
Naruto: Overpowered Shinobi

A genius scientist who knows his way around anime dies and meets The Author who gives him the choice of reincarnation and three wishes. He chooses Naruto as his world with the powers of Yuu Otasaka from Charlotte (Loot), Accelerator from Toaru Majutsu no Index, and a Zanpakuto. Alignment: Chaotic Good I don't know how the story will go myself. If you have any suggestions that I like, I will try to implement them. The cover picture is not mine, if you want me to delete or replace it, please contact me through Discord: CalmNature #4167 or email: s.deluxe16@gmail.com Most of the characters are not mine, the credit goes to Kishimoto. Only the original characters are mine.

CalmNature · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
24 Chs


Sorry guys for the delay, I was a bit distracted and had to do stuff for school. The stability will improve after this week since I do have two tests incoming. You can expect one chapter every two days maybe? After that, it will get better.


Izumi didn't waste time and immediately got ready, being happy for some action coming.

Konan also went with him so they could have some time alone~

"What do you think, he did? Will it be a challenge?"

"Hardly." Konan knew that whatever Danzo threw at them, it probably wouldn't even make them go half-serious.

While Izumi stayed a bit optimistic, they went out of the Konoha Gate and went southeast.

They took their time on their way and made breaks every now and then.

"Konan? You awake?"


Both of them were sitting in front of a big tree. Konan's head was leaning on Izumi's shoulder.

It had a picturesque feeling to it.

There was a young girl with blue hair which reached her shoulders. Her delicate face and smooth skin only showed an inkling of her beauty. The blue eyeshadows graced her eyes. The paper rose on the side of her hair was like the cherry on top.

[A/N: Is the thing on her eyes called eyeshadow?]

Her head was leaning on the shoulder of a young boy who had pale-white hair that resembled his skin. His red eyes showed his love towards the beauty leaning on him while he was looking at her.

Both of them weren't wearing the normal Shinobi attire, instead, the young boy was wearing a jacket with a collar that reached his mouth. It had a purple stripe in the middle and was black everywhere else.

There was a sheath on his waist, that was black, red, and had white intricate patterns.

The young girl on his side was wearing a white jacket with sleeves that were longer than her arms.

Their sneakers were black and the overall outfit was something alien to the ninjas here.

Yet you could see that a small Konoha symbol was stitched into their clothes on the arms.

Of course, it was Izumi that made them.

His talent in auxiliary jobs was astounding since he stole it from the people if they had it. It never hurts to have more...

After a while, both resumed their trip. But it didn't take long when they sensed 20 to 30 ninjas on the level of Elite Jonin camping and hiding on their route.

"*sigh* cant these guys even hide? Shouldn't they be ROOT and proficient in it?"

"Izu, you are comparing them with you... This isn't really fair..."

They were still far away and they simply went their way knowing that they will probably be surrounded by them.

When they were at a certain position, 24 Ninjas left their hiding spots with Body Flicker and surrounded Konan and Izumi.

"So, you guys are ROOT?"

There was no emotion visible, you wouldn't be able with their masks on even if they showed something.

But Izumi could feel that their eyes widened a bit after hearing him.

Seeing that they were ROOT isn't that hard since it was written on their masks, but it looks like he was expecting them.

"Let's get to it, come on."

Izumi stood there with one hand out, beckoning them to come at him.

The Ninjas didn't wait for long, Konan went to the side and wanted to see how Izumi will beat them.

While the Ninjas were rushing at him, he unsheathed his Zanpakuto.

He didn't have many opportunities to use it since there weren't that many strong opponents.

Naturally, he will hold back quite a lot, so the fight stays a bit enjoyable.

Three Ninjas were first to arrive and they attacked with their fist from three different sides, making it hard to dodge.

But Izumi didn't have to dodge.


Three corpses lay before his feet, the only difference was that they were headless.

The only indication of who it was, was the blood on the blade of Izumi.

Everyone shuddered for a bit

'We have to fight such a monster?!?!'

While the three attacked me, there was someone that used Shadow Bind Technique while Izumi was distracted from the attack.

It immobilized Izumi, so some used the opportunity to make hand signs for a Jutsu.

"Katon: Dai Endan" (Fire Release: Big Fire Bullet)

There was also a Yamanaka, trying to use Mind Body Switch Technique but only to die because of backlash.

Poor guy...

20 remain.

The fire bullets that were rushing towards him were more than five times bigger than him, yet Izumi was not panicking, not even in the slightest.

Calmly slashing the sword horizontally, he hit all the fire bullets. When the sword touched the Jutsu's they just dissipated into little countless fragments that shined like stardust.

It was pretty simple, the passive defense that normally envelopes his body was also around the blade.

There was probably nothing that it couldn't block.

The ROOT-Anbus looked dumbfoundedly at this situation and despaired a bit, but not even a second later, everyone was doing handsigns again.

They were all ready to die and they knew that they wouldn't come out unscathed or even alive.

What else could they do...

"Combination Technique: Katon: Gouka Mekkyaku" (Fire Release: Majestic Fire Wave)

"Combination Technique: Fuuton: Daitoppa" (Wind Release: Great Wind Breakthrough)

There was a large wave of fire speeding towards Izumi now. It was strong enough to burn even the trees in the surrounding without even touching them.

Only the air transmitted the heat was already enough to kill normal civilians.

And this orange-red wave was advancing Izumi

'*sigh* Looks like I expected too much from them'

He didn't even bother using his sword just letting the wave touch him.

And just like before, the wave dissipates creating a beautiful scene where Izumi was surrounded by shiny particles while the trees in the background were burning.

It was a poetic image to remember and it was also the only thing these Root-Ninjas will see in their life...

Being a bit depressed, he accelerated to the left Ninjas and killed them one by one.

Izumi's expression showed a change, there was a smile on his face. Konan that already went to the sides and wasn't in any way damaged from the wave, which showed only a bit of her power, also had a small smile on the sides of her mouth.

'You better hurry or else...'

He looked at the remaining few ninjas, slowing down in killing them.