
Naruto: Overpowered Shinobi

A genius scientist who knows his way around anime dies and meets The Author who gives him the choice of reincarnation and three wishes. He chooses Naruto as his world with the powers of Yuu Otasaka from Charlotte (Loot), Accelerator from Toaru Majutsu no Index, and a Zanpakuto. Alignment: Chaotic Good I don't know how the story will go myself. If you have any suggestions that I like, I will try to implement them. The cover picture is not mine, if you want me to delete or replace it, please contact me through Discord: CalmNature #4167 or email: s.deluxe16@gmail.com Most of the characters are not mine, the credit goes to Kishimoto. Only the original characters are mine.

CalmNature · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Black Judge and White Judge

Time passed and it was soon time for the Third War.

"Tsunade, you will go to the Suna-Front and help fight against Sunagakure's Poison and their Puppet Master. Call Minato or Izumi, if you have trouble."

The Third Hokage already knew that Minato learned the Flying Thunder God Technique and if he wouldn't be able to come, at least with Izumi's speed, he could help a bit.

He didn't know that Izumi could also teleport, just like Minato and maybe even better after all the time.

"Sakumo and Minato will go to the Iwa-Front. You will fight in Kusa and Amegakure with Tsunade."

Minato had already quit being an ANBU after getting the Genin-Teacher position. There was also Kushina who forced him to.

"Izumi, I want you to go to the Kumo-Front with Konan."

Konan won the trust of the high-echelon of Konoha, even if there was a bit of trickery involved and the Hokage also relented after some time.

"Orochimaru and Jiraiaya will go to the Kiri."

"The war hasn't officially started yet, so don't attack with full forces. Small skirmishes will be the majority of fights plus Intelligence gathering as well as intercepting their supply routes."

"We heard that the four other villages have a tacit understanding that Konoha should be the main attack target so I want you to be alert."

After some talk with the Hokage, the Commander-Shinobis got together with Shikaku who was the new Head Commander of Jonin forces.

Izumi and Konan went their way after all the things. He could have teleported there but didn't see any need. He still wanted to stay in the shadows with Hyoketsu and not show his full power for a while.

If everyone feared you, where would the fun be?

Konan and Izumi soon arrived at the border of the Frost Country, which was the only entry point except through the sea.

There were already some hundred Ninjas. The only fights until now were small and there was no need to send forces with thousands of ninjas, but this would soon change.

Everyone greeted Izumi and Konan with stars in their eyes.

"Woah, looks the White Shinigami together with the Blue Demoness."

Konan also made herself a name while Izumi and she went on travels.

The name was given because Konan's expression never changed and even sometimes smiled when she killed. What could you do, Izumi rubbed of on Konan. She never really showed her Paper Release and only used it discreetly, since it was a trademark of the White Judge of Hyoketsu.

Going into the Commander tent and listening to some of the reports, there was nothing special going on.

"It's already getting boring..."

"You told the Daimyos to make some trouble, so the war will start."

"Yeah..., but I wanted some big war with fights here and there. *sigh*"


Izumi getting bored was nothing new, so what did he do?

You might wonder...


He attacked Kumo directly...

He threw some fireballs at the village, showing himself in front of them all so everyone knew who attacked them.

Well, Kumo didn't take that friendly, and not even the Hokage was pleased with such reckless action.

He wanted to have peace and didn't want to fight another war so soon.

But it already happened and Kumo was getting ready to fight with full force.

Hiruzen wanted to revoke the position of Izumi but with such a threat, he couldn't do that.

The Third Raikage wasn't stupid enough to fall for such aggression but he couldn't stop the rage of his ninjas and the village.

He didn't know what the reason was but he was sure that with him they could fight against Izumi since speed was his forte and Izumi was also specialized in speed

'I just have to be faster than him.' Was the Raikage's thoughts. He had a certain confidence that came with being one of the strongest Kage.

Izumi was walking around with a smile like a child got the toy he wanted for so long.

"Was that really needed?" She wasn't asking because she cared for the Ninjas that will die in the fight.

"Don't worry, it will be a stage for Hyoketsu to shine." Izumi said with a light smile on his face.

He had already thought it all out. He thought that there wasn't any big stage lately for Hyoketsu to shine.

He would use the name of Hyoketsu to end the war singlehandedly, fighting against every village.

'Now that would be fun' Izumi nodded to himself sagely, admiring his genius plan.

Konan only facepalmed herself...

She could already think what he was thinking about.


The Raikage and Izumi were standing in front of their armies. Next to them was respectively Blue B, the Eight-Tails-Jinchuriki, and Konan, the Blue Demoness.

The Third Raikage had long hair and a beard that reached his chest. His unusual eyes which had green irides and a dark scelare were sharp and you could already feel his strength. There was a lightning-shaped scar on his right chest and he was wearing a white single-strap flak-jacket.

"You brat, you think you can beat me already? You should have tried again in a few years."

"Third Raikage, what are you doing here? Don't you have a village to defend?"

Raikage was thinking everything through.

'Do they want to use this opportunity to attack the village? Is the Hidden Leaf going crazy? No, this old peace-lover wouldn't do that. What is your intention, Izumi Mora?'

"You don't have to worry about my village, boy."

And with that cue, The Third Raikage activated his Lightning Cloak. He rushed at Izumi and most didn't even notice him. He arrived in front of Izumi who was calmly smiling at him.

The Sound Barrier broke and it created an unbelievable shockwave which even Blue B had difficulties resisting without the Eight-Tails.

The Third Raikage looked a bit astounded that Izumi was even able to react.

A's fist was already in front of Izumi's face but he couldn't punch it. He could feel that if he moves even a little bit, his head would fall. He could also feel the sword that somehow was already unsheathed and was resting at his neck.

"Well, how are you, Raikage?"

The Raikage went back to his position. His plan didn't work, he wanted to lower the morale of the Leaf Army while he could, but that didn't work.

'He's fast. I can't go easy, to think that Konoha would hide such a monster and send him against me.'

There was suddenly a change in weather. It was storming and starting to rain.

'This is never natural' Everyone had the same thought.

It only got heavier with time, but the sensor couldn't detect any chakra that would have influenced the weather.

'What is going on?' The Raikage already had this bad feeling as soon as he left the village.

"Hyoketsu in attendance!"

"What?!?!" The Raikage was astounded.

Of course, he heard about this organization, anyone that didn't know would be living under a rock.

They came out with defending the Uzumaki's and after that their presence was everywhere. They went around all places. Every time they showed themselves, there would be another Judge and they were all at least Kage-Level.

He didn't know if he could beat them, pretty much every bounty of them was a Run On Sight order.

He could surely hold back two or three of them but that would only be if it wasn't the stronger members.

Rumors about the Kuro and Shiro Judge still float around. Killing a thousand ninjas with nothing but a hand wave. It sends a chill down one's back. The Raikage wasn't scared for his life, but there were still his Shinobi's here.

And when he saw, who was here, he shuddered.

'The Black Sai, The Shiro Sai.'

There they were, the Black Judge in the air with his dark-grey wings and cloak that showed a white dragon.

The White Judge having white angelic wings and a white cloak which showed a black dragon.

Their faces were dark like the Abyss, you couldn't see anything.

"Retreat NOW!!"

"Raikage-sama but..."

"I will not repeat myself! A, my son, will be the next Raikage. Blue B, you will protect them on their retreat."

"Yes, Raikage-sama. I will wait for you!"

Izumi was doing the same, telling his army to retreat and Konan to go with them.

Konan only rolled her eyes at his acting skills.

Both of them were clones since the beginning...