
Naruto: My Hunting System

I previously posted this fanfic and am currently rewriting it. Also, English is not my native language, so some parts might be confusing to read. ---- Waking up in the body of Nawaki Senju, a ninja student, I was only one year away from graduating and becoming a genin. The fact that it had been 3 years since the second ninja war started made the original Nawaki eager to graduate as soon as possible to pursue his big dream: to become Hokage! However, even though I retained Nawaki Senju's memories, I was no longer the same person. --- My Discord: https://discord.gg/wTzSM3mPD6 My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Tozoku

Tozoku · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 35: Ninjas Transformed into Orbs

After discussing their plans in his room, Nawaki prepared to 'sleep,' with Tsunade waiting beside him.

Their ease in discussing sensitive matters stemmed from the belief that Danzo and the Third Hokage wouldn't dare to send spies into the Senju Compound, especially with Mito's presence.

Moreover, Nawaki was keeping a close watch on both Danzo and the Third Hokage. If they attempted anything of the sort, he would be the first to know.

As Nawaki lay down and closed his eyes, Tsunade let out a sigh.

She realized she had significantly underestimated Danzo's desperate intent to eliminate Nawaki.

Tsunade had entertained thoughts about deepening her bond with Nawaki, but she hadn't expected that upon their arrival at the bridge, not only would they find it intact, but they would also walk into a trap...

Gently tracing her fingernail across Nawaki's face, Tsunade's gaze was filled with affection. Determined not to lose him, she resolved to become stronger and eliminate anyone conspiring against him.

For her plans to succeed, Nawaki's strategies had to work. Internally, she vowed, 'Danzo... Just wait!'

They had the opportunity to eliminate Danzo now, as the odds were in their favor. However, Nawaki had advised her, 'Sis, death is too lenient for him. Wouldn't it be more satisfying for him to lose everything, to face utter despair, realizing his lifelong dream will never be fulfilled, and then...'

She reminisced about Nawaki's mischievous laughter. While it was somewhat cruel, Tsunade found a strange sense of allure in it, a blend of wickedness and beauty.



In the hunting dimension, Nawaki opted for the first map instead of the second, which was too perilous for his current plan.

Arriving amid the familiar grass under the blue sky, he removed the seal from his arm and retrieved the scroll.

Unfurling the scroll released several more scrolls onto the ground.

Nawaki selected one, breaking its seal.

Instantly, an Anbu Root ninja with lifeless eyes appeared, surveying his surroundings until his gaze met Nawaki's.

Without hesitation, Nawaki struck the ninja's head with a wind-empowered fist, obliterating it as if it were a watermelon under the force of a 50-pound sledgehammer.

Nawaki observed a distinct phenomenon: unlike when he killed the dimension's native magical beasts, as the ninja's head was crushed, particles of energy began to swirl around the disintegrating corpse. Gradually, the body turned to dust, leaving behind two items.

One was a purple orb, almost as large as those from the lizards, and the other a red orb, similarly sized to those found on the second map.

The lizards yielded more orbs, but they were also more challenging to defeat.

Nawaki had half-expected the ninja to transform into something related to wind or fire arts, but realized that expectation might have been too optimistic.

Still, the outcome was satisfactory. If the orbs from these ninjas were comparable to about 50 lizards, minus the divine art regeneration orbs, then they would significantly enhance his strength, given their larger size and denser power.

Eagerly, Nawaki broke the seal on another scroll.

This process was swiftly repeated several times with the aid of shadow clones, taking no more than ten minutes.

Despite the numerous ninja deaths, none dropped orbs other than the red and purple ones. The only variation lay in the depth of power each orb contained.

'Okay, time to head to the second map...'



Upon arriving at the second map, Nawaki immediately began his hunt.

He pondered over the fact that the Anbu Root ninjas, despite their numbers, hadn't been able to inflict any harm on him. Even with his use of shadow clones, he hadn't lost a single one to them.

He was growing stronger by the day!

He recognized, however, that there was still a gap between his power level and that of Tsunade, Mito, or the most formidable jonin. Nevertheless, he was steadily improving, gaining strength and confidence with each passing day.

Surveying his surroundings, Nawaki noted the taller grass in this region of the grass plains, towering over ten feet high. The area was alive with the roars of beasts and the ambiance of fierce battles.

In a swift motion, Nawaki formed hand seals and conjured 400 shadow clones.

These clones were organized into groups of 100.

The magical beasts in this area could be incredibly formidable, as he had already experienced with the lizards. He hadn't yet engaged with other types of magical beasts, focusing on collecting as many regeneration art orbs as possible from the lizards. Not all of them yielded these orbs, which required extra effort.

At that moment, one group of shadow clones came across ten black-scaled leopards, each standing three meters tall with menacing horns and whip-like tails.

Upon spotting the shadow clones, the leopards' black eyes gleamed with hunger, saliva dripping from their mouths. However, their predatory focus was disrupted when the shadow clones vanished into the Dark Mist mode at the leopards' roar.

The moment they lost track of their prey, the ten black-scaled leopards unleashed furious roars.


Lowering their bodies, they charged in the direction where the shadow clones had been, transforming into a blur of black.

Nawaki, observing closely, quickly assessed the leopards' capabilities. They seemed less formidable than the lizards, though perhaps slightly more challenging to defeat than the Anbu Root ninjas.

Emerging from the shadows, the leopards found themselves ensnared by the shadow clones' firm grasp. The clones' hands, enveloped in flames, quickly set the leopards ablaze. Concurrently, blades of wind intensified the flames, effectively eliminating the ten leopards but at the cost of ten shadow clones.

Nawaki realized this approach was currently the most efficient. Attempting to preserve the shadow clones would only prolong the battles, which would be counterproductive.

In the aftermath, spheres of light remained.

Each leopard yielded two to three orbs, darker in red and deeper in purple than those previously collected.

Among them were three unique orbs, crystalline with streaks of purple lightning.

Nawaki speculated whether these represented the divine aspect of the dark purple lightning used by the leopards.

Regardless of their exact nature, he sensed they were valuable.

Collecting them, he watched as another set of ten shadow clones joined the hunt, continuing their pursuit in the hunting dimension.

||- Note -||

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