
Naruto: Odd-Eyes (Old)

A nobel prize winner in the field of both robotics and genetics was killed by numerous government officials all over the world who all worked in tandem to eliminate the protagonist that they all considered as a societal threat. Read as he reincarnates into the Naruto Universe as a character who was supposed to be a villain. Author's note: Yes, there is the YAOI tag, because our protagonist will be attracted to basically anyone in his newly-settled universe, no matter the gender. That is why if you are triggered by this element, you can leave the novel page. DISCLAIMER: MOST OF THE ELEMENTS OF THIS STORY ARE NOT MINE AND THAT INCLUDES THE SUPERPOWER SYSTEM, SOME OF THE CHARACTERS, SOME OF THE EVENTS. BUT I WILL GLADLY SAY THAT MOST EVENTS, DEVIATIONS AND CHANGES FROM THE ANIME AND THE NEW CHARACTERS THAT I WILL INTRODUCE ARE ALL RIGHTFULLY MINE. AND THE COVER PIC IS NOT MINE, IF YOU WANT ME TO TAKE IT DOWN, I WILL RIGHTFULLY DO SO. ENJOY!

Htk_Kksh · Fantasy
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17 Chs

CH 6: Some pondering and yondering

As Isshiki walked along the dirt road amongst the busy peoples of this village, he couldn't help but find himself awed at the fact that he was noe back in a crowded human settlement like the one he lived in his previous life, he was now reminiscing his shrouding past.

The few weeks he spent in the empty temple where Jigen resided in gave him a sense of longing for a settled place where he could hear human presence everywhere. Mind you that he might've been an introverted individual, but that does not mean that he wanted to be completely isolated from the rest of the civilization.

He was long past his fantasies of being completely alone in the planet where he and only him was the person, those were his dreams of fantasy when he was still but a naive teenager who hated his parents meddling with his teenly affairs. He had grown from that kind of mindset as he was now an adult living off of his many self-owned companies.

Sometimes he does like to ridicule himself for thinking like that as an upcoming adult back then, always telling himself that if he were to be completely alone in this universe as the only conscious being, he would barely have the means to survive.

But now look who's talking, as the only person aware that the universe he is currently in was only but an animated childhood tv show of his back in his previous world, he couldn't help but feel very lonely for that fact. He felt like he was either the only sane person here, or otherwise the only insane person in here.

These feelings coupled with the fact that his godly 'Alienic' body never gave him the time to have a mental breakdown, only gave his sanity the hardest time. If it weren't for him distracting himself by studying the difference in aspects of this world compared to his previous world, studying things like plants, animals, weather, climate, culture, peoples, he would've succumbed to his dark side and maybe even revert back his line of thinking similar to that of an Ōtsutsuki. Their mindset being that they were the superior race, arrogance, egotism, hubris, those were mostly their line of thinking. They were all so one-dimensional that he has doubted even his own preferences and standards from watching the boruto series. If we are talking about multidimensional charactered Ōtsutsuki characters in the series, so far there have only been two individuals who have lived on earth long enough to inevitably adhere to the line of thinking the earthlings here had, and those two are both Kaguya and yours truly.

But despite those elements of nightmares his existence here was spelling, Isshiki continued to persevere and even managed to have lived in this world for nearly a month now.


Isshiki was now laying on his own bed in a room he was provided by an odd hospitable villager named Mina.

"Hahhhh, this place is really nice..."

Isshiki mumbled to himself in comfortability.

"But what am i even gonna do here? I can't just stay here forever....I have plans...."

Isshiki muttered to himself as he ponders.

He walked up to the door and opened it to look outside, what he saw was just an empty dining room and a kitchen, no Mina to be seen.

"Phew! she was a little too clingy, its a good thing she's gone for now..."

Isshiki muttered in relief.

After muttering to himself, he dispelled his disguise without a hand sign, revealing his barely-human original appearance.


Isshiki was walking within the dirt roads of the village aimlessly, not really knowing how and where to start settling in such a busy place, that is until he felt a curious gaze seemingly never leaving his body.

Isshiki became alert of such a weird intent, prompting him to take stance within his position.

As he suddenly took on a Taijutsu body gesture, the people passing by around him got startled and looked at him with an annoyed and weirded-out look. He paid no mind to the stares and only smiled on them.

