
Naruto: New Path

Waking up with a headache, Ray was forced to be a part of the Uzumaki clan. He was the younger brother of Kushina. The war has ended but he knew that there was danger lurking around the village. Follow his journey, as he encounters the strange world. He will meet new people and new life. How will his existence act as the twist in the world? Or will he just lose to the world? *** No harem. Although I do have a plan for romance. I don't think without a character arc romance would be satisfied. Anyways please leave a review. Edit: Romace will take so long. Even now I am on the second arc and yet I don't think romance will take place in about the fourth arc.

goffyboy · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Two people

Amid the void formed various things such as lands, water and air. The cloud ninjas tried to comprehend the situation they were in but only one figured it out.

Haru disrupted his chakra network breaking the world around him. He panted in fatigue. The amount of will he had to conjure to break free of the Genjutsu was too much.

' What a great Genjutsu. I need to flee. We got a powerful ninja with great chakra control. '

Haru turned around and abandoned his students. But before he left the area, he performed a jutsu.

[ Lightning style: Lightning spread.]

Numerous strings of lightning came out from his hands and hit the ground. It spread through the surroundings with lightning speed.

Kakashi who was facing a clone noticed the attack with his Sharingan backed away and used earth style.

The two Chunin were awake from the Genjutsu due to the lightning.

" Tck! " Kakashi sighed in annoyance.

" Kill the kid, quickly. " Haru ordered at his students. " I will face against Genjutsu user. "

He lied.

Kakashi deactivated the Chidori and faced against the two. He didn't pay attention to the Jounin.

Haru moved through the forest with quick steps. His instinct went alert again. He blocked the attack which came from the left side.

" You are good. Pretty good. " The enemy said.

Haru knitted his bows. He could tell that the enemy was using transformation jutsu.

Haru's hands transformed into lightning and threw a spike at Akira who was transformed not normal a ninja.

How should I let him escape? I am about to slice his arm but it is not impossible.

I will just drag the fight and flee.

Akira used a shadow clone. His shadow clone jumped up high using wind nature. Haru attacked the clone with a lightning spike. But Akira interpreted the lighting spike with Gale Palm.

Haru frowned. A sword appeared in front of him and tried to slash at his face. He let go of the clone and attacked the real one.

Akira smiled seeing this. He dodged the lighting spike coming from his hands. He dropped the sword and kicked at Haru.

Haru grabbed the kick and swung his hand to slash the leg. Akira kicked at the ground with his other leg and spun his body.

Breaking free from the grip, Akira used chakra and transformed into wind nature. It was becoming natural to him. He used the wind to push his body farther from Haru.

Haru smirked. ' Stupid. ' He could now flee. At that moment, Akira pointed his fingers at Haru. First, he aimed at the head but he changed and aimed at the left arm.

[ Lightning style: lighting string.]

Lightning flew out from the finger and pierced the left arm of Haru. Akira nodded.

He grabbed his head with a headache.

Ah! I need to fix my chakra control. I can't always experience death like this. How did Naruto manage to do that?

Haru saw the opportunity and escaped immediately. He even made seven lighting clones.

Good. That should be enough.

The seven lighting clones blocked Akira. Akira was already giving up on persuasion.

Akira stood up from the ground. He heard a scream coming from the back. His device turned on. He placed his hand on the ear and listened.

A kind voice came from the device.

" We are done. "

" I am also finished. Our target managed to escape beautifully. " Akira faced his palm at the clones.

[ Adamanatine chains.]

Seven chains emerged from his hands and struck the clones. They exploded and created lighting waves.

Akira observed the chakra friction and nodded. He got a glimpse of the jutsu.

It is just a natural transformation combined with a simple shadow clone. I will need a good concept of the two things.

He sighed. Then he moved to Kakashi.

Kakashi was using his earth style to bury the corpses. Akira saw the holes in the bodies. Must be pierced by lightning.

" Well, we got a flag on our head. " Akira commented.

" Yeah. Any slip-up from that Jounin? " Kakashi asked.

" No. He is pretty good with lightning. That lightning clone is awesome. "

" I can do that. ".

" Cool. Can you teach me? "

" Sure but after we finished the mission. Now, Rin destroyed our tail. Let's go. "

Rin jumped down from the tree and landed in front of them. She quickly placed her hands on the ground. Akira sensed the chakra spread through the ground like nature preying on humans.

After a few seconds, she lifted her hands and nodded at Kakashi. " I have given three tails to follow. That would give us some time to put cover in the mountains. "

" Good. Now. "

Akira jumped to the tree and headed toward the mountain. He chose a different path this time. Not wanting to follow previous Jounin.


Ravens. They settled on the top of the dead trees even before the injured became the dead. Some flew toward the injured and ripped their body apart, feasting on the flesh.

The one man stood among the injured. His body was covered by a heavy long cloak. It cast a shadow on the man's face but the red light peeled out from the shadow.

His red eyes moved along the battle as his hands shocked in silence.

" This is war. " The man spoke in indifference. " How cruel. I never knew about this. "

A tree crawled toward him and warped around his right hand. It slowly climbed up to his face. The tree placed its brunch on his ears, making a mask in the process.

A dry voice echoed inside the mask. " This is not a war. You know. "

" Shut up. " A man grumbled.

" This is the result of resources. Ninjas raided the poor villages. See the women. There's none because they were dragged for pleasure. "

It continued.

" You have to see the world. I have shown you the hell on earth. " A dry voice paused. " Now, what is the solution? "

" I have none. "

" But I have. " The mask said.

The man stayed silent to the answer. " I want to meet Akira. He must have an answer for me. "

" Be it. I will find him for you. "

The man disappeared from the horror of the war.

He was dead in the eyes of the living.

He lay on the battlefield and poured chakra into his mouth. Fire poured out from his lips. It burned the corpses.

" First, show me the ninja's place. "

" You can't always follow your method anymore "

" I know. But let me kill them first. "