
Naruto: One Step At A Time

Our MC, a 28 year old man, gets reincarnated into the world of Naruto. But he is not your typical MC as he in the neutral evil alignment, being absolutely rational in every decision he makes. Calm, calculated and a Machiavellian person. In this world where the strong rule and the weak get trampled on. Our MC will do anything in order to ensure his survival and his ambition of being at the top to gain eternal life. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ---Tags--- -Evil Protagonist -No Romance -No Harem -No Morals -Benefit Oriented MC - Purely Rational ------------------------------------------------------------------- --Partner-- Discord - Raw Novel Community | Dark Novels Check out the Server I am a partner with: https://discord.gg/QFkJZyM5 This is the best server for Dark novels or fanfics like mine. You can just come there to ask me any questions or a general discussion. Since I am mostly active there. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord: Bored#6316 Alt Webnovel: IAmReallyBored ------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like evil MC's be sure to give this a try and leave a review so I know what to improve. Also feel free for any constructive criticism. -------------------------------------------------------------------

IAmJustBored · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Tournament Part 1

On a big playground outside the Konoha academy, 25 students could be seen standing around in a circle. They were all gathered around two people.


The two kids were currently trading blows with determined expressions, panting heavily. Watching these two fight, some kids were cheering one of them on, and others were impatiently waiting for their turn.

But a handful of kids were observing them with nonchalant faces as if their fighting ability was nothing in their eyes. This was especially the case with a boy with a mask and white hair.

Then there was him, a kid with a medium ponytail and dull black eyes staring at both of them with concentration while his eyes kept moving at every move there made.

Another person was doing this, but it wasn't the kids, but the teacher who had a pen and a paper rested upon a clipboard. He was wearing the blue undershirt of his flak jacket.

His features were not remarkable except for his natural frowning and tough-guy look. He also had short hair and rough parts, making him look like he was in his mid-30s. But there was something else that made him stand out.

A dark, blue headband with a silver plate was wrapped around neatly and accurately on his forehead, signifying his pride for it. That wasn't the most important feature on it, though.

At first glance, you could notice the perfect carving drawn in the centre of the metal plating. This carving looked like a spiralling leaf hanging off the edge of a branch, making it look like it symbolised something significant.


Suddenly one of them finally was about to fall, landing face-first until a flicker appeared at the right time and held him up.

"Okay your one of the 14 that will proceed to the next round, now go join the other 8."

The kid's face erupted with a gleeful smile, and he lost touch with reality for a moment as he started thinking about his fantasies of being a successful shinobi.

"Next Ebisu vs Botan!" Spoke to the teacher in a stern voice as he started to write something with the pen on the paper quickly.

Two people stepped up, one with a face full of pride and another one with discouragement. Ebisu was wearing a blue and tight t-shirt as well as blue shorts. He also had sunglasses and a full head covering bandana on top of his head.

The other kid was just a nervous wreck as he couldn't even make eye contact with the uptight person right in front of him. Sweat covered his face while walking towards the centre, and the stares from behind made him feel even less confident.

Some people just looked at Botan with a face full of pity as they knew Ebisu was one of the stronger kids in his class. When they both were faced 9 feet apart from each other, Ebisu just put two fingers on his sunglasses and tilted them up, trying to look cool in front of everyone.

Before the onslaught began, "You guys know the rules, only taijutsu if your "caught" using anything else then your immediately disqualified."

"Now begin!"

Ebisu started circling, and so did Botan as they made eye contact with each other. As soon as they both were going in circles in a rhythm, Ebisu looked at him with a smirk "Gotcha", he muttered.

Botan was in sync with Ebisu in circles, but suddenly his opponent increased his speed to a level which he couldn't catch up to with his body and turned the opposite way.

In no way could Botan's body turn quick enough to clash with him, so he raised both his arms up in an X form to lessen the impact. But Ebi's face twisted into an even more of a smirk when he did this.

As he was moving at that quick speed, he then jumped 6 feet into the air with his right leg pointing downwards at Botan's knee cap. Suddenly a man who towered over Ebisu grabbed his leg, slowed him down and brought him to the ground.

"Ebisu excellent use of phycological warfare in that situation now go and join the others."

The discouraged Botan just went to the crowd with slumped down shoulders until...

"Hey don't bring yourself down for that man, just look at who you were going against" a voice that was encouraging and courteous came.

"There are still a lot of years before your full potential blooms, remember as long as you tried your best it counts." The boy who was saying then put a hand on his shoulder and looked at him from above.

"Everyone here is a classmate remember what the Hokage said, Everyone here may become your brothers or sisters in arms one day."

The boy just looked up at this figure, and something arose from the bottom of his heart, Confidence, Self Esteem and mostly pride.

"Yeah! that's right I am going to become strong one day this one loss won't break my will of fire," Botan exclaimed optimistically while looking up at this Uchiha kid who had the most righteous and pure eyes he has ever seen.