He then began scanning the people walking beside him and also peered into the windows of the houses beside the dirt road he was in, and that is when he saw a woman, a pair of glaring blue eyes, these eyes looked feminine with their eyelashes and so he assumed of them to be a woman.

She was peeping from a tight slit in her house's window, looking like a shut-in living similar to that of an zombie apocalypse survivor, having no thoughts of leaving her house due to certain circumstances.

Isshiki was very shocked of the person looking at him like she wanted to devour him, he couldn't even open his Byakugan to further observe this creepy woman due to his disguise dispelling if he ever did so.

(Hahhhh, whatever.... no one as of now can even hurt me, so whats the point of getting scared by a mere human)

He mused at his invulnerability until he stopped and seemed to have realized something.


His train of thought stopped for a while.

(....wait what?! Am i beginning to adapt to this body?.....Wow their arrogance must've been genetic and biological for this to even affect me, surely..)

After considering and resolving himself, he walked up to the wooden house where the woman was in. He then knocked at the door.

"Hi! My name is Isshiki, i'm a traveler that happened to pass through this village, i noticed you looking at me like you wanted me for a friend so i came to say hi"

Isshiki announced his arrival.

After his sudden knock, it took a while for a person to open the door slowly.

"Oh! hi-"

Isshiki wanted to say hi again after managing to finally take a closer look at the woman with hungry eyes, until he was interrupted as the woman's hand appeared from the darkness within the door and pulled him in with all of her strength.


He grunted as he got pulled inside.

"What was that?! Excuse me but you can't just-"

Isshiki once again stopped his train of thought after witnessing how the woman looked to be.

His eyes scanned her frail looking body, she had a blonde hair but it was so messy and frizzy, she was also shakingly biting her nails. Also adding the fact that some parts of her clothes were torn and dirty here and there.

She also exhibited a pungent smell, a scent that of someone who never even considered taking in the word 'bath' into their vocabulary.

She looked so roughed up to the point where Isshiki questioned if she was even sane


The woman mumbled something unintelligible.

"I'm sorry? I can't understand what you are saying woman"

Isshiki talked loudly in annoyance.

His yell seemed to have agitated the woman, making her lash out to raise her hands, seemingly with the intent to try and pin him down on the wall.

But Isshiki wasn't defenseless, he immediately reacted by catching both of her hands and in the turn of tables, pinning her down on the wall.

"Hup up up! Not so fast woman!"

He cheerfully said as he pins her down.

But after a while, Isshiki realized just how weird their position looked, this made him stop pinning her down, letting go of her hands.


Isshiki cleared his throat in embarrassment.

"So woman, you seemed to not be looking so alright"

Isshiki continued.

The woman seemed to have understood his words, making her look down and idle withh her feet, involuntarily imitating that of a shy anime girl.

This made Isshiki cringe badly.

"Okay stop! So why the hell would you pull me here?"

Isshiki decided to cut to the chase and asked what is up with this woman.


The woman grumbled as she pointed towards a door that leads to a room.

Isshiki was perplexed by this woman, but soon the gears turned within his brain and understood what this woman was trying to convey.

"Ah! so you are offering me a room to stay in?"

He asked to confirm his assumption.


The blonde woman nodded vigorously.

This offer made Isshiki a little bit confused, questioning this woman's sense of danger.

(What the hell is wrong with this woman? I mean she pbviously doesn't look right in the head, but aside from that, why would she invite someone she just met into her house? even to the point of deicisively pulling them into her own house.

The Ōtsutsuki further contemplated on why this woman was inviting a complete stranger into her house.

But he soon decided to use the woman and accepted the fool's offer.

------BACK TO THE PRESENT-------

Isshiki, with his real appearance, continued walking around his room, introspecting his future plans.

Isshiki might've been turning egotistical due to his personal strength in such an era when people wasn't even aware of what chakra is, but even if we eliminate that factor, it doesn't change the fact that aside from Kaguya, he is basically the strongest organism in this world, as far as he knows.

(Heck, I'm pretty sure Kaguya hasn't even.....)

He stopped all thinking after realizing something huge that will definitely affect his way of life for the next few years.

"How come...How come i haven't thought of that?!"

