
5. Danzō's death and its aftermath

A week has passed since they became Mito's student. While Shouta was reading the Fuinjutsu book in his hand, Minato had another book next to him that he was reading. While Minato studied calligraphy for the first two days, Mito said that after she put dozens of books in his hands, Shouta would move on to the next level after they learned everything. He had been reading these books for a week now and was trying to understand them. Although he took all the basic knowledge of Fuinjutsu from the system, there was not only basic knowledge here, but also advanced knowledge. Of the 35 books Mitho gave him, only 8 dealt with the basics of Fuinjutsu. He read and finished them in one day. But the others took a little longer to read and understand. The book he was holding now was the last book. In fact, in theory, he almost became a fuinjutsu grandmaster.

About two hours later, when he had finished the book in his hand, he took a deep breath and threw himself on the floor. He breathed regularly as he closed his eyes and rested his mind. This situation continued until he heard Minato's voice.

"Have you finished all the books?"

Shouta responded with a small smile as he opened his tired eyes.

"Yes, in the end I started to think it would never end. Luckily it finally did. How many books do you have after you started two days after me?"

Minato answered with a tired smile on his face as well.

"There are still 9 books left, so I need at least two more days."

"Would you like me to help you so you can finish faster?"

"No need, I want to finish it myself, just like you. After all, I can't make my shadow work harder than me, can I?"

The two boys clapped their fists together as the smiles widened on their faces. When Minato returned to his book, Shouta began to reflect, thoroughly understand, and digest everything he had learned and read in a week. Half an hour later, they both looked up when they heard footsteps coming towards them. The person who came was none other than Uzumaki Mito. As Shouta looked at the old woman, he noticed that inside she was confused, worried, angry and quite thoughtful, and her head was elsewhere. He knew that the largest tumor in Konoha's history had been excised as the thought built excitement in him. Nevertheless, he got up without revealing anything and looked at Mito with concern.

"Mito-sensei, are you fine, you make me feel different today. Something happened? Or has the 2nd Great Shinobi War started?"

More and more incidents have been occurring at the borders lately. It was clear that the war would start again. Shouta gave 1-2 years. He was certain that the Second Great Shinobi War would begin in two years at most. Concerned about what Shouta was saying, Minato looked at his teacher with concerned eyes as well, while Mito smiled slightly to allay the worries of both children.

"No, the war hasn't started yet, I think if I give it time, it can start in two years. As always, your powers of observation are very strong, you immediately noticed that I'm different. The reason why I'm like that is because Shimura Danzō, one of Tobirama's students and one of Konoha's council members, killed himself as someone who put his life before everything, so the fact that he killed himself doesn't seem credible to me. That's the reason for my surprise."

After Shouta and Minato analyzed and understood what they heard for a while, Minato was the first to speak.

"So after what they said, you're not upset about his death, you're actually relieved. And again, what I infer from what you said is that you think Danzō would do anything for his own life and strength. So you felt relieved at his death. So I think it's better for Konoha this way."

Shouta nodded to what his friend had said and picked up where he left off.

"I heard that Danzō and Sandaime-sama were from the same team and they were both candidates to be the next Hokage. But Nidaime-sama finally chose Sandaime-sama as the Hokage and I heard that Danzō hasn't since I had even forgotten about him. And if it was someone like you said, who knows what he was up to all along, or who he even stepped on the tail in the first place. Maybe someone killed him and it make it look like suicide, they say he who does evil sees evil, maybe it's better for Konoha that he died."

Mito looked at his two students in surprise and thought she had gotten used to their intelligence by now. But Mito was only just beginning to realize that they both still underestimated. Maybe it really was one of the best things she had ever done to get them both as students. She was actually relieved by what they said, honestly she had never liked Danzō, and also told Tobirama that she had always distrusted him and always felt bad about him. As the Jinjuriki of Kyubi, she could sense evil intentions, and Danzō was a man almost entirely imbued with evil. She had always said that there was nothing he could not do for his own interests and strength, but Tobirama kept saying that Mito was exaggerating and that Danzō was just a self-centered person. But Mito knew the truth, Danzō was one of the most evil people she had ever seen. And besides, he was very good at hiding it, which made him even more dangerous. In addition, he was very fond of intrigues, he was a person who would start a war, and then do everything for his own benefit. The fact that he was actually dead was a relief to you. But the letter she received still bothered her greatly. Despite this, she spoke with a smile on her face so as not to alarm the children.

