
Naruto: One Step At A Time

Our MC, a 28 year old man, gets reincarnated into the world of Naruto. But he is not your typical MC as he in the neutral evil alignment, being absolutely rational in every decision he makes. Calm, calculated and a Machiavellian person. In this world where the strong rule and the weak get trampled on. Our MC will do anything in order to ensure his survival and his ambition of being at the top to gain eternal life. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ---Tags--- -Evil Protagonist -No Romance -No Harem -No Morals -Benefit Oriented MC - Purely Rational ------------------------------------------------------------------- --Partner-- Discord - Raw Novel Community | Dark Novels Check out the Server I am a partner with: https://discord.gg/QFkJZyM5 This is the best server for Dark novels or fanfics like mine. You can just come there to ask me any questions or a general discussion. Since I am mostly active there. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord: Bored#6316 Alt Webnovel: IAmReallyBored ------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like evil MC's be sure to give this a try and leave a review so I know what to improve. Also feel free for any constructive criticism. -------------------------------------------------------------------

IAmJustBored · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs


A month later after the tournament

In a field of grass where a medium-sized lake could be seen nearby, A small boy who looked no older than 7 was currently doing laps and swimming in it. While the right arm was raised he tilted his head to the right. When he raised his left arm he tilted to the left.

This was kept throughout the whole lap while he kicked his legs in a short and quick motion. Next to the lake were a strange pile of leaves as well as a bag.

*HUFF* *PUFF* *Splash*

Panting heavily Yokuma quickly got out of the water. As soon as he came out his body was shivering excessively. So he pulled his bag impulsively and opened the zip without any care.

This revealed his slim and well-defined muscles as well as his tight abs and chest. Even his legs thighs and calves were toned and slender making him have a sort of athletic build.

After this, he took out a white big towel and covered himself from head to toe. This was to dry himself. Then he wrapped it around his waist as he started picking up a few leaves and carrying them under a tree.

--POV MC--

I went to pick up a leaf with my two fingers and put it in between my head and the leaf stuck. This was because I directed all my chakra to the centre of my head exactly where the leaf is.

Then I put more around my forehead, the sides and the back. This looked like a crown made out of leaves on my head. I proceeded to direct my chakra in each of these leaves simultaneously without losing any focus.

This exercise made my concentration sharper as well as your chakra control. I exhaust all my chakra every time I do this so my chakra reserves can grow bigger.

Using the minimum amount of chakra in each leaf with my average reserves I still can stick a lot more leaves on my body. Putting five leaves on my chest I went into a state of full concentration.

There is nothing except me and leaves. We are one in this state. I am the leaves and the leaves are me. I can probably hold this state for another 15 minutes until my chakra diminishes.

The one leaf sticking method on the forehead I can do for over one hour and the five-leaf crown method cuts it to half. Adding another five on my chest cuts it down to half again.

The max number I can put on is fifteen leaves for seven minutes. The only way I can put more on is either increase my chakra control, therefore, using less chakra for each leaf. Or the increase of my chakra reserves but both of these will get higher with time and work.

I started to do this chakra control exercise after I took a long swim in the freezing cold water and wear no clothes after. This was to make it hard for me to concentrate.

If I didn't have above average chakra reserves then can I not have concentration better than other people? This makes me milk the full potential of the leaf exercise.

Today was a Saturday so there was no academy for today and tomorrow. I didn't use these two days as a break but an intense training regimen. There was never once a time I haven't been productive since coming to this world.

Even while I am not training I read, make relationships with significant people or watch and learn from the spars of other people. So what if they were kids? These flaws could help fix mine.

Finally, my chakra reserves are at an all-time low. It's time for body training. This consisted of doing 7k runs, daily katas to hone my muscle memory, also modern exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, squats and towel pull-ups for the back and yoga to increase flexibility.

I don't do weight training since it can stunt my growth and I don't really need it right now since I am not even Genin level. That kind of training can help me breakthrough to Chunin and Jonin.

Guy's base level was Jonin from taijutsu alone. This was pure hard work from over the years. His dedication and willpower from a young age to surpass Kakashi was something else. My dedication and will when I was his age were for answers.

In that world, there was a low chance for any form of immortality in my era. It was mostly to do with political power in that world. But after coming to this world and seeing the individual power a person can hold my ambition went even further

I knew that with my golden finger of knowing the future and the truth of the past I would escape the most dangerous thing. Death...

Everyone dies, even the Kage level or the God level Otsutsuki clan. Everyone is equal because at the end of the day you will be swallowed by the rivers of time.

I do want their power but they are not special from other people since they all just die in the end and even I will be no different. Power doesn't last forever.