The horned-being screamed in frustration, riling up the villagers passing by the house he was in.

As his scream sunk in, his deliberate panic started.

Isshiki put his thumbnail on his teeth and started continuously biting it, bringing out a past mannerism that he had lost long ago even before his previous death.

(The moment Kaguya eats the chakra fruit, she will begin her long reign over this planet! and that is also when she will start her arduous search for Isshiki's possibility of still being alive! I AM ALIVE!! if i don't do anything at all, she will eventually find me, and when she finds me..... i don't even wanna think about that...)

The pale man with odd-eyes cogitated.

He needed to think of a way in order to survive those years when Kaguya will reign supreme over this world. What worried him after that was his inability to use both Sukunahikona and Daikokuten, the two special Dojutsus of his special golden eyes. If he managed to learn those two, he could either use his Daikokuten ability to hide in his pocket dimension, or use his Sukunahikona to parasitisize a human, just like what the original Isshiki has done to Jigen.

But he was different, the current Isshiki was once a human, and so he has a compassion and remorse for his fellow former-kin, and so he decided to pursue the former, and he also decided to use the amount of years he will stay there as his training time, it was already about time he started back his training.

And so days passed in his new home, he had fully befriended the weird blonde lady and even taught her on how to bathe herself. He also learned that this lady actually knew how to write Hiragana, a writing system our main character actually learned even back in his previous life, and so he was delighted to find out that he has a way to communicate with his houselady. As per how he knew her name, she introduced herself earlier after he was pulled into her house via the sign written on her door with her name's Kanji characters.

Mina explained through writing about her story on how she became like this, she told him that her former family was once nobles ruling a part of this continent, and that they were deposed because of their tyranny. Her parents sacrificed themselves for her during their escape and as she was escaping, a group of bandits captured her due to her looks being exotic, apparently her appearance was the first of this world, and that barely any people had her features here. And that was why she was hooked to Isshiki when she first saw him, she felt a sort of sense of kinship towards him because of their parallel looks, though it was really just his past-life appearance that he manifested through the Henge no Jutsu, and that was why he looked like this.

The bandits further abused and violated her in many ways for 3 years, turning her into how she was now. Isshiki felt a pang of sympathy for her story, which made him treat her a little bit more better, though he was still kinda freaked out whenever she would watch him sleep at night.

Isshiki gradually 'opened' up to her to tell her his fabricated story of how he was treated as god's child in his past village because of his unique features, he further narrated to her on how he was heavily pampered and worshipped there, making him decide to leave the village to search for people who would treat him equally.

The woman, despite their experiences as fellow exotic-looking people differing, still felt connected with Isshiki, and this made him feel guilty for using her feelings and manipulating her into thinking that they were the same.

But alas, our protagonist was desperate and needed someone to be his host during his parasitization if he were to not succeed with his Daikokuten route, as he still considered the possibility of failure.

The woman might be looking rough now, but if he were to activate her chakra and make her train, he was sure that her condition would definitely improve without a doubt, and might even become a possible perfect vessel for him.


It was now a month later after he arrived in this village, he had now perfected his known ninjutsus and even invented some of his own genjutsu after finding out his perfect chakra control.

He found this out a week earlier during his training in the woods surrounding the village with the Shadow Clone Jutsu, after a bunch of clone suddenly materialized even before he could form the hand seals for the technique. He felt stupid for not finding this out earlier because he immediately deduced that this was only possible because of his Main Branch Ōtsutsuki blood.

Right after finding out this ability of his, he marveled at how he could now basically immediately learn and create his own jutsus without fear of getting a backlash known as chakra explosion, this happens due to the wrong movement of chakra within a person's body.

Isshiki immediately used these newfound ability to create his own unique jutsus that he could proudly call his own.

He now also has access to his mindscape library, a place within his soul where he could store knowledge, memories, and even recall videos of events he chose to remember. Back then he didn't have access to the mindscape library because of his poor self-confidence in his chakra control, but now that he had discovered his bloodline-given perk, he now fearlessly entered his own mindscape, only to find a huge library with books containing everything about his past life's contents.

He chose to not open any of his triggering memories due to the fact that he wanted to try and move on for now, and he would later read through them vigorously without any setbacks.

