
Naruto: Of Bone and Ice

What would you do if you found yourself reborn into the world of Naruto? Here we find Fuyona Yuki born into the Yuki clan in the hidden mist during the 3rd great ninja war. See his new life unfold with his upbringing in the bloody mist village. How will he affect the Naruto world and will his presence change anything? Yes, this is a self-insert I hope you enjoy! Check out my Patreon page to help support my writing and get early access to chapters! I also post all of my art work on there and offer commission work. https://www.patreon.com/lavalord115 Discord: https://discord.gg/hhSGxy8b

Lavalord115 · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Chapter 89:

Everyone was still talking about what had just happened, having watched an intense fight that was about to result in instant death, only to be stopped by the Mizukage himself was enough to spark a conversation alright.

Miyako was still shaken up from the look in Koyuki's eyes as she headed back over to her squad.

"Are you alright Miyako?" Her sensei asked, knowing she was a little rocky.

"Yeah... I'm ok sensei." She replied before she looked at Hattori.

"You did well Miyako. But you let your guard down." He said not making eye contact with her.

Yuri remained quiet as she kept her face hidden underneath her scarf as usual not having much to say.

"Whatever, it's done now so just watch. Besides, you should feel honoured that lord Mizukage saw fit to spare your life." Hattori said.

"Now, now Hattori, no need to make her feel bad about this," Ayaka said.

"You fought well and with pride. You shouldn't look down upon yourself, after all, Koyuki is the daughter of our former Mizukage, and is a very dangerous shinobi for her age." Ayaka sensei said, helping to make Miyako feel a bit better.

Meanwhile, Shibi took centre stage once more now that things had calmed down. After careful analysis of the fight passed, the instructors had decided to call it a draw. Although no intervention was allowed by anyone outside of the exam coordinators, an exception was made due to it saving a life, and also the fact that it was a Kage who had done so.

Therefore the match was declared a draw and the announcement was given for the next match, with the screen above starting to shuffle the names.

"Alright, next match will be Ogaka of the hidden grass vs Murataka of the hidden leaf." He said, waiting for both fighters to make their way to the battleground.

Meanwhile, Fuyōna and Kaga were still talking in regards to Koyuki and what he planned to do with her.

"I knew that there was a chance of this happening..." Kaga said as he placed his hands in his pockets.

Fuyōna sighed, knowing all too well that the Karatachi blood was known for this.

"I've only seen her like this once before on a mission, she lost it and killed every enemy in her path. It's as if a monster lurking within her comes out." Kaga said with a small chuckle.

"I mean, it's not exactly a bad thing." Kaga then added.

"After all, A shinobi needs to be able to kill without letting their feelings get in the way every now and again."

Fuyōna also nodded.

"Yes... However, it is always better to have control over that power." He said as he looked at the sleeping girl.

"When she enters these blood fueled traces, she fails to recognise between friend and foe. I'm worried that one day she might kill someone she cares for, and I know what it would do to her." He said.

Kaga agreed.

"What is it your thinking then?" He then asked as he looked into his eyes.

"I'm going to place a series of mental barriers, a form of sealing jutsu as such to help her remember who she is if she ever gets like this again."

Kaga raised an eyebrow.

"You mean like a genjutsu to control her bloodlust?" He asked.

"Not control. I don't imagine this is something we can control, but something she must learn to accept as she grows. These metal barriers will be placed in stages, as a form of sealing jutsu at the very last stage. If the first and second stage fails to snap her out of it, the final stage will render her unconscious." Fuyōna explained.

Kaga nodded in agreement while also being very impressed at the same time.

"Leave it to you to be able to do something like that." He said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"However, I will only have time to place the first seal, as it is not a quick process," Fuyōna said looking at Koyuki.

Kaga nodded.

"Can I do anything to help?" He asked.

"For now keep, an eye on Kimimaro and Haku, make sure they are alright. I'll handle things here for now." He said as he dismissed Kaga so he could get to work.

Kaga nodded and turned around, heading back towards the exam hall.

Kaga arrived back to see Haku and Kimimaro standing watching the matches.

"Hey, so what did I miss?" He said as he caught their attention.

"Sensei, your back. Where is Koyuki, is she ok?" Haku asked still worried about her?

"Don't worry Haku, Koyuki is fine," Kaga said trying to put his mind at ease.

Kimimaro stayed quiet as he turned back to watch the match still worried himself.

The 8th match had resulted in a draw with both ninja knocking each other out once they ran out of chakra, having to result to a slugfest of that led to exhaustion.

The 9th match was currently underway with Yumi of the mist and a member of team Hattori was fighting against Hina of the hidden waterfall.

The match was rather one-sided though as Yumi was clearly the stronger of the two, being extremely precise with her attacks as she used senbon needles to slowly stop Hina's movements.

"Not good, at this rate Hina won't be able to move!" Botan said as he squeezed the railings.

"What the hell is with these mist shinobi, how are they so strong?" He then said as he gritted his teeth.

