
Naruto : Neji Hyuga revolution

A Naruto fan is reincarnated as Neji Hyuga. Distressed by his situation as a vassal, he will try by all means to free himself from the cursed seal. No system No Tenseigan The powers will be according to my imagination.

Sr_Angel · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Gai-sensei's test

We hid separately in the forest.

I moved as far away from the combat zone as possible, knowing that with my Byakugan I could see the outcome for all my future teammates.

From a filler episode, I knew the objective of the test: to have an iron will.

Or at least that's what the test seemed to consist of in that scene.

Anyway, first I'll see how Rock Lee and Tenten defend themselves.

From there, I'll analyze Gai-Sensei.

I could tell them to work as a team, but why?

Tenten still doesn't have the seals and weapons.

Rock Lee has absolutely nothing, just decent taijutsu.

My team is a team of noobs!!

To be strong in Naruto, you must have one of the following things:

Be considered a prodigyHave colored eyesBe the child of someone importantBe part of some wild prophecyHave a demon insideHave Hashirama's cellsHave some cool Kekkei Genkai.

I fulfilled 2 requirements, Naruto, the canon one, fulfilled 4.

That was the truth, my team consisted of secondary characters.

Tenten lost to Temari in a humiliating way, in the manga it's even worse, the fight doesn't even appear haha.

Rock Lee is the character who tries the hardest, but canonically, he hasn't won a single fight.

Sasuke? Interrupted. Gaara? Lost. Kimimaro? Lost.

And in Shippuden, they fought against themselves, I think.

In summary, pathetic.

"I'll have to help them improve," I whispered to myself.

Stopping wasting time, I activated the Byakugan to observe Gai-Sensei's abilities.

The first to fall was Tenten, hidden among the trees; she tried throwing 3 shuriken at Gai-Sensei, thinking he was distracted.

Gai simply caught the 3 shuriken with his hands.

Gai said something that I think was a compliment; I need to learn to read lips.

Tenten responded by throwing more shuriken and kunai at him.

And this is where I realized Gai's speed because I barely saw him dodging the next shuriken.

Alright, I have to think, I'll use foresight to see where he'll go after defeating Tenten.

With that, I activated my future vision.



My future genin were promising.

A kunoichi with perfect precision in shurikens and kunai.

A Hyuga with perfect grades, said to be a prodigy among the Hyuga.

And finally, my disciple, Rock Lee, to whom I would pass on the technique of the 8 gates.

The boy had a strong body, but most importantly, he reminded me of my youthful days.

I saw in the three kids what it takes to be permanent members of my team: discipline.

I had trained many genin before, but this time I think I found the ultimate team.

They would definitely be better than Kakashi's!

Right, Kakashi doesn't have a team, I doubt he ever will.

"Very well thrown, those shurikens, you aimed at my vital points," I said with a smile to my possible future student.

Tenten came down from the tree and distanced herself from me, trying to open the distance to throw more shuriken at me.

So that's her talent… Hmm I could teach her storage fūinjutsu.

Well, that's all.

Using my speed, I deflected all the shurikens with a kick and reached where Tenten was.


I hit her hard on a nerve in her neck, knocking her unconscious.

Good, 1 down, 2 more to find.

"Sensei!!!" I heard a voice followed by a kick.

Not bad, almost genin speed, his stance still needs polishing, but his reflexes are outstanding.

I dodged the kick and responded with mine, putting him to the test.


"Master, I'll show you that I have what it takes for you to train me."

That phrase almost made me cry, oh Lee, I know you're going to pass.

"That's the attitude, give it your all and don't worry about anything."

"Yoshhh," my student responded.

The next fight lasted 5 seconds.

Lee came at me with a frontal attack in the form of a high kick.

He must learn that this is very risky against faster enemies.

Well, I'll show him the hard way, I thought darkly for the benefit of my favorite disciple.

I grabbed his leg and slammed him to the ground, then stepped on his head, knocking him out.

"Uh, I still can… uh," Lee's eyes darkened.

"Lee," I couldn't help but cry, even in his last moments he could demonstrate that he's a splendid ninja.

"Alright, concentrate Gai, where could the last one be?"

If he has Byakugan, he should be observing me now.

Hmm, I didn't give him a time limit, he shouldn't have gone far, though.

"Well, it seems my last student will be somewhat problematic."

Seeing Neji Hyuga's record compiled by the teachers, including his tutor, Masao, was a cause for concern.

