
Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

As he arrived to the Shinobi World, Aragami Kyomu can get a different unique passive skill every month, that's why every month everything change for him, to various forms of training even to his everyday life. www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

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Chapter 5

The following day.

"Good morning."

Kyomu greeted Kakashi warmly, and Kakashi responded in a low voice out of courtesy.

"Good morning."

Nodding, Kyomu bypassed Kakashi and sat against the wall. Yawning, he rested his arms on the table, laid his head down, and closed his eyes as if to take a nap.

"Did you not rest well last night?"

"I went to bed before eleven," Kyomu responded without opening his eyes. "But still can't muster the energy, feeling quite tired."

Shaking his head, Kakashi remained silent.

After spending more than a day together, Kakashi was certain that Kyomu was incredibly lazy and didn't take the ninja profession seriously at all.

Not bothering to advise Kyomu, Kakashi turned his gaze around the entire classroom, observing his classmates.

After a while, Kakashi's eyes focused on one person.

With black hair, windproof goggles, wearing the clan uniform with the Uchiha fan emblem on the back, and a cheerful personality that set him apart from most Uchiha, it was Uchiha Obito.

Kakashi's eyes gleamed with interest, thinking that he should be a good opponent.

Despite Obito's departure from the typical Uchiha personality, his strength, being born into the renowned Uchiha clan, shouldn't be underestimated.

In need of a worthy opponent, Kakashi naturally set his second target on Obito.

The path of cultivation shouldn't be confined to isolation; finding opponents, defeating them, and gaining experience from battles at various stages is the correct way to cultivate.

Seemingly aware of being observed, Obito turned around, and upon seeing Kakashi, flashed a grin, revealing his two prominent front teeth.

Nodding in acknowledgment, Kakashi was about to stand up, but sensing movement at the door, he sat back down.

Ninja teacher Shuzo had arrived.

"Class starts!"

He shouted, and students in the classroom stood up. Kakashi, looking at Kyomu still sleeping with closed eyes, grabbed the back of his collar with one hand and pulled him up.

Kyomu opened his drowsy eyes, seeing classmates bowing in thanks, and he followed suit, albeit a bit delayed, making his actions stand out awkwardly.

Shuzo noticed Kyomu immediately, took a deep breath, and without finishing his sentence, he bit his teeth, broke the chalk in his hand, and forcefully threw it towards Kyomu.


The chalk head traced an arc in the air, and the students' gazes followed, landing on Kyomu in the corner.

Most students, expecting Kyomu to embarrass himself, were ready with laughter.

However, Kyomu's performance disappointed them.

Without lifting his head or opening his eyes, Kyomu seemingly predicted the trajectory, raised his hand, and accurately caught the chalk head between his two fingers.

Ready to burst into laughter, the students felt an uncomfortable lump in their throats.

Shuzo, not expecting this from Kyomu, threw another chalk head.



As expected, Kyomu once again caught it effortlessly. The students, ready for a hearty laugh, were left in an awkward silence.

Shuzo, irritated, threw a third chalk head.



No surprise, Kyomu caught it again. This time, Shuzo seemed a bit embarrassed.

Staring at Kyomu, Shuzo prepared for a serious move.

Several throws later, Shuzo broke the chalk into three pieces and, with a brief pause, used the throwing technique typical of a ninja.



Inevitably, Kyomu swiftly caught the first two chalk pieces, and using the same swift motion, shot them forward. The chalk pieces in mid-air collided, altering their original trajectory and knocking down the ones aimed at Kyomu's forehead and back neck.

As for the chalk aimed at Kyomu's wrist, he caught it for the third time.


Kakashi was somewhat stunned, and Obito, with protective goggles, felt the same.

Is Kyomu's throwing skill this high?

The flame that had extinguished in Kakashi before reignited. Kyomu's strength was undoubtedly worth a spar.

Meanwhile, Obito, at this moment, took off his goggles, revealing a look of envy, and applied eye drops to his eyes.

When his Sharingan awakened, he would achieve even more bizarre and unpredictable throwing techniques than both Shuzo and Kyomu.

"Kyomu!" But Shuzo couldn't tolerate it any longer. "Stand up!"

With sleepy eyes, Kyomu stood up, looking blankly at Shuzo on the platform.

"Get out!" Shuzo pointed outside. "Come back when you're awake and can guarantee not to doze off in class again!"


Ignoring Kyomu's performance just now, the laughter that had been held back for a long time finally erupted, providing some relief.

Kyomu didn't argue. He left his seat and walked straight out of the classroom, standing obediently at the door.

"No need to close the door," Shuzo hardened his heart but softened his tone. "Just stand there and listen!"

"Thank you, teacher."

Kyomu thanked him and stood straight at the door.

Soon, however, Kyomu's mind wandered, and he found himself gazing at the clouds in the sky, imagining various strange and wonderful things about them.

Shuzo ignored Kyomu and began teaching the students. His voice was loud, and Kyomu could hear every word clearly, not missing any details.

In a daze, Kyomu passively absorbed the knowledge Shuzo was imparting, quickly grasping and understanding it.

Slowly, Kyomu, who had started counting the leaves on a tree out of boredom, didn't realize that changes were quietly taking place within him.

He was refining chakra.

"These are the key points, students. Familiarize yourselves with them and memorize them. Later, I will supervise your first chakra refinement in life."

Shuzo descended from the platform. "But remember, those who have not refined chakra before should not attempt it without permission to avoid danger."


Nodding, Shuzo walked out of the classroom, preparing to have a talk with Kyomu.

However, just as he approached Kyomu, Shuzo was suddenly shocked.

Why is this kid so impulsive!

Wanting to stop, Shuzo hesitated as his hand touched Kyomu's shoulder. He then stopped his motion.

Chakra flow in the meridians was good, and there was no sign of pain in Kyomu's expression. Obviously, Kyomu had completed a perfect chakra refinement for the first time.

"Kyomu." Shuzo's tone softened. "Have you learned how to refine chakra before, and have you successfully completed your first chakra refinement?"

"Not at all." Kyomu came to his senses and shook his head. "This is my first time refining chakra."

"Alright, I'll trust you." Shuzo nodded. 

"If this is your first time refining chakra, it means you have great potential as a ninja. Your future is bright."

Changing the subject, Shuzo continued, "But Kyomu, having talent is not an excuse for being lazy. You must know that even geniuses need to work hard; otherwise, one day, you will be overshadowed by others."

"Thank you for the reminder, teacher. I will remember."

Shuzo patted Kyomu's shoulder with a smile. "Go back to the classroom, and remember, no more next time."

Nodding, Kyomu turned and returned to the classroom. Shuzo was now even more pleased.

"What a good seedling. If cultivated properly, he might be the next Hokage."

(End of Chapter)