Hina was currently struggling as she pulled another senbon needle out of her left shoulder.

"She hit the pressure point again... I can't move my arm now," Hina said, knowing she wouldn't be able to use hand signs now.

Yumi stood tall with the bottom half of her face hidden by the blue scarf she always wore. She had three senbon needles in between her fingers and walked towards Hina slowly.

"I think it's time that you surrender." She said with her quiet voice.

Hina however was proud and refused to surrender, even if it meant death.

"I'm not done yet!" She shouted as she threw the senbon needle at Yumi, quickly pulling a kunai and charging at her to try and do some damage.

Yumi easily blocked the senbon needle, deflecting it with another in her hand as Hina jumped in, slashing with her right arm downwards.

Yumi stepped back easily dodging the attack, then sidestepping to the right as she dodged another upwards attack before she kicked Hina in the knee to take her off balance as she grabbed her wrist and knocked the kunai out of her hand.

"How are you going to fight without the use of both arms?" She then said as she stabbed Hina's right arm with another senbon, once again hitting the pressure point and disabling her arm letting it drop to her side.

"Hina screamed in pain as she stepped back before she threw a roundhouse kick aimed at Yumi's head.

Yumi was surprised but quickly ducked under the kick and countered with a push kick that knocked Hina over, causing her to fall on her back.

Hina once again bit through the pain and slowly stood back up, spitting blood out of her mouth.

"Why do you continue to fight when you know you cannot win?" She asked as she pulled her scarf up a little more.

Hina was breathing heavily now and still had a defiant look in her eye.

"I fight... Because I was always told to never go back on my word." She said as she took a step forwards.

"I won't give up..." She said again, taking another step.

"And I won't ever surrender!" She finally screamed as she charged in, ready to give it her all in one final all or nothing attack.

Yumi didn't say a word as she watched Hina charge towards her watching as she pulled a wire with her teeth that was attached to her body.

Hina had hidden a large number of explosive tags under her shirt like a vest.

Yumi knew that she intended to go out with a bang, quite literally and plan to take them both out if she couldn't win.

However, Yumi would not allow that as at the last second she threw a senbon with great accuracy, breaking the wire in half and preventing the explosive tags from igniting, causing Hina to look at her in shock.

"You would really try to kill us both so that you don't lose?" Yumi said softly as she watched Hina continue to charge at her even though her attack had failed.

Yumi sighed before his face became angry, something that both her teammates had not seen very often at all.

"You stupid bitch... If you want to die so badly then let me give it to you!" She suddenly shouted as she charged at her, punching her in the face over and over until finally, she fell to the ground.

"That enough! The match is over!" Shibi shouted, telling her to stop.

However, Yumi didn't stop and quickly took a mounted position on her chest as she hit her again and again, staining her knuckles red with her blood.

"Hina!" Both Botan and Akio shouted as they quickly rushed to her aid, both drawing kunai with the intent to kill Yumi in Hinas's defence.

However, before they could even get anywhere near her, Hattori had appeared and grabbed Yumi's wrist, pulling her off of Hina and standing between the three of them.

"That's enough Yumi, do you want to get disqualified?" He said, giving her a sharp look that snapped her out of her daze.

Botan and Akio knew they didn't stand a chance against Hattori, but they were not about to let their teammate be treated like that and do nothing about it.

"I said that is enough!" Shibi suddenly said as he now appeared between them, stopping both of them in their tracks.

"Move another inch and you will all be disqualified and sent back to your villages. I mean it, dont push me." He said, getting angry.

All of them could feel the pressure coming off of the jonin and knew he was no joke and could easily squash all of them at the same time.

"Of course sir," Hattori said before he turned to Yumi, getting her to do the same and heading back up to the spectating area, almost dragging her with him.

Botan and Akio had stopped for now and quickly turned their attention to Hina, rushing over to her side.

Her face was a mess and they could hear her wheezing as she did her best to breathe through her broken nose and jaw.

"Move aside and let the medics do their work," Shibi said to both of them as he looked at the damage.

"She held back until the very end... The girl's words must have struck a nerve." He thought before he turned around.

"She will be alright, now get back to your spot and out of my arena," Shibi said with a serious tone once again, finally getting things settled.

"She really didn't hold back then," Haku said with a straight face, looking at Hina's face from the distance.

Kaga rubbed the back of his head as he looked at the girl himself.

"Jeeze, everyone seems to be letting their emotions get the better of them today. Not very shinobi like." He then said, looking at both of the boys, who also returned his look.

"Alright, it is now time to announce the final fight of the preliminary round," Shibu said as he got everyone else attention.

There were still quite a few genin that had not had to fight as of yet, in fact, there were still 12 candidates left who could be chosen for the final match, and all of them watched intently.

The names continued to spin on the display screen until they eventually started to slow down and finally stop leaving everyone shocked.

"Next and final match, Kimimaro of the hidden mist vs Kujira of the hidden mist!"


Alright, that's the end of this chapter! Hope you enjoyed it and as always have a great day!