
Naruto:Nara Shadow

My rewrite of this story is by Chapter 10. Please change to my other story The Nameless Angel in Naruto in the meantime, if you don't like my old writing style. I'll update the novel version after I'm done with the fanfiction version

Animaniak · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

#10 Graduation Exam

A week passed and my graduation exam was just around the corner.

I was sitting in the classroom and was talking to my friends. During the week I also got to know Shino a little bit better. I found the insects of the Aburame Clan very fascinating, because they could also breed wooden termini and simply lay other villages in rubble or could train their insects to infect people with viruses and with this bring diseases to entire countries and their insects have many more applications. I also noticed that Naruto didn't get that Hinata was into him and that's why me and Ino always teased Hinata about it together. I told Ino to pair them up in my absence. Sakura and Sasuke didn't speak to me after what I did to Sasuke.

They just kept throwing hateful looks at me.

Kiba joined our clique after two days, after all he was sitting next to Choji, who always has snacks with him. Iruka entered the classroom and said :"Haru please follow me, I'll take you to your exam."

Almost the entire classroom shouted good luck to me and I then left the room together with Sensei Iruka.

Iruka: Haru, I'll take you to the written part of the exam. Your examiner is a chunin whom I don't know. Please enter this room and I wish you the best of luck, I'll go back to the classroom before the others get stupid ideas again.

I entered the room and there was one seat in the middle of the room and the examiner sat at the teacher's desk.

Examiner: Please sit down and then I'll explain the rules for the exam to you.

I sat down.

Examiner: You have 60 minutes to end your test. The test contains mathe, physic, biology, geography, chemistry, survival, history and questions about the shinobi code of conduct. If you cheat you will fail the test and I will give you a pen. You need at least 70% correct answers to pass the test. Have you understood all the rules?

Haru: Yes, I understand them.

Examiner: Then you can start, here is your test and pen.

I solved one question after another and was through with all questions after around 35 minutes. The Examiner then sent me outside behind the academy building where the Hokage and three other examiners were waiting for me.

Haru: Lord Hokage!

I bowed to Hiruzen.

Hiruzen: There's no need for formalities. Tthese three are going to test you now Shikaharu, show us the three basic jutsu's, it doesn't matter in which order you perform them.

I first used the clone jutsu and called 10 clones that looked like me. Then I used the body substitution jutsu and swapped places with a log and then lastly I transformed myself into Hiruzen.

Hiruzen: Well done Shikaharu! Mr. Kagate will now check your taijutsu skills, give it your all.

I placed myself in front of Mr. Kagate and made with him the seal of confrontation.

When I released it, I directly kicked my right knee towards the Mr. Kagate's jaw, but he blocked my kick with both of his hands. I leaned to the left and hit the Mr. Kagate's temple with a palmstrike of my right hand and increased afterwards my distance to him, I know my palmstrike wasn't strong enough, because I had no real momentum and so I waited for Mr. Kagate to make a move on me. Mr. Kagate ran towards me and wanted to hit my solar plexus with his fist. I moved swiftly past his fist and placed myself behind him and kicked in his achilles tendon with a fullforce horsekick from my right leg. Mr Kagate went down on his knees and next I wanted to palm strike Mr. Kagate's neck, but Hiruzen grabbed my arm before I could connect my strike.

Hiruzen: That's enough Skikaharu.

Next I should throw shuriken at a target, I threw all five shuriken in the middle of the target from a 30m range. And afterwards I should free myself from a Genjutsu. An chunin made the Genjutsu, but I didn't feel anything changed at all.

Haru: When does the Genjutsu start?

The chunin looked at me in disbelief.

Hiruzen: Is there any problem with the Jutsu?Chunin: I used the Jutsu, but he got straight out of It.

Hiruzen stepped forward and used another Genjutsu on me, but his didn't work either.

Hiruzen: Shikaharu, did you anything to undo the Jutsu?