Neji Hyuga: taijutsu skills: 10/10 Chakra control: 10/10 History: 10/10 Mathematics: 10/10 Poisons: 10/10 Medicines: 10/10 Shurikens: 10/10 Traps: 10/10 Fanatic of destiny, due to the Hyuga incident, he believes society determines whether you are a failure or not.

Not very sociable, reserved, serious, and has a fatalistic view of life, he tends to underestimate those he considers losers, saying that if you have no talent, you shouldn't be a ninja. Possibly hates the Hyuga main branch and by extension the village.

Risk of betrayal: High.

Hmm, let's stop thinking negatively, that takes away my youth. Let's see, if you were a Hyuga brat, where would you go?

To the left, let's go there!

We will have to start by taking away his arrogance and making him consider me his sensei. ———————————-

Meditating with my foresight ability, I discovered that he would go to his left; for some reason, he stayed still for a minute after defeating Lee.

Well, it's just me left.

After going there, he heads to my position.


I brought 1 paper bomb for this test.

And now I know where Gai-Sensei will pass in 2 minutes; he will come to my location.

I deactivated foresight.

Well, just need to go to where Gai-Sensei will step.

I went to the area where I predicted my sensei would pass and placed a leaf under the paper bomb.

The paper bomb will activate and explode in 2 seconds.

I reactivated foresight.

I saw Gai-Sensei fall into the trap, surprised.

"Uh, a paper bomb," said the character dressed in a green jumpsuit.

He applied chakra to his legs and barely escaped the explosion.

Landing on the tree closest to the trap.

I deactivated foresight.

Oh, here he comes, I'll hide where he's going to land.

Gai-Sensei appeared in a hurry a minute later.

I saw Gai-Sensei fall into the trap again, surprised.

"Uh, a paper bomb," said the character dressed in a green jumpsuit.

He applied chakra to his legs and escaped the explosion.

What he didn't count on was that I would appear on his landing spot.

"Hyuga art: 8 trigrams 32 palms."

"1 palm, 2 palms, 4 palms, 8 palms, 16 palms, 32 palms."

Gai-Sensei turned into a log.

Substitution jutsu.

Out of nowhere, I heard applause.

"Congratulations, you're the genin who almost passed the test, you almost got me there."

Gai-Sensei was in the tree next to me, congratulating me.

I nodded, "Thank you, Gai-San," I said; he wasn't my sensei yet.

"I suppose you saw with your Byakugan the trajectory I was going to take and guessed correctly."

"A good shinobi doesn't reveal his tricks; let's fight."

I felt nervous knowing that this is the guy Madara declared 'the strongest.'

I mean, he was going to beat me up.

But I had to pretend that I had fallen for his trick.

If I didn't fight, he might fail me and refuse to train us.

"Hahaha, that's the spirit."

I started the mock fight with a feint, trying everything: kicks, elbows, punches, but the jounin deflected it all.

Until he finally punched me in the jaw, and I saw darkness.


I woke up with difficulty only to hear the cause of my blackout.

"You have failed."

"What!!" Rock Lee

"B-but you're very strong, I barely had time to do anything!" Tenten

"Give us another chance," I said, knowing it was impossible for him to fail us. I had to do even better than in the canon.

"Do you know why you failed?"

"Because we didn't work as a team?" I guessed.

"Correct, a good ninja of Konoha works with their allies," Gai said coldly.

"Well, go to the Hokage and report that you need a sensei."

"Wait!!" Rock Lee shouted, "I will strive to work as a team, please be my official sensei."

"I swear in the name of Hyuga that I will too." It felt good to swear in the name of the Hyuga; I mean, my promise was worthless, but he doesn't have to know that.

"I swear by my name that I will too," Tenten also exclaimed.

Gai pretended to sigh, "Alright, you have half an hour to at least surprise me, but if you fail, find someone else."

"Besides, explosives are forbidden," he said, looking at me, much to the surprise of Tenten and Lee.

"You used a paper bomb on Gai-Sensei?" Rock Lee asked me; I ignored him.

"Alright, begin."

The next 30 minutes were hell, compared to Gai, I was a baby, no matter what I did.

It was humiliating.

In the end, it was just like in the filler episode; he made us work to the death, and only when we couldn't anymore did he make us stop.

It all ended with a hug from Gai to the three of us, without my consent.

"You pass the test," Gai said emotionally.