"You're right, I underestimated the intelligence of both of you. Danzō was one of the worst people I've ever met. You know, I'm the Kyubi Jinjuriki, and thanks to him I can sense malicious people. And the feeling I got from Danzō was a sense of evil that overwhelmed and troubled me. Honestly, his death brought me great relief, but he wrote and sent a letter to me, not just to me, but to all of the Clan Patriarchs in Konoha and the Hokage themselves. And in that letter he described everything he had done so far had. And what worries me the most is that he revealed to the other big villages how to enter Uzushiogakure and bypass the Fuinjustu. In two months, Kumogakure, Iwagakure and Kirigakure will unite and attack Uzushiogakure. I have already sent a message to my brother Ashina, but two months is quite short to prepare, it will take more than two months to change the fuinjutsu and neutralize other villages' information. We need at least half a year, which also worried me quite a bit. Even if Konoha goes to support, it is very difficult to fight and win against the armies of the three big villages at the same time, even those sent there will only go to their deaths."

Mito hadn't thought to tell any of his students this information, after all almost the whole village would soon know about it, so there was no point in hiding it. Also, both of her students were very smart and she thought they might come up with something.

Shouta and Minato didn't know what to say for a while as they were shocked by what they heard. Shouta was quite upset and hoped he hadn't said it by any chance. But then again, they now had a chance to save the Uzumaki. Danzō's death is kept very secret until this event is over so other villages don't realize that they have been exposed and try to attack it sooner. But getting rid of Danzō was the best thing that could have happened to Konoha. Minato, on the other hand, couldn't understand why one human could do so much evil, plus the Uzumaki were her allies. What would a man who did such evil to his ally not do to his own people? While Minato was glad that man was dead, he also understood his teacher's concerns. After all, his family was facing death, it was only natural that they were so worried about them.

It was Shouta who broke the silence.

"Sensei, isn't it possible that the Uzumaki are coming to Konoha? If they pack everything up and come here, nothing will happen to anyone. Another possibility is that outside of the Uzushiogakure, they build a new fuinjutsu around other fuinjutsu. It would be quicker to do something new directly than to change something. And if the Uzumaki have kage bunshin, I think they can easily add a new layer of fuinjutsu in a month if we give in and everyone helps. Considering the amount of chakra the Uzumaki have, one Uzumaki can make at least a hundred clones. And if I estimate the number of top people in fuinjutsu at 50, that's at least 5000 men. So that's half of the people who live in Uzushiogakure. That means they can finish it in a month. What are you thinking, sensei?"

After listening and considering what Shouta had to say, Mito and Minato both realized that both options were viable.

"I think they both agree, sensei, but I don't think the Uzumakis want to leave their hometown. So the second option remains. And I think it's for the best like Shoutan said."

Mito also realized that the idea was entirely feasible. With a hopeful smile on her face, she congratulated herself for sharing her concerns with her students. She looked happily at Shouta, hugged the boy and planted a kiss on his head, then spoke.

"You are indeed a genius shouta, the Konoha council will be meeting soon and talking about what happened and after sharing this idea with them, I must send a message to my brother immediately. Come on, get on with your work and I must prepare for the Council meeting."

Shouta and Minato watched her leave as they shared their teacher's hopeful smile and joy. Then Minato turned to his friend and spoke again with a serious expression.

"It is indeed very fortunate for Konaha that this danzō is dead. Everyone knows that the Uzumaki have been our allies for many years, and we are very fortunate that you are. Even though we won the first Great Shinobi War, the Uzumaki have a big part in it. I didn't understand what he would get after her death, I'm thinking about it but I can't find it. The Uzumaki are a peaceful clan far from everything, they wouldn't even get involved in a war if they weren't allied with us. What harm did such people do to him that he passed the information to other villages to kill them all! Who knows what the man who did this to our greatest allies might not do to the people of Konoha. And I'm sure someone killed him and made it look like suicide, whoever killed him did well!"