Haru: No, Lord Hokage, I didn't do anything.

Hiruzen: Ok, then let us end your test. Shikaharu you have passed your exam, congratulations. You got 100% in your written test. This makes you to the youngest graduate of the academy in our entire history. Here is your Ninja Headband, wear it with pride.

I took the headband and put it on my head straight away. Hiruzen looked at me.

Hiruzen: It suits you Shikaharu.

Haru: Thank you Lord Hokage.

Hiruzen: Come tomorrow at 10 a.m. in my office and we'll discuss there how things will go with you in the future. I think you have more important things to do now as to chat with an old man, you can go.

Haru: Goodbye and hail Hokage!

After I said this, I saluted before him.

I then went back into the classroom.

Sato: I have passed my exam Sensei Iruka.

I showed them all my forehead protector and all of them congratulated me. The only ones that didn't do were Sakura and Sasuke, those I stuck out my tongue to.

Haru: Guys I have passed and I hope you will pass too and then we can go on many missions together.

Ino came forward and hugged me and gave me a little kiss on my cheek.

Iruka: (Shikaharu is only 6 years old and already has more success with women than me)

Iruka looked depressed on the floor. Naruto and the others then came forward to me.

Naruto: Of course we will pass our exams, dattebayo, because I will gonna be the next Hokage, believe it!

Shikamaru: Naruto, first learn to hit the target with a shuriken, before you talk about becoming a Hokage. But well done Nii San. Mom will brag about you to the whole clan again. It's already annoying me, but what are you going to do starting tomorrow?

Haru: I'm supposed to go to the Hokage's office tomorrow, but today I would like to invite you all to Yakiniku Q to celebrate my graduation. Of course Sensei Iruka can come too. I would say we meet around 6 there?

Choji: Of course we're coming, delicious meat.

Haru: I'll go home now and show my headband to mom and dad, see you all later at Yakiniku Q.

I went home to show my new headband to my parents. They both congratulated me and dad took a large scroll out of his pocked with the Nara clan symbol on it.

Shikaku: Haru come with me into the garden, I'll show you our clan Jutsu.

I was happy and waited to try the Jutsu's for a long time, but wasn't allowed to do them, because our clan had strict rules.

We walked out in the garden.

Shikaku: Today you're going to learn the shadow imitation Jutsu, I'll show it to you once, after you're done reading the scroll.

Dad passed the scroll to me and I absorbed It's content into my brain.

Haru: I'm ready dad!

Shikaku: Ok, then look at what I'm going to do.

Dad deformed his shadow on the ground and formed a 6 foot track.

Shikaku: As you can see Haru, my shadow can't grow beyond its original range. Now let's go to the area with grass.

We both walked over and dad used again the Jutsu.

Shikaku: As you can see, the grass casts a shadow and we can use this shadow to extend the range of our shadow. Our Jutsu has an unlimited range in this grass, but extending the shadow, also costs more of our own chakra.The goal of this Jutsu is to infiltrate the enemy's shadow. When you have managed to reach the shadow of your target, your opponent will be bound and must imitate all of your moves.

When you are in a forest and an enemy is chasing you, then turn towards him and use the Jutsu to bind him and then you flee further away from him and because the Jutsu is activated the enemy will imitate your move and so you'll put more distance between yourself and him. But if it's really just one enemy, you can look at him after he's trapped in your Jutsu and look where his Shuriken is stored, pretend to take it mirrored out of your pocket and make him slit his throat. Or if he's using kunai, perform this move and stab the imaginary kunai in your heart and he will do the real thing. Haru, did you understand everything?

Haru: Yes dad, this Jutsu is really strong.

Shikaku: But it also has a downside, Haru. Your enemies can use light sources to reduce the range of your shadow and you would only use up chakra unnecessarily when you not hit your opponent. But we can also use light to extend our range.Now I'm going to take over your shadow, so that you know how your enemy feels about it, get ready for it.

