Haru's Team arrived in Konoha they handed in the Mission Report and Haru separated from his Team.
Haru went to his Father in the Nara Clan Compound and asked for his support in relocating the Children from the Capital to Konoha and that the Hyuga Clan would also support this Project.
He also ensured that a Medical Station would be integrated in the Slums which would be funded from their Clan, when other Clans heard about this, they also tried to set up Aid Projects in the surrounding Villages to increase their Reputation, when the Daimyo found out about this he donated a large Sum to the Konaha Orphanage and that was the first Thing off the Table . Haru also told Shikaku about his Conversation with Sagitha and the Uchiha Clan, unfortunately Shikaku could not identify the Culprit for Shizui's death, but he tried to get in touch with Fugaku Uchiha.
The two met a Day later, Haru said during his Father's Conversation with Fugaku that the Hokage had no interest in maintaining his Power, since he had already offered Shikaharu to appoint him as the Hokage later on when he was Older.
Fugaku reacted rather mockingly, but when Haru summoned Ura next to him Fugaku's laugh changed into a very serious Face and he said he could no longer prevent the Uchiha Rebellion, he had tried Everything, but certain Clan Elders pushed their Agenda and gained a lot of Influence on the Clan Decisions, he already had the Suspicion that these Elders were being directed by someone else to start this Rebellion, but he couldn't find any Evidence for this. When Haru heard this he asked his Father if they might want to involve the Jamanaka Clan to which Fugaku said that would be a good Idea I'll make a List of these Elders and we'll interrogate them Together in Secret and if we find anything in their Memories we could confront the Hokage about it.
So Haru made his way to Inoichi to add him to this matter.
Inoichi agreed and went with Haru to Fugaku and Shikaku, the three discussed everything with each other and then picked out the Elders of the Uchiha Clan and found a third Party when interrogating Them.
Setsuna Uchiha had made a Deal with Danzo Shimura that if he started a Rebellion Danzo would make him the next Clan Leader after Fugaku was executed as the Leader of the Rebellion.
Fugaku couldn't believe what he was hearing.
Now Haru suggested Itachi Uchiha to be added to this Group.
Which surprised Fugaku.
Haru explained to Fugaku his Suspicion that maybe Danzo staged the one with Shizui and then pinned it on Itachi.
Because Itachi probably overheard the Shizui Thing and that Itachi knew that if it were known to the Public that Danzo or the Hokage ordered the hunt for Shizui, then it would only fuel the Rebellion more and Shizui's suicide would have become Fruitless, so Itachi said that Shizui committed Suicide.
But Danzo didn't let go and spread the Rumor about Itachi performed the Killing of Shizui on behalf of the Hokage.
Everyone in the Room were silent for a Moment and Fugaku brought Itachi in.
Itachi then said that he saw Shizui committing Suicide so that no Rebellion would arise for precisely these reasons Haru explained.
Itachi couldn't do anything and had to watch this Rumor that Danzo was spreading more and more hatred against Konoha stoked.
Then He mentioned that Shizui was already severely wounded and was missing one of his Eyes and that Shizui gave the Second Eye to Itachi.
Fugaku was speechless when he saw everything much more clearly and he saw what his Son had to sacrifice, everything to bring the Clan and the Village together again.
We're all going to the Hokage together and trying to bring Danzo to Justice for his Deeds.
And so Inoichi,Shikaku,Itachi,Fugaku and Haru went together on the Way to the Hokage the next Morning. Hiruzen was surprised to see them all Together and invited them in ,what is it?
Lord Hokage we found Evidence that Danzo Shimura wanted to Incite the Uchiha Clan to rebellion, so that he could appoint a new Clan Leader for the Uchiha himself. And We have a Suspicion that he wanted to have Shizui Uchiha assassinated to fuel said Rebellion, but Shizui didn't followed his Plan and took his own Life instead. However, he then spread the Rumor in the Clan that Itachi Uchiha killed Shizui on your Behalf and Shizui's Sacrifice was in Vain, because the Clan is about to rebel, but we were able to access the Mind of One of the Uchiha Elders through Inoichi Jamanka, which enabled us to see Danzos Hand in this Matter.