It was the first time Shouta saw Minato so serious and angry. But he understood him, and if he had known what he would do in the future if Danzō had not died, he probably would have gone to him and tried to kill him on the first breath. Shouta also made a serious face as he began to explain, which Minato didn't understand.

"Kyubi is why he wanted to get rid of her."

Minato looked at his friend in surprise, a look of disbelief on his face.

"Kyubi? What do the Uzumaki have to do with the Kyubi?"

"The only ones who can be Kyubis Jinjuriki are the Uzumaki. They have a special chakra and because of their high vitality, only one Uzumaki can be Kyubis Jinjuriki. Mito-sensei is old now and Kushina is probably here to be the next Jinjuriki of Kyubi It also means that Mito-sensei doesn't have much longer to live. You know, if a biju is removed from a jinjuriki, that jinjuriki dies? So if all the Uzumakis die, Danzō could control Kushina, who was alone and in despair and Desperation was left behind because her whole family died and using it as his own weapon. A village full of potential Kyubi Jinjuriki scared him so he decided to get rid of them. Of course he was also afraid of the Uzumaki Fuinjutsu. In this war he would too be able to conquer him of uzumaki fuinjutsu that is the second reason why he wanted to kill her so he did everything for himself so that he could become stronger and to have a weapon. So everything just for his own goals and selfish desires."

As Minato stared at his friend in shock, it was the first time in his life that he had felt so disgusted with a human. Minato was so disgusted with Danzō that he didn't even know what to feel. At the same time he was very angry with the man.

"I would have gone and killed him with my own hands if he hadn't already been killed! It makes me sick that he decided to kill thousands of people just for something like this!"

While Minato sat down on the floor to calm down and start meditating, Shouta took a deep breath and sat down. After thinking for a while, he decided to talk to Kage.

'Kage, is there a barrier technique that can never be crossed, we can protect Uzushiogakure more easily if I buy it and give it to Mito-sensei. Also, Konoha will be safer if we place this barrier around Konoha.'

[There are many barrier techniques in the system store, master. But since you need a fuinjutsu, the fuinjutsu that best suits your situation is zettai-hogo fuin, the seal of absolute protection. In this Fuinjutsu you have to place a total of a thousand different seals around the area you want to protect. And as a result, a barrier is formed that covers the entire area. This barrier works with the energy of nature, so no chakra needs to be added. With this barrier, not even Isshiki can break through this barrier, even spatial movements cannot affect her. And that barrier will always remain around that area. Only those with a passage seal can pass through this barrier. It costs a total of 200,000 points. Do you want to buy it?]

Although Shouta admired the fuinjutsu, its price was quite high. But it didn't matter at all to spend that many points if he could save people, so he bought this fuinjutsu without hesitation. Immediately after that, information flooded into his head for a while. This time it took a long time to transmit information. About an hour later, when the information transmission was finished, he understood why this fuinjutsu was so expensive. Within this fuinjutsu there were things from all aspects of fuinjutsu. And it was a much more amazing jutsu than Kage described. It was a technique worthy of the name Absolute Protection.

First, as Kage said, even the strongest Isshiki couldn't even scratch the barrier. It also blocked space movement, so there was no way to teleport in or cross the barrier like in Obito's Kamui. At the same time, and I think one of the nicest aspects of it, it analyzes everyone who is inside and crossing the barrier, detects if they have bad intentions against the area protected by the barrier, and neutralizes those individuals. This meant that all spies in the village would be caught and no other spies could ever get inside. This is absolute protection. After deciding that 200,000 points was worth it, he was confident that he could complete those thousand seals in a few days. He had decided not to teach this fuinjutsu to too many people because it was too powerful a fuinjutsu for others to know. However, the number of people who could learn this Fuinjutsu would not exceed one person's fingers. At that point, he only thought about teaching Mito and Minato, but also how he was able to create such a fuinjutsu in such a short time. He didn't know how to explain it either.

