
Naruto: No one knows that I can use Wood Release!

Araki unexpectedly crossed over to the world of Naruto and became an unknown child in Konoha Village. He had no prestigious clan background, no assistance system, but he had obtained a Bloodline Limit of Wood Release that he couldn't control. In order to survive in the cruel ninja world filled with slaughter and pain, he diligently trained his body, accumulated chakra, and quietly developed himself. Before he had enough strength, he would never expose his Wood Release talent, fearing being treated as an experimental subject for research, just the thought of Orochimaru's eyes sent chills down his spine. He thought he could practice peacefully and fully master Wood Release before revealing himself to the world. However, just before graduating from the ninja academy, he unexpectedly encountered a troublesome roommate... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 chapter per day For Advance 40 chapters:- patreon.com/Novel782

Translator_Lich · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 33: Araki, You're a Good Kid!

Speaking is something that must be done!

This point is crucial!

Araki was originally not a person from the ninja world but a transmigrator who was very knowledgeable about many things in the ninja world.

He had acquired a significant amount of information!

And it was confidential information!

Regarding these matters, Araki didn't know how to make use of them for now. Currently, he was just a student in the Ninja School and hadn't yet reached higher levels.

But he believed that there would come a day when they would be useful.

When that day arrived, he had to have clear and articulate speech. Otherwise, he would still be stuck in a state of impaired communication, rendering all the valuable information he possessed useless.

Currently, Araki could communicate fluently in front of Yinsui, but not with others. This sudden change without any apparent reason would undoubtedly attract the attention of many people, especially Sarutobi. It was precisely because he couldn't communicate normally that Yinsui was placed here.

If he were to become a medical ninja...

He would have a legitimate reason to explain his regained ability to speak!

Araki thought it was quite good. It was something he hadn't anticipated when he talked about his dream at first, and he never expected Yinsui-sensei would help him with these matters.

"Yin...Yinsui...Sensei...Thank...Thank you!"

Araki sincerely expressed his gratitude to Yinsui-sensei. In the past, he thought Yinsui-sensei didn't pay much attention to him, but now he realized that Yinsui-sensei cared about all the students in the class. He had no complaints about that and even felt a sense of freedom. It was only now that he realized Yinsui-sensei had been attentive to everyone in the class.

"No need to be polite. You don't have to attend the afternoon class. I'll request leave for you, and I'll personally take you to the medical class for an interview. I'll treat you to lunch."

Yinsui-sensei's face once again showed a warm and kind smile, devoid of the seriousness from before.

Araki realized that...

Perhaps, only after they graduated and met Yinsui-sensei again, would he frequently see Yinsui-sensei in this state.

"Okay... okay..."

Araki nodded, not refusing and unable to refuse.

It was not only because he felt that it was indeed a good opportunity for him, but also because Yinsui-sensei's tone was soothing, but not open to discussion.

Araki still didn't know if he could learn medical ninjutsu.


If he could learn it...

He would have a very legitimate identity in the future!

"Follow me."

Yinsui-sensei patted Araki's shoulder and then walked towards the door of the classroom.

Araki didn't say anything else, he just followed behind Yinsui-sensei.

The two of them walked out of the Ninja School and arrived at a sushi restaurant. Yinsui-sensei directly ordered two identical sets of sushi.

"The sushi at this place is really good. Give it a try and see if it suits your taste."

Yinsui-sensei rubbed his hands together and said with a smile, judging by his appearance, he could barely contain his drooling.

"Um... um..."

Araki silently observed Yinsui-sensei and, through their brief interaction, discovered another side of him. Not only did Yinsui-sensei have a deeply hidden funny attribute, but he was also a foodie.

Before long, the two servings of sushi were served.

Araki hadn't had sushi since he arrived in the ninja world. After all, he only received a small monthly stipend, and he could only afford ordinary food. He didn't have much discretionary income.

"I'm digging in!"

Yinsui-sensei immediately bowed to the sushi and then eagerly grabbed a piece, stuffing it into his mouth without caring about his image at all.

"I... I... I'm digging in too..."

Araki also bowed to the food, as it was the etiquette here. There was no need to overanalyze it. This scene was repeated every day.

Immediately after, he picked up a piece of sushi roll and put it directly into his mouth.

"Is it delicious?"

Yinsui-sensei immediately stared at Araki, his eyes shimmering with expectant light. From his posture, it seemed like he was asking for Araki's opinion, but in reality, he wanted to hear a specific answer.

"It... it's delicious..."

Araki immediately nodded in response. Apart from feeling a bit choked, he hadn't fully tasted the flavor yet.

Then, the two of them began to eat quickly.

Within a few minutes, they finished everything on the plate.

The feeling of fullness made their moods much better.

Araki lowered his head and looked at the empty plate, contemplating a matter. After considering the pros and cons, he felt it was necessary to take the initiative.

"Yinsui... sensei... What... what happened to Sora... Sora... Hyuga?"

Araki suddenly looked up and asked.

This was the result of careful consideration.

Apart from the inquiries from the ANBU, Yinsui-sensei hadn't mentioned anything about it.

Araki wasn't sure if Yinsui-sensei had any suspicions about him. Instead of overthinking it, he thought it would be better to take the initiative.

Moreover, with the disappearance of their classmates and such a big commotion, other students were discussing it after school. If he showed no interest as if nothing had happened, it would raise questions as well.

"You're curious?" Yinsui-sensei's smile suddenly disappeared, and he instantly regained his seriousness.

"I... I... I'm concerned... about him..."

Araki adjusted his wording slightly, positioning himself on a more proactive stance. After all, curiosity seemed more like a third-party observing, while concern placed him on Sora's side.

"That day he was going to fight you!" Yinsui-sensei couldn't believe his ears. He hadn't seen any interaction between Sora Hyuga and Araki before. It was quite unexpected for Araki to suddenly talk about being concerned.

"He... he... we... are... classmates..."

Araki showed a slight sense of urgency and began to gesture with his hands. His state of mind was clearly focused, but he couldn't express himself, getting stuck at the stage of speaking.

"Don't you mind him bullying you?"

After hearing the word "classmate," the most vulnerable part of Yinsui-sensei's heart was deeply touched. As a teacher at the ninja school, he hoped that the students would form such bonds.

Araki shook his head directly, showing determination.

"Araki, you're a good child!"

Yinsui-sensei took a deep breath, reminiscing in his eyes, recalling the events of last night. His emotions remained unsettled for a long time.

Thank you Giant Sloth for the Pateron support!!!

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