"By the way what's your name" Questioned Botan

"Yokuma... Yokuma Uchiha," He replied

"Yokuma Uchiha... I will root for you to win and even if you don't the will of fire still exists," Botan said with a determined look and eyes full of admiration.

Yokuma just had a blooming smile on his face and a thumbs-up as he walked back to his position. This made Botan feel warm and secure.

But what he didn't know was that he had been doing this with the opponents that had lost before him.

After this came,

"Choza Akumichi vs Isochi" Winner Choza

And now it was "Yokuma Uchiha vs Tasaka"

This fight was a completely different atmosphere as most of these kids started cheering for Yokuma, which raised the eyebrows of several others. Yokuma glanced at Tasaka, who had a crazed look on his face which he just grinned at.

POV Tasaka

WHY! WHY! is everyone cheering for him but not me? Am I being looked down on because of being a civilian and him being an Uchiha? I WILL SHOW HIM! I WILL NOT BE LOOKED DOWN ON!

Looking around, all I saw were people looking at him, not even turning their heads in my direction. This Yokuma is the problem YES! Not them but HIM! After I win, they will admire and cheer for me, which in turn gains my acknowledgement.

While Tasaka was saying this, he didn't notice the dark and sinister glint in his eyes and his crazed looking face, which no one payed attention to.





This kid already has in it for me as I was looking at his red and angry face. I had already won before it started but helping these people just made it easier for me.

The instructor just looked at both of us and nodded, signalling us to start.

" I hope we can learn something from one another my friend", I shouted across to him with a respectful face.

But this just made his face boil more as he clenched his teeth and tightened his fist with pure disdain and anger for me. This action furthered my advantage as he came forth for me straight away.

"AAAHHH YOU SON OF A BITCH I WILL HURT YOU" I heard him yell so loud that it caused some people to raise their palms to cover their ears.

I saw this coming before it started, so I just sidestepped to make him change his momentum. As Tasaka was just about to lift his leg to change direction...



This made Ebisu's eyes turn wide for a second as he knew what happened there. It looked simple but was far from it.

'Changing direction at a fast speed makes a person use more force on one leg, therefore, slowing them down because of balance and gravity.

'This means their focus is mostly on their quick turn and can't dodge or do anything in that timeframe if the opponent himself comes at you.'

'This is the weakness for my tactic I used against Botan, it seems that I will have to think of another plan.'

He suddenly lost balance and slipped after getting a sweep kick from Yokuma, but it didn't stop there. Yokuma was just about to go on top of him to finish the job but held back and stuck his hand out.

"Nice job Yokuma using acceleration and direction to counter speed and distance"

"Thank you Yamafumi-Sensei."

"Wow, that was so cool Yokuma!" Obito and a few males and females shouted with stars in their eyes.

"It was nothing", Yokuma chuckled humbly.

'Nothing, a move like that has to be done with precise timing, as soon as the person's front foot is about to touch the floor is when you run.'

'Any longer or earlier the opponent can just step back and counter while you have lost balance from overextending just like a game of shogi', Shikaku thought, staring at Yokuma, who alerted his bored mind.

The remaining three members all had their matchups, and of course, the clan kids all won. But because of the odd number of 27, only 13 can move up, and Kakashi was the last one.

"Kakashi I will be testing your skills to see if you are qualified enough to advance to the top 14."

Kakashi just nodded and came forward in a ready stance, and so did the teacher.

"Let us Begin!" The teacher stated.

As soon as this was heard, Kakashi ran at a hardly visible speed to most of them. The teacher had his mouth open at the sight of this, and so did everyone except Guy.

"That's my rival! He won't lose to anyone!" He yelled, but no one even batted an eye as they were fixated on what was right in front of them.


--POV Yamafumi--

'Arrogant and impulsive'

Just as I was about to throw a punch as he came forward, he crouched down and tried to throw a sweep kick. That was pathetic.

So I just leapt to avoid it and throw a kick, but suddenly he stopped and sprung up like a frog.

My eyes widened., A FEINT!? But since I was a Chunin, I just landed my foot on his chest and backflipped off. He has considerably agile and flexible movement, which probably will bring trouble for the other kids.

His stamina is a lot considering his breath was steady when throwing that gazelle punch. His flaws are close to nothing compared to these kids. So it's inevitable that he comes first. Even if someone uses smarts, it won't be enough.

He wasn't even trying against me. Just like the other, he wants to conserve his strength and hide his trump cards.

"Okay stop that's enough join the other thirteen."

"Now the winner of each match will advance to the next round and ranked in the top 6 of this class in taijutsu ability alone."

"Also the winner of the top two spots will go against Kakashi for the number one spot."


Thank you for the power stones and support you guys have been showing me. I genuinely appreciate it.

Let me know what you think in the comments, and I would appreciate correction of my mistakes and any constructive criticism.