'Everyone already sees me as a genius, now they think I'm a super genius'

He wasn't too worried about money either, as he had already earned over 300,000 points for his second manga and Bleach in just one week. During this time, they even started working on and selling various foods. Now they've moved on to desserts and drinks. Nutella, Eclairs, Profiteroles, Different Cakes, Redbull Energy Drink that really energized the people of this world. Various chocolates, even desserts with syrup, such as baklava, a Turkish dessert. They also opened a dessert shop for him. Bleach products also sold like water, with swords and posters being the best sellers. At the same time, even Shingeki no Kyojin was very popular with its first volume. And he finished 10 volumes of Kimetsu no Yaiba in one week. Only 10 volumes remained. So the next manga would air a week later. These permanent clones were very good. They didn't have to eat, drink or sleep. But Shouta still broke them both up at the end of each day. After all, he wasn't a slave trader.

Pushing his thoughts aside, Shouta meditated and began to learn more of the fuinjutsu he had learned.

As these two friends continued their training, people were already gathered in the Konoha Council meeting room, waiting for the session to begin. The leader and right-hand man of every clan in Konoha was there. Everyone had a serious expression on their faces and at the same time it was quite obvious that they weren't happy at all. The last person they were waiting for now was their Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. Mito solemnly sat in her reserved seat and blinked at Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura who sat next to her. Because in the letter that was sent to them, there was another piece of information that was written specifically for them, which is that they also knew about the whole Uzumaki incident. They all went behind their former teammate Sarutobi Hiruzen's back, and Hiruzen wasn't even aware of it. Tobirama acknowledged the wrong person when choosing to be the Hokage. Because if Hiruzen hadn't given you so much power because you were his ex-teammates, you wouldn't be in this situation now. If Tobirama wasn't so biased towards the Uchihas, he certainly would have chosen Uchiha Kagami as Sandaime. Because Uchiha Kagami was much better suited to become a Hokage, and she also now learned that Danzō was even behind his death. He was after Kagami's Mangekyo Sharingan and eventually got his wish by ambushing his friend. Even those eyes weren't there at the moment, hoping he'd destroyed them before killing himself. While Mito was lost in thought, Hiruzen had walked through the meeting room door. Mito hadn't moved from her seat when everyone in the meeting room stood up and greeted him.

Hiruzen, who immediately took his place, sat down with a sad expression on his face. Nonetheless, Sandaime put on a professional look and placed the letter in his hand on the table. He stared seriously at everyone in the room.

"I am sure everyone knows why we are gathered here today. As far as I can see, everyone received the same letter as me. Now we are gathered here because of this letter. What I've read makes me really angry and I don't understand how my ex-teammate turned into such a bad person. It's my fault I didn't know what he did or didn't do. I sincerely apologize to you all for this. After reading this letter, I realized that I valued and trusted the man I grew up with too much and was too much my best friend. I won't be the old Hiruzen from now on, I promise everyone here. So from now on I will make a decision after checking everything myself at least 3 times. I am so sorry for your loss so far, I will help you as best I can. But before we get into that, as you all know, we have a more pressing problem. Kumogakure, Iwagakure and Kirigakure's attack on Uzushiogakure. Uzushiogakure is our greatest ally, and her loss deals us a terrible blow, and I cannot accept her slaughter for a Konoha Shinobi. If we don't save her, it will go down in history as the biggest black mark in Konoha history. So I'd appreciate it if you could put your anger aside for a while, of course we'll talk and discuss other topics after we save the Uzumaki. Now does anyone have any questions, or shall we continue the discussion about preserving Uzushiogakure?"

Although everyone in the room solemnly listened to what Hiruze was saying, they felt the man had aged several years in one day. In addition, everyone knew that he had changed from his posture, speech and appearance. This made obvious people who were dissatisfied with some of Hiruzen's behaviors and decisions. At the same time, they were all aware of the seriousness of Uzushiogakure's situation. So everyone decided to put their anger aside and think about it for a moment. Seeing that nobody was speaking, Mito broke the silence.

"Hiruzen, there is one more thing I must tell you before we move on to this subject, Danzō wrote another piece of information in my private letter. Here, read this and I will respond according to your reaction."

While everyone in the room was curiously looking at the letter in Mito's hand, Hiruzen took the letter Mito had extended and began to read it. Koharu and Homura also considered what Danzō might have said specifically to Mito. But something inside them said it was about them. Everyone in the room watched as Hiruze frowned as he read, anger in his eyes. Even now, Hiruzen's anger was palpable.

