
NARUTO : Naruto Adopted by the Aburame clan

This idea has been on my mind for a while, so I thought, what the hay why not give it a try. The story starts after the Kyubi attack and Naruto's future is up for grabs. A couple clan heads have offered to take the child each for there own reasons, not very noble reasons, but nonetheless, Naruto was wanted. The Hokage, fearing the select clans only wanted to use him as a weapon, decides to take matters into his own hands, and places the boy within a family that he feels will not mold Naruto into what they wanted. And this sets the foundation for my new story. Hope you will enjoy. I'm going to try and put a lot of hard work in this story. (I don't Own Naruto!)

GoudaGenji · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 7: Encounter

Naruto and Iruka were walking down the streets of Konoha at a brisk pace. "Where are we going Iruka-sensei?" Naruto asked while following close behind Iruka.

"I'm taking you to the Hokage's office." Iruka replied back.

Naruto tensed at this. "What, did I do something wrong?" Naruto asked nervously.

Iruka shook his head. "Of course not, I just need to discuss something with him."

Naruto looked confused. "About me?"

"Yes Naruto, but you needn't worry I promise it's for good reason. So please try to hold off anymore questions until we get there."

"Alright" Naruto states simply.

A few minutes later Iruka and Naruto were standing outside of the Hokage's office. Iruka knocked on the door.

There was a moment of silence before a voice bid them to enter.

Iruka and Naruto stepped into the office and bowed. The room was somewhat plain; Just a desk, a couple of book shelves, two guest seats, and mounds of paper staked on the Hokages desk.

Naruto noted the Hokage looked much older then he expected. He was dressed in the traditional Hokage robes with the matching trademark hat.

"Ah Iruka, Naruto what a pleasant surprise." He spoke with a kind voice.

Naruto looked taken aback "you know my name Hokage-sama?"

Sarutobi smiled "well of course I've just heard so much about you"

"Really that's awesome." Naruto says ecstatically.

Sarutobi chuckled "I'm glad you think so, now what is it you wished to see me for?" Sarutobi questioned curiously.

Iruka stepped forward. "Well Hokage-sama it's about Naruto's ninja abilities."

Sarutobi raised his eye brow "What about them."

Iruka paused for a moment before answering. "You see their far above average. He's already learned the Substitution Jutsu, and Shadow Clone Jutsu."

Sarutobi eyes widened at the news. "Shadow clone? That's unheard of for his age." Sarutobi says with a bit of skepticism in his voice.

Iruka nodded. "My thoughts exactly Hokage-sama. His Jutsu abilities and physical abilities have led me to the decision to request he be moved to a higher class."

Sarutobi pondered this for a moment. "How high are you suggesting?" he questioned while eyeing Naruto thoughtfully.

"Well first I wanted to see if he had anymore abilities he's keeping a secret. Depending on what I learn could be a one year skip or even two." Iruka stated in a matter of fact tone.

Sarutobi took a drag of the pipe sitting on his desk. "Well if you truly believe this is the best course of action to take; I will grant Naruto permission to be reassigned to the appropriate grade level. But first you will need to see what his parents think and more importantly what Naruto thinks." Sarutobi says while turning his gaze on Naruto.

Iruka looked to Naruto as well. "So how would you feel about moving up a grade or two?"

Naruto just looked on silently for a moment. "It's a nice offer, but I'd rather stay with the rest of the first years."

Sarutobi smiled "you know the fourth said the same thing when he was offered to move up a couple grade levels."

"Really?" Naruto says intrigued with the prospect of having something in common with the fourth.

Sarutobi nodded. "He sure did."

"Regardless you should still put more thought into this." Iruka cut in. "I can pretty much guarantee every thing you will learn in year one you have already learned. Besides if you find you don't like it we could always move you back too year one."

Naruto shrugged. "Ok Iruka-sensei I'll give it some thought before I make my final decision."

Iruka nodded approvingly. "Very well we will discuss more about this later, as for right now we need to get back to class. So if you would excuse us Hokage-sama we will leave you to your work."

Sarutobi nodded his head in approval and Naruto and Iruka stood up and bowed before leaving his office.

When Iruka and Naruto were gone from the room Sarutobi looked to the four pictures hanging on the wall. But focused all his attention on the last of the four 'I know you would have been proud Minato you got one heck of a kid.' And with that final thought he went back to stamping the seemingly endless pile of papers.

(Ten minutes Later)

Once they returned to the classroom Naruto took his seat next to Hinata and Shino.

"So uh N-Naruto-kun what d-did Iruka-sensei want to see you f-for?" Hinata asked as casually as she could.