Dad directed his shadow to my shadow, but as his shadow touched my shadow, dad's elongated shadow disappeared and dad suddenly had no more chakra in his body. Dad was breathing heavily and didn't understand what had just happened to him.

Meanwhile I was back in a room of light and was startled, because I was just before a moment with my dad in our garden.

Urah: Master, I prevented your father from taking me over.

My jaw dropped and I looked down at my feet and there was the shadow that I saw years ago in my dream. My shadow raised himself from the ground and became 5 m tall and looked like me.

Urah: Master, as you can see, I've gotten stronger over the past few years.

Haru: Yes, this I can see clearly.Your name was Urahakihs, if I remember correctly, so my dream was real?

Urah: Master I thought you knew that I am real, I have helped in the last years with many things. For example, I pushed you off the ground when your running to make you faster or I help you to go up trees and guided your chakra that you send to your feet back into your chakra pool, even when you were throwing your shuriken, I modified her angle and hightened your throwing power with small corrections. I also took you out of the two Genjutsu's in your exam and then added the chakra of this Jutsu's to my main body, master.

Haru: So I could do this all because of you?

Urah: Yes Master, I think I am beginning to understand my nature more, you could call me a onmyouton, as I am a combination of your yin and yang release, Master.

Haru: So you're an onmyouton, so a living yin shadow release?

Urah: Exactly Master.

Haru: Can you let me out of here, so I can tell my father about you?

I was suddenly back in the garden and saw my dad with a confused expression trying to catch his breath.

Haru: Dad I know now what just happened to you and why everything was always so easy for me to learn.

Shikaku: What just happened my chakra is completely empty?

Haru: Oh, uh, i'm sorry dad, but it wasn't really my fault either. Dad the thing is, I was just in a room full of light and my shadow lifted himself from the ground and said he defended himself against you and that he's my Onmyouton. He said also that he helped me all of the years and that his name is Urahakihs.

Dad's jaw dropped.

Shikaku: Haru, did you hit your head?

Haru: No dad, I can prove it to you, I'm not kidding you. Urah, stand up next to me!

My shadow lifted himself from the ground and stood right next to me.

In my mind Urah said: "Master, I had to use a little bit of your chakra for this."

Haru: (That's alright.)

Urah: Thanks master.

Dad rubbed his eyes.

Shikaku: What is that? I've never seen or heard of something like this before. Haru and you say, he's your Onmyouton?

Haru: Exactly, he also calls me master in my mind.

Shikaku: Haru, how can that be, how did it happen?

Haru: He said years ago, that he came into existence with the opening of my chakra paths, but that was all he knew at the time.

Shikaku: Years ago? You've talked to him before?

Haru: Yes dad, but I thought it was just a dream, but it probably wasn't.

I started to grin and Urah gave dad a thumbs up.

Shikaku: Tell him that he owes me chakra.

Urah leaned forward in defeat.

Shikaku: Oh, forget it. You're with the Hokage tomorrow anyway, tell him that story yourself, he wouldn't believe me something like that anyway.

Haru: Dad, I wanted to invite my friends to dinner later, can I take a little bit money from my savings?

Shikaku: Yes, it is already more than some people earn in ten years of hard work.

Haru: Thank you dad, i love you.

Shikaku: Oh and I heard from your mom that Ino is dating you now, so my little one is into blondes?

I blushed.

Haru: Dad stop teasing me.

Shikaku: And do you always kiss her with your sprayed lips, kiss, kiss.

Dad kissed in the air as he imitated, letting thick lips drool on the air, like he's kissing an invisible Women.

Haru: Please stop that dad, Ino is not mom.

Shikaku: But that had to be, you won't believe what I had to listen to from Inoichi. This guy is totally infatuated with his daughter. By the way, the next time you see him watch your neck my son.

Haru: Thanks for the Info dad, I will pay attention to it. I'll go get my money and then to Yakiniku Q, we'll see each other later dad, bye, bye.