He continued searching for his memories regarding the anime series called Naruto, only to find out that he barely watched the series, as back when the anime was airing in his country, he was already busy building his own business.

One of the only reasons as to how he remembered some stuff was through his nephew, who loved watching Naruto from front to back vice versa. His nephew visited his condominium from time to time with his sister, and the moment he steps foot into his place, the little child always immediately approached his flat screen to watch his favorite Anime.

However, unfortunately, he could barely remember any of the important stuff about naruto, such as certain powerful Jutsus, specific events that leads to other events, and more.

The things he could search in his seemingly infinite bookcas in a seemingly infinite library filled with seemingly infinite bookcases were the academy five techniques, Naruto's backstory, most if not all of the Chunin exams, the Konoha Crush, Gaara and his broodiness and his silver lining siblings, Uzumaki Kushina, many certain close characters, the Sharingan, the Byakugan, the Hyuga Affair, the Uchiha massacre, most if not all of the Land of Waves Arc, Naruto and Sasuke's waterfall battle in the first naruto, the Akatsuki, Naruto's training with the Rasengan, Pain's attack of Konoha, Jiraiya's shocking death, Hidan and the Jashin religion , Kakuzu, Juzo Biwa, Uchiha Itachi and his death, Sasori, Deidara, Yahiko, Konan, Uzumaki Nagato and some of his past, Uzumaki Karin and her backstory, Jugo, Suigetsu, some snippets of Naruto's Senjutsu training, many Nature release Kekkei Genkais, the Shikkotsumyaku and its disease, Terumi Mei and her powers, the Bloody Mist Event, the upbringing of the 4th Great Shinobi War, the tailed-beasts and their Jinchuurikis, Kabuto and Orochimaru, the Hokages, Madara, Obito, Minato, the battles within the 4th War, some of Madara's Rinnegan abilities, some of Sasuke's Mangekyou abilities, Black Zetsu and the many other Zetsus, Hagoromo, Hamura, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, the Chakra fruit, the Shinju, the ten tailed-beast, the Rinnesharingan and its abilities, the death of Kaguya and her backstory, Naruto ans Sasuke's last petty battle with Naruto's Sage Kurama mode and Sasuke's Tomoe Rinnegan.

As for the side movie stories and fillers, there were the Land of Frost and the Rainbow Chakra, some snippets of the Gelel Stone lore, some infos about the Hoshigakure and their purple chakra meteor, the Demon Moryo and Miko, most of the Roran movie and its sad connection to Naruto, some guy Hiruko's Chimera technique, the Ancor Vantian and the pseudo-tailed beast, a Naruto game non-canon character who created a seed that he could use to suck people's Chakra and more.

He then went over to the Post-Naruto section where he found the Ōtsutsuki Toneri part, the moon and its hidden inner world created by Ōtsutsuki Hamura, Toneri's back story, Hamura and his descendants' history, the Ten-Tails husk, the Tenseigan eyes, the Tenseigan weapon, his obsession to Hinata, some weird puppets, the battle parts.

The pre-boruto and Boruto sections consisted of books containing boruto, the battle between Sasuke, Naruto, Boruto against both Kinshiki and Momoshiki, Momoshiki and Kinshiki's abilities, some close characters, the school events, the Sumire and Nue Arc, some snippets of the Kirigakure Arc, some infos about Kara, Code, Amado, Kawaki, and at last, Ōtsutsuki Isshiki.

Isshiki concluded that his Knowledge when it comes to Naruto was wider than he thought, but when it comes to specific details such as the handseals to techniques, how technique works, special events that led to other events, and even some simple scenes that might've been extremely important, he could not remember any.

While for Boruto, he didn't really watch the show at all, he only knew some of the events and characters because of his weeb coworkers occasionally throwing arguments about some events in Boruto, he heard about them and was fascinated as to why they even continued Naruto at all.


He read more about the books and regained some important knowledge that did not really help him with his search for a way to survive Kaguya's search. He was devastated by this, he wasn't even aware if this night was the time Kaguya's sad back story starts and her eventual reign, he was terrified and paranoid. Though he knew that staying like that will not help him fix anything at all and so for the counting days, he continued his training on his Eyes and some of his newly made Genjutsus.