"He wanted to talk to me about moving up a grade or so." Naruto says as if he were discussing the weather.

Hinata looked shocked at the statement while Shino managed to hold a straight face.

"Y-you're not going to go t-through with it a-are you?" Hinata says now pressing her index fingers together.

"Of course not; I'd never leave you two behind for a little recognition." Naruto stated indignantly.

Hinata looked more then pleased with Naruto's answer as did Shino.

"But I have to admit it would have been pretty cool to move up a grade. Usually the greatest Shinobi graduate early." Naruto says with a glimmer in his eyes that was hidden behind his blue shades.

"That's true, graduating ahead of schedule does show signs of a prodigy." Shino says with a hint of interest in their conversation. "Your talent would have surely been recognized if you had made the decision to take Iruka sensei's offer."

"Yeah I know what you mean, to tell you the truth I really started to think about it when Iruka offered. But I changed my mind when the third told me himself that the fourth Hokage was given the same offer as me but chose to stay the course. So if the fourth could become such a great ninja without graduating early, then why not me?"

Hinata and Shino stared dumbfounded at Naruto.

"Y-you got to m-meet the t-third and h-he told you a-about the f-fourth" Hinata asked obviously shocked with what Naruto had just said.

"Oh yeah I guess I forgot to mention it. But that's where Iruka-sensei took me. I guess the teachers have to discuss maters like this with the Hokage first. Then after that they can give permission to the student to move up a grade."

"That makes sense considering the Hokage is the overseer of all ninja affairs in the village. I guess academy students fall under that jurisdiction as well." Shino says before turning his attention back to Iruka's lecture.

After class ended Naruto and Hinata decided to do some training together while Shino went out to do some insect research.

Hinata was reluctant to go at first, but remembered her family probably wouldn't notice her absence for days. She was practically invisible to her family or at least that's the way they made it seem.

Naruto had taken her to what he called his secret spot. It was an area in the woods next to a lake with plenty of open space. In other words perfect for training.

When they got there Naruto started them off with a bit of stretching then a light jog. Well light by Naruto standards. After their warm up their sparing had begun.

Even though Hinata wasn't bad in her family's style of Taijutsu, her reluctance to actually hurt Naruto meant Naruto was easily dominating the fight.

This didn't' go unnoticed by Naruto, and he was starting to get fed up with it. "Hey Hinata-chan what's the deal I know you can do better then this." Naruto says in mid punch giving Hinata just enough time to avoid it.

"W-well you s-see I don't w-want to h-hurt you t-that's all." Hinata says turning the usual red.

"But where is the fun if you hold back?" Naruto challenged. "Now show me that Byakugan of yours already." Naruto says attacking a bit more roughly to try and get Hinata to take it more seriously.

Hinata could tell she would be overwhelmed quickly if she didn't step up her game, so she activated her Byakugan.

Naruto grinned "now that's more like it."

About forty minutes later Naruto and Hinata both lay panting on the ground, Hinata more so then Naruto.

"I got to admit you're pretty good, I haven't had a workout like that in quite awhile." Naruto says before getting up and dusting himself clean.

He extended his hand to help Hinata from the ground. She hesitantly took it. "T-thank you N-Naruto-kun."

"No problem in fact we should do this more often." Naruto offered.

"Y-you m-mean training?" Hinata asked meekly.

"Yeah, training with Shino is ok and all but he really hates taijutsu training. And frankly he's not near as good at as you."

Hinata blushed a deep red. 'Naruto-kun thinks I'm good'

"Hey Hinata-chan you're turning a bit red, you're not getting sick are you?" Naruto says looking worried at Hinata.

"Oh I-it's nothing, j-just a b-bit tired."

"That's a relief, so what do you say we get some ramen my treat?"

Hinata's heart soared; Naruto had just invited her to a meal. "T-that w-would be…"

"Out of the question." A stern voice came from behind them.

Naruto and Hinata both turned around to see a boy slightly taller then Naruto, with long dark brown hair and the same whitish eyes as Hinata enter the area.

Naruto stared curiously at the intruder; he also noticed Hinata seemed to look afraid of this boy.

The boy was also staring at Naruto with more disdain then curiosity. He then turned his attention back to Hinata. "I've been searching for you lord Hiashi request your return at once Hinata-san"

Hinata looked mortified, of all the time for her father to notice she was alive he had to pick now. "Y-yes Neji-niisan."

Neji scoffed he always hated when Hinata referred to him as her niisan.

Naruto had to think for a moment before something finally clicked. "Neji now I remember." Naruto says while glaring a hole in Neji.

