
Naruto:Nara Shadow

My rewrite of this story is by Chapter 10. Please change to my other story The Nameless Angel in Naruto in the meantime, if you don't like my old writing style. I'll update the novel version after I'm done with the fanfiction version

Animaniak · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

#34 The new Target

Haru left Konoha looking for revenge. Why did I let Rura get killed, I should have known what Orochimaru was planning.

I'd best go to Otogakure and look for traces of his labs.

I will destroy them all and kill everyone who works for him and anyone who tries to stop me.

Luckily it's already night so it won't take me long to get to Otogakure.

My pain is so strong I don't know if it's because of this body or if it's because of my strong mind.

I can still see Rura lying lifeless on the ground and I couldn't help her.

Ura take me to Otogakure quickly.

Yes Master, we must punish them.

And stop calling me master, call me Haru from now on.

Agreed Master Haru.

Just forget it Ura.

Ok Master.

Ura drew Haru into his shadow and her vendetta began.

Haru emerged from the shadows half an hour later.

Master we have arrived at the first village in Otogakure.

Well done Ura then let's take a look around here.

This village is really small and the buildings look very tattered Ura.

Yes Master, it doesn't make the best impression on me.

Ura, I will use my Mindeye and look at how many people live here.

I see a lot of people, but none of them seem like a Ninja from their Chakra levels. That means the place is safe we ​​should spend the night here until tomorrow and then move on.

I just need a little rest.

What the others are doing right now? Anyway, I need to get stronger to bring Rura back.

Ura how are things going with the souls of the attackers.

How long do you think it will take you, to add their souls to our Yin Chakra?

Master this takes about a week for every, it's not an easy thing, but our skills will constantly become stronger in the process.

Well then I'll find us a place to sleep first.

I walked down the street for a while and came to a small tavern and entered it. There I saw a woman with brown hair in a purple dress at the reception.

Hello, I would like to have a room for the night.

Oh, that a guest came so late, I didn't expect that at all, good evening.

It's not a good evening for me, can you please just give me a room and stop the small talk.

Well, as you want a night costs 2000 ryou, do you want breakfast?

No, the room is enough.

Here is your money.

The woman gave me the key and I went to my room.

I opened the door and lay down on the bed and tears were running down my cheeks.

My thoughts were only with Rura and that I could have prevented it, if I had only done more.

Ura can you make me fall asleep with one of your Sharingan?

Yes Master of course.

Ura formed a shadow in front of my face with a Sharingan that put me straight to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I felt like throwing up and ran to the bathroom, but nothing came out of my mouth, it felt like a pressure on my stomach that could not be relieved.

My eyes felt like a movie was playing over them, nothing felt real.

I took off my clothes and took a shower, but my body didn't feel refreshed after.

I put my clothes back on and left my room and went back to reception.

Good morning dear guest.

Here's your key, I'm checking out, by.

Oh and how was your night?

I turned and left the Tavern.

Then we'll look for the next town, maybe we'll find clues to Orochimaru there.

I walked along a small forest path and followed it to the next village.

I activated my mindeye and saw three Ninjas in this village.

My anger flared up when I saw them.

I ran to them they were eating something in a restaurant.

I entered the restaurant and walked in front of them.

Tell me where Orochimaru is?

And who is that supposed to be, what do you take yourself for Konoha Ninja, to ask questions here?

Ura then held all three.

Why can't we move anymore, what did you do?

Where is Orochimaru located?

I have no idea who this Orochimaru is supposed to be.

So you don't know anything, I know you're not lying, then that's it for you.

Ura clutched them and crushed them like flies with his body and ate their Chakra and their Souls and their blood spilled on the floor.

Good Ura then we can continue.

Ah, the other people in the restaurant screamed and ran away.

I'm not interested in you, you don't have to run away.

He's a monster run away, before he kills you.

Am i a monster, I think they deserve it, how do you see this Ura?

Master I think so too.

Ok then let's continue.

After half an hour I realized that I was being followed by a group of Chunin.

Well maybe they know where he is?

I turned and walked in the direction of the Chunin.

I saw them coming towards me, one had swords for elbows, the second had no right arm for a cannon and the last was a woman whose legs were wrapped in blades.

You look promising, who sent you?

Did you kill the ninja's in the restaurant? What if it had been me?

Then surrender or die?

Tell me where Orochimaru is and I'll let you go.

One of them aimed his arm cannon at me and shot his Chakra.

I held my hand up and Ura protected me, the Chakra i couldn't even feel it coming towards me, it just fizzled into nothing as it touched Ura.

I then sent three thin shadow threads from my hands and these threads stretched around the three Chunin.

So who sent you last time I ask?

We don't tell you anything.

I looked at one of them and slowly pulled the thread tighter his skin was cut and blood was pouring out and he was screaming for help.

His teammates got tears in their eyes as they saw him slowly being dismembered and his screams stopped.

Pieces of flesh and bones lay on the floor in front of me and I looked at the woman. Who sent you?

Ok I'll tell you, but only if you spare us.

OK talk.

We were sent by Orochimaru to kill you. He has a lab about three miles south of here, that's all we know.

Well you are telling the truth.

I then pulled the threads and cut the two Chunin into pieces.

There was a smell of iron in the air, but I just walked away, leaving her remains. After three kilometers I found the entrance to the laboratory, it was a thick steel door in a mountain.

I cut it open with a shadow blade and continued on my way.

The lab was like a maze, but I felt a person's presence and just broke through any wall that stood in my way until I got to the person.

I saw a glass container with Suigetsu in front of me.

I touched the glass and squeezed it in. Water shot out of the container and made me wet, but I didn't care.

I looked at the naked thirteen year old Sui in front of me.

Do you want to help me get revenge on Orochimaru?

Gladly, that bastard Experimented on my body for years, I want revenge.

Well then let's search the base, he must have been here recently, unfortunately I don't feel his presence.

So let's search for information about other labs and something to wear for you. Ok, by the way, I'm Suigetsu and I'm from Kiri.

My name is Shikaharu, but you can call me Haru and my shadow is called Ura. What your shadow has a name?

Yes, because he is alive.

Ura appeared next to me and greeted our new comrade.

And how does that work?

I just turned away from him and searched the lab.

I found documents on several lab locations and also found a few Hashirama cells and lots of dead bodies, which I immediately cremated.

When I left the laboratory with Suigetsu, I told Ura to destroy everything in it and we went to the prison where Jugo is being held.