
Chapter 5: Bound Weapon & Training

[Light (Discarded Genius)

Body - Genin - Low

Chakra - Genin - Low

Bound Sword - Abilities - Locked (Chunin Chakra Level Required) - Locked (Jonin Chakra Level Required) - Locked (Kage Chakra Level Required)

Elements - Fire 20% - Water 30% - Earth 30% - Wind 0% - Lightning 0% - Yin 0% - Yang 0%

Kekkei Genkai - ********* (Locked - Requirements Unknown) & **** ***** (Locked - Requires two elements at 50%)

Control - 20%

Allegiance - Self/Hidden Leaf]

As I felt the warm feeling of Chakra running through my body a black sword hilt with a small chain was sticking out of my chest. Without even thinking about it I grabbed on to the hilt, pulling out a long black sword with red pattern running along the blade. This was the custom Weapon I had chosen from the void and it is made up entirely of my chakra, I was one with this blade and it with me, however the skills I had given it were all locked, I could feel each of the locks as if they were physical chain on my body, I knew I would need to improve if I wanted to be able to unlock them.

'I will need something to hold it' With that thought the blade which came out of my chest without anything on it let out a bright blue glow, I could feel what little chakra I had leaving my body as a sheath and string was created to hold it. Thankfully it didn't take up all my Chakra and now I was able to put my new weapon on my back.

"Ok, looks like I will need to train" I shouted out, however it was then drowned out by another sound. ~grumble~ My stomach was making a very loud noise and I don't blame it, I was so hungry.

"Ok first let's hunt something to eat, then let's train"

I rushed deeper in to the forest and came across a pair of rabbits grazing on the grass under a tree. I rushed towards them as I unsheathed my sword, I pierced straight through one with a quick and simple thrust while the other rushed in to a hole in the ground.


I had stayed in the forest for the last two months, hunting, training and making a small shelter in the woods.

[Light (Discarded Genius)

Body - Chunin- Low

Chakra - Genin - High

Bound Sword - Abilities - Locked (Chunin Chakra Level Required) - Locked (Jonin Chakra Level Required) - Locked (Kage Chakra Level Required)

Elements - Fire 20% - Water 30% - Earth 30% - Wind 0% - Lightning 0% - Yin 0% - Yang 0%

Kekkei Genkai - ********* (Locked - Requirements Unknown) & **** ***** (Locked - Requires two elements at 50%)

Control - 35%

Allegiance - Self/Hidden Leaf]

I had focused on increasing my body strength, chakra reserves and chakra control, all of which helped when it came to hunting wild animals for food, I was kind of hoping I would have that legendary cheat skill gamers body which meant I wouldn't have to eat or sleep but I was so wrong, I got hungry and needed sleep like anyone else. On a side note I was kind of happy that I didn't have this skill, I loved to sleep.

For my Chakra control and reserves I practised the leaf concertation exercise and started on the tree walking exercise.

Other than training my body and chakra I also focused on training my Taijutsu and my sword skills, building up a strong foundation, however I didn't have anyone to spar with which caused a few issues, I had to make do with visualization training, meaning, I just pretended someone else was there and found against them.

Looking down at my tattered clothes and my poorly built shelter I thought to myself. 'I might needed someone to spar against but I need some new clothes and some materials to build up my shelter more'

I looked towards the village, I could barley see the outer wall from my location. 'I guess it's time'

I headed back towards the village for the first time since I had left. 'I should be able to find some cocky Academy students or Genin to spar with while I am there. I will also need to find a way of making some quick money to buy some equipment and materials for my shelter'

Passing through the gates I could see one of the ninja on guard take down a note as I walked in, I guess it's not that surprising he probably wouldn't recognise me and as I was carrying a sword on my back.

As I walked through the village I saw that everyone one seemed to have a dark look, as if they were depressed, all of them were buzzing around each other, from one person to the next like they were playing a game of Chinese whispers. Not that I am an eavesdropper or anything but I was able to pick up what some of them were saying.

"Did you hear about the Uchiha?"

"Is it true what I heard?"

"Only one survived?"

"Did you hear? it was a member of their own clan"

"Can't say I'm sorry to see some of them gone but they didn't deserve this"

It seemed as though since my absence the Uchiha clan massacre had taken place. Which meant that Saskue was currently in the hospital, recovering from being attacked with the mangekyo sharingan.

As much as I wanted to help him, at the moment I wouldn't be able to do anything, he should still be unconscious and he isn't yet in a state of mind where he will listen to what I have to say, even if I did try.

What would I say to him anyway? revealing the truth about his brother would go against what Itachi wants, however he was wrong to push him towards the darkness. Should I even get involved at all? if I stay out of the story I know what will happen, Naruto and Saskue will eventually fight together and save the world. If I try to help, I could mess up the entire plot, the entire world could be destroyed.

However, my presence alone should have already caused ripple effects, why shouldn't I live my life the way I want to?

I shook my head trying to get all of these thoughts out of my head. 'Whatever I will sort it out later'