I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts as two people were sprinting down the hill of the grass field. One had a green jumpsuit with a fire lit in his eyes, the other had a mask with a bored expression.

They both were running as fast as they could competitively. Of course, Kakashi was in front but that didn't discourage Guy as it pushed him even harder. Them two and their competitiveness is something to behold.

Kakashi soon came zooming in front of me and stopped while Guy came a minute or so later.


"Hah-Hah-Hah, Kakashi sooner or later I will catch up to you!" Guy yelled.

"Yeah whatever" Kakashi just said in a monotone voice.

They both turned their heads only to my robust and athletic body while wearing only a towel. Both their faces showed no sort of reaction. I mean they have seen me like this numerous times.

This is the spot the three of us train in most days. I need these two for sparring, techniques or just knowledge. Guy's techniques for combat have helped me a lot as well as Kakashi's tooltips since his father is a master with short swords.

Not everything can be learned from just looking at books. I don't care that I am being taught by kids 28 years younger than me mentally. As long as they benefit me then I welcome them with open arms and squeeze every last drop until they are of no use.

"Hey Yokuma hurry up we've got to climb the mountain today" Guy exclaimed to me excitedly for the hard training he loves doing with his friends.

"I just have got to change out of these swimming shorts you guys go on ahead I will catch up"

Guy looked at Kakashi and said, "Kakashi lets race again to see who is truly faster Yosh!"

Guy ran leaving Kakashi behind but he just nodded at me and ran after him leaving a trail of smoke behind me.

This mountain climbing with one hand worked all the muscles in the upper body. An extremely efficient exercise but the toll it takes on your body the next day combining the other extra exercises takes a good toll on your body.

Takes an even bigger toll on me since I exhaust ninety per cent of my chakra before doing it. But the good thing is that because I work out while my chakra is filling up I don't get any hidden wear and tear to my body.

Chakra takes about a full day to replenish passively. But things like meditation and food quickens the process by half.

While thinking about all this I finally changed into my loose blue t-shirt and white shorts. I then picked up my satchel and ran the same direction Kakashi and Guy did.



After all the training the three did a boy with closed eyes and tightly clenched eyebrows as he was currently sitting under a waterfall without his clothes on. While the water was heavily gushing down on him his eyes showed an enduring expression.

--POV MC--

It's been two hours and I can't get into a meditative state... Sigh, I still can't get to that level of sheer focus and concentration. I have been training myself mentally because there is only a level of strength I could get to during my age.

I want to be completely calm under pressure. Anger is an emotion I don't feel for other people. Such a thing as revenge is meaningless to me.

My own boss killed me but do I feel any type of anger towards him? Absolutely not because if I was in his position I would have done the same.

This path is all about stepping on people. If you get stepped on and stagnate in despair then you shouldn't have walked this path in the first place.

I only feel anger towards myself for my own mistakes. Such as when I got the gun pointed at me I only felt anger towards myself for letting a loose end alive. There is one thing I am sure of. I never make the same mistake twice.

Well, it is nearly 7 PM as I walked over to the rock to pick up my watch. Better quickly change and go home because I am quite hungry.



Currently, in the streets of Konoha, an eccentric and joyful boy was skipping around in his green jumpsuit.

--POV Guy--

Today was a great day with Yokuma and Kakashi. When we all climbed the mountain Yokuma came last and Kakashi came first but Yoku is improving quite fast. He does also have quite low stamina compared to us two but he works hard just like us.

Finally, I have reached my home after so long. I opened the door only to see my father sitting at the table with food in his hand.

"Did you go train with Yoku and Kakashi again?" My dad said in a happy tone.

"Yosh! It was so good and we all worked so hard!" I yelled.

"YOUTH! THIS IS YOUTH GUY!" My cool dad put his thumbs up as well as a smile.

"Yosh I am going to celebrate this with two hundred push-ups" I exclaimed.

"But Guy makes sure you never betray people like Yoku, Kakashi and Obito," My dad said with a serious tone.

I just raised my eyebrows at this.

"Yokuma and Obito are... Different from the rest of the people. It's like they don't even act like all Uchiha do" He spoke in a voice that made him go back to the past.

"Yes, dad of course I will protect them as they will protect me" I shouted with a determined voice.

My dad just snapped out of his thoughts and muttered "Fugaku don't bring the downfall of your own people"

The current head to the Uchiha clan? This doesn't concern me I should just eat my meal.



Thank you for the power stones and support you guys have been showing me. I genuinely appreciate it.

Let me know what you think in the comments. I would appreciate you guys correcting my mistakes and giving constructive criticism.