
Naruto:Nara Shadow

My rewrite of this story is by Chapter 10. Please change to my other story The Nameless Angel in Naruto in the meantime, if you don't like my old writing style. I'll update the novel version after I'm done with the fanfiction version

Animaniak · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

#13 First Mission

The next Day, Haru's Team went to the Missions Reception for their first Mission together.

So Haru we three already know the Mission System.

The people who need the help of a Shinobi place their Orders here at the Reception and these Orders are divided into Ranks according to the Degree of Danger.

These Ranks are from D-S Rank.

Genins like you enjoy special Protection, because their Skills are not enough for B Rank Missions, so they only get C and D Rank Missions.

Now that you know how the Mission System Works, let's ask Ms. Hyoko if she has a good C Rank Mission for us.

Hello Ms. Hyoko, my Team and I wanted to find out if you had an urgent C Rank Mission for us. Because we have been assigned a new Team Member who needs to be trained a bit in the Mission System, so what do you have in Store for us?

Ah Hazu I haven't seen you and your team for a while now and what happened to Genki? Unfortunately, he decided to give up his Ninja Career and is now training to become a Medical Ninja.

Was it because of the failt Mission's you had?

Yes, He couldn't kill anyone else and endangered our Clients with it, but enough talk we have Shikaharu on the Team now and I think he'll be able to fill the empty Spot quickly.

So what Mission's do you have for us.

I have a C Rank Mission for you in the Village of Hoym.

The Mayor of the Village says that they were attacked by Bandits Yesterday and that the Bandits kidnapped Women and Children.

He pays even more if a person is rescued from the Bandits.

Would you be interested in this Rescue and Elimination Mission?

Yes that sounds doable, sign us up for it Hyoko.

All four then made their way to Hoym, when they got there they saw a half burnt Village with many people who had blank Expressions on their Faces as if they had lost the Will to live.

The Team went to an old mud Hut, where they found the Mayor Shurihito.

Welcome to Hoym Honored Konoha Shinobi, we don't have much to give you, but please free us from the Tyranny of the Bandits.

We lost many loved ones in their attack and they took some of our Wives and Daughters with them, if you could save Them we would reward your Services better.

Please have Mercy on our little Village and save us. Don't worry we will try to save your Wives and Daughters unharmed.

However, we need the Direction in which the Bandits disappeared.

The Bandits went towards Mount Okoto.

Then everything will be fine we will find your Village Members and bring them back here.

The Team went to the Border of the Village and looked for clues that led to the Bandit's Camp. Following the trail for an Hour, Rei using his Byakugan saw a Cave nearby where a lone Bandit was keeping watch.

What should we do Sensei said Hazu.

I see him and 26 other people in the Cave.

Haru stepped forward and said I have an Idea. Haru went alone in front of the Cave and said, hey you this is my Secret Base,get away or I'll get my Dad and he'll drive you out of my Secret Base.

The Bandit looked at the Boy in shock and ran to him and lifted him over his Arm.

Let me round you bald Head, I'll tell my Dad.

Shut up, before your Dad does something the others will have a little Fun with you, I'm not that much into little Boys.

The Bandit went into the Cave with Haru on his Arm.

After 40meters they arrived in a big Cave Complex. Boss ! I brought something new to play with, he said that this Cave is his Secret Base and we should go away.

You did well Kallio, take him to the other Toys, I'll take care of him later.

Haru started to cry and screamed please let me go I want to go to my Mom I won't tell anyone that your in my Secret Base.

The Bandit said Boy, do you think i have Idiot written on my Forehead?

Now shut up and don't piss me off.

He then took Haru to a Room where 5 Women and 3 Girls were sitting on the Floor with their Clothes torn and Injuries all over their Bodies.

So and now wait until one of the Others wants to play with you.

The Bandit left the Room and Haru was alone with the missing Villager's.

Hello I'm Haru a Konaha Ninja I'm here to set you free, are you all or are there more Women and Children here?

The Women started crying, no we are All.

Hika tried to escape but they discovered Her and raped Her to death while we watched.

Please save us they passed even the smallest and we had to see everything. This scream's I'll never forget them, these Bastards should burn in Hell for their Deeds.

Don't worry I'll take care of that, now bite my Arm it will heal you.

"Master you don't have to do that, I can simply transfer your Charkra to them"

"You can do that?"

"Yes Master I just haven't had the Chance to do this yet."

"Ura heal them" Haru's shadow formed a sharp needel and rammed it lightly into the prisoners lower legs and the wounds of the Women and Girls were healed.

The Women thanked Haru and Haru turned In the direction of the Bandits.

"Ura open the Door"

Two black Blades rose from the Shadow and split the Door in two.

Wait a minute I'll be right back.

Haru took a Kunai from his Pocket and sneaked up to the first Bandit and stabbed the Kunai through his Back into his Heart, blood flowed over Haru's hands, he realized he had just killed a Human but felt no Sympathy for him.

He walked on and said "Ura change me into the shape we discussed".

In the Main Cave some Bandits were sleeping others were counting their Loot and the Leader was going through their Stash when suddenly they all heard a blade scraping on a Wall coming closer and closer in their Direction.

Then, after just a short while, they saw the Silhouette of a Man with Blades on his Fingers.

He was wearing a Slouch Hat and was completely Shrouded in Shadow.

He was scratching deep Marks into the Stonewalls with his Finger Blades.

The Bandits got scared and tried to get out of the Cave to run, but the Silhouette was suddenly in front of the Exit and slowly cut off the heads of the first Bandits,the Other Bandits then wanted to run in the other direction again ,but suddenly they couldn't move anymore and the Silhouette slits slowly passed one by one. 5 Minutes later the Bandit who brought Haru into the Cave, wanted to come into the Cave for someone to take his Place and saw that everyone else was lying on the Ground as if torn by an Animal.

He wanted to run back outside quickly, but suddenly Haru stood in front of him and said hey, the Others didn't want to play with me anymore, but I heard you wanted to carve "Idiot" on your Forehead.

Haru then left the Cave and the Others joined him. Rei had a disturbed look on his face as he watched everything that had happened in the cave with his Byakugan.

He couldn't describe it to the Others.

So the Others curiously entered the Cave and then saw an unparalleled Bloodbath. And a single Bandit who had Idiot written on his Forehead and had his Eyes gouged out.

They then went to get the prisoned Women and Girls and went back to the Village where the Mayor was already waiting for them.

He cried and thanked the Team and put another 20000 Ryou on top of the actual Sum, but Haru refused to take it.

They wrote all their Mission reports and then went back to Konoha where they made their Report and split their Reward of 60000 Ryou into 4 and then parted Ways.