He got an Offer from Danzo that if he incited the Rebellion, he would become the new Clan Leader after the Execution of the Incumbent Clan Leader Fugaku Uchiha.
Hiruzen's Jaw dropped.
And you have Evidence for this Claim?
Yes Lord Hokage we have the Elder Setsuna Uchiha in Custody.
Ok that's the most important Thing.
You four heard it, arrest him and bring him here.
At Hokage's Command.
The four Anbu Bodyguards left the Room.
But why would Danzo do such a Thing, we were always Comrades fighting Side by Side and would have given our Lives for Konoha and he is trying to start a Rebellion with the Uchiha Clan which is dangerous for him.
Fugaku my Apologies, I shouldn't have given him that much Leeway and I should have seen what he was up to. Lord Hokage the only Excuse my Clan can accept is for this Man to be punished for his Actions.
I understand.
But how come Haru is here with me?
Well he made it all possible in the first Place he recognized Danzo's Plan and his involvement in Shizui's Murder.
I heard about the rumor in the Uchiha Clan from Sagitha and after a while I realized that you had no Interest in killing Shizui, as you didn't really want to keep your Power since you had offered Me to take over your Office at some Point, so I put one and one together and asked my Dad for help.
Amazing because that day Danzo came into my Office after you and told me that you were Dangerous for the Village.
You were probably only Dangerous for Him, so he probably suggested this.
Haru when this is all over my Offer still stands, I mean you have pretty good Connections with pretty much every Clan in Konoha.
I think I'm too Young for that, You have to keep the Seat for a few more Years.
Minutes later, the four Bodyguards returned with Danzo. Hiruzen, what is all this about?
Danzo, you are accused of ordering a Rebellion against Konoha and attempting to assassinate Shizui-Uchiha. Hiruzen that's Bullshit don't you see how they all want to harm Konoha by blaming me?
They have Evidence of your Involvement in the Uchiha Clan Rebellion.
Danzo had an ice cold Stare and suddenly he shot a Vacuum Bullet jutsu at Hiruzen who couldn't dodge fast enough, but Ura created a Shield and brought it up in front of Hiruzen at the last Moment.
The Shield absorbed the little Chakra Ball and Danzo couldn't move anymore then Haru said, I have a Suspicion, may I check Him briefly?
He took off Danzo's Bandage on his Arm and Everyone couldn't believe it.
There were four Sharingan implanted in Danzo's Arm, so that was his Plan.
I could have gotten away with it too, if you guys hadn't gotten into my Way.
Ura then transformed Himself into the Shadow Silhouette of Scoobi Doo.
Haru said Lord Hokage please move out of his Field of Vision, I think in his right Eye Socket is Shizui's Mangekyo Sharingan which I prefer to take out.
Haru I understand.
Ura saw the Eyes and asked
"Master can I get the Eyes."
"Ura I have to discuss that with Fugaku first, what do you want to do with them?"
"I would incorporate them into my Main Body."
"You can do something like that too?"
"Yes Master, but I don't know if the Eyes have the same abilities after"
"I will ask Fugaku about it"
"Thanks Master"
Fugaku Ura asks if he can please keep the Eyes.
Yes he can take them as Thanks for what you have achieved for our Clan Today.
It wasn't just me Sagitha helped too, by the Way she got the second Tomoe in her Sharingan.
We should go Public with this whole Thing now, I think that will be enough to stop the Rebellion, because when these angry Clan Members realize that They were only used to give Danzo more Power.
I think they'll call it off.
Of course, the Hokage should have a Grand Speech and then we should let the Public Judge about Danzo.
You heard Haru.
The four Anbus disappeared and informed all Clans in Konoha about the Grand Hokage Speech.