
Naruto: Monkey Sage

Transmigrated into the body of Asuma, He gained a system to help him protect himself and maybe anyone who will become dear to him.

truepowerscaler1 · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Konoha Crush 2

"Hmmm.... Seems like Orochimaru still summoned them~" Asuma smirked, his eyes changed direction and he looked at the purple barrier, 4 huge chakra signatures was inside, but he can feel that Hiruzen and Orochimaru are already exhausted.

Inside the barrier, Orochimaru laughed as he looked at the shocked and pale face of Hiruzen, He hoped for days like this, when he can watch as His dear sensei will be destroyed by the hands of everyone he loved, His student, his teachers, all against him.

"How does it feel knowing you will be killed by your teachers and students?" Orochimaru said with a sickening smile on his face, Hiruzen looked at Orochimar, his eyes wide and his pupils dilated, his whole body was shaking as his eyes landed on Orochimaru.

"Sensei's, Minato...." Hiruzen looked at the 3 corpses standing in front of him, there body slumped and no life in there eyes, His eyes became wet, but he shut his eyes forcefully as he does not want to show weakness.

"I'LL KILL YOU" Hiruzen opened his eyes and his face suddenly became emotionless, his face was relaxed and his eyes were hollow, intense blood thirst rolled off of his body, showing the thousands and tens of thousands of people that died at his hands.

"It has been a long time since the god of shinobi appeared on the battlefield, I did not think i would return to my old self against my student no less" Hiruzen looked at Enma, who nodded with sadness and pain in his eyes.

Orochimaru's body shuddered at the look in his eyes, it was like he was looking at the reaper, and his heart was beating in his chest, he carefully watched as Enma jumped next to Hiruzen out of his staff mode.

"Are you sure?, your chakra has been depleted and your also injured, If you use that then...." Enma looked at Hiruzen, but all he received were cold and lifeless eyes looking at him, he looked away and he nodded, he felt like he was back on the battle field surrounded by people that died to him and Hiruzen back then.

"As you wish..." Enma suddenly became smaller, his body shrunk until the size of a baby, he jumped up to hiruzen's shoulder and he wrapped his tail around his arm, his tail grew longer until it wrapped his whole right arm, he clamped himself onto his right shoulder until he can't move.

"What are you doing old man?, is this your last straw?" Orochimaru disregarded the feeling in his arm and he mocked Hirzuen, Hiruzen looked at Orochimaru with a cold look before he spread his legs apart and he clapped his hands together.

"Sage Art: Monkey Sage mode!" Enma said outload as his clapped hands separated and he placed his palms on the shoulders of Hiruzen, Orochimaru watched in shock as dark black eye shadow appeared on Hiruzen's eyes.

The transformation was not over yet as the fingers of Hiruzen now had small hard and sharp claws in place of nails, his body was surrounded with white fur, showing that even someone like him could not perfect sage mode.

"KILL HIM!!" Orochimaru shouted as he jumped back, Minato took out a kunai and he throw it at Hiruzen, but since Hiruzen knew how the jutsu works he just threw a shuriken at it knocking it's course to the right.


Minato appeared on the right with a rasengan in his hand, he tried to slam it into Hiruzen but he was met with a thin and small hard black staff that stretched out from the tail wrapped around Hiruzen's hand.


Minato was pierced through the stomach and he was thrown into the barrier causing his body to be set up in flames, Senju Tobirama the second Hokage of Konoha clapped his hands and a water dragon condensed from the air, the dragon released a Menacing roar before flying at Hiruzen.

"Grow!" Hiruzen pointed his senjutsu covered staff and it grew longer, going through the water dragon and causing it to fall to the ground as plain water, Hiruzen dashed at the recovered Minato, whose body was recovering bit by bit from small gray petals.

"Monkey Art: dance of the sage!" Hiruzen appeared above Minato with a staff spinning, he pointed to Minato and the spinning staff shot out a spiraling wind beam that went straight through Minato and Into the Barrier, kind of Cracking it.

"No that's impossible!, he was able to crack the barrier?" Orochimaru gritted his teeth with envy and jealousy, he tried to do sage mode, but he could never, but here an old man that is over 70 doing it.

"Shadow clone, Hidden in the Mist!" Hiruzen instantly did a tactic that he has done thousands of times in war, 2 shadow clones appeared and along with him completed the fog 3 times faster, the shadow clones went under ground and Hiruzen rushed towards Orochimaru, he was slightly panting now as his chakra before was already low, and now his incomplete sage mode is taking more then he remembered.