Despite the shades Neji could tell Naruto was glaring at him by the way his eyebrows scrunched together. "You remember what?" Neji asked irritably.

"That you're the prick whose ass I'm supposed to kick." Naruto says in a calm tone.

Neji looked genuinely confused. "I don't even know you, so what business could you have with me?" Neji countered.

"So you think you don't have business with me, what about the horrible things you've told Hinata?" Naruto shot back.

Neji was now glaring at Naruto. "That's none of your concern" he says in an icy tone.

"The hell it isn't Hinata's a friend of mine, so it is my concern." Naruto retorted.

Neji was really starting to get pissed. It was bad enough Hiashi was using him as an errand boy, but now he had to deal with this annoying blond kid he didn't even know.

Neji sighed he just wasn't in the mood for this. "Despite your misplaced nobility, I don't have time to deal with petty matters such as this one. Now Hinata-san let's go before your father becomes erratic."

Neji turned on his heels and strode off, leaving Naruto to silently fume.

"I-I'm s-sorry N-Naruto-kun I didn't mean to cause t-trouble." Hinata says apologetically.

Naruto simply shrugged. "It wasn't your fault, and don't worry I still plan on getting that jerk back for what he said to you."

Hinata looked down at her feet and twiddled her fingers tighter. "T-thank you N-Naruto-kun."

Naruto waved her off "Think nothing of it, besides no one messes with my friends."

"Hinata-san!" Neji could be heard calling from beyond the tress.

"Well you should probably get going, and if Hiashi asks why you were held up just blame it on me." Naruto suggested to Hinata.

Hinata looked appalled "I c-could n-never."

"Why not technically it is my fought? If it weren't for me convincing you to come here you wouldn't have been late."

Hinata was merely silent. She appreciated that Naruto was willing to take the fall for this, but she knew she could never blame him for anything.

"Hinata-san!" Neji roared.

"Just get going already" Naruto said with a trademark grin.

"Y-yes see y-you later Naruto-kun." Hinata then darts off after the irritated Neji.

"I guess I should be getting home too." Naruto then started to walk off in the direction of the Aburame estate.

When Naruto got home he immediately went to the kitchen only stopping to greet the occasional clan member that walked by. His dilemma with Neji had made him forget all about grabbing some ramen. So he had to see what he could round up.

Once Naruto got to the kitchen he was relieved when he spied his mother in the middle of preparing a meal. He also noticed his father was sitting at the table going over some apparent notes.

"Good evening Naruto" Shina says without even looking over her shoulder to see who had entered.

"Hey mom, dad." Naruto says in a not so cheerful tone.

Shibi placed his notes on the table and stared at Naruto. "You're not in your usual high sprits, that means something must be troubling you correct?"

Naruto sat himself in a chair opposite his father. "I guess I just had a long day."

Shina then came over to sit next to Naruto. "Tell us what happened." She prodded the young blond.

Naruto then began to tell them the story starting with the sparring matches, his heated battle with Sasuke. Iruka trying to move him up a grade, his meeting with the Hokage and finally his encounter with Neji.

"Yes that dose sound like quite a day." Shibi says still analyzing Naruto's eventful day.

"Agreed, and I have to admit I'm proud you chose to stay in your current grade level. For it shows you do have some grasp over your own limitations."

Naruto made a mock wince in pain. "Ouch that sure is a nasty way to give a complement."

Shina merely pated Naruto on the back before returning to finish cooking the meal she had started.

"The only question is what will become of you and Uchiha Sasuke. His actions you described don't seem very healthily, I just hope he doesn't become a hindrance on you." Shibi says before going back to his notes.

"You don't have to worry about me and the teme I got better things to do then help feed his ego."

Shibi raised his eyebrow. "Teme?"

Naruto smirked "It just sounds fitting right?"

Shibi didn't answer, but secretly he did think the nickname was humorous.

(Four months Later)

Sasuke was walking back to the Uchiha compound after some relentless training to help vent his current frustration.

He was in a bad mood to say the least; Itachi had been acting weird lately and refused to help him with his training. His father was finally showing interest in him, but it was obviously do to Itachi's behavior. And the worst part of it all was that Naruto had managed to best him yet again.

The worst part about being beat by Naruto was that he could always tell Naruto was holding back. It infuriated him. He was an Uchiha son of the head of the clan; it was his birth right to be the best. So why couldn't he take what was rightfully his?

Sasuke was so engrossed in his own thoughts that he didn't even notice how quiet the Uchiha compound was. Sasuke was brought out his thoughts when her tripped over something. And to his greatest surprise and horror he was staring at the lifeless bodies of his aunt and Uncle.

Sasuke let out a deafening cry.