
Chapter 59:

Kimimaro stepped out of the ice mirror with Fuyōna, finding himself surrounded by snow and mountains.

"Where are we?" He asked, not having a clue where they were.

Fuyōna smiled as he placed his hand on his shoulder.

"I want you to meet someone." He said, looking forwards towards a large temple that had two large horned yeti standing guard at its gate.

"Is that little Fuyōna!" Mō Fubuki said as he grew excited spotting him in the distance.

"Well, well, Long time no see!" Kōri also shouted with a smile.

Fuyōna smiled as he greeted the large Yeti.

"It's good to see you both again, allow me to introduce Kimimaro here." He then said.

Kimimaro bowed to the large yeti as they looked down at him. The boy had never seen anything like it and couldn't help feeling amazed at their size and strength.

"So he your apprentice or something? I didn't take you for the type to teach." Kōri said.

Fuyōna laughed.

"A lot has happened since we last met."

The yeti also nodded.

"So what is it you want Fuyōna, are you here to see the master?" Mō Fubuki said.

Fuyōna nodded.

"Yes, I'm afraid he might be the only one who can help me." He said, looking at Kimimaro with a worried glimmer.

Kōri could smell a sickness coming from the boy and understood the expression on his face.

"Alright, im sure he will be happy to see you." The large Yeti then said as he turned to the gate, giving his brother a nod.

"You ready brother!" Kōri shouted.

"Always!" Mō Fubuki said as he cracked his knuckles.

"It's alright you two, I've got it this time," Fuyōna said smiling, getting both of the yeti to stand back from the large doors.

Fuyōna took a breath as he remained perfectly still, becoming one with nature and absorbing all of the natural energy around him.

After only a moment, Fuyōna placed his hand on the door, opening his eyes before he pushed the door open with ease.

"Show off!" Kōri said, knowing how heavy the door was.

It opened with ease and Fuyōna let the natural energy dissipate from his body, giving Kimimaro a nod to follow him inside.

Kimimaro had to let his eyes adjust to the dark once they entered inside. However, after a moment the torches that surrounded the large hall ignited providing plenty of light.

"Is that you little Yuki!" An old voice said, coming from the far end of the hall.

Kimimaro looked over to see an old and small yeti sitting on a large throne, before he hopped down, using his walking stick to help him.

"Lord Hyōketsu, it's been a while!" Fuyōna said smiling at the old yeti.

Suddenly the Yeti dropped his cane and charged at Fuyōna, attacking him with a flurry of punches.

Kimimaro was shocked and couldn't even react fast enough to do anything about it. However, Fuyōna blocked them all without complaint and the old Yeti flipped back into the air before landing on the ground with surprising dexterity.

"Hmm, I see you haven't gone soft then," Hyōketsu said with a toothy grin.

Fuyōna also smiled.

"Same as always." He said remembering the first time he met the old geezer all those years ago.

"So are you just popping in for a visit, or have you a reason for coming to see me, little Yuki?"

Kimimaro was confused as to what was going on and was surprised to hear the old yeti call his master little Yuki.

"I have lord Hyōketsu. I need your advice." He then said.

Hyōketsu looked at Kimimaro, already having sensed the illness that lay inside of the boy.

"He's sick," Hyōketsu said.

"Sick with the Kaguya curse." He then said as he tapped his walking stick on the floor, getting closer to him.

Kimimaro was a little surprised as Hyōketsu got closer to him, staring with his crystal blue eyes into his very soul.

"He doesn't have long." The old Yeti then said as he turned to look at Fuyōna.

"You have seen it before?" Fuyōna asked.

Hyōketsu sighed as he took a couple of steps over to Fuyōna before climbing up onto his shoulder, resting on it.

"I'm afraid so little Yuki." He said.

"Is there anything we can do lord Hyōketsu?" He asked.

Hyōketsu could tell that Fuyōna cared for the child, sighing as he tried to think.

"The sickness is called a curse for a reason laddy... The Kaguya clan are direct descendants of princess Kaguya herself, an evil tyrant and the mother of all chakra." He said.

"The Kaguya clan inherited only a fraction of her power in the form of a Kekkei Genkai. One of which you possess yourself." Hyōketsu went on to explain.

"Although the Kekkei Genkai is only an incomplete version of what she could do, it is still a powerful and dangerous ability. One that comes with a price."

Fuyōna listened carefully. Remembering all too well that Kaguya's all killing ash bone was insanely OP.

