and then started telling her grandmother about how she's spent her days and Sakumo's training. Before long, the rest of the Kashima family joined them for a nice meal on the porch.

Toka and Nikumo noticed the happy expressions of the two chatting individuals when they arrived and they knew things had gone well.

It was another peaceful morning in the Kashima household.