'I really am getting old...' Hiruzen though as he deflected a fist coming towards him from the first hokage, Hashirama Senju, older brother to Senju Tobirama, he put his elbow in the way of the fist and he was knocked back as he felt chakra exploding from the fist, giving him a second impact.


Hiruzen smacked into the Barrier, but before he is caught on fire, he rips of his shirt, revealing a lean and compact old body, covered with bruises from the fight, Hiruzen wipes the blood coming out from his lip, the explosion earlier already yhurt his organs, now it is even more hurt.

"Orochimaru, out of all the people i taught as students, your the only one i will never consider a student of mine, and it's a shame because i looked at you as a son" Hiruzen said with a self mocking smirk, the next second his face become cold as he looked at Orochimaru.

"Do it!" As the fog is still here, Orochimaru was not able to see properly, missing the 2 shadow clones which he thought already dispersed, his feet was clamed by 4 hands and his face turned pale, due to having 3 hokages with him, he let his guard down.

"Explosion clone!" Orochimaru exclaimed as he saw the bodies of the clones expanding, this is an explosion clones, very rare as a limited amount of people are so accomplished in earth nature.

But Hiruzen is an exception as he has all 5 natures and is called the professor as he know every jutsu that does not need a kekkei genkai or bloodline.


"AHHHH!" Orochimaru shouted in pain as his legs were blown apart, his body thrown across the small space and into the barrier with tremendous force, His body caught on fire and he screamed again as he opened his mouth.

"Body replacement!" Orochimaru barely still not knocked out said as his mouth was opened by 2 white hands, out came another Orochimaru, he was now panting and sweating as he felt the amount of chakra in his body, he was also physically tired.

"I can't do another body replacement technique..." Orochimaru looked at Hiruzen who was struggling to fight the 3 hokages, but was still able to hold his pace.

"Wood style: Thorn explosion!" Hashirama clapped his hands together and a emotionless tone came out of his mouth, along with thorns flying towards Hiruzen, Hiruzen was distracted by Tobirama and Minato who was teleporting around him.

"Ugh!" Hiruzen grunted in pain as a thorn managed to get stuck in his arm, he quickly jumped back and extended his staff, the staff knocked away the 2 teleporting ninjas and also stretched into the ground pushing Hiruzen back even more.

"Not good!, the wood particles remaining in my body is Absorbing my chakra, at this rate a minute is all it takes for my sage mode to disappear" Hiruzen grunted as he pulled the spike out of his arm, blood flawed out before it stopped as hiruzen put pressure on the wound with chakra.

"Enma, it looks like i have no other choice but use that jutsu" Hiruzen released a weak smile before his gaze turned cold, his sight fixated on the panting Orochimaru, Enma nodded sadly as a tear fell out of his eye, he was with hiruzen for 60 years, they are more then just a contract.

"Shadow clones!" Hiruzen used up most of his chakra to create 3 shadow clones with enough strength to hold the 3 hokages back for at least 10 seconds, with sage mode on top they can hold them back at least a minute.

"Orochimaru.... Since i can't kill you, i will take the thing most precious to you, maybe that can at least give a small portion of the pain that others felt from your crimes back to you" Hiruzen smiled before he dashed towards Orochimaru, the 3 hokage dashed at him but the shadow clones held them back while holding distance so as not to be hit, using the staff they had enough distance.

"Wind style: Ragin tornado!" Orochimaru paniced as he saw Hiruzen running towards him, he quickly used a ninjutsu and he used a large AOE jutsu to hold him back, but he over looked something, Hiruzen Knows he is going to die today, and when a man has nothing to lose, he truly is free.

"Ugh!" Hiruzen grunted in POain as he ran into the huge tornado made up of small wind blades, his body was hit from all around leaving small blood traces, his sage mode has been turned off as Enma was injured too.


A seriously injured Hiruzen came out of the jutsu and he smirked, he latched onto the exhausted and barely able to move Orochimaru, Enma looked at Orochimaru with hate before he jumped of the shoulder of Hiruzen and latched onto his neck while holding his arms back.

"Shadow clone" With barely any Chakra left, Hiruzen created a shadow clone to help enma hold Orochimaru down, he started weaving seals and Orochimaru's eyes widened as he panicked.

"Nooo!, this can't be!" Orochimaru shouted, his eyes looked towards the 3 hokages but they were still occupied, though not for long as the clones were losing chakra quickly.