"Due to their ability that has been inherited from such a being, most that are born with it tend to die at an early age. Their body is simply not compatible with the Kekkei Genkai. Something I was worried might happen to you little Yuki." The old Yeti said.

"What do you mean not compatible though lord Hyōketsu? A Kekkei Genkai is passed through blood and DNA only. Surely one's own ability can't make them sick?" Fuyōna asked a little confused.

"The human body is simply not capable of keeping up with such a high demanding ability like that. The constant use of it over time causes the cells in one's body to age faster, forcing one's own body to produce osteoblasts over and over again using an unnatural amount of chakra, causing the cells in the body to multiply faster." Hyōketsu explained in surprising detail.

Fuyōna understood what he meant. Knowing that the more Kimimaro used his ability, the faster his body would die of old age from the inside out.

"But why haven't I been affected by this illness?" Fuyōna asked.

Hyōketsu shook his head.

"I asked myself that same question years ago. But I have come to believe that either you are a special case, or the chakra you have from the six tails is enough to ward off the illness, keeping your body from dying." He said.

Fuyōna thought about it, not remembering ever feeling ill from using his ability. He was also older than Kimimaro was now before Saiken was sealed inside of him and had never experienced anything like that.

He also remembered Tachi, who had been another user of the Kekkei Genkai. He was well in his 30s and had shown no signs of any illness.

Hyōketsu sighed.

"In that case, it must mean that the boy's body is simply not compatible with the ability."

Kimimaro didn't really understand the whole conversation. But he knew what the last part meant.

Fuyōna turned to look at Kimimaro, seeing that he still had a smile on his face despite everything.

"It's not over yet... I still have one last thing to try." Fuyōna thought.

"Saiken, did you hear that?" He said to the six tails.

"I did... But im not sure if what you're thinking would work." Saiken said.

"Although I am sealed inside of you and our chakra has become one, I never sensed that kind of sickness coming from your body." The six tails said.

"So you don't think that if I sealed the three tails inside of him, its chakra would help to stop the sickness and help heal him?" Fuyōna asked.

"It's not that I don't think. I don't know... However, sealing such a huge mass of chakra into the boy's body could perhaps help prevent his cells from ageing at such a rapid rate. But Again I'm not entirely sure, Fuyōna. It can take years for a tailed beast's chakra to mix with its jinchuuriki as you know."

Fuyōna nodded.

"We have to try... I can't just let him die." Fuyōna said, snapping back into the real world.

"Alright, We don't have much time to lose then." He said, looking at Kimimaro.

"What are you scheming little Yuki?" Hyōketsu said with a grin, knowing his student all too well.

"It's not going to be easy." He said as he knelt down to look Kimimaro in the eyes.

"And it will bring a lot of hardship over the years, but if it saves your life, I am willing to try if you are." He said as he placed his hand on the boy's shoulder.

"You will become the next vessel for the three tails." He then said, getting a surprised look from the old yeti.

"So you intend to seal the tailed beast into the lad in hopes that its large chakra will help to negate the effects of the boys kekkei genkai?" Hyōketsu said with a grin.

Fuyōna nodded.

"This is your choice though Kimimaro if you don't want to, you don't have to."

Kimimaro looked at the ground before looking back into Fuyōna's eyes.

"I will do it, master. I won't fail you." He said with a burning determination that even Hyōketsu admired.

"So be it," Fuyōna said as he stood to his full height.

"We don't have any time to lose then." He said.

Hyōketsu hopped down from his shoulder back onto the ground.

"I wish you luck little Yuki, if the boy survives why not bring him back for some training." He then said with a glint in his eye.

"I can already see the potential in this one." He then said with a toothy smile.

Fuyōna also smirked.

"In due time lord Hyōketsu. There is also another I want you to meet, just as gifted as this one and more suited to the clan's ability.

Hyōketsu smiled.

"Is that so... How interesting." He said knowing Fuyōna was talking about another Yuki clan member.

"When the time is right I will bring them to you, but until then, leave it to me," Fuyōna said.

Hyōketsu nodded.

"Until then little Yuki."

"Alright, it's time to get going." Fuyōna then said as he created an ice mirror, looking to Kimimaro.

"Farewell lord Hyōketsu, be seeing you soon," Fuyōna then said with a grin.

"Be seeing you, little Yuki." He said, watching as Fuyōna and Kimimaro walked into the ice mirror, leaving the old Yeti alone.


Alright, that's the end of this chapter! Again a little shorter but focused on just one thing! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!

Remember to check out my P-A-T-R-E-O-N page out for more!