But what no one expected, including Mito, he had Homura and Koharu's heads off their shoulders quickly and without a misfire. In just a second, Homura and Koharu were dead before they knew what had happened. A little fear spread in her eyes as everyone in the room jumped up in shock. After all these years of calm and peace, many had forgotten how powerful Hiruzen was. No one in the room had even been able to follow him. Before they knew what happened, Koharu and Homura were dead. Even Mito stared at Hiruzen in amazement. She hadn't really thought that he would react like that. She figured the most he would do was get angry and scold her, then throw her in jail and then get her out a few years later. But killing her this way, she realized that Danzō's betrayal had actually changed him. Hiruzen had always been a pacifist and so many of his decisions were aimed at minimizing death. If he needed to trample his pride so fewer people would die, he was a man who could do it without thinking. But now he had killed his best friends with no regrets or qualms. Mito seriously started to think that she would like this Hiruzen more. The person who became a Hokage should be able to act as such if necessary.

Even Orachimaru, Tsunade and Jiraiya who were standing behind their sensei stared at the man in amazement. But this situation pleased Orachimaru the most. He had always thought his teacher was too naive and kind. Orochimaru knew very well what kind of person Danzō was, because Danzō had even tried to subjugate him. He wanted to make him his slave with threats and trouble, and if he didn't have a trump card against Danzō, he would have become one of his slaves long ago. He had told his teacher dozens of times not to trust Danzō, but what Hiruzen said went in one ear and out the other. That's why he'd even been wondering lately if he should just fulfill Danzō's wishes. Because he couldn't stand his intimidating and ever-increasing compulsions. His teacher wasn't listening either, which frankly drove him to despair. He'd even lost his family in the process, one of the biggest blows he'd ever experienced. Now this change from Hiruzen made him hopeful. The teacher he always wanted to see like this finally realized the purity of his ideas. A happy smile formed on his face and knowing that Danzō, the man who had killed his family, was dead relieved all the burden on his shoulders. Finally, for the first time in years, he would be able to go a day without thinking about the ambush he was about to encounter.

Tsunade was also very pleased with Danzō's death. She had never liked Danzō since she was a child. And what she read in the letter made her hate him. She had noticed that the Senjus were dying more frequently lately. After each mission, only the Senju in the team died for some reason. This made them very suspicious, after all Senju weren't like Uchihas. Looking at his face, one cannot tell that this person is a Senju at all. At the same time, like the Uchihas, they did not wear their clan's emblems on their backs. In fact, many of them left their surnames to assimilate into Konoha, intermarried into other families, and took their surnames. So if the information hadn't been leaked, no one would know they were Senju. And in the letter she received it was written that Danzō hunter all. was. If Danzō hadn't killed himself, she would have left immediately and stabbed his throat herself. Therefore, she was also very happy about his death. But seeing his teacher like that surprised her too. After all, Hiruzen has always been on the side of peace. He was someone who didn't want to kill anyone unless it was absolutely necessary. So she really wondered what the letter said, if his teacher had killed his two best friends without a second thought, they must have done something serious. But she still preferred this state of her sensei to his previous state. With that in mind, she put on a serious expression and waited for her sensei to explain why he was doing it.

Jiraiya, on the other hand, was most like him. Jiraiya also had an anti-peace and anti-war mentality. He was also a kind-hearted man who didn't want to kill anyone unnecessarily, but also a perverted man like his teacher. Therefore, he was undoubtedly the one who was most surprised by Hiruze's movement. But after reading the letter, he understood his teacher. He was betrayed by his closest and called brother, and to be betrayed by the person you trusted the most would change a person. He didn't know what was written in the letter Mito gave him, but he could guess. They had probably betrayed him too, because if he had been in his teacher's place, he would only have reacted that way if there had been a betrayal. Although he felt very sorry for his teacher, he too observed things with a seriousness that he didn't show most of the time. Just then, Hiruzen's deadly cold voice echoed in the ears of everyone in the room.

"From now on, the consequence of treason is death! You should know that!"

Sweat ran down their spines as everyone in the room collapsed in their seats with Hiruzen's voice intent on killing. But they all had one thing in common, which was that the new Sandaime was very scary.

Next chapter