"Reaper death seal!" Hiruyzen finished the seal and a see through shinigami appeared above him, it's skin was purple and it's eyes were terrifying, it licked it's lips and it peered down at Hiruzen then he looked at him in disgust.

"Do it" Hiruzen said, the shinigami snorted before slashin it's stomach open showing a void and dark place where nobody can see, his hand reached towards Orochimaru and his hand went into his body, then it pulled.

"NOOO!!!" Orochimaru screamed as half his body came out in a see through state, he struggled before he forcefully pulled his body back, but his hands could not be taken back.

"Looks like the soul of this old man is not worth your dirty soul huh?" Hiruzen said in mockery, here he thought he would be finally able to kill Orochimaru and get rid of one of his biggest regret amongst other regrets.

"Well i will settle on something less but just as precious as your life.... say goodbye to your hands Orochimaru" Hiruzen looked into the eyes of Orochimaru and smirked, Orochimaru panicked as he saw the hands of the Shinigami get raised and his small knife pointed at his hands.

"NO!"Orochimaru screamed as his Kusanagi sword flies towards Hiruzen from the back, Hiruzen watches the sword flying to him but does no action to dodge it, the sword penetrates into his heart from the back, and Enma grits his teeth in anger.


"AHHHHH!!!" Orochimaru jumps back as he looks at his hands in despair, the Shinigami above Hiruzen licks it's lips as it swallows the small part of the soul it has, Hiruzen smiles as he sees the Bodies of Minato, Hashirama and Tobirama start falling apart, not before they cast a smile at him.

"You disgusting old bastard!, why could you not just die!, why did you do that!!, my ninjutsu, my precious ninjutsu!" Orochimaru Shouted with despair in his course voice, Orochimaru looked as his hands turned purple, he lost his feelings in his arms and his eyes became wide with killing intent and blood lust, he looked at the body of Hiruzen and he was about to attack it before someone interfered.


Outside the Barrier, a huge 20 meters tall Golden crying buddha ap[peared, it had a hundred hands in a praying position, and golden lights was flashin like a pulse, it opened it's mouth revealing a dark space before 5 colours gathered, it was fire, water, lightning, earth, and wind,

"Hundred Armed Awakening: Buddha, Zero Hand!" Asuma pumped 90% of his chakra into the mouth of the statue and it released a bright white flash as a beam 10 meters in diameter crashed into the barrier, and cracking it before going through it, the attack flow into the sky just above the head of Orochimaru.

The attack flew outside of Konoha at a speed comparable to light, soon it reached a small mountain and it crashed into it.


A huge mushroom cloud was seen forming even from Konoha, every ninja and even the civillians hidden in a bunker stopped what they were doing, they felt the ground trembled, in the hokage office, someone opened his eyes as he looked at the mushroom cloud forming over the horizon.

"When did this brat become this strong, and that jutsu... it is stronger then most jutsus in the world" Danzo felt his hand clench in anger, if this brat is this strong then his position as the Hokage is going to be in danger, and he does not know if he can survive the fight without using up some sharingans.

"Damn Hiruzen!, even now you leave a problem for me!" Danzo cursed as he got up from the hokage chair and walked out.

Back with Asuma, he looked at the sound 5 who was running away with Orochimaru, he was knocked out, as even tho the beam did not touch him, Asuma used 2 hands to slap Him from both sides, almost turning him into a pancake.

"Well that is it for you old man" Asuma said with a small smile as he stood over the dead body of Hiruzen, the kusanagi still in his chest, Asuma bent down and he took the sword out while he looked over at a serious injured Enma who was closing his eyes as he stood beside the dead Hiruzen.

Soon the ninjas who by now have finished with every invading ninja surrounded the place, they looked at the Hokage laying dead and they wept as they all saw what he was able to do, fighting the past hokage while also Orochimaru and sacrificed his life to protect Konoha.

"From today i announce that i will be taking over the Hokage seat until the elders decide who the next Hokage is gonna be!" Asuma took leader ship as he looked at Every ninja here, they nodded as they wiped the tears on their face.

They all saw the strength that he just showed with his attack, they don't dare oppose him, and even then they don't want to oppose him as he is suitable to be Hokage.

"Disperse and collect all the dead bodies of the brave ninjas that fought to protect the village and their families" Asuma said as he knelt down and closed the eyes of Hiruzem, the ninjas nodded as they got to work. Asuma looked at the dead Hiruzen and smiled.

"Since your wish was for me to be Hokage.... i guess i don't have a choice but to do it"


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